. - V ..." v ; KATES OF ADVERTISING,! n3 TERMS. OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year. ...M...... ...... ... ... .... .... ; .pace 1 wk. l.m. 3'm. ; 6m. .1; yr.u ' wbmhv mmw hmmb ' . il 1 in. I .75 2.00 4.00 6.00 9.00 , " Six months... - 2 in. , 1.25 3.00 6.00 , 9.00 12.00 4 " 3iu. ' 2.00 4.00 i 7.50 10.00 17.50, v : icoi.i 3.50 rr6.oo ;io.oo : 17.00 25.ooi Three months.. 1 Payable in advunce. ' LsrSends all money by registere 1 ter or postal order and address i THB CHROXICLE.JWnkAshnTn, ft "-..... ..... .75; icoL f 6.50 - 9:75 "18.00 30,00 A'- 45.00 I c-l. il.00 15.00' 30.00 50.00 A 75.00 JEqual Taxation, pircct and Indirect. WrrjtRSBORO. N. C. THURSDAY MAR. 14, 1895. NO. 49. I I i I " i . .. . i i 111 I 4 H0.ICL.E. U. 4 DBA!,, KdltoV and Proprietor. I: Rntered'at thty Postt-tyir.e $ .iecand-clas. matter. : ; in Wtlkesbnro THURSDAY, M ARB H 14 185.; Twenty Years in the Pen. J -' J ' - . : MURDER IN SECOND DEGBEEJ Terry Coffey is Found Guillyof Kill- . ";' ingr his Brother Drnrj, on the ; 29th of December 1894 ''.j 'The trial of Perry Coffey for mrderAf . his brother Drury Coffey was: 'begun Friday morning. The evidence: was completed Friday, and 'pleadings of the lawyers the j Judge's . charge up the most of the the and took day Saturday. The case was given to the Jury iabou t 5 P. M. Sat ; urdy,.ahd they .did not agree upon a verdict till Sunday morning about 9 o'clock.,; ; A' bout that hour the court house belL rang" -jand the prisoner was brought out- to ..hear '-hi, doom. The prisoner ; sat erect and uh moved , : and ; no :. on e could have discovered the least trejoidr or twitching of his muscles; .and what thoughts were passing through his mind, none could guess from his "looks: Sad when the verdict was rendered, there was no phange in his appearence. The verdict' was that : the" prisoner, ' Perry. Coffey, is guilty, of the rnurder and felony charged, in i the second degree, - ' : llonday afjbernortn the prison cr was v brought- out and the 3 ii d ge sen ten cecl hi in !to t w en t.v years in the penitentiary. ! . CoUey is a raaa j3 medium siz and is about 35 years old. l f will be over a half k century oidTi - if he lives out his " sentence He has a wife and some chil dreu. '4; The following Jurors vv t? re chosen from the regular jury-, men and the special venire; J E. Blackburn, W. A Hubbard, Wesley Joines. VV, S. Hall, J. Jli. Johnson, A. P Eller, R Yates, L. E. Phill'ips, . L Hamby, L. ,M.; : Baugiiss, Mathis and u. E. Smoak. P A ; The following witnesses were examined for the State1 ' MrsDrury Coffey, V wife of 4eceased, Zack Roberts, A. T?dder, A. . B. Wyatt, F. Dr. UP White, Vm. Brown an,d J. Roberts. The defense put Pr. Turner, Dr. Doughton, Porry Coffey, (the defendant) Mrs - Perry r3offey D r.-,: B urke, : FrankHutcbJnson Dan Hall, ; EJder' Wm. Hall; ; and ; Lundy -Owens. :': -;' ',. 2 ' , ' . , ; Sjnopsis of the ETidence j The wife 'of the deceased, "was the .larfit witness examined. " Perry and Drary had " been 1 chopping' wood j for Zaek Eoberts arid came" home abbnt dark' Perr y's - a n.d ' " : Drury's houses are some 200 ; or ; 300 yards apart. , She heard 'them, talking down " at Perry's, and -went out and listenr : ed for some 8 or10 minutes. Heard : Drury "say he Ijad been accused 'ipf be ing ioguish.v Heard Perry's -wife; call out 'oh Perry,PerryV' Soon : after they called to her to come down there as Drury had fallen . and nearly I killed . -himself. She went downir ' Drury ' was ' lying on the ground,; with, blood all nvpr hi h pad And fuco.. ' lift finn m tint -' speak; tried to carry hiiii in the; house, but could not and ran after Alf : Tedder ., Tim - to help. When she got back Perry and WHO naa gonen mm iu me nouse. one ; asked him several questions bit ;he could not answer. f Perry told him .if ' he would talk" three. ;word8tohijnj he would make him a deed to the "land." Ferry said he would not have had it' to happen for anything for people might - r - l :! -n. t iiccueft him of hurting Drury. Drury, was taken to his home about midnight, and Perry . staid about ten 5 minutes. When Perry was up there he shut up his st and asked me if l ; thought ; he did jt. He leftmiB by; myself that niglrt. e cr me back next -morning", and came upo Ciiiiionally.- Drury was hurt, the 29tii of Dec. and died on the ' next Tbjursday. ; Perry had sent Drury a notice to get off of his-land by the 1st of Jan. They soiaetimes had cross; words, but never foi glit and were noon in good ! humor. There was a rock near Drury's head VV it-re he lay, and an ax between his lei. v :; -.--rrM ; f.v''- Zack. Roberts was next on the stand. Pc -ry and Drury had cut wood for him thj t day. ; They eat dinner at 2 or 3 o'c lock: ' Drury got him to read the no ice be had received to : get off of Pe -ly 's iand. Driiry and PeTry got into a t jas and passed sev eral words, but h wciild not let them fight. ' They ; made tri snds however and went , off ' home tot ether seemingly friendly. ' : A. F. Tedder sa.ys he was called that night to come over .that f Drury had ! fallen and nearly killed himself.. He went and found Drury on the -floor.' H beard Perry tell Drury if he would spoak he would give lum tsome land, au J Haw Perry show hia fist and ask if thoy' thought he had -done it. ' Perry ha 1 told him that Drury must get off hin land by the 1st of Jan. . L B. Wyatt- had 4 talked to Perry abiiit and inquest and he had said that it night stretch hia neck, but he was clear. ". . )r. White, county physician, who mi.de the .post mortem examination, found a fracture of the bone in front -of th i left ear, and wound on back part of head; found clot of blood on top .of br liri on right side of: head; did x not th nk that a man could fall and produce su 'h extensive injuries as; he found; co ild have been produced by some blunt instrument; falling , might pro duce the fracture at ttiej temple but ' did not think it rould . nrodnce such exten sive injuries. The two " wounds cout nop have been produced by one fall, in his judgment. . : - '- -;v VVm. Brown and. J. A. -Roberts, on Tuesday saw blood near the rock and also some 5 or & steps further down jt - the 'he - tlefence- then reintroduced Dr. . , . -. --t ...... .-v . '-jr--. Turner a graduated physician ofl4year8 practice, Judging from J the description of ithr wound on the temple he thought iti )ossible tobe produced, by a fall, . but hardly probable; a blow' " that would produce the wound would prbl ice the blood clot too; did not th nk that the two wounds could be pr xluced by one fall. v ; ! )r. Doughton, a graduated physician of 10 years practice, thought it possible th it the wound could be produced by fa ling; judging from the description of thtf extent of the wounds he thought it barely possible but not probable; did net think one fall would have produced both wounds. ; ; r The defendant Perry. Coffey was then put upon the stand ! He and Drury had been to Zack 'Roberts' to cut .wood. H il eaten dinner about two J o'clock. Di ury told him and Zack, he wanted to se s them privately, andlthey got up a di scussion about Drury 'getting off of Pt rry's land. He told Drury it was bad weather and he could stay as long as he wanted to. He had got I mad at D iiry for a little while; for the. way he ta ked about his wife; btA he had soon gotten in a good humor, and they4 -went' notne togetner. we were irienaiy ana did not hive any cross , words at all. They walked together all f!ie way 'c and w ten they. : reached home he . asked D iiry to stay all night with him but D ury said he must go on up home ; and asked him to go aleng with . him" lie st pped up the steps and set his ax, dc wn at the door, and about that ; time D pry who was 45 or 20 steps away go ing on home fell. He ' and his wife w ' jrjt out there and found him' bleeding al about his head. His head was near a ' bck and his ax which he carried on; "hja shoulder.was lying against his head.: Drury was unconscious, and could not spUak They hollowed for 2 Drury's wife to - come qnicK.v- viney tried to ry him into the house. They then hollowed for Tedder. . ; Drury. S3emed to revive a little and Perry and his w fe took hold of his hands and led him into the house"' He said he did say ' to Drury if he would ; talk ; he would give him a piece of land, because he liked his brother and would do any thing , to ' t t him revived His wife never called 1 tt. im "Oh! Perry, Perry," ?bufr did if:', JOord, Perry, has he killed him- He had sent Drury a notice to i crof. nfF a a T)rni"t7''H'aYl trA him Vo winld r f - ' - tu t u' iyv . aissc auutiici ,u up;, tucic auu iiu wphted to get some one else. He had i sent for the Doctor and don e evervthins could for Drury." ', He never said he , . . , ... .' , said if auv one suspicioned him he wanted an inquest held. He r never tried to dodge the officers , but was at h me all the time. - ; ;? - yirsl Coffey wife, of the ' de f$n'dant.. stated: about the same; concerning the fall- of Drury. She and Drury. were always friendly, except when Drury f was drunk. . ' i Dr. Burke had .visited Dru-. ' ry on Tuesday and.had .admin Jistered to the wounds. He saw the rock; thre , appealed scratches on the ice as if some one had sli pped and fell, an d the head would have about hit the rock. There was blood there Thought it possible that a fall would produce ; the wounds. ; - . . ; . -.f Frank Hutchinson, Esq; Dan. Hall, Elder Wm. Hall, and Lundy Owens,' who had. known Perry Coffey and wife, nearly all their lives testified that their characters were good. Th s closed the evidence. Solicitor Mott assisted by Fin ley & Greene! prosecuted, and Beubow and Benbow appeared for the defence. Court Proceedings. . i State Docket.. Grwaltney Nance, affray, guilty 4 months in jail. Caynor. Owens, a and b, judg ment suspended .on payment cost. . - Mattie Jones, Laura Redman, Mary Redman, affray, Guilty, judgnent suspended . L. H. Carter and Lundy Car ter, forcible tresspass, not guil ty ias to L. H.Carter, guilty as as to Lundy, judgment sus pended. ';' : ' Benjamin Sparks and Char lie Sparks, a and b with D. W., plead guilty,. $5 each and cost. A. S. Preston, tresspass, sub mi ts;dgemenlrBuspended. - John Roberts failing to work rokd, guilty, $10 and cost. Jesse Fairchild, failing to work the road $2 and cost. ; A. B. VYyatt, James .Wyatt, John Wyatt; ; Z. Hw Roberts, affray plead guilty, judgment suspended. L. L. Laws assault with d w guilty judgment $20 and cost- W. A. McNeil - bastardy, guilty i - defendant pay Ma tilda Rector, ; $50,. and cost of this action. .. - . ' l W. C Rector, D. R. Rector, assault, judgement suspended V. C. Rector, ' asault - with d w judgment' suspended W. A; McNeil, seduction 1 pleads guilty judgment to pay Matiidizi , ,Rector $0,and; cost , ' ':' V'--' '' ;i James ; McGrady, assault, w i t h d : V7 , gm 1 ty ; j ud g m e n t 3 monthsi on public " roads of Iredell. ''';;- ' :'" " '" ''' i Caleb Churchl manslaughter, pleads guilty, 6 months in jail. "jdhntGarlandJ bigamy, guilty judgment 12 months in jail, v ; fWraWatta kssaujtwith d w., submits judgment suspend ed.; :;,;'',.' ;-;v4 ': ' P. E. Revis, Wni. Revis, for cible tresspass not guilty ; ;Enos Anderson, Cal. Ander son, Li la Adams, and . others , breaking in' house, not guilty V Wesley Shores, J ames Shores a J and b, guilty,, Vesiey $10 James $5, and Jialf cost each.i John Idol, Dave Mink, a and bwith dw guilty Mink $5 and cost, Idol'lO ahd cost. ! Jack Mabe,: - c c w. guilty, judgment suspended f Rich Wellbornlarceny, guil ty 10 months on roads of Iredell V Benjamin Brooks and Gord Nance; a and b with d w guilty 60 days" in fjail each;-? J. H . Adams, retailing guilty $75 and "cost. , ri. " ::i,:;: :r Nath Tidline, larceny not guilty.. ' '?r:';A:V J;;t ' .Frank - : .Jo h n s o n- a'n d George Curtis,," affray 'guilty r j udg'ment suspended as ter. Cur tis Johnson 60 days in jail with leave to hire out. : ; . J, H. Adams, retailing, 10 cases, judgment suspended. W; A. McLean, retailing 7 cases, guilty judgment sus- i pended on payment of cost. , Wilkes has made a court re- t cora. tnis time ..ueretorore ; un knownwithin -our memory, not a single f and a aase (forni cation and j adultery) on the j docket. - There is perhaps ? not another county in the State that can say so much. It has not been our pleasure to see the list of H ilkes county Magistrates yet, out we are confident that if our man Hen derson has done his duty, Gen; Charles Williams, colored, is one of the. most prominent of the list judging from his valiant service in the cause of tiision, and the way they have reward ed "negro healers" in other counties with the office of magistrate, over intelligent white men. ... Grand Jury's report. Jail, They visited the jail and found it kept nice and clean and the prisoners well cared for. They recommend that sewers be placed in the jail to run from the upstairs to the ground and that some re pairs be made on one of th up stair windows. ' ; Home of Aged and -Infirm; They found the home of aged and infirm in good condition and the inmates well cared for. , Clerks Office: They found this office in good condition and the papers and books well kept. j XRegister?off ice: This office they found" in good - condition and the books and: records neatly kept . Court i House: The Jurors recommended that the court' house be enlarged by extending upper:and lower floors- to the outside wall and running steps up on the outside of the bouse. So Simple. ir YNine times f out of ten- I whenweare II out of sorts 5 our trou bles can be - - snflM removea J medicine, roiirn 8 Drors BsttocG9 which for: more than 20 years has been curing many people j of Dyspepsia, B iliousness, Ma laria, Impure Blood, ; Neural gia; Headache, Liver and. Kid-; ney troubles. It's the peculiar 1 combination of iron, the great strength-giver, with selected vegetable remedies of true ' value that makes. Brown's Iron Bitters so good for strengthen ing and purifying the system. It is specially good for women ; and children it makes them : jirpnglahd rosy - ' Brown's Iron Bitters Is. pleasant to take, . and it will not' stain the teeth nor cans , . - constipation. See the crossed red lines on the wrapper.. Our -book. '-How to-," ' Live a Hundred Years," tells ail about it;v free for 9c. stamp. . - , Co , Bxown Chsmicai. Co. BaltimohbV UOi iiiers; For STOVES AIP TlKWARE. v I have opened ur a full line.; of Tin ware of every description, and Cooking and Heating Stoves of all kinds in the new Frevette Store house on main st., where I will be glad to wait on my cue tomere.' All kinds of Tin work done at reasonable rates. r - j" :As a specialty Ihandle the "new Lee" cook stove, the leading stove on the market. Give me a call. v AV. H, STARR TVilkesboro, N. C, Jan. 12th 'DI. f?n i : yiLlMli Low Tariff Goods . and , - -. : .... . .- . - - - . . Low Tariff Prices Will quicken business. t Our entire stock for the spring will be ready by Jan. 1st. I y.'J -i :' J ;h.) f ': ' '-" " 1.- Xh '! . .. .. , ; -X;'' "-!: 'f :'' ' ''"-' I ' V' AH new and handsome goods throughout and prices that will make. the heart glad. Every customer may-rely ,iipon getting the full benefit of aU reductions made by the new tariff laws. An early, investigation of our offerings will be to your advantn ;t Do not fail to see us before placing any'paft of your spring orders.. We promise to make it profitable for you. j , . . Very respectfully; v STATESVTLIJBt;Jr;C., Jan- . 1st, - We want to call attention to lliiii! fall;and winter clothing. Pought at LOW TE A IFF PRICES, we are in a position to sell Cheaper than ever before. A good suit for $3.50; better at $5, $6, $8, $10 and up to $20, See our line of Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Umbrellas and Milli nery. We can save you money. -i . THE HIX CLOTHING H0USlL Tffi I ILKESBOBO FU1ITDEE CO; CAFFEY & PRITCHETT, PROPRIETORS" NORTH WILKESBORO, NC. ; . thing to be found in a first-class Furniture Store. ; we intena to oixer speciai Dargams in tne best Sewing'Machines on'the rnaijk for the ne?t 30 days Standard grades of Pianos and Organs' fully warranted, v ' We'make a specialty in finishing Coffins and Caskets. ' ' . '. " t - Be sure and call if you a cart, buggy, wagon or a nice set'of harness. ; We are better prepared than ever to furnish kerosene and" luhricating oils tlu'i ?iver before, bv the barrel. Stfl.ndn.rrl Vmrrl Unono of ctnm4:n j - ' ,T " wwmww uuwuu.ti own f ttuuu pilJ, Thanking you for past patronage, and hoping by fair dealing to have a : coi . inuation of the same, we are yours for b siness, ' . - ! " CAFFEY &PEITGHETT. FOR CASH OR PRODUOK J )NLL NO GREDIT. FILL ii W Having jnst Teturned'from Philadelphia, Baltimore am jother Northern Cities, where we have, had the ad-; : ".- vantageof the decline in prices in many of - - - the leading articles. We have - . bought largely and can offer you first-class goods at ; - - - EVERY DEPARTMENT " ' ,' . As complete as possible. FLO'iR AIID TOWSin - - - - fl SPEGI5LTY. r-r -.. Call and see us, and it will be ' our pleasure to 8hovvu our' Goods .With prices as low as the lowest, and a determination to plense, v? a; ' - Yours to serve, ' WILKESBORO, N.",0. -, r -'. . ,-. n. A. S?.".!:;:.TJ'l : fl il nn nrii nr t:m JI WALLACE BROS. 1894. if- our stock of -0- (flflilfO-'; ffPlflPl!' 3 f mm NTEB nnnnc