: '. - V ; vt ou wuiiruya jOfie- year...v.. ., : "I T Lt r fvntxff. Six months nree months -Payable in advuoee STends4dl money -by registered ter or postal order ami address xnE HROXICLE,.WilkeshGmrTSr ; 'SQ-0( 75-T V qual Taxation, pirect and Indirect. XT. VOL. Chronicle, i WILKESBORQ. N. c.. THURSDAY. OCT. 3, 1895; AN HONEST TRAMP. A. OEAL, Kditor and Proprietor. rJ?.-:i at the Post-office in Wilkesboro THURSDAY, OCT. 3, 1895. The University now has en roled" 505 student. President YTiufton is a mover. Pasteur, the great doctor who dis;ove.-ed a remedy for hydro p.iotiia, is dying at Pans. 11. J. K 1P(, ' p rr iLo Ooii in place of has been appointed in Iredell county, H. King, resigned. Tho Yorth-Carolina Press As sociation have an excursion to thr Atlanta Fair about the 14th of Oct. It will no doubt be a pleasant trip. Q 1 show at of t!:s It. IK way Brothers' circus will Winston Wednesday v ;ek, and a great many intending. A circus al- gr.ts a crowd. o Engine No. (JU0, on the New oik: Central, broke the recor -! f '--L f-inifi Inst woelr. If. ran'il City to Syracuse, a 1 -1$ miles, in 132 It pulled three a si nr.ee or jnii ute.s. coac.'ics. Kip Slug ; k;iiit in California, offers a half Inier'.-.'it iu his ousiness which 3 .vorrh about $75,000 and $5,- - " - - . ' 1- 1 n.i.ii;ijr viii ci'ican wno win mar- He walks 100 miles to restore money I to its owner. Toledo Blade.) Akron, O., Sept. 20th About two weeks ago Mrs. Jacob Weyning, a farmer's wife, gave a tramp a pair of her husband's o d trousers. It was afterwards d scovered that her husband h;id hidden $200.00 in the lining or the cast off clothing. A vig orous search failed to discover the tramp, and the money was considered forever lost. pTesterday, however, the tramp returned and with him hd brought the full amount of tho missing cash. The money w,s in bills and he had not dis covered it for several days. He had walked nearly 100 miles to return it. . The man was given stehdy employment by Mr. Weyning at once. He said his name was Jesse Zing and said PeP1SiH8SPPfcAvon, Buckleu,s Arnica Salve. I The Best Salvk in the world for Cuts, Brai- ees, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, J letter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and aUSkin Eruptions, and positively cures Tiles, or uo pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY STA LEY & Co. HaHfjobuEt jtm? - 1 irif- ' . ir. 3 V ' Lee, a Chinese mer i'l ! s daughter, Moi Lee. Here c ri u nee for you, A ev droppings of Dakota's w.ive reached here safe .eek, and people awoke dav morning to find frost reat many places. Sep i' s hct spell is over, but is stiil dry, and is impossible k wheat lands. o a Company F. Reports. hr mention recently of Co. B. lkt Regiment, has brousrht out a report from one of the old veterans of Co. F. 37th N. C. Regiment, which was formed in Wilks about April 18G1. Our friend Esq. Phillip Walsh, a member of this Co., was in our office last week, and he remem bers about 20 of the old Com pany who are still living. The the corn-Barber. These are the ones that Esq. alsh mentions as still living, out oi our original 100 of the Notice ! By virtue of varions executions in mv hands for collection I will sell for cash to the highest ' bidder, at the Court house door in Wilkesboro, i N. C, on the 4th day of November 1895, J. T. Ferguson's interest in the following described tracts of land, to wit; Situate in Wilkes county N. C. 1st. tract containing 190 acres more or less, on the Yadkin river, adjoining the lauds of Ji. C. Ferguson, Andy Gould, M. S. Bradley and others, known as his old home place. 2nd tract containing 3 acres, adjoining the lands of Elizabeth Duncan, B. C. Lowe, Horace Hamp ton, and others. 1 lot adjoining Isaac Smithy aud D. E. Smoak. 1 lot adjoining J. M. and S. A. Wellborn and on the southwest side of JeflfcrBon road, 1 tract of land containing 80 ! acres more or less, on the waters of Stony Fork, adjoining J. H. Ferguson and E. K. Walsh, 1 tract containing 225 acres more or less, adjoin ing the lands of Myra McNeil, W. L. Rector Adam Staley deceased, on the waters of Red- dies River and Lewis' Fork. 1 tract contain ing 100 acres more or less, on the waters of Reddies River, adjoining the lands of A. A. Whittington, E. H. Bumgaruer, W. Church and A. G. Whittington. 1 tract containing 2 acres, lying on the Huntiug Creek road, ad joining I. D. McLean and others. 1 town lot containing lj acres, known as the Tan Yard lot, adjoining T. B. Finley, C. Call and others, with good tanyard and two tenant houses. 4 interest in 83 acres land and mill, known as the mill property of Cicero Hix, at Moravian Falls, adjoining J. O. Howeil, Cicero Hix and others. satisfy executions in my hands for collection ugainet the said J. T. Ferguson. This Sept. 25th 1835. Cl,abkck Call, Sheriff. PEAD THIS, It may Save You a Home- The Farmers' !Mntaal Fire Insurance Association, of North Carolina. By the people & for the people. No salaried officers to support. No Loss, No Expense. Costs less than one-fifth of yrhat paid to Capital Companies and is Ave Times os Secure. is Companj" was under manq of Col. Wm f T original Company: R. M. Sta- r Uii3 Pre-ibvtesian Hot. 3T; Crairford Dead. I !ie sad new of the sudden ?arh .it Rev. A. L. Crawford, Tavlorsville, has just reached He had gotten up Sunday orning to make a fire, and fell er, dying in a few minutes. formerly pastor of church here, 1 was loved and revered by j-cv people. He was about ears old, and his was a con-at-id life to the service of ?st. Noble in character,sym- . -- " J t5 " - 'VP nti iinr!iTlif ran rl xr t r friendly "hand at all One of the best exam manhood has departed -i the earth. - -y. The Sliver Convention, iie silver convention at Ra il came off last Wednesday, was bossed by Mr. Butler own behalf. Only a few -ocrats and aipss number of abiicans were present. Sev- ref'lSOfl t f o-i- iriln fVio rn. lion when they found out Butler had his men there, i ,oii;g to run the coi- k-lOi) !Of ffir- tl-)o tt. rr t- 1 Atl An ie silver cause, but for the ht of Butler's political as- 1 iri rr i. , a.- t. lim cuuvemioii was i -i l-!y JJorlllistS nnrl tViv a resolution not to vntft j uouy who is not a true -f - That would stop fu- the Renublicans if ad anv rpcrnvrl frj fVioir but they'll fuse just and vote solidly for Republicans. We see accomplished by the convention, except a a few Dfimnrrats. if 1(ire to learn. V J -i i t,l T. I. !i paid for poplar lumber, John J. Ross, Hotel ley, John wards, Parks cis Sa Forester, Joe Ed- Willis Parks. Franklin George W. Sales, Fran es, Eli Bumgarner, Go van Culler, Eli Roberts, Robert GibbsJ Elihu Luther, Anson Howell, John O. Howell, Sam Ferguson, Pate Shew, Samuel Shumate, George Howell, and Phillip Walsh. Most of these men are still living in Wilkes county. Esq. Walsh tells us that he was engaged in 33 battles from 1861 to pie surrender and came out wi ;h only a few slight wounds. We may remark by way of emphasis that Co, B. 1st. N. C. Regime nt, spoken of in a re cent issue, was the second Com pany organized in the State, and thatthe '-'State of Wilkes" jlaims that credit. in v b rii; ame 1 i i Piney Grove Items. Revs. Blevins and James Shumate proached here recently. Miss Mary Holbrook, of Trap hill, visited in this section re cently. Hardin Spicer, aged about 90 years, made a flying trip to Al leghany on business, a fw days ago. Joshua Spicer atteuded Alle ghany court one r two days. Mr. J. JVI: Joines has typhoid fever, and is in a very critical condition. We hope he will soon recover. It is thought that B. Hol brook's ba by has scarlet fever. . Long live the Chronicle. Joe Akp. Piney Gkove, N. C, Notice ! By virtue of an execution in my hands for collection I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Courthouse door in Wilkesboro, N. C, on the 4th day of November, 1895, I). E. Kmcak's interest in the following described tracts of land, situate in Wilkes county, N. C. $1,000.00 north or 1-5 interest in the Bruxhy MouDtaiu Iron and Lithia Springs Co.; 36 lots in the town of Wilkesboro, N. C, on Woodland Boulevard, adjoining the lands of H. Curtis and the Wilkesboro Land fc Development Co, ; 4 lots on main street, in the town of Wilkesboro, N C, adjoining the land of A b Forester and others; hix home place on which dwelling and other improvements, and hounded on the South by North Street, on the West by Metho dist church property, on the North by Yadkin tirer, on the east by homestead line of D. E. Smoak, containing 8 acci; 103 lots in which is known as Smoak's addition to the town of Wilkesboro, on Moravian or Bnrke road, ad joining the lauds of John Hall Jr., I. T, Prevett, James M. Wellborn; about 300 acres on Mora vian or Burke road, between Wilkesboro and Mornv an Falls, adjoining the lands of John Holloway Cleve. Hegwood and others; 500 acres in Brushy Mountain township, adjoining the lands of the Bruphy Mountain Iron and Lithia Springs Co , John W. Davis, Charles Lewis aDd other?; about 200 acres on Brushy Moun tain, in Wilkesboro township, adjoining the lands of Ruth Canter, J. T. Peden and others; 7i acres in Wilkesboro township adjoining the lands of John Baity estate, Thomas Williams and others; 50 acres in W-alnut Grove township adjoining the lands of W. C. Walker and others. At the samo time and place I will sell J. M. Mitchel's interest in the following described tracts of land, situate in wilkes county, N. C : 1st' tract containing 240 acres, on the waters cf Reddi-s River, adjoining the lands of Thomas Barlow and the old wilson place. 2nd. tract containing 50 acres more or lea, adjoiuin.r the lands of A.a Pearson and others. To satisfy executions in my hands for collection. This Sept. 25th 1895. Clarbhci Call. Sheriff. Branch Association of Wilkes Co. C. X. Humt, President; J. E. Fixlev, (Cashier North Wilkesboro Bank) Treas; J. F. Hoskixs, Local Agent. Note what the Press and Prominent Patrons say of it: "A Branch of "The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Association of North Car olina was very successfully organ ized in the Court House on Saturday. mi. ! l. .... . " jliiis orancn includes the counties of Forsyth and Stokes, organized by J. F. Hoskins, local agent. This is piuely a co-operative plan of insurance for the protection of farm property against loss by fire, wind and lightening at actual cost. Don't fail to investigate this plan it has proven to be the cheapest and safest protection on earth." Union Republican. til a IP NO. 26. We want to call attention to our stock of- FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Bought at LOW TRAIFF PRICES, we are in a position to sell Cheaper than ever before A good suit for $3.50; better at $5, $6, $8, $10 and up to $2tfc. See our line of Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Umbrellas and Millie nery. We can save you money. THE HIX CLOTHING HOUSE. THE mraoBo FuffllTDEE CO,, CAFFEY & PRITCHETT, PROPRIETORS, NORTH WILKESBORO, N. a -o- The Farmers' Mutual Insurance As. sociation is taking a firm hold among the farmers of this county. It is an old organization calculated to do a great a mount of good. As its name implies it is a mutual affair; ther2 Are no salaried j officers and the only cost is the assess mont in case of loss, and a fee of 50cts 111 m onuie.nunured aouars or insurance taken at the time of becoming a mem ber." Greensboro Record. Are Now Located In Their New Quarters Opposite McGee's Establishment With a Compile Line Of Anything. Kept In A: FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE STOREr And are Offering Special Bargains In Sewing !MIacliines, Pianos, and Organs CARTS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, &C. KEROSENE and LUBRICATING OIL by the BARREL, and STANDARD BRANDS OF GUANO AT STARVATION PRICES. Finishing Coffins and Caskets a Specialty. Notice ! By virtue of an execution in my hands for col lection in favor of the First National Bank of Stfttesville, N.C vs. C Y.MiLer, T. S. Miller, a. Li. Roussea.u and others, returnable at fall term of Iredell Superior Court, 1895,1 will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court house door in wilkesboro, N. C, Nov. 4th, 189.5, A. L. Rous seau's interest in 400 acres of land more or less, situate iu wilkes county, N. C.on the waters of Cub Creek, adjoining the lands of J. T. Peden. Mrs. R. B. Clarke and others, it being the land whereon he said A. L Rousseau lived and died, to satisfy said execution. This Sept. 26th 1896. C. Call, Sheriff. From the-People. Greensboro, N C, March 2o, 1895. J.x1. lloskin3 Esq.: In answer to i I your enquiry as to the promptness of the policy holders of The Earmers Mu tual Fire Association in paying their assessments on account of T. E. Cook, of Pomona, N C, I take pleasure in sta ting that they have paid their assess ments promptly 8nd expressed them- sel ves as being highly pleased with this plan of Insurance. The assessment has been but lOcts on the $100 during the last pear. R. G. VAUGHN, "Cashier Piedmont Bank" and Treas Farmers' Mutual Fire Asso., Guilford county. Greensboro, N C, May 10, 1895. Mr. Jesse F. Horkins: Replvins to yours relative to the Farmers' Mutual Fire Association of North Carolina, I have for the past jear bf en a member of the Branch Association for Guilford county, and my assessment for pro rata share of losses has been but 10 cents on the $1,000. The first annual meeting was held in the court house last Friday and th workings of the Guilford Asso. had beeh so very satisfactory that all the old officers were unanimously elect ed. For farmers and those owning iso lated property it is the best insurance on earth. JNO. J. NELSON, Mayor of Greensboro and Ex-C S. C. to The sense jf security against sudden emergencies from croup and bronchitis, felt by those Who are provided with a bottle of Ayej-'s Cherry Pectoral, would io phiinlv mlrrhflsed at ten times the cost of that rejmedy. In all lung com it is rJromDt to act and sure to I cure. Some days right," from retire. Ten td othing will come ie time you rise till out you One, the trouble is in yourself. Your blood is in bad concu- tion, and evert orsan suners in conse- you need is the cleans- influence of Ayersj quence. Wha ing, invigorating Notice, Land Sale. Having: by an order of the superior court of wilkes county made at September term 1S95 of said court been appointed commissioner to sell the lands described in the pleadings in the action pending in the said superior court of said county wherein T J Dula, J V whittington and L. w Vatmoy are plaintiffs againts Daniel woody and L, woody his wife, and Phineas whittington, Geo. Johnson and wife, Eliza, C A Oolvard, wai ter whittington, defendants, I will on tbe 4th day of Nov. 1S95 being the first Monday of said month, sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in wilkesboro, wilkes county N C, Lucy Elvira wcodj's (formerly a Miss j whittington) interest in the lands owned by her late husband A G whittington, &t- the the time of his death, her interest being her dower inter est in the paid lands, which lands are s:t iated on both bides of Reddies River on the south west prong of said stream, and joins lands of - A A whittington and the lands of the lands of the late Adam Staley, being the U act of land where on A G whittington resided at the time of his death. The whole tract contains St'O acres, more or less. The interest which I shall sell is the dower right of .the same L E woody's interests in-said lands. This interest being a third value of the same, for and during the term of her nat ural life. The same interest sold to satiry a debt due plaintiffs whittington and Tannoy. This September 23rd, 18D5. J. Ii. BUXTON, Stokesdale, N. C, March 30, 1895. Mr. Jesse F. Hoskins: I insured all my buildings 'jith you. One was de stroyed by fire and in less than a weed you had investigated the matter and to gether with the Director of the Town ship adjusted the loss satisfactorily. Your business-like, prompt and satisfac tory way of adjusting this -matter com mends'the Association very favorably in this-vicinity. T. L. HUMBLY. NOTICE TAXES. I will meet the tax payers of Wilkes county at the following times and places for the pur pose of receiving their taxes for 1895, to wit: Tonship. Place. Time. Rock Creek, Sebastian's store, Oct. 7 Edwards, John Pratt place. " 8 Trap Hill, Trap Hill, " 9 Walnut Grove, Pleasant Hill, " 10 Mulberry, Brown's store. " II Union, Dancey old schoolhouse, " 12 Reddies River, Wyatt's store, " 14 Jobs Cabin, Yellow Hill church, " 15 Lewis Fork, Hubbard's Mill, " 16 Elk, Joel Triplett's old store, " 17 Beaver Cr., Schoolhouse near L. C.Ferguson's " 18 Boomer, J A Carlton's store, " 19 Moravian Falls, Moravian Falls, " 21 Bruchy Mt , New Hope Church, " 22 Lovelace, R. R. Bell's, " 23 Somers, Lonsford's store, " 24 New Castle, Clingman P. O. "25 Antioch, Brown's store, " 26 North Wilkesboro, Gordon Hotel, " 2S Wilkesboro, Wilkesboro, " 29 All pesons owing me Taxes are hereby notified to meet me and pay their taxes and save further trouble, for I am bound to collect the taxes, and shall proceed to do so as the law di rects. This Sept. 13, 1895. Clarence Call, Sheriff. NORTH CAROLINA, 1 y In Snpeior Court. Wilkes County. ) . - Elizabeth Alexander - against Tobith Taj lor and others. Petition to eeU land for par tition. John Ellis, Tansie Ellis Cjotha Ellis,5 Thos Ellis, Rebecca Jinninga, Martha Wood, Jimmi Richardson, Frank Bosh, Naoma Lugging and Tobitha Taylor, defendants nam'ed in tho above entitled action, are hereby notified tt. appear before me at my office in Wilkesboro, N C on tbe 30th day of September 1S95, at thfr hour of 2 o'clock p.m. and answer or demnr ta the complaint of the plaintiff in this action, and let Ihem take notice that if they fail to ap I pear and answer that Judgement will be taken against them for the relief demanded in the -plaintiffs complaint. This Aug. 12th 1895. A. 31. VANNOY, Clerk Suderior Court, Notice. I have purchased the North Wilkes boro Copper Works, formerly run by N. C. Sheppard & Co. I will continue run the copper shop in North Wilkes. boro for the pupose of - fixing up an& repairing stills, caps -and worms. Yours Truly, Mr?. P. C. HildebrandV Per H. C. Meroney, Coppersmith,.. Manager. North Wilkesboro, N. 2. Aug. 2Gth 1895. Valuable Toirn Property for Sale. The undersigned having, been appointed commissioner to sell the lands described in the pleadings in the action pending in the su perior court of Wilkes county wherein J 11 Henderson is plaintiff vs the Wilkesboro Ho tel Company defendant, hereby give notice that I.will on the 4th day of November 1895, being the first Monday of said month, sell for cash-to the highest bidder at the court house door in Wilkesboro, Wilkes county, N C, the said lands and other property described in tle p'eading of said cause which propeity is situa ted in the town of Wilkesboro, Wilkesboro townehip in Wilkes county;' N. C, and known as the Wilkesboro Hotel property and described and defined as follows, to wit: A aa aforesaid, bejrinninff on a stake at the co-- consuming one nunarea acres morej- Notice. Having been appointed commissioner' ta sell the lands described in the pleadings nj the case of J T i Jen va il Kendall I hereby give notice that I will sell to the highest bid der fur cash at the court bouse door in tho town of Wilkesboro in Wilkes. county N C, onj the 4th day of Nov.- 1895;. i being the firsfr Monday of said month, tho said lands describe ed in the pleadings located and bounded a follows: being situated in Wilkes county NT C, oa Long Branch or Elk Creek, adjoining the lands of Thos- Dula and others and known as a part of the Tbos. Kendall (deccasedX land and bounded as follows : beginning oua. double dogwood on a, ridge runs northwardly to the top of the ridge to a conditional line between H Kendall and 31 M KemtoH to Thos. Dula'g line, then 3e northwardly with Pu.'a's line to J W Kendall's line, thence eastwardly with his line crossing the Ijong Branch with top of a, crooked ridge to D E Hortons line, on the top f the mountain to a point south of tho hogin-. ning, thence north crossing the branch - to th . This Sept. 20th, 1895. T. J. DULA, Commigaoner, Jesse F. Hoskins, Esq., Summeafield, N. C. Dear Sir: I desire to state that I am more than satisfied with the work ings of our Insurance Company. When the damage was done to my property by the storm I reported the loss to Super intendent Linville. He immediately appraised the loss; and you told me the money would be paid roe on Ang. 13th. On that very day a chf ck-was maile to me for the amount. .Very. Truly4 C. F. DAY. ner of Main Street aud the street east of the j or ,esa court house square, thence in an eastwardiy j direction along the original margin of Main street 100 feet to a stake, thence in a north- . ', " . " wardly direction parihel with the court Louse Notice square street 100 feet to a stake, thence in a The undersigned having been appointed com westwardly direction 100 feet parallel with. to sell lands- describe in.-tin . . , ... I pleadings in the case of Matt i B Whittintont Mainbtreettoastakeontheorigmal margin aI4d u Whittingiou, fafaatr by: Ear2 of court house square street, thence in a Wo)dy tlielr next friead anst Vance ' Whit, southwardly direction 100 feet to tho begin- tington, Finley a vrnittington. EW-Johnson., ning containing 10000 square feet moro or Geo. Johnson, LauraAnr. ColvardAV W Bart less, and at the same time and place- will sell i bor, T B Fialey, II 1. Greene, hy aa order of the all of the hotel furniture of every description i superior courtof WJlkrs coaiitv' made - at Sept upon the terms of aforesaid, that the sue of the property will be started at the bid of J R Combs with W M Absher S J Ginnings aa sure ties which is $5060. The property will he so'.d to satiBfy a -debt due J.- IL Hendtraon, and the terms of sale mast be strictly-complied with in every particular otherwise the proper ty will be resold at once. This Sept. 20 1895. T. Jl Dula, Cmmis8ioner. For information call on or correspond with JESSE F, HOSKINS. J Wilkesboro or Surqrnerfield ; g. Notice of Land Sale. By virtue of a decree of the superior court of wilkes county made in the case of Joel Triplett vs John T Fosterand wife, for the foreclrcuse of mortgage, I ivilton onday the 4th day of Now 1 895, at the court house in wilkesbor o N" C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the tract of land whereon the said John T Foster and wife now lives, being situated in Iewis Fork town.-hip adjoining' the lands of Francis Kller and ctaer, containi-g about 100 acres. This Sept 23rd, 1834. term 1895 efi?aid court, hereby pjva' notice that we will sell to the liighepfrv bidder at the court.. house door in the town of i "Wilkesboro wilkes" county; on tfte 4th day of 3fov. next,: being: thev . fih;t Monday of f aid month, the said lands de-. scribed in the pleading, the nine being: situated on both ?ides of J(kUts River in wilkes county2 N C containing two hundred acres more or less and known as theAlexandjer whittmgtn place and adjoiniflg the lands of Alfen whittington,. James y Somers and other, it beinjf the tracts . of land on which Alexander G whittington- re sided -at tbe-time of bis death. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the pin-chase mftney to be paid at the tirn of saler- one-thirdr -in six months thereafter! remafaing third at th expiration cf twelve months, thereafter; ? ' Pur, -chaser renuiced to give bond with approved se- ' onrifcy. Title rrtaltiltill' all of tlx pnrchaset. money ts paid.- :I?wid y,-l!l bo 'isdhl sobjecti to a, 'ower right of? Uti KlyirV w.-x-f : Ttifc fsiMi I Wii will be so!d for partitiois: ThW Sejt SO 1S& -J Ooinniissioncr. T J,ptXA, Con2mis-vr SarsaparUla.- 'A- .... j ,K ' 'f .. -r-''

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