' - - . .-" :.: ft' ;-''- - T. 11 ..---- 'I-.- -"? - - -t- .--is J ."' v. -. 5." 'X TERMS Of? '-3TT "-i" vTTTTrr - " III. 6m. One year . . M Six months ..:;:...::- : 4.00 6.00 6.00 , 9.00 : 7.50 '10.00 10. o0 17.00 IS. 00 130.00 fjO.OO 50.00 Three mouths ..;V tSends all monpv K.. tll-. C . . tprnrnvwi J registered let ter or postal order and address"-' ; . - Equal Taxation, pirect and Indirect. XT. WTLKESBORO, N". o.. THURSDAY. OCT. 10, 1895. .-., ' 1 9.0') 12.0) 17.5) 25.00 45.00 ' 75.00 i M-k. Space " ".' 75 --' 1 .iU- ! i'-.5 , S.oO Vcol 3.- 0.00 4 , -II r.n ITvOI) J2il- 1 NO. 27. 1HFJ It. A. 1EAL, Kditor and Proprietor. F.nt-.rcd ai Ihr Posl-ojice as second-class muher. "tiiuiday, OCT. 10, in Wilkeshoro 1S95. Gen. Aluhone of Virginia is dving of paralysis. GUILTY The Revival Services. j If your child is puny, fretful, troub- The revival t tdift ! led with elandniflr "f'J", "e",fl -defe 1110 i resbyterian churoli are im rro- yes- r " o the head, face, or gress this week. There are ! b0'T f conrse of Aer's Sarsapaiilla is needed to oxpel the scrofulas humors - - oCi vilcs u uav : out; ai from tllo bl d w uuuk a. m. ana one at 7:oU p. ; to give this medicine the better m. Kev. R. V. Miller, of Ashe ville, is here laboring faithfully for the salvation of souls. He Jury against Calvin Ellerfor killing Roy Latham. 20 Years in the Pen. Officer Segraves of Ashe ar rived here Saturday night a- bout 11 o'clock with Calvin El ler, en route for the penitentia- vThe sooner you begin ol new lawyers in this State have just been turned loose on the country by the Supreme court. What's to become of The new bouth Carolina con stitution prohibits the granting of a divorce for any cause. When you get married down tl:jre, you're married for life. 5 Principal clerk Satterfield ry. j is an earnest, zealous worker. Eller was convicted at Ashe i iIls sermons are plain, unosten- A 11 Free. Thcr-e -,vho have used Dr. King's New Dis covery kiu,v,- its v.diu-, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. 'Call on the advertised Drn-i.-t and jrc-t aTri.il Bot- ! tie, L'rre. Send oiir n:n;i n;1 :i.-i.i.-n k tt l 4- 4. I 1 1 m ' i i v i. i ivi A J. vjuiu in tile .uu. utgree lOl lite j nunnm .ut..mauviio r. uiu v Co., Olncago, and -ret a sample m irder of his cousin and com- : God's truth as it appears in j box. 'Dl panion Roy Latham, and tentiary . Aing sJcL:to, Tills vree, as well as iicoi'y Ciuidi!' ti lleuith and Honst-hold t r - u J.i vj ijiu r. lit; r l n i 1.1 i t i A liisiructor, rrcu. ah of wuu-n is ira-i ran toed teheed to 20 years in the peni- ! ments nor abuses, but delivers j to do you fjo.ni acd cost you nothins. staiev the messages or truth and soberness The case is a peculiar one 1 it c O s. LtVUt -tore Good sized congre- j Notieo. We want to call attention to our stock of FALL AND iSSOTTEK CLOTH IN G; Bought at , -' LOW TRAIFF PRICES, : we are in a position to sell Cheaper than ever before A good suit for $3.50; better at $5, $6, $8, $10 and up to $20, See our line of Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Umbrellas and Milli nery. We can save you money. & ' THE HIX CLOTHING HOUSE. anki Calvin Eller is either a ! gations are attending, co d blooded murderer with people are getting serious- It; heart as insensate of feeling as j adamantine, or is innocent. ja.tj laiKeu ireeiv wnen an ond "ncrro.sing Cierk Brown, of -? , , , . auu..ic.w- 0 pre ached by this editor, and tb last Legislature, liave been . . ' 1 tudictea upon die traud in connection cnarge with the assignment f the act. his expressions seemed frank ana truthful He is an extra- is one of God's opportunities for all the people to join in and accomplish good for themselves and others. Let all attend. Civil Service Examination. Walser, chairman of the B'd m i to o vears. I llMKJIli-.Iio Will 1 ojaesv hero eise. ive a l l :i i gii g If:.'-!. i; '. The negro inarshall at the paraae or liio coioica ivuignis bfKin David, at Greensboro ast week, stopped the mail u detaining it some little tt 7- ime. lie is now m jati. x ou an't buck against the Govern j going to the pen., he said it i i bent. was hard but he couidn t help it; liis enemies had sworn lies against him and convicted him; i. i . ,i ui,iinuiy uApen iiar or a uruLn- Examiners, gives notice that ful boy. He is only 19 years he win hold n fiYn,;Tlinati(H1 old has dark blue eyes, dark j of applicants for storekeeper & hair and weighs about 1S5 lbs. p-ai.yer at Al ' . n - - . . .-v.- has that brogue peculiar to All applications for exam- mountiancer. He seemed l?atlon must oe nlecl Wlth Mr- i Waiser bed ore the hour or clos- and o'l 'ft is herc-l.y jriven of the seizure on the na usu- oi (ic. 19:, near Lomax X C of cne waO'A. two horses, tv.o small pkis corn vhisky uiiposcd contain al.out 11 gallon and one douMe bars el shot gun, seized under th? provis ions of see t-f R S of The TJ S. Anv person claiming said property are heretu' notiil-d to ap pear before Vain L Holers, collector, at Asheville N C or J E ycEOTn, D Wi'.ke -bnro N C witli- in 30 d;iys from date hereof and file claim . tatinr i their interest in said property and file bond as I re'inirr-d ty law in such eaes. cr the same will i f e le-. lared forJei;rd to The U S. This Oct Pth lS--. SAl L ROGERS, collector. Per J E Mi E wen, drpt. coil. THE MKESB0B0..F DBMTuSE GO, OAFFEY & PRITCHETtPROPRlETOR NORTH WILKESBORO, N. O. Gov. CuIberon of Texas has on and there will be no prize e-uiHi' m 4.ixas. ine special u of trie L cgismre All 1 A tt ' i a 1 T uni.-iiaijit.' 1 1 ! If! O it .a felony penitentiary Corbett and have to go But they can State as we lavv against He the i-tWI-V -l-.X 1JIUUU, UllVi liVll - -v , I - -x w askfed how he liked the idea of j Ail reputable citizens of the U.' b. over 21 years old, of w hat ever political party, are eligi ble for examination. For ap plication blanks and informa tion desired in the matter apply but lie hoped to soon be par doned, and that the real mur derer would be discovered. He said that he expected to try to -i i perio; m every amy lnipostu e authorities. ied bitterly that he killed Latham ami aid were kinfolks and had chunio all their lives. 0 murder was com mu lea to F. T. Walser, Asheville IN C. j Notice. On Monday Nov. 11th 1S05, at the eouit house in wilkogboro N 0, by virtue (f a n;ort ff i-rtv deed executed to ir.e by Tei vy (:.,, y cnu wife to secure tho payment of SG5.00 interest and cost, I will sell for cash to the highest bid der the following described lands, -ituated on vvootcn creek iu wilkes county X C, adjoiiinr tlie bmcbs of John N v. inkier, Ilor.ry Bell, and other.-, beins the parcel or ti act of !,nd that A B wyatt a ad wifo sold to said Pe.ry (offey, containing ni'ty acres more or less. This Oct 4th 1895. A. B. wyatt, Mortgagee. . 1'iriey . Greene, Afctvs. Dcilnplaiie Picnic. Thursday the rd in.st. v. as the day Notice ! upon T T 110 had they been Til says that A COl.iiO , -1 . . . .tees" will tell the ps and pops what to do about sion and whom to run for overnor. and tney li uo lust the 'committees" tell them. ns is one jmase or "American anhood" that we have not H Ira 1 the pleasure of hearing pi. V. F. Henderson discuss. near Marc him bv d j set apart by J)cllai.larie Lo.lpe A. F. ec j i A. foi' a j'ienif; in the interest of the I ----- j j Oxford Orjiiaiiaire, and it was an ideal j ! one fur the (.eiTdion , aiul early in the j ; iiii-inii: tin- ;;co;;!e !'CP;:i;i pouring in i j from iiil the f-v.rrouiKilii countiy j i Thev ii-iu'.' in t -u j-io:-, rart, ,vv:?.ins, i i on lior.stduek and ai'oot til! -hood, i -ibout halt 'uist 12 the By viriuo of an execution in my hands for oU'ctluu I v.uUstll tor caiit to tho highest bidder at the Comthou-c d.'or in Wiike-ho ro N C, rn the -Id o d masons who t.'Her ol ,ai: .".Toi:.-;::;;:. ! i ; -h t v i . -' l0':k vai ;1. a. :";::i i ' j o'ii!: i v d' Xov. 3-iber. 181)5. D E. n the f.'IIowinir det-i:rilK d situate in Vv'iiko-i county, N. O. ; or 1-5 ir.terc ri in the Brv.-div vo:i J.itnij, .-.:ir.nga Co.: 1 !.d;; Are Now Located In Their New Quarters Opposite McGee's Establishment With a Comply Line Of Anything Kept In A FIRST-CLASS FURNI1 And are Offering Special Bargains In Sewing jSiIachiires, Pianos, and Organs; CARTS, BUGGIES, HAKNEfcS, &C. KEROSENE and LUBRICATING " OIL by the BARREL, and STANDARD BRANDS OF GUANO T , ' STARVATION PRIOES. Pinishing Coffins and Gaskets a Spscialty. h'j.u'u L :-bur., v. : ; iLo b-'.dn a Wo. iCiiftOll, Ashe COunty, last j had v.reviun.siy met in their hall near j (h( Latham's body vv-iis r ) r. . to " - , 1 . : i : ij Everybody will rejoice at the Ciorv won hv tho u inston to men against the A rnciii tobacco trust. The 1st l.d'ou-ht an iniunotion - j l against these men for us Ijng-gs cigarette ma- hio wiiicii tiifv aliHororl in nged ipon one of their pa- Pi-S. I de case was dismissed the cost of the trust, the ft being about 30,000. flon. J. C. C. Black has 'been elected to Ooiurross in tbn itll Or Orfrin. rl i trirt-. nvrr iiore am I at;' Tom Watson, ck is a Demecrat, Watson oi.HUisf. K ae!r wjh p petf.i the iT-iular plp.ct.inn. but iiSOli llowlpd franu. anri resigned and they "0-d unon .'i. PDPP.inl r1p?tion '-o coraniv with Wat- . j s w.'-jhes. Being defeated ce may be Watson will keep ht while his opponent takes iRf-'t in Con orress. found ono morning iu North Fork with four wounds on the head, buspicion rested, upon Eller. A, fellow Lastridge had let Eller have Latham's pistol. Eastridge had asked Eller to return it. Eller took it home the evening before the body of Latham was found. The S;ate"s side of the evidence was that Eller camtrto the barn where Latham was and asked him tc go back up to the river and he would give him the pis tol. Eller had a stick the same it was claimed that was found at the scene of the murder. They walked off together to ward where the murder took place. This was about dark. Eller siys he carried the pistol and gave it to Latham at the barn; that he had no stick, and that he left the barn by him self and went home by way of the canoe, some distance fur ther, because he had broken 1he fjrove ,1. ...!-,, led iu.3 on nieiii tixet. iu tuo r .. C.r.'.iai. y ir.. JtiSuls.d Ab ttir: hm.I ; ids houie :dace on which d-.vellhjy ai-d ! other i::ll:'u". 11 -i-.ta. ;,iid hj-n l.i'i nn tlii (.eeKed out in South by Nor-ii Street, or. t, West by Jletho- la and Observing dwt church property, on the North bv Yadkin the order of march usurdlv followed on j rdv r, on tl-.o c :-st by hcr;tF.tcad 'hue of D. E. i by, were seen entering by their oiliccrs fully t'nier beautiful regal i sucli occasion.-!. tin anuvinsr at the sjjeaker's stand the meeting was called to order by the Secretary pro. tern, and i after prayer prayer by Rev. J. A Fos ter, the audience was treated to an ad dresvi, brief but eloquent, by Dr- R. W. S. Pegram in behalf of that institution, the orphanage, which should be the pride of ever' true mason in the Old North State. A collection was taken up for the asylum after which the masons, fol lowed hy the entire congregation, re paired to the large table groaning un der the heavy load of iich viands and all tho delicacies which the good la dies of that community know so well how to prepare. After all had feasted to their heart's content like the -feast of old there were several- baskets lull remaining. One noticeable feature of the occasion was the entire abscense of any disorderly conduct, and aithoiigh the land is flowing with new brandy there was not an intoxicated person present. After a day spent in social reunion and good cheer the audience dispersed homeward, all "it was good to be there chara do not seem to agre V-';H be fusion from pres hdiu electors down to con- IdO. ;inr thot 4-1,,-. r,e independent, pledged ' o-ily for a free silver ; Settle vv ants one of lis stilts in coming over the river; that he reached home before sundown; that next morning he went to hi broth er's some miles away, on busi ness, ai d knew nothing of the killing until after his arrest. It is ail interesting and pe culiar case, and may be one of those cases that the truth as it is will r ever be known. In tho mean while Eller goes to the pen. for twenty years, in accord with an honest verdict of the nury. 'For sevteral months, I was troubled with a pen istent humor on my head which gave me considerable annoyance until it occ ured to" me to try Ayer's .Ug Republican ! Hair Vigori' Before using one ' 1 1 i t f ! i oilcans aro. with St- J-v40 Harris puts the fin- llLT tr,il,-.n y.n l-.,r , vw i.; v M) I II til Re- I h;i::iur -Ule couldn't be elected ' thing in his district Au:l thus the matter botti .-noa, coiitiii.iu!,' 8 Rcrcs: 10 ) iors iu which is k'iOA'j jwSui --ak's addition to the town -of WhLesbero, on Iorri.n or Bnrko road, ad johiin:; tie :!;d! of John Jr., 1. T, Prevett, Jtuuei JI. WcLbo.-ii; abo-it 300 a eras on Morr.-vi:-.u or Bu: l;e roach between Wilkeshoro ai.d Mor-iv an Fal!?, adjoining: tho lands of John Hollov ay Cleve. Uegv,- )od and otiicw; 500 acres in Brushy Jlonntaiu tn-.vi-.ship, adjoining the laiiib u the I5ru.-hy Jiomd-aiu Iron and Liihia Spr:i.g Co , John W. Iavi, Charles Lewis ai.il otherp; b-nt 2(0 acres on Brushy Jlonn-i-in, iu Wilkcsboro tov.i:SU:p. adj'obing the lands of Kuth ( Voter, J. T. Teden ana others: 7a r,ci'i;-i:i Vi'ilkesb'ro township adjoining the aec.a oi .)o. in 13a:tv e.-tate. Thomas tt iiliains NOTICE TAXES. I will meet the tax payers of Wilkes county at the following times and places for the pur pose of receiving their taxes for ISO 5, to wit: Tonship. Place. Rock Creek, Sebastian's store, I. -1 wards, John Pratt place. Trap Hill, Trap Hill, Walnut Grove, Pleasant Kill, lent Co,; j Mulberry, Brown's store, iva of vViikesboro. . Union, Dancey old schoolhouse, iieddiea Kiver, Wyatt's store, Jobs Cabin, Yellow laid church, 2wis Fork; HuLbard's Mill, Elk, Joel Triplett's old store, Beaver Cr., Schoolhouse near L. C. Ferguson's Boomer, J A Carlton's store, Moravian Falls, Moravian Falls, Bruchy Mt , Now Hope Church, Lovelace, R. R. Bell's, Somers, Lonsford's store, New Castle, Clingman P. O. Anticch, j Brown's store, North Ynikesboro, Gordon Hotel, Wilkesboro, Wilkesboro, All pesons owing me Taxes are herebr notirled to meet me and pay their taxes and save further trouble, for I am bound Time, Oct. 7 " 8 " 9 " 10 " 11 " 12 " 14 " 15 " 10 " 17 " 18 " 19 2OHTH CAROLINA. )- la Supeior Court. "U iikes County. ) . Elizabeth Alexander egainsfc Tobitha Tay !or and others. Petition to sell land for par tition. - John Eliia, Tausio Ellis, Cyctlia Ellis, Thos Ellis, Rebecca Jinnings, MartbaWood, Jimmio IMebardiion, Frank Rash, Naomi Luggins and Tobitha Taylor, defendanta named in tha above entitled action, axe hereby notified tc appear before me afc my ofnee in "Wilkesboro N G on the oOth day of yeptcmDer T.fha hour of 2 o'clock p.m, and ar-aer or demnr tc the coffipbu'nt of the pJiin tiff in tbis action and let them take notice tbat if they fail to ap' pear and answer that Judgement will be taken agiiinsr them kVr the relief d.mianded in thQ plaintiff's complaint. This Aug 12th 1895r A. i-.i. VAXXOY, Clerk Su Jtrior Court. Notice. I have purciiased ths North Wilkes-r boro Coj)per Works, formerly run by N. C. Sheppard & Co. I will continue to 22 run die copper shop in North WilkeS-i 23 I oro for tJie pwpose cf fixing up and " 24 " 25 " 28 " 2S " 29 repairing stills caps and worms. Yours Truly, Mrs. P. C. ilildebrand, Fer II. C. Meroney, Coppersmith, Manager North AVilkesboro, N. C. Aug. 26th 1895. uidodiers: 50 acres in W-a'nut Grove townehip ; to Collect the taxes, and shall : , i f f' V id;o;nier-. tlie l-i iU V c r , 11 -,,! , f-o I -1 , 1 , , , 1. '. sell the lands described i,.iu.iji'.0 uiie i.u.ob 01 n tint' 1 and '.t,..e.' 8 nrnrrPrl r.r Ho ca n c; the law Hi- 1 .. Thin Sept. 25th 1S95. c'lathtnce Cat.t,, Sheriff. Notice ! IJy virtue of ah execunc n hi my hands for col lection in f:.vor of the Firt Kational Hank of KtAt.esvd:.- X.'". x- V. Si'lVr T R fi'Vr feeling that . l. Roxxssea u and others. returnab!eat -fall term Vgof Ire-.lell Superior ( 'ourt, !S'J :,I will sell for cash Clarence Call, Sheriff. aa;o:meg tlie lands ol . C. Waht'-i and r,ti,e. r I ,.on,l 4- A - .-. 1, 1, t ,i , .r , , , T ... ., i- UIUUCCU UO KJLJ aKJ LIS) inc 1 tl vv MiichelV interest iu the fu, lov. iu- described ! reCtS. ihlSbept. 13, 180.O, u-su-ls or laiui, situate 1:1 iv!.'ii-s cr jniy, r, . O : It- tract .-.f.uiniug 2ti) s.trcs, en tin v.-atfrs ci . (bhes ihver, adjoining the lud of Tlioma'. iiadow ? id t'.-j old w.ls'uii p'ace. 2nd. tract containing oO icr -3 eaor or iesa, adjoining tJie l:u:.ls o" At.a I'earsoa and. others. To satisfy t-ecution.-j in my ha-ndis for collcctioc. Dell time of the writer to alwavs be on hand. Sudsckibeii. mis healed. ''I. T. Aaauis, rehaiit, Turbeviile, Vi. But ;ien,r. AciiM-u bane. The Blrt .vlvk in the solid lor cuts, i5ru.; sos, Sores, UJuora, Salt llheuin, Ecver Sorea, Totter, Chap;ed ITands, Chilblains", Corns, aud all Skin Ilruptioaa, and iositiveiy curce Piies. or no nkv reciuircd. It id guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or mocey refunded Price 25 'cental ter box. VO SaLG ill' 8TA Archie Cameron I3au. N. W. Nev,8 ) The immortal soul of Archie Camer on took its flight across the great be yond Friday morning, and ho who suff ered so much and long is now at rest. About three years ago w hile attend ing school at Lenoir he had the misfor tune of hurting his spinal column while playing with some boys, and since that has grown continual!' worse. He was taken to a Northern hospital for treat ment, but it proved ineffectual. A few months ago he lost the use of his lower limbs entirely and it was soon realized that his d.ys were numbered; that the great and good God who gave him his soul would soon recall it. Yet the pain was. not less hard to bear as nis loving i Sisters nov ere'i arouim uis utfujue x n- dav morning and saw him breathe his last, at the home of his brother-in-law, Mr. A. AFin!ey. His lunerai services were conducted from the Piesbyterian church, of which he was a consistant member, Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clocx by Iiev. Mr.. Rob inson, after the remains were interred in Woodlawn ccmenry, to which place they were- followed by a iarg concourse Notice. . ' Having been appointed commissioner ta hi the pleadings ir tne case ot J j: Faic-n n Kendall I hereby give noiiee that I will esll.to the liighest bid der for cash at the court houss door in tha town of Wilkesboro ia Wilkes county N C, ca Valuable Town Property for Sale. I tne 4tlltir r ot. isssj it being the first The undersigned having been appointed j M'iJi7 cr sai nionth, the said lands describe ennmiasioner to sell the lands described in i ed in tJie P!cadings located and bounded aa the. pleadings in the action pending in the su- j fllos: b:iS situated fn .WUkss county N C, p-rior court of Wilkes couaty wherein J p, ' n Long Branch or Elk Creek, adjoining the Henderson is plaintiff vs the Wilkesboro Ho- j Ianda of Thos' I)ula and others and known aa tel Company defendant, lien by give notice t a Paffc pf tho Thoa. ivendall (deceased) Ianda that I will on the.lth day of November 1895, aod bounded as follows: beginning on a double being the first Monday of said mc'nth, sell for j dov 'a on a ridSe ras noithwardly to tha cash to the highest bidder at the court house tci of tho ridSe to a conditional lino between door in Wilkesboro, Wilkes county, N C, tho I n Kendall aDd M ii Kendall to Thos. Dul-'a aid lands aud other property described, in , nnei cmo northwardly with Dn.'a'e !ic to J g of said cause which property is! v ena8" s ime, thence oaslwar.ily witli nia he town of Wilkesboro, Wilkesboro , """""'""X moung iaucn v,-.u top oi a, situate iu wilkes county, N.c.on the waters of i townohip in Wilkes county, N. C, and wuiugeiouitiortOflS Ms.oa tlie top Cub Creek. aJj'oini.ig the lands of J. T. Peden j known aa the Wilkesboro Hotel 'property and ; cf the mountain to a point south of the begin- uuscnusu aaiiuemieu as iunus, iu wn. meg, tnence north cri.-Fsing the branch to the certain lot eiiuatsd in the town of Widcesboro ' .-.4. , - - i i aforesaid, begincing on a stake at the co-- ni-mg containing ono hundred acreg mora ner of .Main Street and the street east of the : or !css. This Sept. 20tli, 1895. court house square, thence in .aa eastiraid'y i . T. J. DULA, Ce-mraisaoaer. I Mav masonic picnics occur often atHthe highest bidder at the Court-houscdoor in (4'"7U8:1 dlaplane and mav it be the good for- kboro, N. C, Nov. 4th A. L. Rous- p eadmg 1 . ., , , , seau r?jme:est m 4C;')acres oi land more or less , " SllUaad ln L Mrs. R. B. Clarke and others, ii biny the laud whereon ihc said A. L Rousseuu lived and died, .satisfy si'.id executioor Ihls,Sept.2:;di m. C. Call, SheriiT Notice, Land Sale. iravin.T hy crch r ol the siii.'rior court of wilkes count j- made at September term irXl of said court been j;;pointed cc-nin:lsior;er to .-e:i the lands ditcri'-ed iu tin- vletdinps in thr action ponding in the saici superior court of ; aid county when iu TJ lu)a, J V whittiup ton and 1 w .iirection along the original margin of Maui treet 100 feet to a stake, thence in a north wardly direction parallel with the court house square street 100 feet to a stake, thence in a Notice. The undersigned having teen appointed com- wc-stwaruly direction 100 feci parallel with , . , , , . loin Street to a stake on the oriina! mar-in - . .. "vh and Dora JJ Whittir.gton, Infants, by David Wocdy their next friend against Tance Wnit tington, FinTey a Wbitt irgton, EMra Johnson. margin of court house square street, thence in a s Juthwardly direction 100 feet to the begin- Vaunoy are j)ltiiiuiirs airaint-i LV-.nM woody and nmg, containing lUULO square lee more or G-eo. .Tohnson, Laura Ana Oolva; d, W Bar i L E wot-dy his wile, a id Plmieas whittinrrion, i lss, and at the same time and place will sed ber, T x5 I m!sy, H 1. Green, Ly an1 order of ths j di'o. Johnson ami wife, Eliza, C a Colv;;rd. v.-al- j all of the hotel furniture of every description j superior court of "VVi-kes coBty irale ; at Sept", ter w.iitii;;; ten. defendants, I will on the 4th , tip a the terms of aforesaid, that the saie of j terrQ ct d court, hereby Iva notice that, d.:y of Nov. ih35 being the first loniay of taid ! the property will be started at the bid of J Ii ! we vriU seil to ta highest bidder at the court Combs with W II Abaher S J Ginnii.gs as sure- j bous8 door fn 'Jie of Wirliefcboro wlliw ties which is $5060. The property will be so d ! ""n' the,4th a -"' the, ..1,4. t t xt 'a farct Monday of .-aid m-milv, tbe -aid lands dK the terms of sale must be strictly complied with in evtry particular otherwise the proper ty will be resold at once. This Sept. 20 1S05. T. J. Ddla, CroTiiis3knaer. month, soil to the hijrhe.-t bidder f t c-"h, at the court houie door in wi.'kesfccro, Wilkes comity X C, Lucy Idvira woody's (forjiir-rly a iliis whittingtou) interest in the land owned by her late hlisbrnd A Cr whit t ingfon, at the the time of his death, her interest tt ing her dower inter est in the aid land?, which lantl? are situiti-d on both &id.-r, of Readies Eivi-r oh the south von .io:.iii-f saiii -irtr.:.i, :uid joins lands of A A v.hit ihe. t'.ii a.:d flie lund- of the laads of the hiif. Adam Stle.v. l;- ie.- H e tract of land rh. r -on ' v.hitthig en resided at the time of his -I aih. Ti e who'H' tra.t contains 3f0 a re?, more or fcss. Tho inti rest whitli 1 sha l is th? dower right of the sam1 L E woody s interests in S iid lands. Tins interest beirg a third valua of the same, for and during the term of her nat ural life. The same 3ntrtM te'd to pstijy . debt clue plainl'ffs vbit t barton ncd Vaunoy. This Syyttmcar -VSil. 1Sl"-3. J. 1'. sc ribed in the pleading!, the same being situated -on both rides of Ucddies Hiver in. willrea county N C containing two handred acres more or and known as the Alexauder-wbktington" phxec. - , and adjoining tho lands cf Allen -wtuttl!gton ! James F isomers and ethers, it tiinT th truct. Notice Of Laud Sale. I of lj.n.l on which Alexander G whlttington re- V By virtue of a decree of the snp-rior court of fiid"d at the time of his death. wiikes county mane i i the case of Joel Triplett ; TEEMS OF SALIiOne-third of tha purchaaa ' vs John T Foster and wife, for the foreclofuse oi j money ta be paid at the time of. sa?e;" one-third, a mortgage, I will on monday tlie iih day of Nov. j in.six months thert after; remaining "'third at tha, 1SS5, at the court noose in wilkesbor o.N C, im'cr ! expiration of telvs months thr-roafter; , Pur-, forsale to the highest bidder for cash, the tract of chafer reqi-dred t-5 give hc.nd witli ftppro'ved land whereou the said John T Foster and -.wife I carity. Title rkaiiied tilt a!i of Iha "pnrchas now lives, being situated in Lewrifs Fork lowuphip j money p? kf. Land will be "p'6?d ; wtbjeet " to ' a adiclaing fiie land-s of Francis EUerand' thers, VJowcr xU&if&pir: Etvinj" r v.'-xd ' The:sid; contahnng aboutlOC ft-re5 -This Sept 23rd. iMt." 1 lands -will H safd fiir nacilii'TtU t. imttH - L ' . ; - - .- - - . ; . - . . 1 - - r. ' ' -V XUCtfft, T-J;; DrtjCymmioC r L'KY J Co. 6 ! :i - " - - xC;--A-r-.-T-:--. ';V' f