tr -- 1 "r.- -; BATES OF A D y 1x0.31 1 u . . m-v m ttt- t TERMS OF S UBSCSIPTIO ; 1 wkl" I in. 3 m. 6i3a. Que yiar..; t pix month.U....;.;... ..... ' 4.00 6.00 .00 ' 9.00 "V- I . W .. 1 - 1 1 -.TIE - I ' . I I . ' I 1 . Three months - Payableln advunce. i 7.50 10.00 10.00 -17.00 .18.00 30.00 30.00 ,50.00 T oenas all money bv r 4 6t er or.pottal order and. address 'goxicr.. Wilkesboro. Pqual Taxation, Pirect and Indirect; HI I iS7"l -75 J 2.00 j 90p 12.C0 17.510 25.0b 45.6b 75.0U 'mm. . a I 2.00 4.00 jio . 13-50 i .6-00 I col. ' 6.50 t.7o Ti '11.00 15.00 x 331 ' NO S9 HRONICliE. ! B. A. 2DK.VL,' Editor and Proprietor. Enter eu it lb Piri.-o$we xs second-clans m-tUr. in Wtikehoro THURSDAY, .JAN. 9, 1896: How many New Year prom ises have you broken already? The big war iiurry seems to he about pla ed. There's no 'danger of .war just yet, and you needn't go to the trouble nfhuntinsr a place of r The republicans have held sway for over a month and the 4relief" given the people is an other bond issue of $100,000,000 double the amount issued sometime' ago,, which caused such a howl among the Teps and their pop. hirelings Why not give us the relief promised? The Charlotte Observer re cently was inquiring after Cal vin H. Wiley's novel entitled "Roanoke or Where is Uto pia." Mr. R N. Hackett - has in his library several .volumes of Sartain's magazine among which ithe one published in 1849. which contains the above novel in full, published as a serial. that year. The disabilities have been removed from the Confederate Soldiers and officers and they can now enter the U. S. Army. Senator Hill, of New York, in troduced the bill, as a "Christ- mas girt. ut course it was the graceful and proper thing, but it comes at a time when there seem to be a few windy war clouds, and leaves the im prdssion upon the public, that it was not done as a matter of right, but as- a matter of, hav ing somebody ready who could fight if necessary. The 'Yanks" though "reluctantly thus pay a tribute the fighting ability of the (old reb," and. pay him a compliment in this respect, after all. ' The new Republican "reliel bill" provides for the .issuing of "gold bonded" and si hori zontal advance in . taxation of 15 per cent. That is the "re t lief bill" in a nutshell. Thh bill passed the Republican House under one of Gol. King Reed's gag" laws cutting ofl: debate. What will the Ijtepiib lican sheets now do,, which1 have so persistently abusec. Cleveland for issuing bonds? The republicans go further than Cleveland ever dared to. They raise-taxation on top .of "gold bonds." The Democrats voted solidly agaiist the bill', as did some of the Populists. And yet the Republican hire. 'lings and theii sheets do not insr in this country -but d . - . . - i nounce "gold bug Clevelan ism" "hard times," and praise up "fusion" and . RepublicarJ ism, aud occasionally receive favors from a Democratic Board of Commissioners. .- .. nr Deadly Work of the "Unloaded Up in the "north- eas c corneri of Union townshiD. :on Tues- 4 ay morning of last week, a bad accident occurred, in B person lost her -lift which rvnf Noah Dancy had out his pistol, ,itt hnrt nut hlO TllBtn with it. when it nred. ihe ball, went sthrough his breaking one of his - fingers, nnrl w'aif. nn cfriVJnrr hie . ' x ;v . , ,0 p l- U. fir in tli a re frnrn t which Wound She died UOt long after- wards. X It.was a yery? untorttt:, nate accident. It ..IS. fi PUy: thati if any ohemust f suffbr, ' , , .L. irom SUCn aCCiaeniS, lb "P" the pnelhoTi by carelessness The i . - 3i t , i - i nana. 1896 is US Name. There is no more ch a thing i . as the year1 1895,' save alone in inemory. It has given place, o its youthful succesnor. and 7 - thas bidden us adieu forever, As it stepped down into the dq-1 of the show case and was ex pository of the past to be with hibiting it to a man who want its predecessors-, it and - its ed to buy. He was showing young successor shook heartily the hands of friendshin and jr together drank peace and hap- piness to their nrst and last meeting, and parting; and bells at midnight tolled the; the and last requiem of the aged parting dne, and sang 'welcome to the new ope. ; With us the old has left ts memories ot both sorrows and disappointment and pleasures and success. It has left its record vof hopea delayed and disappointed, but in the New we find a friend bearing new hopes and new inspirations. We reluctantly say farewell to th Old; it has been our friend and trusted companion. But we welcome the New for the hopes and fancies of pleas ure it paints for us and offer our hand in confidence, hoping our stay together will be as pleasant as that with its prede cessor. Terrible Accident Which Results in Death. . One of the saddest accidents we hare heard of occurred in Walnut Grove township Fri day morning Dec 27th. James F. Miles and John Willis Miles his brother, were visiting at the residence of Mrs. Morgan Lyon, their sister, and n that morning were preparing to go on a hunting expedition John started out at the door with his .shot gun in his hand when the hammer struck the door facing and the gun was discharged, the load taking effect I in his brother's head just behind the ear and killing him almost instantly. The deceased- was about thirty years old and leaves a wife and two children. ; Mrs. Elizabeth Smith Dead. .Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, wife of the late Gen G. W. Smith, of Liriwood, Davidson county, and mother of Mr. J. D. Smith, of Wilkesboro, diedat the resi dence! of the latter on Sunday Jan 5th, 1896, about 9 a m. She had been complaining a little jror about three weeks but was not confined to her , bed i till Friday before she died. I HeartJ disease caused her ioatThi DonAnfiHrl was near 78 uunu www a .. - years old and had been a mem ber of the Baptist church 'ever since she was' quite a; young girl. She leaves sevn chiL dren to mourn her? loss. one will be buried at Jersey church at Lin wood, of which she was aJiiember. Notice Jo Taxpayers I am very thankful to . those who have paid me their- taxes. I hope also that all delinquents will call promptly at my office at the court house and settle their taies. All who do s at once twiU not have to pay cost But JLanvpouna w , coiiaci tuo tA-resL and if vou fail to1 come . T 111 I -n ui) uu j. T. m-'.-v v IKffiy1 . " Come at once.' - C. Call, Sheriff. Did Yon Ever Try Electric bitters is- a remedy for your troubles?. If not, get a bottle now and get re- . . . . i ' . . m S J.. ! I. a ' lief. This medicine ha Deen iouna wj ; be ouliarly adapted to the relief and cure . - wor ot all wonderful dif- rect influence in giving Btrength and tone 40 - . Nryoa3leep!e88,ExritbIe, -MelanchoUy or troubled with Dizae speiiswecmci - ;: thA medicine rem i need. M Health i na narranteed by its use :: Fifty jnWacanwfiW j cur- cost, i Serious Accident. i fw awu a i 1 1 ii r: ii . Mr. W. T. P. Ward, of North i Wilkesboro. wai accidentally shot' through the right hand with last - . w vr - vm o i week. He had the pistol out how it worked when it went off. troino-throuerh his hand at o r ' ' the knuckle joint of the third ; nnger. it sbatterea tne Done, and Dr, Doughton, who was called" in, took out ' several pieces of bane. A few nights before some one had tried to break in the store, and police- 1 man Hart had loaded some of the nistols. Ward did not know it, and thus the accident happened. OsboruTille ItemsDeaths and a Suicide. Morgan Norman died at his home near here a few weeks ago and was bu ried at the family era ve yard. He was ! m,rrid, but he and his wife did not live together. Wiley Howard, a near neighbor, died a week later and buried at the same graveyard. He leaves a wife and sev ' eral little children. The funeral ser- ! vlces of deceased and tus youngest sis ter wno aiea several years ago were conducted by Revs. W. A. Myers and Mr. Lawrence, at the residence of the decease, a large songregation being present.. On Sunday 22nd of Dec. Polly Speaks of Iredell, was buried at Grassy Knob church. She was quite aged. '- Monday the 23rd, Joe Cook's daugh : ter was bitter on both hands by a mad ! dog while milking. She wa taken to Winston and the mad stone applied, j which stuck for fiive days and nights, i It is said the same dog bit a negro near Statesville arid made a bad wound just above the eye. Abner Speaks nearhere in Iredell, "shuffled off this mortal coil" at the end of a hemp rope Xmas morning. He was living with Abe Cass at the time. Cass went to see a neigh poi and when he returned, found Speaks hang ing to the rope In the kitchen. . A coro ner's inquest was held and it was de cided that he came to his death by his own hands. The cause of the suicide is not known. He was about 55 years old and had been an invalid for 25 years. It will be remembered that Speaks' sister, Mrs Alex Williams shot herself a year or so ago. , Mrs. Joe Prevette died the 2nd inst. and was buried at Grassy Knob church. She was quite aged and had been sick for some time. She was the mother of Rev. I. T. Prevette. Jams Bolin and Cenia Speaks "were married Xmas eve. Rev. Mr. Weath erman officiated. A Subscriber. 'IiI'S Notice By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Wilkes county made in the caee of Nancy Castle et al vs James Tugman and Harrison Fayue, I will on Monday the 3rd day of Febru-. ary 1896, at the court house door in Wilkesbo ro N C, offer for cale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands: ' adjoining the lands of Calvin J Cowles, Thomas Fergu son, Ii. M. Waters, et al, situated on Stony Fork Creek in the county of Wilkes, bounded as follows: Beginning on a black 'oak at the south-east corner of Tho. 4 Ferguson's, land and runuing with the line of the said tract 80 poles te a st ;ke, thsnce 63 poles to a white oak on the north bank of said creek at a clift of rock, thence west 20 poles to a stake, thence south 40 poles to a stake, thence 112 to a stake, thence west 42 polss to a white oak ou a brance TUos Ferguson dee'd corner, then south w th said Ferguson's line 109 poles to the beginning containing 100 acres more or less.. 2nd tract, beginning on a guei and hickorv runuing west 30 poles to two poplars, south 49 degrees west 50 poles to a stake, in William Ferguson's line, east with said line 50, poles to his corner, then south 90 poles with said Fer guson's to a stake in his 50' acre tract, then east 80 poles to his Spanish oak corner, south 42 degrees east 30 poles with his line to. his Box Elder corner-nrth 20 degrees west 4 poles to to the Bishop Entry, then north 42 degaem west 90. poles to a stake, then north 42 de grees west 120 poles to the beginning, contain ing 38 acres more or less- This Jan. 1st 1896. j . T. B. Finuey, Coinrniasioner. . Notice. On Saturday February 8th 1896, at the &mrt houpe door in Wiltssboro ii C, by vu tue of a taortgags desd executed to us by C O Hubbard to secure the payment or two hundred dollars with interest and all cost of Bale, we will sell for cas to the highest bid der the following' described lands: , situated in Moravian Falls township Wilkes county N C, beginning' at -a black oak J T Hubbard's corner and running various cours- ; es, acoedidg to calls in sid - mortgags (fjr ! further description. se Book' 18 page 225. in : Blister's ofBcs for Wkes county N. C), ad joining the Lands of J r. Hubbard, W 11. Hubb. rd' and' others, containing 43 acres .more or lees, .This Jan. 7th, 1806. ; Wv JI J C mB4JU, Mcrtgagess. t m . - - - - ' lL 'ft'Al Ii "ioubtediy. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, exhSitiooa; ? tee CMclgo . World's Fair. F" 0r Fifty Vear. MRS. Wikslow's SooTifixo Syiicp has beer a. ed for oyer fifty years by millions of mothers for their.children while teething, wi th ierf eet success It soathes the child, softens the gums, aUays al pain, euros wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea- It will releire the poor little sufterer immediately. Sold by druggists in eveay part o the world. Twenty-flv3 cents a jjottle; Be' sur and aslc for "'Mrs. Winslow's Soothin, and take no other kind. Syrnp Bucklen,s Arnica Sale. The Best Salve in the world for Cats, Brui ses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skiu Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give peufect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box FOR SALE BY STA LEY Co. A Household Treasure. W. Fuller, of Canajohario, N. Y., save Tf. that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery, in the house and his family has always found the very best results follow its use ; that he would not be without it. if procurable. G. A. Dikeman Druggist, Cjatskill, N.Y., says that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best cough remedy ; that he has used it in Ma family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a 1 remedy so long tried and tested ? Trial bottles free at Staley & co's. Drug! Store. Regular siz 50c. and $1.00.- Notice. Notice is hrebj given of seizure on Dae. 24, 1895, by J. P Rousseau, D. C, near Nonh Wilkesboro N C, of one copper still and fix tures, 20 pkgs, corn whiskey containing-abut 590 gallons and five pkgs brandy containing about 78 gallons, supposed owner W. A. Mc Lean. Also on Dec. 27th 1805 by J. E. McEw en D. C, near Furlear, N. O., one copper still and fixtures and 4 pkgs corn whiskey contain ing about 1758 gallons, supposed owner Jas. A. Huffman, said property seized under Kec tion 3150 R. S. of the U. 8- Any persons claim ing said property are hereby notified to appear before Sara. L. Rogers Coll. at Asheville N. O. or J. E. McEwen D-C. at Wilkesboso N. O. within 30 days from date here of and file claia stating their interest in said property and file bond as reqnirsd by by law in such cases or the same will bo forfeited to the TJ 8. Jan- 7th, 1896- Sam. L. Rogkbs, Collector'. Per J. E. McEwen, D. G Notice. By virtue of a mortgage deed Executed by Jesao McGlamery and wife to A. M, Church to secure; the payment of $125.00, and which mort gage deed is recorded in Register of deeds office of Wilkes county in Book no. 18 pages 550 and 560, and tvo of thd notes, for $200.00 each havin6 been assigned and transfered by A. M. Church to F. W. Peden together with said mortgage deed, and default; having been made in the payment of said notes of 200.00 each and interest, we will at the Court House door in Wilkesboro N. C on Monday Febiuary 3rd 1896 sell for cash to tbe highest bidder the following described traot of land siturted in Lewis Fork township ' in Wi! es county adjoining the lands of J. M. Eller, M. C. Watts J. 8. Watts and others and bounded as follows beginning at the mouth of the Big branch Where it enters Lewis Fork creek then up said creek as it meanders to a conditional line made between Abt'olum Eller and John E!!r, then t .li ning and moving with said line to aforesaid tie wis Fork creek, then down the meanders to the beg:nninf.-' To sjit'sfy said sum of Four Hundred Dollars and interest and cost of sale. Dec. 21st 1895. A. Irf. CHURCH Mortgagee, F. W. Peden Assignee- of A. M Chiu-ch Mortgagee, By wJ w. Barber Aty. AYER'S THE ONLY Sarsaparilla ADMITTED RULE IV. o o o o "Articles that axe in o any way dan- o gerous or of- fensive, also o patent xnedi- 0 cine s, nos- g trum s, and o empirical preparations, whose 0 ingredients oM .nnPAAlxl will o not be admitted to the Expo- o . . o sition." o! ATer's Sarsanarilla was admitted be- ? cause It is a standard pharmaceutical 5 preparation, and all that a. family medi- cme snouia oe. o .0 o At the o o WORLD'S FAIR, g poooooooooooooooooooooec notice.. . Notice is hereby given of seizure o,n Dec. 3rd 1895 near Brier Creek N C t-y J P Rousseau aid W C Iwis D C's, of "the following described property, to wit; two copper stills and fixture eight pkgs corn whiskey containing about 335 gals and five' pkgs apple brandy containing about I3f gals, sakl property waa f seized, under provieions of section Si-TO of the R S." Any per song claiming said property are hereby notified" tp appear before Sam r. Rogers at Asheviile N C or J E ""McEwen D C at wilkesboro N- O within 0 days from date hereof and file claim stating their interest in said property and file bond as I requires bylaw in such casesor the same will be forfeited to the U S. ; This Eec. 16th, 1895. . Per , E. McE.wpn, J).C, READ COME! ibe NEW in the Miller WHO IS THERE? 5 WILH THE NICEST LINE OF DRESS GOODS, IT ATI'. SHOES, CROCKERY ETC., EVER KEPT IN WILKESBORO, N. C. We want to call attention to FALL AND WINTER.CLOTHING. Bought at - . : ' . - . " ; i LOW TRAIFF PRICES, we are in a position to sell Cheaper than ever before A good suit for $3.50; better at $5, '$6, $8, $10 and up to See our line of Shoes, Hats Shirts, LTmbrellas and Mini nery. We can save you money. "r ; - f 4 THE H1X CLOTHING HOUSE. THE WILKESBORO CAFFEY & PRITCHETT, PROPRiSTO NORTH WILKESBORO, N. Ci Are Now Located In Their New Quarters Opposite . McGee's Establishment With a Complete Line Of Anything Kept In A FIRST-CLASSFU R-N 8TU RS STO RE I And are Offering Special Bargains In' . 0;'-"wV -V Sewing jacliiiies, OPianos, and Orga ? t r . CARTS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, . KEROSENE and LUBRICATIi OIL by the BARREL, and STANDARD BRANDS OP GUANO AT STARVATION PRICES. Finishing Coffins and Gaskets ;a;jt..y- . : (Notice, I- 1 Notice is hereby given of th4 seizure on Oct. 16th 1895 of one pkg of apple brandy containing about 40 gals, near Dehart N..C; on Oct. 8, 1895, 3 nkes apple brandy containing about- 100 gals. near Halls Mills N- C.; on Qct. 9th 1895, 3 pkgs ! apple brandy containing abont 90 gallons near , FairplainssN. C; onNov. 5, '95 one -pkg apple brandy containing abont 40 gala. , near Halls Mill If C, and oh Dec. 16th 1833 one pkg .apple ' brandy containing about 35 gals, and two email pkgs corn whiskey containing about.6 gals, near . Nprtb. Wilkesboro N C, said property was seized sunder provisions of sec. 3450 R. S. of the U. S. Any person claiming said property is hereby notified to appear before Sam L Rogers, Coll. at Asheville N Cor J E McEwen at Wilkesboro H O within 30 days from date hereof anf file claim , stating their interest In sald property "and flia bond as required by law in such ! cases or the , same will be forfeited to the U S. Dec7l6 1835. SAM, L. ROGERS, Collector, . Per J. E. JfCEWEN, D. C .Notice of Land Sale. . Ip obedience to an order made at Septem ber Term of the Superior Court of .Wilkes county in the case of B M Staley and J B Trip- lett vs. A Hi tster and u A roster, x wiu oner for sale, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Wrikesboro, Wiikes '.coun ty. N . C, on the first Monday in Fobruary A n 1896, it being the 3rd day ol said month, the following ral estate, t wit: in Lewis , Fork township, said county and Stat, - on the wa ters Of Naked creek, beginning on- a , chestnut oakln John West's line;: thence south to a Beach on Naked creek, (the creek being , the fine), to.pine adjoining John Poster' line; :: thnee N E with ridge tajkn oak forty or - sixty 'yards below the graveyard, and south of . Lew- is'Fork road ; tbenc with the l road 8 : E to West's fcorner; thence. north to a pine. on the' ridge west of John West's house; thence 'with the dividing fine to the beginning,'. - containing one hundred jaiid advent -two icres, )npr or ltsa.. This Jan. 4th, 1806. V . :-''ff: . ' ;-'V C. "t Mosbisok, Comhiiaiioner Benbow, Att'yfor Pi't'ff. ( n v our stock of FBI Stateraen t , of SerVlcesrBe n derc' , County Commissioner. Pursuant to the provisions of k. 713 of the code the f ollowing etaMs showing items and nature of all y perisations auditeJ; ly (be Bo?! Commissioners of Wilkea county t-. membersthereof severally , frora 1st 1894, to Dec. 3rd 1895, . both sive, is submitted' to the pubjic. ' V. M- Absh EKi Ch airmail .. 7 For21,days sey.Tiss.. ' comicias at $2.00. -V i:r JS.'r $4i..4 For two days on committee t f $3wOO,' ; ; Total No', of miles traveled 45 . at 5 cents per mile, ; .; V '2. :. ,- . ' -Total, ::"'-:r.:: C. C. Wbioiit, Co.vCorn. For 21 days services as comnfis;- ' at $2.00, y.r: - ;.j ; . f42 For one days service on com mittee at$X(iO, - ' '3.f 1 r Total No. of " miles traveled f . f 195 at 5 cents per n ile; Total. . x - $51.', i; ; L. CFkkcuson, Co. Com For 21 days feorvicea as commissi at $2.00, . ... :- . , $42. ' For one davs service on com mittee at $3.-00, . i . 3.' . Total jNo. yof m i Jf.pjj. travel ed 388 at 5 cents per uiile, 19. Total,--; jr: ' ' W TotalNo. of miles traveled 628; V,i amount paid $169.55. , X v " : . There were no nnveried accounts iv ied nor any allowance made tho L"; except as above stated: ;. I hersb' c fy to the correctness of the fore . 6tateneiit.':' . ;r, . XURDWARpJ?, Reutor of !.. -: and cieric Exofficio to Board Co. Cw 1 go do BuildisiE H .It-... ITORE CO ? th ' --fii u -if': Iffl