- -'J- v Dates' of advertising. UJCS?S! TERMS OF SQBSCaXPTION. Una year.-....4 , i , - : mwmf m-f- . i "ix moaths.....,.i...'. FayAble in adv.arice. . . l jp-Sends all money by re-istfired li Iter or postal order am! Mress s THg CggqicLg3Lwiibote Nr c 4.00 6.00' o00 9.00 7.50 10.00 9.00 ! ;n. i in. j in. eol i col. col. .to 1.25 ! 2.00 i 3.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 17.-50 25.00 45.00 75.00! 'nn J 0.00 17.00 y.75 .18.00 30.00 i o.ou rj fjw c - - - U,00 15.00 30.00 " 50.00 JSqual Taxation,, pirect and Indirect. A-1 W B XT A. OEAL, Kditov aad Proprietor. e,efl d t'. ft Po-Sf-TT sjciate Justice Clark is in i K xico' e&ti ng straw berries'. . gJi-c--BJ" 1 . President Harrison is .. irrY soon, Krs. Dimmick to is , v-er name. The National Pess Associa ion meets at St. Augustine, Florida, the 21st. inst. Maj.'W. B. Clement, a prom none 'citizen of Mocks ville. Hell last week U Augusta Semixiiiry, in Davie ; : juntv. one of the finest school ol as .uilriifiats in that countv. w - 7 O. iGstroyed by fire last week, by .neeadiariei. ..The Tobacco Mauufacturers of the South have formed an association for mutual benefit. JuMan S. Carr has been elected President. -, J. B. Foraker, ihe man who -an si.iv ..such. mean ' thiugs CM.:ist. the Souih, has been lecteJ Senator from Ohio, to uece'edBrice. There is considerably talk of Cq. W. R. Cor, of Asheville, ?or Governor, on the Demo ratio side. We. hardly think :;6 ir, the right man, Mrs. 1'attie D. B. Arrington ,vas lined $25 and Barnes Bros. ,U3 for libelling the late Chief : ustice Smith. They were tried '.ast week at Raleigh. '3 Ex Sheriff David Oastor has been appointed postmaster at "ayetteville, in place of the republican negro who has en postmaster there for three four years. Hon. F. M. Moye was elected jf'and Master at the meeting ?f the Grand Lodge of Masons la-t week, and John C. Drew y was elected Giand Secreta ry. a-ga v They seem to . bo speech if y ing a great deal about silver irjd so th in Congress . but Jit seems to be all they are ' iag. And-it is a Repubiico v'opulist Congress, too. 3 ( : ' Let the whole fraud of steal ing bills, passing laws, etc., of he Legislature be 'exposed. Don't stop at. the two clerks Clear up the whole matter, if overy member of the Legisla tare and everv clerk has to be 1 s Senator Mills,- o t Texas, 'lo.n the fgold bugs' have e.n trying. to. claim,-made: an lher speech last week An fa vor of his silver bill one of -he most sensible measures yet ; r o d u c ed an d against th e ooiid issue. He criticised the V-esent administration and the ' publicans in a -genteel f but cible mauner. A few partisan Republicans '-d Populists' charge that the ? oscution of Brown and f Sat f-afield was a ..'-'political perse cution." Of course, anything ?.l,at exposes fraud among their ." ?a brethren, the . Rep Pops -ail it "political 'persecut30Jl., dnt it is nothing of the kind i?iaurt must be exposed, if. thd gevernmt is to be preserved And in this case it is only- ex posing a eicrantic fraud u;.bw - hich a bill became alawwith ever passing the-Legisla '"-"v. If this nwtanrc o&d nrisrht Both Convicted. S. P. Satterfield. Chief Clerk 'of ihe House, and J. W. Brown !-Eutolli.;fir Clerk, both of the tA,i'cjrecpQt fusion Legislature, were I . uoiiv iciea oi negligence ana i tra'ud in , the " Assifirnment Law'' matter. . The bill never passed the Legislature, but these clerks went ahead and- enrolled it any way, and it is now a law. Satterfield has to pav $250 and cost. Brown is fitted $250 and cost and 12 months hard labor on-the roads in W ike county. They both appealed to the Supreme Court. Ti is "non-partisan" tribunal will no doubt reverse the de ion oi the Superior Court, fo it iias already decided, Av Jerw and Clark dissenting, that j the assignment act is a law, ei and that the court has no right to investigate the fraud by which it came on the stat ute books. It would appear that the Legislative committee which approved the fraud ought to suffer as well as the cl?rks. Governor Carr's telegram in response to a telegraphic in qui ry as to his opinion as to an is sue of bonds for a popular loan or otherwise, and also whether hs would subscribe for such, bonds, was concise and to the point, and sized up the situa tion in a few words. Hero it is : "The people of North Caroli- n o a are opposed to a. bond issue k any kind. If it must come they prefer ,a popular loan. JL he p ople of the Soutn have vestments in cotton mills and her industries paying from 10 to 12 per cent, wherein they can place their spare mon Holding these views '. not subscribe." wlild -fa-fx- Th gold bug papers charge all their deviitry in defeating emocracy upon the siiverites. or instance the gold men de feated Democracy in Kentucky lasi election, for governor, be (sause the candidate stood for the Democratic principle of both gold and silver. . Senator ! Black burn was nominated in oaucuss to succeed himself as Senator, but hii views are pVmocratiG and favorable to si Iyer and 14 gold-ites an nounced by. circular that they would not support him. And still the goldites say that the bilver advocates defeated De- jmocracy in Kentucky. Gold ism in Democracy was never heard of till the latter days of Cleveland, 'and Democratic de feat in Kentucky, North Caro lina, or any where in the South wflsan unknown thing:, until gold bugism made its appear ance. Meeting of Teachers' Association. The Teachers Association will .meet at Sulpher Springs InstitHte Mulberry, N. O. Feb. 8th, 1895. Peogra. 1. How I teach .arithmetic 'W. R. Hendren, Straw, N..C. 2. How I teach Ph ysiplogj' T. J. Gilreath, Moravian FMIb, N. C. 3. How schbols should be opened M. U Roark. Trap Hill, N. C. ' 4. School Government W. K- Ab sher, N. Wilkesboro, N. L. - " 5. The Training of children Miss Alice Gilrj?ath, Mbravian. Falls, H. C. 6. General Discussions 1 ' "' 7. Query box. We hope to see a Jaraje. attendance. Exercises on Friday before. I hope the teachers of the pouHty; Mvill ttend. Robt. E. Lee Plummer, Sec. and Tres. AyeT'svHRir Vigor is certainly a re mafkable-reparation and nothing like it has evfer been.' produced. No. matter how Wiry And unmanageable ,the hair rhav'be, under the influence of this, in oMnrarahW dreasine, it ) becomes soft, VTA tilky. a niK pliable to th& too and The National Democratic Executive Committee have chosen Chicago as the place and July 7th as the time for the next National Democratic convention. New York and St. Louis were strong candi dates for the honor, but Chica go got it. Chicago has for some years been the place of the convention of the 'party which named the successful candidates, ahd it 'will proba bly not go back on its reputa tion this time, Kfet -B District Stewards' Meeting The District Stewards of the Mt. Airy District, met at Wilkesboro, last Friday. Pre siding Elder H. M. Blair pre sided, and J. F. Hendren was made secretary. Those pres ent were J. M. Turner, J. H. Fennel, A. S. Adams, of Wa tauga, S. M. Transeau, of Ashe, and J. F. Hendren, of Eikin. The salary of the Presiding Elder was fixed at $970. The assessments made 03 the An mial Conference were appor tioned anong the different cir cuits. Trie apportionments for Wilkesboro circuit are as fol lows: Presiding Elder $80; Bish ops $8; Conference Collections $26; Foreign Missions $70; Do mestic Missions $40; Church Extention $15; Education "$25; Minutes $2; Delegates to Gen eral Conference $4. ' North Wilkesboro circuit: Presiding Elder $05; Bishops $6; Confer ence Collections 20; Foreign Missions $55; Domestic Mis sions 32; Church Extension $12; Education $21; Minutes $2; Delegates to General Confer ence unique character passe through town last week. He was an aged man and his name is Osmit. His home is in Vir ginia, and ha says he is a rock mason. His daughter was with him and they were trav eling ' in an ox-cart. Their baggage would weigh 1200 to 1500. He said they -started from Chatanooga, Tenn., over a month ago, and have been on the road ever since, going through part of Georgia,-South Carolina, and part of this State. He says lie has traveled some 900 miles. He was on his way through Ashe and back to Pu: laski, Va. 900 mii-oS in an ox cart at one scretch does well.. ak- mw r LTraveled 900 Miles in an Ox-CartX List of Jurers. TJie following is a list of the jurors drawn for next court, beginning March 2nd, 1898; First Week. Brushy Mountain township R. 8. Barnett. Edwards J. E. Pcrter, J. Q. A, Sharks, G.'R. Reeves. Beaver Creek W H Earp, T A Carl ton Reddies River J L Paw, G F Mc Neil, D V Nichols, J L Hays, J W Kil by, A Elter, M F Forester, C McNeil. Trap Hill H S Holbrook, Jno. Crabb, W V Smqot, J P. Hoi brook. . . New Castle A L Hendrix, J F Gil-, liarn. . v Mulberry D M Hall, L. W. Sebas tian. Moravian Falls J T Hubbard, J J RuseSll, J C Triplett, J A Brown. , Lovelace TT Bell. Boomer J A Carlton. . Wilkesboro J A Johnston,' ViTm. Stroud, J C Hubbard. 51k Geo. Brown. Souiers J B Wright. t . Rock Creek A Caudill, Aaron' Eelts. Union J V . Whittington, '-' Nathan Miller, A H Phipps. ' . Lewis Fork A J Marl ow, J M Eller. Antioch J M Staley. Walnut Grove G E Blevins,. : Second Week. Boomer J M McGIamer', J- H Ter guson. ; - ' ' - Mulberry J. M Handy, S J Lopg, E SI Absher.1 ' . " Edwards X I Dimmett, P A Byrd, II Settle, ' -I O ' Chatham; Majorv Lyon, J.SP.oplinrTM Byrl. , -J -f " Cr'ap Hill W M Bron,, Elk A W Walsh. A J Gould. Marley, S S arl$w. brushy 'Mountain T C Tevepaugh. Rock Creek A Brewer, W. C. Wiles. Union D F Shepherd. -North Wilkesboro Mac Absher. Wilkesboro L R Miller, i Jobi Cabin A J Taylor.. fi'rer Fifty Vean. MRS. Window's SooTHjva Syrtp has been us ed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething-, vi th perfect success It soothes the child, softens the-gums, ajllayf al pain, euros wind colic, and is the best remedy for Piarrhoea- It will releive the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in eveay part o the world. Twenty-fivi cents a bottle. Be sur and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. Bucklen,s Arnica Salve. . The Best Salve in the world for uts, Broi ses, Sores, Uteers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box FOR SALE BY STA LEY & Co. T wo fjives Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr Thus. Eggere, 139 Florida St San Fr.mcisoo, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consumption, tried. vvithout result everything eise then bought one bottlo Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks' was cured. He is natnrallj thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wounderful ofiicacy of, this medicine In coughs and colds Free trial bottles at Staley & co's, Drug Store liekjular size 50c. and $1.00. Notice. Notice is hereby givenof seizure on Dec 24, 1895, by J. P. Rousseau D. C, near North Wilkesboro. N O, of one copper still fiDd fix tures, 20 pkgjs, corn wliiskoy containing ab ut 520 gallons and five kgs brandy containing about 78 gallons, su posed. own;r W. A Mc Lean. Also on D c. 27th 1895 by J. ' E.sIleEw eu D. C, jnear Furlear, N. O., one copper still and flxtmvs and 41 pkgs corn whiskey contain ing about 1753 h allots, supposed owner Jas. A. Huffman,-said property seized under nec tion S'50 H. S, of the U. P; Auy persons claim ing'said property are hereby notified to appear before Sam. L. Rogers Coll. at Aslieville N. C. or J. E. McEwen D- C. at Wilkcsboso N. C. J within 30 cfays from date here of and fil9 claim .stating their interest .in said property and file bond as requirfid by by la w in such cases' or the same will be forfeited to the U: S. Jan- 7th, 1890- Sam. L. Rggeks, Collect :r. Per J. E. McEwen, D. C " Cannot be, ; Improved !" So MRS. F. E. BAKER, of Calves.tori, Tex., 3ATS OF Ayer's Hair Vigor "Having used Ayer's Hair Vigor for years, I find that it keeps my scalp clean and the hair in the best condition. My mother now sixty of oi o Of of 2 1 4 of years of age, has as fine a head of j hair as when she j was forty, a fact o which she attrib- utes to tne use of Ayer's nair vigor, it thickens the erovvth of the hair and O restores gray hair to its oiyginal color. I cannot see how this preparation could be improved."-T-Mrs. F. E. Baker, .Gal-, veston, Texas. . f o o 23 !air Vigor r PREPARED BY OR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS. ocoaoooooooeooooeoooooo Notice. By virtne of a decree of tho Superior Court of Wilkes county made in the case of Nancy Castle et al vs James Tugman and Harrison Fayne, I will ou Monday the 3rd day of Febru ary 18S6, at the court house door in Wilkesbo ro N C, offer for sale to the highest bidder ior cash, the following described lands: adjoining the la'nda of Calvin J Cowles, Thomas Fergu son, L. M. Waters, et a', sitqatod oft -Stony Fork Creek in the county of Wilkes, bounded as follows: Beginning on a black oak at the sonih-eaat corner of Tho. Ferguson's land nd running with the; line of the said tract SO.polos to a stake, thenca63 poles to a white oak on the north bank of aid creek at aolift 6f rock, thence west 20 poles to a stake, thenco south 40 poles to a stake, thenco 112 to a stake, thence west 4.2 poles to a white oak on it braiice Tlios Ferguson dee'd corner, then . south, w.th said Ferguson's lind 100 poles to the beginning containing 100 acres more or less. , : ' 2nd tract, beginning on a gum and hickory running west 20 pojei? to two poplajrs, sr.uth 49, degrees west 5' poles to a stake in Witliarnu Ferguson's line, east with said' Und ,50 poles 'to Lis conaer, then south 90 pales with, said Fer? gnson'e to a stake in his 50 acre 4racttb'en1 ak-Ti n: U.4 n.t.ish nk i.nmr: : r.nt south a f ?nUnT tcifh . hid iw in hv Box Elder corner, north 20 degi-eea west 4 polen to to the Biabop Entry; then nith 42 .!-; .us west 9.0 poles to a stake, then 'north; '42 . d - i p-rep.a wt 1 20 noles' to the becriuiiiasr. cotitain' j irg S3 seres moro or leas- -Tbis Jt. Isisqp. : mare or l'ss This Jan. .7th, 1SD6V ' The N EW : GQ;0b.3, in toe lYisiiar umm WHO IS THERE? WILH THE NICEST LINE OF DRESS' GOODS, HATS, SHOES, CROCKERY, ETC.. EVER K'EPT IN WILKESBORO, N. C. CALL TO SEE. THEM. ' We want to call atteauon to FALL AND WINTER3LOTHLNG. Bought at - i ' : ' LOW TRAIFF PRICES!, vvp are in a position to sell Cheaper thaii ever.bef or , A good suit for $3.50; better at $5, $G, 88, $10 dn4 up to $20,' See our line of Soes, Hats, Shirts Umbrellas nd Milli nery. We can save you money. ? THE HIX CLOTHING HOUSE. THE WILKESBORO O AFFEY & PBIT.CHETT, PRO PRI ETQlRB .;: NORTH WILKESBORON. G. "1 Are Now Located In Their New Quarters fOpposito - ' McGee's Establishment With .a Coiriplato Line ; Of Anything Kept In A . ' And are Offering Special .CARTS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, &C. KEROSENEnd LUBRICATING ,' OIL by the BARREL, and STANDARD BRANDS Ol?'GUAKo AT , : ST AR V AT ! ON PR15 ESv Finishing Coffins and Caskets & Specialty. Notice of Land S'ale. In obedience to an order made at Septem ber Term of the Superior Court of Wilkes county in -the case, of R M Staley and 3 B Trip let vs. A E Foster and P A Foster, I trill offer i fcr sale, tor cash, to tfce-b.igb.est bidder, at the i-.cqurt house door in Wilkeaboro, WLEes coun- ty, N. C, on the first Monday in February A D i 1896, it being the 3rd day ot said months tho following real estate, to wit: in Lewis Fork J townfehipl said county and State, on the wa-' ters of Naked creek, beginning oa a chestnut oak in John West's Hue; vthence south o a' Beach on Naked creek, (the creek being the ' line), to a pine adjoining John Foster's line; thence N E with ridge tt an oak forty or- sixty . yards below the graveyard, and south o&.Lew ' is Fork road; thenqp with the rpa-d S B to i West's corner; thence north to a pine n the i ridge wes't of John West's house; thenoe with the dividing line to the beginning, containing jone hundred and seventy-two acres, more or 'less.; This Jaft. 4 th, 185X5. -i . C.' F. Moaaisojr, , Commissioner, L. S. Benbow, Att'y for Pl't'fF. '.' s Notice. On gftturd&T Februarv - 8thi 1S9G,. at tho court houce door in WiltesOpro -.N C, by yir tue of & mortgage deed executed to na by C C Hubbard to secure the payment of , iwo hundred dollars with interest and. all cost of sale, we will sell for cash to thx highest bid- der the following:: described fands: situated in Moravian Falls iKTwnship. Wilkes couDty X;i,;U)egiMiingr;t fAhPitcKj Mki'JyXj - trutard s corner anuruEmng various COUrs- tfl tcceding.to callsLi iJiiiid. mortgajj? (fi J fiwlhr 5tKCiipt;on &oo iiook 13, page 2p , in J 1 uxsters oni lur uuoa couaty St. C.Xad- J. joining uUo. t J.l'. T:. Hubbard, : W,B. 1 tiuDO ra ana otnora, ' Containing 43 acrcs NO-." '4V: S ff23 mm our stock of WIT Bargains In ' - Tain able Lawds for Sale. . 200 teres.' line tunbf-r lands 3 miles east of Wilkaaboroi N. C-," 325 acres of Sac. ;,.imber. land on ltec)dies ' liiver northwipm. of. Wilkes-' boro; 16C0 acres; ob giaiiy Forlc 16 'mUeS; W:st of Tilkesl:ro, 90 .acres cf h.fctoni ' iapd"' and a world of tjniber; 190 acres cn jho Yadfcin Riter 12 miles , west , of Wiikeeboro, 30 acres of .bottomland well .timbered atjd wafc&roil. Call on or address the undersignedV ,; -r. - S. J; Ginsikqs. Wilkesboro, N. C, Jn.; lith 18Jo. , ; ; By virtue of a inortjrnjfe des'j Executed by-. Jesso McQlamei;y a,nd wir& trt: &i M,' Church to secure the payment of $13500, and which m art gage deed, in recorded, in Uegiftf r , of (deeds ; office ot Wilkes county in Book no.13 jpes 559 and5$d,andtro -ofViliV r,owii for $200.00" each havintj been ahfj-yupd nitd transfero-l by A. M. Church to If. . W. r.rdari f-ogcth:r with , sidmortgace dsfid,.!d it-ix It having been i made in the pajinc-utif iiaid notes of 200.00 eseh and inlerst; whtHI s4. the Court. Houee door'in Wilkeaboro f.-"0r h, llmi.Jay Febi-uary .rdil8ilG:etl'for csrU to .the "ghost bidder-i he follow iisg dt'scribflui tract of land situUtd miiewis ,Fork. iowua'uip-. in., Wi! ; couutv- adjoiaing the lands at J. lit Ei!er. M. C. Watt Wattb and others And boanded as f c How? beffinnins at tbt Imor.th rJ ii e Birr ' bran.-l j ; Where iienifcrs, lie wii Foi-k, xreek then up haid 'cteek'ad ife inaiklcr a conditional iine viaAe ht?wv-n Ab-o urn Eiler nnd Jrhr , EI! r, thc-n tnnsfn? and aovu? with .mj1 .ui to s aforrsif-:? wif Jfdrk"e-esfc thtm dwn liu, meaiidrn to, I the )eginmr. to - r: ihk a j'r:n .or i- oni ) Hand:d Do'.-a Due4, 2lit 1835s- jrs .aud-iMtcxoot cost of i ; - f : A: JI. "CHCRT1I Tntrre I MV W Tv Jon Assigns of. A . M- CI FIITIE "I H rJ n w i nk e A a t -"w hat expect .hereafter.'' 0

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