Equal Taxation, pirect and Indirect. Th e V H K ONlc L,E- Entered i (h PH-oi' 17 im. Deatu SBRO, "N". C. THTTRSDAY. FEB. 6. 1896. No: DEATH'S VICTIM. A. us Editor and Proprietor, i j j Qn jLgt Monday our commu nity telligt of Mr. John T. Finley, Sr- Jumped Out of tlie Window. i Judsze Geo. TT Rrnwn was ' One day Jast week a boy j presented with a gold headed 1 ouiiie io years old jumped out j cane last week by the winston pained by the sad Via- ! ndow of Capt ;Haw- members of the bar, in com .v .. ' , . Kins tram betwftein Winston as mce- tnat. Air. A Trip To Florida. John rp. j - " ' mcujuidiiuu ot nis unnorm ATT TITOS ' -4- T . .. . . vuiiauia. . xiic vvy ci-cf , uuui it'SV ann lnsr troatmArtt. tn xaciiiSDAT, FEB. , 1S96. Fible, , Sr., was dead. Hedied ! " . " -7' ' ,u ' , , w .. 1 : i,; -j iw ! stealing a ride, and had locked i all. Owing to other matters claim : boro that morning at half past i Capt. knocked on the door and inc our astenijiouvui iiiWCwr y.v . - uau'u told the boy if he didn't open to our pieasaut iny iu tue.!iivuY 1X1 wwks land of flowers" will be brief, j with grippe complicated with It was our pleasure to attend pleurisy and his death was not the "National Editorial Associa j unexpected., tiovwhich convened at St. Ail Helwas born Aug. 9th, 1817, . l .1 J , i i- " A onH T-roc Airnr 7Q rrAnno -P gustme, in? omebi uiuj( iu - --. JCalo ui. K",jumped- out of the window merica. There were delegates i when he passed into the great J whUe lhe train was running at froL every state and territory j beyodd. His life was one of ! a Spee(j. Gf about 30 miles an r,.d countiaar wives and other j useimuess ana uprigntness ana hni'r ThA r.nt ,AWfnT ambers of their families tiie ! his character that of a true The the door be would break it open. When the train reached Betha nia they put up ! a ladder and looked in the window, but the lad "was not there. He had Fer Over Fifty Yearn. Mrs. VViitslow's Soothino Syrup has been us ed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays al pain, euros wind colic, and is the-best remedSfcfor Diarrhoea- It will releive the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in cvexy part o the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle? Be sur and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's !.Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. acroresrate was some 800. St. Augustine is' a jcity of some 15,000 souls, and is a blending of the old with the aew. On the one hand' is all the- splendor, beauty and mag nificence of modern 'architec t tesqe grandeur of other 'days. 'Trie special places of interest are many, and would fill col . umns if we bad time to men 'tionthem. t Of course it goes without saying that a trip to Florida cannot be otherwise ;han delightful. Brother Britt, of Oxford, and myselt acconi)anifed the excur sion clown the east coast to Palm Beach, a delightf ul win ter resort. The freeze last win ter killed 'the orange groves, thus preventing us the privi lege of gathering orange blos- christian and noble man. In 1838 he participated in the Cherokee war and assisted " in ! the rfenioval of the Cherokee Indians beyond the Mississippi. Leaving home as a lieutenant he vvjas afterward promoted to ure, on the other-is ;l-the gro j captain and served his coun try m this capacity with ,ther saini zealous devotion to duty whichcharacterized his every action during' his long and use ' ful life. On July 22nd, 184G, he married Miss Sarah. Ann Bucklen,3 Arnica Salve. Tmr. Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Brai ses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, hour. The Capt. telegraphed ! aud aISkin Eruptiona aBd p08iiiv;iy cure; back to Winston and an engine i Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to I no 1 Gor Ion, i a sister of Gen.' James B. 3rordon, dee'd, and from this happy-union lasting near ly fifty- years, eight children were born, six of whom are still living. About 1850 he re moved to Alabama remaining the:-e till about 1863, when he returned to his native home. For a number of years subse quent to the war he was a mem of the Board of County Commissioners and its chair- soms; but we wandered amid the palm and pine apple, pluck- j jer ,nrfion ,'flnh,r'pi rnni, nri I map. and tHe way he managed the sand hills, chased sandfid- dlers about the beach, gathered shells by the sea shore, etc., all of which was as pleasant as a summer dream. . And after all this we home -alive. got finances of the county, a r&ceiver appointed and saie win fol Msirried Too Mnch and is Gone. There are occasional occur rences that show that the bless ings and afSietions of life are hardly equally divided among the human constituency in this life. For instance we have just learned gf a fellow who married twice within a month and having too many wives for this couiitry has gone . to seek some other clime,, more congen ial for his health. If marrying be a blessing, he was blessed one too many, and if it be an affliction, the, burden , was one too much to bear. 'But "to- the facts: something over a month ago one Ant, Dula, of this coun ty, was married to a Miss Ad kins, They lived happily to gether, we suppose, "nothing appearing t o t h e contrary. But Ant. made a trip into ;Wa tauga. While there met a bonnie mountain lassie with ruby lips and ' sparkling eyes, and becamel infatuated. He forgot for the moment .his hearth-stone in Vilkes, where: "Jsat sulky, sullen dame,' , ' Gathering her brows like gathering storm, Nursing her wrath to keep it warm,' He went to Boone, procured license and was immediately joined to his second lassie.. But "Care, mad -to see a man sae happy' soon reminded " him that this other wife was waiting and watching for, rnorae returnxug, and also that the law would like to hold a caucus with- his carcaSR. SnoV reatizino: i this J he stepped hurriedly aside," andj the nlp.P t.liat knw himv-thenj knows him not ; now, perhaps forever. If the officers shoui get him, he "will probably fin thd bringing it from a condition of j insolvency to a position where .it was free from indebtedness, attested the fact that he did hi full duty and made one of tin? best public officials our co mty has ever had. When quite young he. con nected himself with the Pres byterian church, and during the remainder of his life was or e of its most devoted mem be rs. filling f r years, the posi tion of Deacon and. Elder there- I . .1-1 II T " in, giving lioeranv oi ins eans to the support of the LUse o f Christianity,, and teaching by his upright .life, and' pure example, the inestima ble value or its tenets. When afc last death came and gather e was sent up the line to look f6r the boy, but he could not be found. Later in ther day he passed Rural Hall safe and sound. .. ' Looking: Aliead-rWill Oar Railroad l)e Extended? Greensboro is aspiring to be ranked as th greatest K. R. ceiiter in North Carolina, and when we come to look at it she is not without grounds for so ( doing. The entrance of the Southern j into Norfolk where that great corpora- tion is building immense wharves, storehouses, &c. &c, means much for Greensboro, and the two growing twns here Wilkesboro and North Wilkesboro for the prosperity of Norfolk will re dound greatly to our interests and up building. The Southern Railway will put & line of ocean steamers on the route between Norfolk and New York immediately and later will establish one. to ports across the Atlantic. Yory soon it will feel the necessity of cheap fuel and to do this it will extend the N. VT. N. C. from this place to Bris tol Tenn. where it will connect with a railroad already built to Big Stone Gap which President Speneer of the South ern will "absorb" if is in process how I give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Fnce 25 cents per box FB SALS, BY STA LEY & Co. Electric Bitters. This remedy becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song ot praise, A purer medicine does not ex ist and it is guarenteed to do all tbat 'is claimed . Electric Bitters will cure all diseases othe Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples Boils, Salt Rheum and other aifections caused by impure b?ood. Wil' drive Malaria from the sybteni and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers . For ours ot Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfied guarenteed, or mony reiunded. Price 50 cts. and $1,00 per bottle at Staley & Co.'s Drug store . Notice,. Notice i3 hereby given of seizure on Dec. 24, 1895, by J. P. Rousseau, D. C., near North Wilkesboro N C, of one copper still and fix tures, 20 pkgs, corn whiskey containing ab-mt 590 gallons and ve pkgs brandy containing about 78 gallons, suopoeed owner W. A- Mc Lean. Also on Dec. 27th 1395 by J. E. McEw en D. C, near Turlear, N C, one copper still and fixtures and 41 pkgs corn whiskey contain ing about 1758 gallons, supposed owner Jan. A. Huffman, said property seized uuder sec tion 3450 K. S, of the U. Any persons claim ing said property are hereby notified to appear before Sam. L. Rogers Coll. at Asbeville N. C. or J. E. McEwen D-C. at Wilkesboso N. C. within 30 days from date here of and file claito stating their interest in said property and file bond as required iv bv law m such cases or The NEW G in the Miller B O i uildi f r a; WHO IS THERE? W1LH THE NICEST LINE OF DRESS GOODS, B ! ' SHOES, CROCKERY, ETC.. EVER KEPT W WILKESBORO, N. C. CALL TO SEE THEM. rri C Jan 7th, 1S9G- Sam. L. Rogeks, Collector. Per J. E, McEwan, D. C- ' A FEARFUL COUGH Speed lly Curctl by :1 '.1 TTnC- 'V''5j: K.,.f cur V. 1 J. id him to his father it had no tsrrofs for him for it found t im prepared, but it left a gap ia church a:pd state that will be hard to fill Plain, fearless, a ted by an innate nobleness f character his usefulness did hot die with him, but will live m,-an example worthy of em jlation by younger generations an antithesis to meanness and vice, a stimulus to higher as pirations, a guide for time, an index tor eternity, vv un we mourn his loss below; angels j herald his eternal gain as they alwavs do the coming: of a soul to those realms above, crowned with the;, glory of a life well spent. : ; i J i ) plnr wii-U i.rnr n? riU.i ot Ayer' ', !:; i-ini. hinaw.l ir.y if'. Tli result vr so k;pJ 'i (.:.".: It-, ti S!ip 1", jsiiv o :t j o 1: n:ii v oift! is 1 ('') pot;u;i w.o v."::r. cv, f a r I u 1 cor. gli, 3 t::a best c.1 U-iil skV.i pre- relieve.. We os n ot o xpoct '. J':-..y:-. dj- O5 iurviyo:-, hap- , 1. low. The acquisition of this road opens j the same will be forfeited to the U- S, the gate to Kentucky and the Ohio Kiv er and it places the Southern in easy reach of the immense coal beds of East ern Kentucky as fine coal as the cele brated Pocahontas which is used large ly how by ocean steamers and almost indispensable where speed is an object. From this place to Bristol is 100 miles and one of the best grades can be got across the Blue Hidgq that exists South of the Potomac. A redent survey dem onstrates that the steepest point need not exceed G7 feet to the. mile ho tun nel region. This extention will de velope as fine an agricultural, timber and mineral region as the state affords and the bounties and townships along the line will subscribe liberally to a fund for its building and the right of way can be obtained without cost. The Southern cannot avoid building this link, for until this is done it will have to turn freights over to the Nor folk & Western at Bristol thus feeding ,a rival line and virtually paying tran portation 300 miles to ita own wharves at Norfolk. Or it will have to run back on the E. Tennessee & Georgia road to Morristown ami over the mountain via Asbeville, Salisbury &c two hundred miles out of the way to hold what.it has covered in its way bills. We repeat what we said in the be ginning; we are to see K. E. building and that in the pear future. This done the filling of the 20 mile gap from here to Taylorsville will soon follow. So MOTE IT BE. yl .tc be atop- C - A-vb's -Cherry 1 Received at Ttin ' 1 '.(; ry :-e;.i ;oni3..y. f. tli:iS she j Lif.M-iit iertith, c - f 4 .-..-vif, Mr. Geo. WJ. Hmshaw, of Winston got a verdict last week for $6,000 . against; the railroad, in the suit -which he brought for damages on ; ac count of injuries received.' Col iohn E. Brown, of (Jhar lotte, committed suicide last week. He shot hiaiself on the afternoon of the 28th, and died on the morning of the 29th. He was a brother of .Dr; T.. J. Brown, of Winston, and was . a very prominent man., it is stated; that ill health aWfinari i i.T-1 Vq " torn hlo a tinaniincr n ar.pn reKiuup .7--T':?--.0 f "r-- " - . round about Raleigh. deed. "The wicked flee eth when no man pursueth," and the de fense of the chairman of the County Board of Commission ers, in the nameless Radical hireling sheet, agamst the Chronicle in answer to charg es rwhich this paper never made, at -least indicates that here is something "rotten in Den mark" somewhere. If there is any dependence whatever to be put in the nameless sheet, the entire matter i a secret be tween it and the chairman. Such matters are accustomed to be transacted before an open court.of;a;fuli;i6ard Ord appears dn the books. That's all we know, abofit it, but it -might be interesting for those knowing the secret to out with t. - : - - 1 Notice! By virtue of executions in my hands, in fayor of W. Isfley, J. R. Caffey and S, F. Slimmer lin and against H. C. Eller. Sr., et al, I will fell H. C Eller, St's., interest in .the following de scribed tract of land, at the coart house door in Wilkesboro, N. C, to the highest bidder for cash, on the 2nd day of March 1SS6: . Eeginning on a corner of honiesteadon topdf Hamby moun tain, thence westwardly to' a white oak on top of guinie hill, thenae north to Martlia 'Huffman's iine, then with her line west to a Spanish oak on the read, then westwardly to head of boiling spring branch, then down said branch tp a pop lar, the corner of J, A, church's line, then with the homestead line jto a stake on top of Hamby mountain, containing 200 acres, more or less. Adjoining the lands of J. A. church, Martha Huffman situate in Wilkes county, N. c, on the waters of Lewis Fork. 'This Jan. 27th, 1S36. Clarence Call, Sheriff . Noticel We want to call attention to pur stock of F ALL AN D WIN TEBiGLOTH IN G . Bought at , i, ; LOW TRAIEF PRICES, . ' we are in a position to sell Cheaper than ever bef A good suit for -$3.50) better at $5y $0. $8, $10 and up to See our line of Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Umbrellas . and nery. We can save you money. : THE HIX CLOTHING HOUSE. -. THE WILKESB m FOBNITDEE CAFFEY & PfllTCHETT, PROPRIETOR NORTH WILKESBORO, N.C. j . Notice!) ' By virtue of an'execntion in my hands for collection in favor of S. J. Ginnings and against Jackson Alexander and J. S. Oranor, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder t the Court houee Pv virtue 'of an execution in my hands for col-door in Wilkesboro,. N- CJ, on. the 2nd day la lection in favor of J. J. Kincade and against J. Marcli, 1896, the followifig described tract - of t,. Hays, Jesse McGlammery and others, I will land, to wit; The land . whereon Jackson Alex sell Jesse Mc&lammerj-s Interest, in the. follow- ander now lives," adjoining; the- lands of T. C. inc described tracts of land, . situate in Wilkes, Gray El isha Porter, Alfred Staley and others. t Ta. n' .at. the Court house door in Wilkes- To satirfv above named exectrtloni This Jan.J J - -7 --. . . f " : - ...... J -: boro, N . C.", on th e 2nd day ef March, J896. 1st tract adjoining the lands of Franklin Par. tons, Calvin J. Cowles and the lands of Jesse NcGlammery." It being, the excess of hisi home stead on the Southwest side ' of Lewis Fork Crftek. Containing 60 aeres, more or less; ,r r 1 2nd trac t beginning on the bank hi Phillipps Gap road, Wilcox's line running West with s'd North with J. F. Parson's line to the top of : the hill io Sidney Huffman's line,. thenae clown said ridge with .the old read and said Huffman's line f to the i "beginning.- Containing 100 acres, more or less. Tt being the excess of homeEtradcn North east side of tewis Fork. To satisfy said execu tion. This Jan. th 1896. 1 . . CLAEENCE CAXiL, SbcrlfK boro Land & Development Co., the rond to the donb:e ford of iewis. v ork, thence j gtocts tf J Bbst and Bobert ; Hix, Are Now Located In Their New Quarters Opposite . Of Anything Kept In. A ST-OLA.SS':FURWITURE STOR1 And are Qffering Special Bargains In , . J Solving .Macliiiies, Pianos, and. Orp CABTS, BUGGIES, HABNEfeS, &C. KEROSENE and LTJBBICA'I OIL by the B ABJREL, and STANDARD BBAMDS OF GUANO k STARVATION PRICES.r ' pinishing Coffins and Gaskets a Specialty. , , v aiaauie Lianas ir pai , 200. acres fine tiinber. lands mi let Wilkesboro, N. C. 325' acres of "life land bn'Eeddies Iliver northwest vt boro; 1600 acr? s on Stony Fork 1 West of Wilkesboro' 90 tores of bot;n an'd',". world of ! timber; ". 190. aci x ! SO acres of bottom land, well ..'Aim kiv. watered. . Call on or address the unci. - - - i- ".' i - ' ,. ' T ' City. . 'wm-i.iM "w Vti .fn. IlkW. 'lafif -.' S'oith Caroling, ) Notice to tbo ! IV . .i Y lw of Johfi -.V. It Wilkes County; ' J &wife Araena l: . To . Ameda Hester, '. Drnmmond v wife Elizabeth, Coffey Laws and wife a Mickma Pardew arfd wife Mary, Jones W1BUU, x'aun. x cweuu uiu vvixt) Alii e 11 at law of Jobn and Ameda Koberson. This i to notify yon that wherer.- , Vannoy former 4 iitj-iff and tax colh- Slonday in May 1895, bfcins- the Ctb d month, sell at, tlitl courV house door town oi V4iKes!3orot county a:jd Statr said, ...ta'theTiigbekk bidder for casb a tract or parsel of land "situated vi 1 ; Mountain township in said counfy ol containing 75 acres inore-or.'less ai me lauus 01 o . v iiooerson, o uu ergon tract of land and listed for taxa landK beloDgin; to thf heirs at law 0 fpn ireanta and took Kheriff'acert,ifie..'itf Iyr the same, thui tle time, of reiK m"? itn! 1 n . .1 It A.rl.A nn fhfi ' 1 .7.... ISLHi arid if not redeemed at fcaiu tu,.- Notice. .. -. On Saturday February ; 8th 1896, at stbe court house door in WilKesuoro N O, by virr tue of a mortgage deed executed tons by C C Hubbard to secure the payme; of two hundred dollars, with interest ancTwnl cost, of sale, we will sell for cash to tho highest bid- .derthe following described lands: situated in Moravian Falls township Wilkes county N. C, beginning at' a black oak J .; ' T Hubbard's corner and running various cours es, acceding to calls hi said mortgage - (f jt further description see Book 18T page 225 : in Register's pfSce for Wilke cobuty-N. C), ad joining the Lands of-J T Hubbard, W K Hubbard and others, containing 43" acres more or less. This Jan. 7h, 1896 - TT - XT T. r TT n . feL- Mortgagees. 27th, 1896.. ; ; ' - 'J-:- .. - : i :; : '?; " Clarence Call, Sheriff. ":-.?NotICC.;v'.'vL' On the first Tuesday in March 1896, we will sell at the office of the " Wilkes- dec'd,!for non payment Qi stock in jto the treasury of eaid company, y This sale made by order, of- the : Directors - of ' said 'company. .This Jan. 28th, 1896 - " " B. A. SPAiNnotE: Pres.- Mii.tox McNeil, Sec'y, - i i ; joctea-uy iaw l suau anpiy mr a v Uuti'l lbi Jn. Ifal- 1693. . J- J. livs

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