V V -r, , - . . . . , . TESilS OF SUBSCRIPTION ue year. ........ xnree months. ........ rayaple in advance. v . . - - . ES-Seds all mcjgy jy Teitetd HC ter or postal order and address v " i ii j i i i mi ,i WTTJEOBO, 1ST. G.. THURSDAY. FEB. 13, 1896. NO. 44. " - ,a , a nn . fi.00 ' 9.00 . I II I I III ill if 1 II I I V I I I f 1 I 1 I II I ' I . I ! ' I )T 4 ignn no.00 50.00 75.00 ' f , - . , ' , LJ - I - 1 - .1. - , 1 - - ':-'. Fqual Taxation, pirect and Indirect. I 1 'I . I. I 'lit, m i 111 I - 1 ' The , CnRpNic ie, I This is what they call . "Chi- u A. DEAt, Kditor aiid Proprietor. cago weather." It's a kind, of ! general mixture. 7T iJeredat the Post-oftce in W ilkesboro j O. J. Carroll, U. S. Marshall, Land-class tnattGr. and Joe Daniels, of the News """THURSDAY, FEB. 13, T80G. ireu blican House used to concur Silver Snbstitute. A School of Experience. There is considerable com plaint over the county , .now because the cioek men ar try Lytic Hi ckerson, as a Debitor. Elkin Timed.) Our Friend, XytleHickerson, of Eon da, who is studying law in Statesville, . engaged in a silver debate near Olm -ing to collect their mortgages. ' 1 "l!hh HJ f??Wi?S? j 'uui(t,jr Ul lUC UCUSIrC, tO j and nO doubt. mariA . onaJ ai-iimont. --T-l " fcwv G.u.uVUW No doubt it is hard money and .Observer, shad a little i pay but The Chronicle hopes i 85 he was the right side xftbe que3- . -r-. , . , - -- -- ' - . ! finn. I has P V"7'"' UCl , xne ciock men wiu rigicuy cov rpfused tO Concur iu tue opuaio.j Last week the 1 il. W auci tut; gnr vv i n news paper attach on uarroirs management of the revenue business). Nobody dangerously shifting en- ;,hurt, and if it will assist in ston train stopping frivolus persecutions and rit will perform a-good mission -- - i A. r f v m - L " k m wm m nns-;derabie damage done. No prson was hurt. i It presents a very sorrowful i figure v hen any North Caroli It will he but a short tune Jjnian ge ..8 up in Congress .and till court, and the ; road supi- the s mth-his people, visors have to report the roads, Apd it j jag oaly the effect tQ under oath. We want to see ! inrereasL northern contempt for how" many can swear that their ( fche speUer and the people who roais are m good oondition. j have sdnt such a sycophant to settle down up of black i n,.jf ia has an ordinance siru uuu siue uuvyu uu nurtti Elkin has become so "biggi ty against belling second hand clothing in her city limits We suppose'that they cau be given away provided it is not to minors. General John B. Gordon, of Georgia, will deliver . his cele brated lecture, '''The Last Days of the Confederacy;," at Win stoa on the night of the 15th ,'d who can hear him, should go and ZH The girl who recently said she would not marry the "best niBn" in the world, was right. Always stick t6 tne groom mj and follow the trade ing northern shoes. . Norton, the mail carrier be- Itw.een here and Taylorsville tells that they killed a deer last wee inside of the incorpora tion oer there. He tells us further that two years ago he predicted that foxes would have their hiding places in a hundred yards.. of the court , w day, Of as just joking - Im er populists. lect every cent due them. We have very little sympathy for the buyers. We faithfully warned the people to let , this matter alone, and attend their home affairs, but they refused to heed. Perhaps now they will learn by experience, and some people cannot learn oth erwise. It seems that our peo pie :are not satisfied .unless they are into something of -this kind, and we are glad that it is our neighbor of Cleveland county who is reaping the benefit this time; for he is a clever gentle man, and at least does not take the money out of the State like the majority of these patent right men do. Let the people pay for their own wilful folly without grumbling. We say it was wilful because they knew what they were going into at the time. Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Sykcp has been ns ed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, withperfeetsnccess It soMhes the child, softens the gums, allays al pain, euros wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea- It will releive the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in eve-iy part o the world. Twenty,a"ve cents a bottle? Be sur atidask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing, Syrup and take no other kind. JBueklen,s Arnica Salve. The Best alvk in. the world for Cuts; Brai ses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhoum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Champed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no .pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money .refunded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY STA LEY & Co. " f ' , house at rrog and heSfe 1 fvesl man" for some o;her girl. O. . Carroll, marshaU of the Eastern district, i s having some trouble over his over zeal ous revenue "persecutions," just for the fees in it. - There are a heap of frivolous persecu tions that go on in this .coun try just for the fees. The fee system is wrong. there i s anything i n s that needs attention, marrig, uuu iv uio. wki. !fa:niff :a rnaH The Lv vw.i.i.. We notice that Congressman T innev has snoken in favor of the Senate silver substitute for" the house bond bill. Iinney is getting better on the silver question. That is the, linger ing Democracy that was left ?f him when he jumped over r thev tence. - - mjn The Republican and Popu list brethren do not seem to be rains last week put most ot the roadf i in the county in a condi tion almost impassable. Why should this be the case, when a little more attention, as the law -equires, would make abig difference for the betten Why, the street, or road, or whatev er itJ be,. between herg and the depot is neglected and allowed to get in an almost impassable condition. Why is this." is bad enough all the way, but it seems that " the mud hole at ybn'der end of the bridge caps the resi climax, onsible? Is there nobody The. matter oufKt PaSgS5fth dwelling in peace just now. it is probably v just a ruse to put Democrats off their guard. Of course, when the time comes they will fuse from top to bot tom, no matter whether it's on the gold basis or not . The revenue department at .Greensboro seems to have a kind of revenue- law of its own. The man who follows the law in eyer? respect is as liable to be molested as the worst blockadef. That force there seemsto require a lot of whiskey for 'home, consump - tion" and lsp to ieep in the good graces qf the department. The Senatorial fight in Ken tucky is still on. I fc is an oh ject lesson in the stubborn dom ineering of gold bug ism. lp requires 69 votes to elect. I 62 Democratic siiverites vote -for Blackburn; The gold bug; Democrat senoAigh to elect as we understand it scattering their votes with Carlisle; and McReary. The RepubliGans gold bugsvote their - solid 67 for Hunter. " . ; A young man ia lo well, Mass ., troubr led for years with a constant kaccassion of boils on his neck, v was ; completely cured by taking Only three" bottles ; of a.'o c,mniiiii . A nnt,hfr result of -J f p UAi oaui , . tijQ treatment was greauy uupwv v to be looked into. S-Si' I pupuc t.hriDth district, who te ssman e Re- f ro m was elec through Popuiisf influence, lAcx q nn.ii Attn, tiraae last week against Senator Tillman, the Populists, and the Demo crats. Speaking of the Popu lists and Butler's silver circu lar recently sent out, he said; f will not e-o into a party with orily one idea and which will not get 50 electoral votes next f;.Yia onrl f.hfiv know it.' It is 11IU J k:A manners, to say, 'the least, f Ar Pftarson now to turn and smite the hand that lifted him irkto office. But of course he is iAor. in fnn and knows tne Q rl Ponulists will puuuywuo l fise anywayA M Blizzard Strikes Winston.. Winston Republican. ' i ; , ; Winston was visited by a genuine Blizzard, Friday, not atmospherical but ih the flesb. in the person of Mr. J- u Aix-A f TorV ITilkes county, ; who AlUAiUU) Vfi - 4avA n a Dleasant call. He -takes tl ... .i .nnnrsfi. reads- it, v ana ffnnb Rlizzards are wel K V- Koad Matters. j; T Adkins, et al,l filed the following report on ' the new survey of the road in Elk town ship: Beginning on a stake in he late survey on top of Burnt :use ridge, turning to right aricfunning through the Dunn LandUo DOint of ridge near moutilof Ates' Creek, inter secting with Jate survey. G. L. Pearson, et al, filed pe tition asking that the old rad from A. C. Russell's to top of Brushy Mountain at Russell Gap, be continued as the pub lic road, instead ot tne new survey. To be heard at next meeting of the Board. mm' am An Anonymous Letter. the men in ower land thought tha was Wonderful Wise when the rangers cuM a round tha scracht out all their pile but When tha saw that all their pile was out with alt their Mite and Main When the fool killer With their clocks cuM a long With all ther Mite and Main tha Mortgages ther hors: es and Mules and every thing and iumt in to the hawks claws to hav thair eyes scratct out a grain. Maby When tha find that when their eyes is out tha wont let the next fool killer scratch them out a gain. When tha see that tbeir bread Meet lionev and every thing is gon tha will let such stuff a lone and go to ower one ioiKes to git bar gains. yours respectiuiiy. The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr G. Gai'louette, Druggist, Beaversville, . 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians for miles about, but of no avaii and was given up and told I could not live- Having Dr. King's New Discovery in my store I sent for a bottle and began ita use and from the first dose began to get better, and after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it:' Get a ree trial at R M Staley & Co ''s Drug Store" A GREAT SUFFERER Liver Complaint Cured by the Use of Ayer's Fills lepublican, ays for it. come. Jr A severs In i T o2 I was a rt vs. " For y cjfvrs. great sufferer fi.m liver complnint; which caused se- 0j vere vatixs untlei- C3 vXtlie right, side, f righ tshoulder-toj uiaue, 5aiiu-.vut..- of the skin, low-oi spiritedncss, and cramp in the stomach, g j I am pleased to be able to state that I have been relieved 4 all these com-0 plaints by the use of Ayer's Tills. I Oj fi ml them, also, to be auelegant aftcr-ihn J j net pill." Mrs. M. A. Stead,. Muncy, J'a. o AYER'S PILLS Ii Received Hlshest Awards o! AT THE WORLD'S FAIR poo oop Qoo ooo Q0q9p00p.0gg.g- s oi Notieel By virtue of an execution In my hands for collection in favor of S. J. Ginnings and agftinst Jackson Alexinder and J. S. Cranor, I will seil for cash 10 tlie highest tidder at the Court house door in Wilkesboro, N. C, on the 2nd day in March, I89C, the following described tract of land, to wit; The land wfcereon Jackson Alex ander now livef, adjoining the lands Nrf T. C Gray El isha Porter, Alfred Staley andr others, To satirfy aooye named execution. This Jan. 27th, 1896. . . Clarence Call, Sheriff. Pienty of nice sugar at .Mayberryst g,ol 5 cents, better 5. best 0 cents, pet - , ." r r : Cricl-et P. 0. Defended. Editor Idhhoniclk:---! kinrlly ... fepace in yoir paper for a few words, in bebalf f, Cticket if. as WilkesboroNewsseerns tal be hinting ; at this offictHn egard to eafelessness In handling the mails, and causing, them to lose subscriber, (The News printed some items some two years ago concerning their subscribers at this . of fice to which they had an answer but failed to.printO - I for one am very willing tp see it ventilated: ; As con cerning the North Wilkesboro and J ef -ferson mail, there 1 none left over in this office at any time. - ' Totr E. IVIcLtsan, P. , ; Tnis is hard weather on news; but it does seem like any one who has to ! travel our roads much would necessarily have a fit. nf tpmnnrarv insanity and commit justifiaole suicide, and thus assist the editor. ' But we suppose no one attempts to trav el except mail carriers and they feel it would be unhealthy and against their bath to do any thing like that. ; New York republicans have endorsed Morton for President ra gold bug of course. . ' ' ' mm 1 " . '- - f - . J Edwin F. Uhl, of Michigan, has been appointed Minister to Germany. . No-tice. On the first Tuesday in March 1896, wlU?ell at the oflice of the TVilkes boro "LaWd"' Development Co., the stocks of J. W. Bost and Robert Hix, dee'd, for non payment of stock .into the treasury of said company. This sale made by order of the Directors of said company. This Jan. 28th, 1896. R. A. Spainhouk, Pres. Milton McNeil Sec'y. Notice! By virtue of an execution in my hands for col lection in favor of J. J. Kincade and against J. L.. Hays, jeFSe.MeGlammery aad others, I will sell Jesse McGlammerj 's Interest in the follow ing described tracts of larid, situate in Wilkes county, N. C at the Court house door in "Wilkes, boro, N. C on the 2nd day of March, J8.96. 1st tract adjoining the lands of Franklin Par sons, Calvin J. Cowles and the lands of Jesse lcGlammery. It being the excess of his home stead on thp Southwest sjde . of Lewis Fork Crek. Containing 60 acres, more or less. 2nd trac t beginning on the bank of Phillipps Gap road, Wilcox's line' running West with e'd road to the double ford of Lewis Fork, thence North with J. F. Parson's Une to the top of the hill to Sidney Huffman's line, thenoe down said ridge with the old read and f aid Hufltoan's line to the beginning. Containing 100 acres, more or less, xt being the excess of nomeswaaonjsortn east side of Lewis Fork. To satisfy said excep tion. ' Jan 27th 1896. , CLAEENCE CALL, SheriflT, Money to Lend. j -have made arrangements with brokers . in New York City through' whom I am able to place loans secured by a fir3t mortgage on improved farms for five years ti(me-- payable; in ' instal ments, at the low rate of 6 per cent. interest - ner annum. The. brokerage and the charge for abstract and r inspec tion are small and; at fyf t expense ; of the borrower. . . If you . want cneap money come at once as ? tbja supply ; is 4 i a p ' - - . ' . The NE GOODS i h th e Mil! ef B ii i Id ngo WHO IS THERE? WILH THE NICEST LINE OF DRESS GOODS, HATK, SHOES, CROCKERY, ETC., EVER KEPT IN WILKESBORO, W. CALL TO SEE THEM. We want to call, at ten tion to our stock of FALL AND WINTBIUCBOTHIHG. . Bought at ' , " LOW TRAIFF PRICES, we are in a position to sell Cheaper than ever before. A good suit for $3.50; better at $5, $6, $8, $10 and up to20. See our line of Shoes, Hats; Shirts Umbrellas and' Milli nery . We can save you money. ' . THE HIX CLOTHING HOUSE. CO:, THE WILKESBORO FOIIT CAFFEY Sl PRITCHETT, PROPRIETORS, NORTH WILKESBORO, N. O. Are Now Located In Their New Quarters Opposite McGee's Establishment AJTith a C6mplee 'Line Of Anything Kept In 4 . FIRST-CLASS ...FURNlT.UiRE.8T.ORE- And are Offering Special Bargains In . . " . Sewing ISdEadiines IPianos, and Organs CAETS, BUGGIES; HARNESS, &C. KEROSENE and LUBRICATING . OIL by the BARREL, and STANDARD BRANDS OF 0UA0 AT, STARVATION PRICES.1 Finishing Goffins and Caskets a Specialty. pole'st. with the top of said monntain, tbejica udrCb 24 degrees east vith the top of sail inoantaia 14 poleii then nortb 401 degree cast nonce. wweas. Henr 0 Eller and Martha, Eller did on the 12th. day of February 1895, execute and deliver to Albert R Shattuclr, Trustee, 7 a trasfc deed ou certain lands in Wilkes county, State of North Carolina therein described, to secure the sum of $500.00 due by said Henry C Eller and Martha Eller to the British. & Anier-' can Mortgage Company, Limited; which said trust deed is recorded in Wilkes county, in Deed Boot' 20 Page 401 to which " reference is herebv made:- and whereas default has - oeen i made in tha payment of the .moneys secured by said, trust deed; aqd whereas the under signed has been duly appointed substituted trustee in the place of said Albert RShattuck as provided in said trust deed and ; has been with the tp or paid momiton i poles to a wliite oak; ihen north 7! dereea west 0 pojes ' d a chestnut, then north 14 ix5cs to a large: poplar; then north 8 - degrees wst ' 114 polo to a white oak cirossinj; the cfeek; then north 70 poles to a blaok gum in Martha Huffman's Jpe, then west with said hae S3 pols to a . i h! oai,4;hep. south 40 poles to a pine, then virli 57 degrees went .with said Hue "(Klartba. llaff mau's due) 116 polea to a red oiik'on the t atifc side of tbelidge, thence onth tfo (Urcs wct. 14 poles to a pine, then sooth 23 dvfjrf-es '.wtit 8 poiesj to. a pine, then-south 53 ' de&reen ;wst 10 poles a post oak, thn suntk' 'i.&K dejrreo east with J A Church' line 27 ' pol-jfsSfO tbo head of a branch i then south 14 aezrcub i-n8, ' 98 poles .dawn, 'aid brunch to a viiitfc o;k, ' Notice! By virtue of executions in my hands, in f aror m vv Tc1av -T R.Caffiev and 8. F. Summer- V Ui. W av-avj - w - ... . " m lin and against H. C. Eller. Sr., et al, I will eell t ty, viz. H C. Eller, Sr's., interest in the - fOUowlng- de scribed tract of land, at the court house door in. Wilkesboro, N. C, to the highest bidder .for cash , on the 2nd day of March 1S96:' Beginning on a corner of homestead on top of Hamby moun tain, thence westward ly to a white oak on top of puinie hEU, thence north to Martha Huffman's line, then "With her line west to a Spanish oak; on the road, then westwardly, to bead of boiling spring branch, then down said branch to a pop lar, the corner Of A, church's line, then with the homestead lap to a stake on top of Hornby mountain. ' containirg200 AtrfSr more or less. Adjoining ,thQ lands of -J, A churchy iiartha Huffman, situate in yilhes county N, c,, on the waters of L.ewis Fork. This Jan. 27th, 1895. ; ; .Qlarece G&v&i Sheriff. muij roHuoo . v.v5 w w ; - j then south 61 dsees with JIHe Snanacrlm's eontaineei; now tnereiore . nouce is nereoy line 26 poles to a pin, theu sou h 45. U gra; siren, that under and by virtue', of tne power , east saui ,ummerlin hna ' 2J po'fc., th. t. , , . . . .1- . - -1 . ... . - contained in said trust deed, I, the under signed substituted trnsteev on- Monday the 16th day of March 1896, between the hours of 10 a m and p xn, at the court house door in the town of Wilkesboro in Wilkes county, will' by public auction sell for cash to the highest i bidder for cash the following described proper- All that tract or parcel of land known as the Summerlin place, lying and being in the coun ty of Wilkes on the waters of North Lnwis Fork and bounded as follows: Beginning at' . birch on the west bank of North liewis. Fork, running east US' poles to a bunch of ichestimt oaks on be top of -Hamby's Mountain thence north 37 degrees east with th top ' of said mountain 43 poles, then north 65 degrees west with the, top cf said mountain 32 -poles, then north 14 degrees east 26 poles, then north ' degrees' east 20 polesy north 5D crgrecs east with the top'of said monntain 18 poles; then north 39 degrees east with tee ,tof of said mountain.20 poles, north 18 pos witK the toy of saiaoutin! ; portU C6 .'degree? . ?at 22 , -. ... ... soutn ijoaerees easi with stuii lino 7U p .t; to the beginning, crmtaiufng tonr hariar;(l and forty seven X 4 17 icrvs, "th . r o or- loan. Said land wilt.bo slI .tftisfy th ,' .lebt , ss- cniydbysaii ia-hst dedi and such, lille. Mil be given as. is Vested id 'snid -tro4tfV. " f J, SCncbuSulisMtutd rirust;ee. Having' been appointed. a cemmissiftntr. ir;' the case ot Elizabeth Ch unbvirs etf al v ,3 S Chambers at FU Tersr.ll-5 i' ''t nor Court,' I wiH offer for I A at house door in-. Wilkcsboru N-'C .: day; of March' fW to 'thp cash the f ollowij dec-H tt !i r county. N Cv Utt.qiniiio; tv k r?-j karth id& of the TiJkc-ftb'jro v.-t uing 25 decreet eafct aMr'fi t.n-l r - -a stone in E Well' Ui.e, tovu i-oiinr .', poles to a red ak, -i:sr, n.",xn . U ' 1 east 50 ples to ? ,'t -v.. i:'.Hi-. eo:izu'uv.r. ; acvca more ur l..' t-a H-i-'-.v;- i-t, l.'. 'jtgancL - :'-ti "1 -1

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