."I Jsf - I . TERMS OF SUffcJCiUPTIOtf.- -.Oae year.,:....: i... ,4 . i ; Six month - . , ,wv",,ii..... ...... ............ . . ... 14. 2.00 -4.00 6.U0 3.00 6.00 : 9.00 I 4.00 T 750 ! 10.00 1 . 6.00 110.00 17.00 I ; 18.00 J 30.00 15.00 30.00 50.00 1 in. 2 in. 3 in. col. col, 1 col. .75 1.26 2.00 9.00 12.00 17.510 25.00 45.00 75.00 xnree months ' " - .. - ........... ........... HT: -Payabl in advuriea ' v 3.50 6.50 11.00 trends all money by registered let jter or postal order and address Equal Taxation, Pirect and Indirect. C5?' J' VOL. XT. The Chronicle, LOCAL DOTS. Brief Notes of Passing Erents That Ma j or iff ay Not Interest You. 3r. Jesse Bledsoe, of Ashe, was here last week. Little Mable Hix is visiting relatives at Statesville. Gents' furnishing goods, at Hix's, going at bargains. ' Mr. SJ Lee Parks, of States ville, attended court here last week'. Mis Addie Strieker's school cl ses Friday at Union school house. Line of new spring and summer clothing at the Hix Ciotbing Store. Prices very low. . ; Mr. L, D. Lowe, and wife, of Watauga,. are in th, city. They lived at this place some years ago. " , Dr. H; K. Abernethy and wife, of Lincoln county, are visiting: at Mr. John Davidson's Mrs. Abernelhy's father. -Mr. H. S. Vannoy, of Ashe, was in the city last week. He had been down to Honda look ing after his farm there. The Ladies' prayer meet ing will be held at Mr. Morri son's at 4 p. m. next Sunday. All the ladies are invited to attend. Miss Sudie Mott has re turned to her home at Mt. Mourne, Iredell county, to the regret of her many friends at this place - A greaftmany of our friends have made us glad with back dues and renewals. We are willing yet to be made glad some more. Talk about 'Convicting juries" but we have had them this term. It has been very seldom they have broken . the record of a verdict of '"guilty." Last term of court the extreme was the other way Jesse F. Hoskins, the in surance ma i, spent a few days here last week, but re turned to his home -at Summer field Thursday. He will be back soon, to look after the insurance I business here. Mr. Marshall, of the" firm of the Marshall Wagon Compa ny, was here last, week, and made arrangements with C. F. Morrison at this place, and Mac Absher, at North Wilkes- horo, to handle his wagons. They are good wagons. . Joe Hendren, ex editor of the Elkin ; Times, , and ex-com Jnander-in-chief of the "Tin Soldiers," of Elkin, and now a young, prominent arid, (late) rising "limb of the law," was among us: last week. We are always glad to sob Joe. -Editor J. P.Cook, of the Concord Standard, was in the city last week and was looking happy his wiife is visiting her folks in Virginia. .We offered him the hand of brotherly love and showed him our gopher, and he went to Dobson to take a rest. He will visit us aerain at an early date,' as soon as his health sujaemnTIy' recuperates; Esq. G. W. McNeil, who lives in the upper end of the county, was in town last week, aad tells us that there is a pros pect of the Flint Knob Silver aQd Lead mine, . situated in Elk township, being further developed in' the near future, the products of t the mine . have bn tested heretofore, and are orth 8.00 ner .tori ;; We hone I WTLKESBOTIO, y. c.. THURSDAY. MAK. -rf Miss Mary Lizzie Hix is visiting at Mr. Wallace. --Mr. A. B. Carson, of this county, will move to ashe this wek. . "': 4Mr. P. Y. Miller and fami ly have -turned home after a visit of s ome length in Davie. Miss Adioe Qilreath's school closes at Shady Grove Friday, with concert exercises at night. John Revis, son of Joe Bevis, of Moravian Falls, died last Saturday, and was buried Sunday church, a long ti at 1 Walnut Grove He had been sick for me with sprnal affec tion, anc for a year had been helpless. . was about 25 years ole Marnage licenses have been issuad this month so far: J. Q. Johnson to S J Woodruff; J H Myers to Alice J Pohfcer; J C Billings to Eliz. Coffey; Hugh Walker to Susie Billings; J H Shumate to Ida Walker: Li wis Klley to C. Stokes, col. D. Harstaw to Media Gilreath, col. The aying of the Corner Stondof Adley M. E. Church Southi nar Brown's Ford, will take plac e on Tuesday March 17th dt i L a. M. Appropriate services will be conducted by the pastor, Rer, W. L. Dawson, and addresses will be delivered by Hon. Dr. J. M fe'rank'b. Hackett and I Turners AH are co dially invited to attend. A number of the friends ofj family gathered at Mr, J. P. Rousseaii-s last Sunday and helped tt em devour a large and delicious turkev. It was one of the most pleasant occasions of a life time. It was a magni ficent dinner and those present did full justice to the occasion. If we could live always, we would noi want to have a more enjoyabl 3 occasion than that. Bill Smith our Bill the modei'FVrmer of Hog Elk, was here last week. He brought along hi? jersey cow, and left it with collector McE wen. Bill says he c in this as a matter of kindness as he wants to ssist, a few people in getting started aright ia the methods of mod ern model farming. Besides ern model farming. Besidesrl he has planted a large crop of snakes, ,nd he did not know whether they and the jersev would be congenial companions or not. McEwen tells us that the jersey and the Gopher have made fr ends and are living happily together. Ran from Justice, But Brought Back. Bud Garris and Hence Cheek were tried an4 convicted last week, ofj the charge of shoot ing at' U. L. Rou.ghtoD last summer, up in the forks of Roari Jig River. It was a kind of white-capping" case. During '.the trial, they became uneasy and decided on leg bail as the safest way out of. the trouble. ; They started. Cheek was - caught inside the town limits, but Garris was swifter on foot, knd evaded his pursu ers. But Cranor's fox hounds were summoned and Garris was caDtured down near Rock Cut. He was ; brought back and h and f h is associate get th pleasure of working on the Iredell rtads for 12 months. We notice that some of the counties! are investing in blood hounds ibr the capture of ves caped' convicts but Wilkes does not need any as long as Cranor has his fox-hounds, and that will' probably be as long' as the generation lasts 'to; he wondered at that Ayer's It in not Pills are in ! sucxi" uuiTCJ i uouuu- For the ctixe of constipauon, . umouB nesi'orariy other complaint needing a t-fltivA tliftv are unsurpassed, r They o-Jnatftd. easv to take, and ev Two In, Same Family Dead. The wite and the mother of Mitchell Holder, in Lewis Fork, died last week. The wife died at. 11 o&4 Saturday mqr-S6if1at 4. the Higher died. Holder himself i f ery low. Has Plenty of Grand Parents. There is a young lady 12 months old up in Lewis Fork, that has twelve grand parents living. The child is Mr. Cicero Triplet's daughter; and if any one can beat the record they are at liberty to speak. The grand parents are divided as follows: 2 grand mothers, 4 great grand mothers, 1 great fafhor an si ?t rrant crm n r fn.t.h- ers, ' House Destroyed. Our friend W. L. Brewer, Esq. of Walnut Grove town seip, was in to see us last week, and informed us of the destruc tion by flre of Dan. Shumate's house, near Absher Post office It happened last week. The fire caught accidentally in the room and the wind was so live ly that it could not be control ed. The entire dwelling house was destroyed. A portion of the household goods were saved by hard work. We do not know the loss Woman Who Can Walk. A very remarkable instance of walking has been called to our attention. There is a lady who lives in Ashe county,, 89 years old. She has relatives in Catawba county. They sent her money to pay her way. to visit them. But she preferred to make the trip on foot, and so walked the entire distance something about 100 miles. She returned last week. Her folks brought her as far as Moravian Falls, and she passed by here on her way to Ashe, she would make the rest of the trip on foot. "Pink and Green' A Success. The VPink and Green Tea" given last week, under the au spices of the Rebekah Lodge, was a charming success in ev ery respect. $94 and some cents was realized. The a- raount is to be used for beauti fying and furnishings the n hall and procuring paraphernalia for the members. It was - a pleasant occasion all r the way through. The room was taste fully decorated, with ferns, cedar, holly, and with wreaths of pink and green. The young ladies always lovelj' present ed a fairy picture of charming loveliness arrayed in th ei r beautiful costumes of pink and green. The crowd present was large, and pleasure and happi ness shone on every face. The voting contest for the prettiest girl was li vely and interesting, and Miss Sudie Mott was the successful con testant. " But the "cake , walk" took the cake. There were grace ful and elegant couples who contested, but the dignified posture elegant bearing, and graceful movements of that accomplished pe d e s t r i a n, James Gordon Hackett,. won the applause of the admiring multitude and the approval of the committee, and thus won the cake. And thus the pleasantries of the :Pink . and: Green Tea" werejbrrought to a close. While no physician or - pharmacist can conscientiously - warrant a cure, the J. a Ayer Uo! guarantee the purity, strength, t and"" medieinal virtues of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It was the" only blood-purify er -admitted at the great sjiow 1 World's Fair in Chicago,. 1893 , - COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. Claims Allowed. T M Crysel. jailor, $63.00; G. A. Greer, conveying prisoner from Boone jail to Wilkes jail, $8.00; Charles Adams, putting up stock law gate, 1.50; Jv W. Brooks, conveying pauper to poor house, 2.00 J M -Turner, county physician, $1G.00; Frank lin M Adams, listing taxes, 8.00; C C Wright, services as Com., 22.90; L C Ferguson, ser vices as Com., 26.80; "V Whit ley, burying goods for pauper, 1.50; W". P. St. Clair, convey ing prisoner from Alleghany to Wilkes jail,' 4.00; John A. Darnell, conveying prisoner to jail, 1.00; W. M. Absher, ser vices as county , commissioner, 16.75. '. Road Matters. W. A. Bishop, overseer on Union church road, made re port of the work done. A petition was presented ask ing for a road in , Somers and Lovelace townships, beginning near L. W. Lonsford's, run ning up a branch by Dicy Jar vis', A. T. Prevette's, Willie Bell's and others, connecting with little Hunting Creek road near Kizy Anderson's and ask ing for the help of all hands within two miles of the road. An appropriation of -five dol lars was made for building a bridge across StonyJFork creek near Isaac Micheal's. Poll Tax Matters. The widow of the late Dr. ! Warren was released from pay-, raent of poll tax of the deceas ed. E. A.. Anderson was released from poll tax for 1893,. being under age at that time. W. W. Martin, of R. R. township, was released from payment of poll tax. W.J. Tidbail was refunded $2.76, amount of poll tax erone ously charged in 1894. C. B. Church was released from poll tax on account of disabilities. Miscellaneous. The account of D. A- Mc Lean for bridge lumber ($2.5) was not allowed. The Board ordered B. F. Car ter to appear on Tuesday after the first Monday in June, con j cernirrg a charge that he incor rectly reported the number of children in white district No. 17. The committee in school dis trict No. SI was ordered to ap pear before the Board at April meeting for the purpose of set tling a difficulty between them and-J. A. Mobann, the teach er. John A. Darnell was appoint ed constable in Edwards town ship, the-place having become vacant by the failure of the regularly elected constable to renew his bond. The Board ordered that the municipal election of the town of Wilkesboro, N. C, be held on the first Monday in May 1896. And that R. M. Staley be ap pointed Resist ror and G. W. Holmes and X.. M. Pharr Judges of said election. I ' Notice tO: Tax-Payers. T Urv oil ilal.'nniinnf x iv.- xivvL -1 taxpayers sufficient notice that I am bound to collect the tax. T vav ahnnlant nrtTIPfi that I . JL T UUUUUUI4IV Ml VXW i . . ... . . . J-- could n)t possibly indulge them further than court, week. The time has, come and gone, and the books have now been placed out for collection which will be - done; by levying upon property, where it canv riot ; be collected otherwise. " I hope no one will ask for further indulg ence, as I can not possibly give It. CAJCtf, Sheriff. 12. 1896. Th e N in the EW il ler m WHO IS Til EKE? Ho Ac t,S WILH THE NICEST LINE OF DRESS GOODS, HATS, SHOES, CROCKERY, ETC.. EVER KEPT IN. WILKESBORO, N. C, CALL TO SEE THEM . !, We want to .call attention to FALL AND WI NTERjC LOTHIN G. : Bought at - LOW TRAIFF PRIOES, ! .: " we are in a position to sell Cheaper than ever before., A good suit for $3.50; jbetter at $5, $6, $8, $10 and up to $20 See our line of Shoes, Hat's, Shirts, Umbrellas and Milli nery. We can save you. money .' 5 THE HIX CLOTHING JHO USE. M WILKESBORO CAFFEY & PRITCHETT, PROPRIETbsSS.-' : NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. .. . ' - o 'i,'' . 'VHfe"fe Are Now X-ocated In Their New Quarters Opposite McGee's Establishment With a Comply Line' Of Anything Kept In A r , , FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE STORE, ' And are Offering Special Bargains In... - f Sewing Machines, IianoSy'ttnd Organs, CARTS, BUGGJES, HARNESS, &C. KEROSENE and LUBRICATING OIL by the BARREL, and STANDARD BRANDS OF GUANO AT STARVATION PR KSt Finishing Coffins and Caskets a Specialty Notice.' . Whereas, Henry O Eller and Martha Eller did on the 12th day of February 1833, execute and deliver to Alberj R Shattnck, Trustee", ' a trust deed on certain lands in Wilkes comity, State of North Carolina therein) described, 'to secure the sum of $500.00 due by said Henry C Eller and Martha Eller to the British & Anier- can Mortrasre ComDanr. Limited, which said trust deed is recorded in Wilkes county, in Deed Book 20 Page 01 to which reference is hereby made: and wnereas. default has Been , . i ..i. jr , i made iuthp payment of the nfoneya eccnred by said trust deed; and whereas tho wnder- signed has been duiy appointed substituted trustee tn the placed said Albert B Shattnck as provided in said trust deed, and has baen duly requested to execute the trust therein given, that nndet-and by virtue- of ttie power, . . . - contained in said trust deed, I, the under signed substituted trustee, ' on Monday '' the 10 16th day of March 1S96,- between the hours of 10 -m an1 pjn; tt te honBe door in the town of Wilkesboro fia Wilkes county, will' by public auction sell for .cash to the highest -i :i m t. iv. n : .a ri 3 n , i .. .f , . ty, All that tract or parcel, of land known as the Summerlin place, ljing andbeinjf in the coun ty of Wilkes on the waters ' of ,Korth ' Lewis Fork and bounded ai follows: Beginning'at- a birch on the west bank of North Lewis Pork, running east 115 poles to a bunch of ehestnut oaks on the top Of Hamby's - Mountain,' thence north 37 degrees easfwith the tcp of. said mountain 42 poles, then north 65 degrees went with the top cl said mountain '22 poles.; the torth 14 degrees east 26 poles, then north ' 3 degrees east 20 poles, north .59 degrees east with the top of said mountain IS poles, the' north 89 drgrees- east - with liii- it ff ; p mountain 20 poles, north 13 poes with tho tip of isaid mountain,, north ;56 degree, cast 22 1 NO. 47. a. f ui Id i si sr, our stock of FURNIT poies with the top of 'said mountain. north 21 dfRrees at xhtli ; the lop of said mountam 11 poles, th'iu north 45 doreps eani with th-top of paid - mountain 8 poles to a white oak, then north 71 degree west iO pole to a chestnuf, then north li poles to a large poplar, tlten north 73 degrees wsst 1U poles. to a irbite-oak crossing tho creek, then north ' 70 poles to a blae-k gun iu Martha Huffman's . ..... .... ... QGOBS USE ,me ineu we1 n'lttt 8aul 13118 les to a red k 1,en 8on 4a V,,itt& u a P1" then south djes west with..8aid liuo ' (Martha Hnff. 'man's i:ae) 110 poloa to a red oak 4.n tlie -t' ' Bke of the ridje, thenc; south (o decrees v? ' H poles to a pine, then south 2? degrees west" fP1?1 lo apiue.- then outh 53 tkeea JK'Ste ' ' ' head of a branch , tbei.8(jntb 14 v degrees east -8 Poles rJpw M branch 1 to ' a white oak oast said Sumnierlin ihaa 23 polea thon boui,u ucHmes oal w:tn ;a ino ' 7Q pojea to the beginning cnnUiuiu four hundred and forty seven, 4t7 acrer niom or les- ; Saidiana will be sold toipZjf the 1 debt ,se ctjred by said trnt desd. and w1cJi .' title will' be given as is veatedin eid trustee. ? - ' . ' JT.' S. Chaxox, Substituted Trustee. - il. o- J ' - ... .. Honey fo Lend hvo. made arrangements with " broVcrs-in New York City through' whom I am able to place loans , secured by a first mntgage on improved farrih" for .fire? rears time payable in instaf-. n?ents,. jt the low rate, of S f.6 H.tt. interest per annum. ..The bTok;-H-r an( tht charge for abitract.aii ! jr. tion are small and nt the -i.er' tie borrower. If yoiV want cueap,. money .come at once as the EuriDlv i limited. J4, ' ... ( jr. rJ see the mine fully-developed. 1 ery dose effective. i

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