1. BATIKS OF ADYKRYISING. sty TERMS OF SCiiSCSIPTIOIT. ijoaee 1 wk., lm. ; am, , om. ; i.yr. W . 1 ' Qae year.... "j 1 lr?i ,in. j 2.00 -i col. 3.50 2.00 ;. 4.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 j 9.C0j 9.00 , 12.00 Six months....,, tr 4 00 I 7.50 10.00 6 00 '10.00 17.00 y.75 18.00 .30.00 17.50; 25.00 45.00; 75.00! 1. payable ia adruice. -pSenda all money by reistr.d let ter or postal ord aad address 1 col. JJqual Taxation, Pirect and Indirect. i 'Us As A M l . Il I 1(11 , VOT,.- XT The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. Brief Notes of Passing Erents That jtfay r &aj interest-Ton. The indication for fruit so far a-e good. Best Alexander oounty flour at Mayberry Vat $2.50.' Wilkes is preparing; to go to Greensboro Next week. ; The recent cold snap injur the oat 'crop to some extent. -D.K tf. CoiTey, of Le a ir, vvs la ihf city, last week. Aietrch has marched away and it's April now. instead. Little Mabel Hix has re turned from her visit t$ Statos ville. , 25 cents spent at B S Gall's entitles you one phance. at a ten dollar bill Mrs. Hix has gone to the northern markets for a supply of new goods. Spain hour returned from the northern markets with a full line of new goods. Mr. John Horton, of North Wiikesboro, is visiting rela tives in Caldwell county. --Mr. W. .H Starr has been quite unwell for several xlays. He is improving.' Mr. D. A. Reece returned last week from a trip South vhere he had been with apples Prof. Eugene Harrell, of Sleigh, spent a few days hetv and in North Wiikesboro thi weak. ' The revenues are still liv ing. They captured a load of blockade down about Osborn ville last Saturday night. Solicitor Mott and Law yers Hackett & Hackett, Bar ber and Buxton are attending Alleghany court. . The town election comes .off the first Monday in May. It's about timje to be about candidates. Mr. R. L Smith, loy county, was in thiukiitg of Stan tfce city last week on business: He maae a trip to Ashe county while-in this section. Clerk Vanpoy is able to be )ut again, which will be grati fying news to liis many friends. He has had a pretty tough time of it. - John E. Hubbard :' h a s bought the Martin Lo we prop erty in North Wiikesboro, and expects to establish a business soon. Mr. A. R. Vail,' of Jeffer son, was in the city last week.; He had been to Winston lay ing in a supply of groceries for court week. - I ' Mr. E; B. Henderson, who is located at East . Bend, is spending a few days, in the c ity. . - , - . i Mr. William Bledsoe and wife, of Asne, w.ho been spend ing sometime at Fayette ville, are visiting a few' days here, joxx their way home. . The "Millinery Opening" at E. Wallaces at North Wilkes Wftdhesdav. ; " He wants everybody to come see for themselves. Walter Williamson. Ashe, was in . the city and i of last wAaV fi-nA . uTisR Ma ud Jones. who hasijeen attending school at Miss Barber's, returned home with him; ; , . . ; Miles Brown, son of : M. P. Brown, of Mulberry, caught . - ' . , t. :.i Z4 large suckers at one nam last Wk,and sayshe- has something iat now , besides WTTBOno. K n . TTTTTRDAY. APKTL 2 IKQfi - r : J You can find bran to the covffat B. S.' Pall's. - feed L. W. Lonsford of Lovelace is impr ving. Albert Forester is improv ing slo rly. At the recent Demorest medal contest of Dellaplane, Miss Stella Foote won the med al. There will be a gold medal contess at the same place on April 25th At 2 p. m. Every.: body invited. These contests are ve y interesting., Ja lies P. Cook, of Con cord, xras in the city last week, and says Wilkes agrees with him. He says Wilkes is one of the finest countries he ever saw, a id he is thinking about movin ? Coneord and the Stan dard both up here. Mi '. Merideth Efenderson, difed a ; his home on Hunting Creek, lastSaturday and was buried Monday. He was 89 years old ami had been feeble sometime About a week ago he was struck speechless with paraly sis and never afterwards ralliec sufficient to give hope f or h is reco very . Another land mark Df the county is gone. -Mr. Henry Bumgarner, known as "Uncle Henry," died 1 at hisihome in Reddies River township, on last Saturday. He was perhaps thel oldest man in the township, being between 80 ana 90 years old. He had been feeble for some time. The wheels of life just wore out and stopped, and the life 01 a respected citizen is gone. Surprise patties" a re greaq institutions; not that are startling or remarka there ble "surprises" connected with one, shou such prise except that if any one d fail to enjoy himself at a party it would "sur '. everybody else. One among the most pleasant sur prise parties of the season was given at Mr. John S. Cranor's last Thursday. night. A whole host fat hered at his hospitable homeand spent the hours pleas antly till the hands of the clock pointed to the middle of the night. There was but one sentiment among all present, and pat was, it was good to be there. The Iteport False. s Tdere was quite an excite ment up in Elk township- last wee c. Two young men, Dula and Kendall, went south m with some apples. Reports came back that they had been killed by negroes down about Char lott5 and their apples stolen Thi j created an excitement in the neighborhood which was strengthened by the fact, that the boys staid away over the tims in which they were to re turn. Their Ioiks lmmeuiate- ly started in search of tnem, but found them on the road re tuning, safe and sound The report was all a mistake. An iged Jffail Carrier Dies. McDuflie Grant died at his home near Taylorsville last wejak. The doctors said the cause of his death was cancer of (the stomach. Mr. Grant wa's an aged gentleman, ' being ab ut 72 years old, and was an ho lest upright man. He was bo :n in Wilkes we are inform ed and has many relatives in th s county. He was a broth er of Esq. J. W: " Hays' wife. H had been , mail contractor and carrier for some 30 years 1 arld was always faithful and trustworthy.- His familiar ng- Ute Will UC XAJlon". -' , . line -for it was seldom that i he I' (i t4' M.nanH olnno1 'T.nfl missed either on me iubu; i.,toin nr k llbv QaD route. -uu-- ? - fi U clevernm and aU t3rraBt of the governmenthas - -- "Millinery Reeeption." Mrs S J Prevette has received a new line of Millinery goods, Easter hats, laces, etc. and will give a "Millinery Reception," at McNeil's store next Saturday beginning at 10 A. M. Every body invited. The Children's Concert. A number of the children gave a concert at Mr. Pharr's - last Friday night Those ta king a part were Essie and Le ra Erwin, Sallie, Essie and William Cowles, and Lillian and Maud Pharr. The chil dren got it up all by themselves and was for the benefit of for &ign missions at the Presbyte rian church. They had all been given mite boxes and they adopted this plan for get ting money in them. .The con cert was real erood for the chil dren and they realized about $2.60. There were 24 pieces in the program. Little William Cowles song "Calling the Cows" was cute He made the tune up himself. SaJlie Cowles and Maud Pharr sang and acted "I don't want to play in your yard" just excel lently. The dialogue, "Swal low Land," b y Essie and Lera Erwin was neatly acted. "Sweet Modesty" by Sallie Cowles was splendid, and Es sie Cowles little recitation, "I'm my Mama's Little Dar ling" was sweet as could be. The other pieces were all good, and the little folks may feel proud of theirjsuccess. ur Flag- at Half-mast. A shroud 01 gloom is nvig iiig about our place of business. The government flag floats at half-mast and the Cosmopoli tan devils have put on the usu al badge of mourning for 30 days. The gopher has gone glimmering, and his seat by the fireside is vacant. Wheth er he left by his own free will and accord, or by the free will and accord of some wandering passer by we know not. It was a bea,utif ul summer suu shine day last week, and we placed him and his box out to catch the warmth of the sun. Perhaps it brought back the memories of his childhood way down upon the Suwanee, and in the distance perhaps h heard the mournful wail of his parents, calling him back to "home and mother," and he may now be , on his journey. It is more probable however that, burdened with a name less longing and depressed with ennui, he silently stole away and shuffled off this mor tal coil. Believing in this the ory we have had the Wilkes boro Marble Works to place over his supposed grave a brill iant monument with this in scription: Perfcapii in this neglected spot is laid That Gopher of celestial fire. Whose hoofs the rod of empire might have swayed. Or waked to ecstacy some living 'Liar," such a3 some of our fox hunt ers. . - Within the last few nights, near this spot, some of our col ored friends have seen ghosts of different shapes. It some times appears as a man with out a head, ; sometimes as a white dog, sometimes as a guerrilla, etc. It is no doubt the restless ghost of the la mented gopher. - - . Notice. . " - On Monday, the 4th day of May 1S96, to satisfy town taxes due and-; unpaid, I will offer for cash, at the Court House door in the town, of Wiikesboro N., C., on Main Street, the property of Star--buck & Eller. The amount of tax is 9.60, and is due fortbe year 1895. This March 31,1896.-- i , : E; Pjyu.Tax Oollector: - ' - His First Night from Home; A man by the name of Ad ams of Mulberry township was in town Monday and all night. He is about 50 years old and had not been to town in 15 years. He has been married some 30 years and that was the first night he has spent from home since his wedding. Bad Affair at Elkin. A sad affair at Elkin has been made public. It seems that for sometime Dr. Ring, one of Elkin's most respected citizens, has been sick off and on, and last week several of the family took pick the same way. No one could tell what was the matter or give any rea son for the sickness. Dr. Bohnson, of Winston, was called in and pronounced that the family were poisened, and but for an over dose would have died. Suspicion rested upon the doctor's 16 year old son, and the circumstances pointed so plainly to him that he confessed that he had at tempted to poison his father six or seven times. He said he didn't want to hurt any of the rest of the family, but wanted to poisen his father because he was too strict on him and wouldn't let him do as he want ?d to. The boy was not prose cuted but sent to the far west immediately. This is a great shock to the hosts of t h e frie ads of the family. Bine Ridge Breeze. Mr. William Hani by has moved from near Parson ville to the Charley Hunt place on top of the mountain at Phil lips' Gap. An old lady by the name of Sis M in to n is quite ill not expected to live. She has no property and but few friends. "She is in a deplorable condi tion. Uriah Eller and B. F. Eller's daugh ter crossed over into Ashe county and were joined together in the bond of holy inatrittony. Rev. Lee Miller per formed the ceremony. Mr. L. M. McGlamery is going to put up a pin factory at his home about three miles from Parsonville. He wants to buy all the locust pins he can get. Mr. William Hamby's little boy who has been sick for some time, has passed, away. Its death occurred last Tnurs day night and it was buried Saturday. Rev. Wm. Lee conducted the funeral services. The child seemed to die happy. Julius Cje&ar. Notice to Consignees WitKESJtoao N. QZ March 30th 1896. The Southern Express Company will sell at Public auction at the store house 6f Ferguson & Hubbard in Wiikesboro, N. C. for charges, about ' five hundred unclaimed freight packages being on hand six months and over, on Monday May fourth 1896, at one o'clock p. m., unless called for charges paid or other wise disposed of before C&y of sale. OM Sadler Supt. J L Hawkins Agt- il Bargains. I have just opened up a com plete line of grocries in one of the store rooms of the Wiikes boro Hotel, and am prepared to meet the wants of all the. people irjj everything except "Credit." The best good. on the market at the lowest t prices, but v no credit business. Call and; see me. . . - . - B. S. CALL. Notice. ' on Monday ApU 6th 1896. tne court - bouse door in Wiikesboro N. C, by virtue of a mort gage deed executed to me toy D J Mccann and wife to secure the payment of one hundred dol lars -with interest and all cost of sale, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder the following - de scribed lands: situated m Trap Hill- township Wilkes county. N c; beginning on' a white oak Owen Hall's west corner and running north te a White oak, thence west to a red oak, thence north to a stake J A Mccann's corner, thence east witn J A Mccann's line - so as to include- 01 - acres. , thence south to Owen Hall's line, tfcsme west with OwenJSall's line to the teginnins, eontsin - lug 0 acres. '.This Feb. th 1838.. 1 ' , " 1 : . .JAXa nANESj Mortsasee, -4 Has returned from the Northern markets with a full line of NEW CALL AND in the Miller B ui Jding A Magnificent Line of blot 1 tm JUST ARRIVING AT ft flix Clflttg Store. THE IffllESBOBO FHUTM r CO; OAFFEY & PRITCHETt, PROPRIETORS NORTH WIJLKESBORO, N. O. Are Now Located In Their New Quarters Opposite- McGee's Establishment With a Complete Line Of Anything Kept In A . 1 Fl RST-CLASS FU R W ITU RE STORK , And are Offering Special Bargains In ' - Sewing !MTacliiiies, -Pianos, and Organs CARTS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, AC. KEROSENE and LUBRICATING OIL by the BARREL, and STANDARD BE A NDS OF GUANO AT STARVATION PRICES. pinishing Coffins and Caskets a Specialty. PAIN AND MISERY AVER'S Sarsa Barilla Cures Rheumatism. "About 8 years. Of ago, I suffered ? from what the, doe- 0 tors called rheu- O matism. i Nnhfirtv O! ana misery which I had to endure H and which clung to 0 me in spite of the of medicines pre scribed. At last, oi I began taking Oj Ayer s Sarsapa- ! rilia. Alter a snore time, tne pains raxmI. T continued the use of the Sar- O; sapariUa for a whole year, until "the rheumatism entirely disappeared. M o Jauss Wat, proprietor of Mrery stable, Koseville, CaL . ' - , X Ayer's Sarsaparilla Admitted for Exhibition At THE WORLD'S FAIR yoooooo6ooocoooooooooooc . By Tirtue ' of ' ' mortgage 'deed executed by Benj a in in Huf&nan and others, to secure the - p'ayiB en - o t , $225.00 borrowed money. I will - sell for cash at the court bouse door in Wilkeboro. N. O. to the highest bidder May 4th 1896, the fnl, lowing deecribed real estate, bcloucring' to .the heirs of of N. P. Cardwell in Wilkes - count v adjoining the lauds of J. II. Eller, Cicli- Hack ett. Sallie Hamby, JonUhah -tout. MatUdi Mc&ee and others, for further description; s-e mortgage deed record in book no. 14 page CS3, to satisfy said sum of $225.00 and cost of sale. This April the 1st, 1806. ' ; ' . NO. 50. GOODS SEE THEM -o- llonej to Loud. I Jhava made arrangements with . brokers in New York City 8 through whom I am able to place lons secured by a first .mortgage. on improved farm for five years time, payable in instal lments, at the low rate, of & pr. cent. interest per annum . The brokerage and the charge for abstract and . inspec tion are small and at the expense of theborrower. If youwant .cheap money come at oace as . the supply . is lisaited. Jchx E. r.vni R. N.JnckU. - ; Jfrank T. Htciat HACKETT & Hr KHT, al. All business edtrustti I to ! : vie re prompt attention. 7Co'3e';':icv s il U careful ly attended to and promp! !y VJ-n.i't' whu paidj Will attend tho co art of n. iihf, . Alleghany and btl:r Adjcin in j; tv , Parties wishing eQther ilia ue.iJ 7: T;nce will find it to their uirWt to rf Hi i j, at tire ean furnish eithei, m rf.iiubie A(.'iffrjos at : lowest TMRKible r.ts. otmuui; ri "V'tn &f- tin 1 A. Ha? SKR, (Gradaf fB., C. JD. S., Baltimera Four Years experience. Offers 1 ; services ta the people oi WjJ kes. Will be at Wiikesboro 'over "Sysinhour store 1st week each, montv. 3 tt IS a lie -1 In North Wiikesboro the 'kvcwz i wc ' , -ATl'Trork OuATanteei. 1 gbhe the wa of all the , world.

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