- i TERMS OJBT Sf TTt5f ! ;m Ovfrtrf '"' - 1 .'-"I'm 3 m. 6 m. 1 1 yr. 1 .Wiv. Oner year V, , ; 4.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 17.00 30.00 50.00 i . T 9.00 ! 12.00 "is inontasu..'....... 1 in. .- 2 in 3 in. col. i col. i col. j .75 2.00 f 1.25 i 3.00 2.00 4.00 3.50 6.00 6.50 9.75 Three months......:. 17.50 25.00 45.00 75.00 Payable in Adviince 10.00 18.00 30.00 jp-Sends all money by regfetW " n.OO 15.00 SE3?JS. Wj 1 koshoro. tf. (2. Equal Taxation, pirect and Indirect. - ill T ih.;iHJ n$-' ' U I L I ' Kill ' ' ' - i ' - U i ' II I f HI It 3 - fill . IX , - - It vAr " IV II' I Ml ? 1 H r lii i N ;il.-fl ' If' . I! vr,. XT The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. Kvief Notes f Passing Events That Kf ay cr ilny t Interest Yon; Esq. S. M. Transou, of Ashe, was in the city last week. Ed. Clinard, of Winston, was-in the cifc' lasv week. - S'painliours "short , end" percales are ''oat of sight." Miss Addie Lou Hendersrn is visiting relatives at .East Bend. Look out this week for the display of new goods in Spain Hour's window. -Mr. Will Finley and wife, of usbe, are visiting relatives in the county. . ' ' -C. M. Caudill; of Walnut Grove, is very low with . rheu matism. -Mr. WiU Holland of Ire del), was in the city visiting last week. Count week at Mocksville this week. Solicitor Mptt is attending. i The freshet did some dam a3 to a new trestle being erec ted in North Wilkesboro. Drummer Hubbard is home again, after a trip into Virgin ia and elsewhere; V Mrs. W. C. Winkler is vis iting her raottier . ip. Caldwell county. . Miss Mamie Wallace and Miss Jennie Yyne are visiting in Davie county. . Mr. Porter suggests that we all join and celebrate the 4th What do you think of it? They're in town atr last. Miss Addie Strieker has Mea sles. She is about well again, now. . Miss Mamie Weaver, of Iredell county, is visiting her cousin, Miss Gussie Weav er, at this place. Miss Bessie Transou, who has been attending school here, returned to her home in Ashe last week. The Rebekahs will "meet Thursday evening ,a t ? 30 o'clock. All the members are requested to be present. Several have been thinking aiiOUl Riihsfnhinsy tor tne . j- . . Chronicle a good, while. Now is the time. ' Frank Brown's 10 year old boy, colored, died . last week. He had been sick only a short while. One of the best stock of spring and summer hats everr kept here, to be .found' at A. Spainhour's. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gin ' nings desire to thank the v peo . pie for the kindness and sym pathy shown them in their deep affliction. - - Re ?vMr. Robinson preach -d an interesting sermon at the Presbyterian church Sun day, in commemorationvof ; the resurrection of Christ. Remember that Saturday April 25th, at Curtis Grove, is to be the Odd Fellow picnic. Don't miss it It will be worth attending. -Dr. J. W, White,- of this place, has accepted theposition of reporter for the weather-bureau. He will make a good one. ; - " ' ' - Sis Minton, who was re ferred to by our Parsonville correspondent last week as be lng ih a very helpless :condi; tR died last week up there in" fbs Cabin township. "': 'r-- WTT TCTBORO, 1. C m m TTTTT R SID A Y APRTT, 9 ; 896 . : Esq. ville, de with his W. S. Hall, of Parson ighted our "sanctum smiling countenance last ,weelc. Always glad to cee Sam;. Mr. Koscoe Folger is visit ing his grandpa, Esq Joseph Gray,. and will probably spend the most section. of the summer in this Consi derabl e freshet Wednesday. The Yadkin was out of its damage. banks and did some It. reminded one of a big June f res Bet. Mr. J JM Wellborn went down to Winston and Greens boro, Saturday, to visit his two daughters, who are . attending school' one at Winston and one at Greensboro. The freshet last week way C. J. Duncan's crist mills on Fish washed aj saw and Dam Creek, in Reddles River towdshipl The lose was some $300.00. Spring-time and flowers. The young heart beats gentler and faster, and -the gathering of the trailing arbutus is a pleasant pastime. It is the first time for' ma ny years that Rev. Mr. Barber did not hold Easter services at the Episcopal church; but his health was too feeble this East er. reliable men wanted to canvass and collect for the Singer Sewing Machine Com pany. Apply to the Singer M'f'g Co The' meets at , Wilkesboro, "N". C. Orange Presbytery Winston April 21st. The report to be submitted from the Wilkesboro chuxch is not altogether as good as our people should make. Aller Faw's horse ran away in itforth Wilkesboro last week anc broke one bone ot Rowan Wiles' arm. The horse has a mania 'for breaking up people. Just the week before the horseJ broke up the darkey driver prtetty much. Marshall Allison, of States ville, was here last week. He came to take a fellow by the name of Adams, of Yadkin .county, who was in jail here, to Wilmington who is wanted there for blockading. : He had a bench warrant for him. The ;oung men of the de bating sc ciety have oh foot a movement to get up a library for their use. 'A ney win appre- mi "11 ciate any donation of books by Help the boys in any one this laudable undertaking all you can One of our prominent fel low citizens of Wilkes raoeived a box of "Easter greetings Saturday, and ,'was boasting Sunday of his "Venezuelan F?AftR from the North. ie probably r meant "Marechal Nielosies.--:. :- The iopulation of Wilkes is greatly diminished this week 'Tis Federal .court at Greens boro.' How m,ny have gone is not known.. Even Esq. E. M. Wellborn had , to go as a witness in a submission case. There are probably oyer 50 cases fron Wilkes, submissions and all. ? l-Mr. Hampton Wiles, of Rock Cr 4k, was in town , last week. He had not heard" out of one ear in 12 months, and he had dr. Turner, to examine it. The Dr. found a. big roach bug jn h s ear. He. took it but, and Wiles now can hear all rio-ht. The JLr. tens. us tuie, id thn second time this year he , -takeWVoaches oiit' TaKpeo-1 has "taken pie's earp Owing to the picnic at this place on the 25th the medal contest at Dellaplane will not take place till on the night of the 25th, instead of during the day The voting place in Beaver Creek township is Ferguson's school house, instead - of Howell's school house, as was erroneously published some weeks ago. . Col. W. F. Henderson will be in Wilktsboro, In a short time and will disp )se of one thousand bushels of corn, shelled if desired, and -in quantities to suit purchasers. The quarterly meeting for the Wilkesboro circuit will be held here next Saturday v and Sunday. - On Saturday and Sunday following, the quarter ly meeting for the North Wilkesboro circuit will be held at Union church. Presiding Elder Blair will attend these meetings. The News says: "The North TFilkesboro Lodge Knights of Pythias, No. .67, will give a banquet at Hotel Gordon on Thursday night, April 9th. Each Sir Knight will be expected to attend with his wife or a lady friend. Com mittee of arrangements R. W. Gwyn, J. T. Finley and W. F. Trogdon." Last week, just after we had printed, some nice looking fellow from the region round about Ashe, called for a sam ple copy of the Great Cosmo politan. He seemed to compre hend its brilliant items, until he came to the items concern ing the "Millinery Openings". He turned slightly pale, and with quivering lips he asked: "Are they going to use canonT or just common guns?" We told him we supposed they'd have cannons. He immediately left town at a brisk gait. Our Sheriff Mr..Clarence Call who is building one of the best houses in our town, is showing his appreciation of our immense deposits or ledges of t soap stone by using it fieely in the construction of his fireplaces Mr Bumgarner supplied the material in well .shaped sawed blocks and Mr. Parks Ray has done some splendid work in the construction of the chimneys which are adapted to the con sumption of wood. And why should not we burn wood and have cheeiful blazing fires when it can be bought here at $1.00 to $1."25 per cord delivered at yeur door. Who would'nt prefer the old-fashioned hlaz ing fire to the modern smoky stove. - Mrs. Andrews Dead. Mrs. Frances Andrews, wife of Irvin Andrews, of . Knott ville, died of heart failure on last Friday. She was about ecTyeaxs old, and leaves a hus band an4 four children. Her remains were taken to her old home in Orange county for interment." . ' : a ft Canght in the Game. S. S. Revis saw mill, up near Moravian Falls was wash ed away during the freshet last weak. The damage will amount to $400 or $500. An in cident rather amusing as well as critical is reported 'in con nection; Twa young men were in the building during the hard rain and were amusing them selves; with: a little hand of "seven up;' While they were very m u c h interested, v the foundation was washed v.away and fthey " found " themselves pretty soon down amid - the j raging; waters. .. ihftj .succeed i in getting out", alk right,;, hilt I Mheyiiost tne xarus; Mrs. McBride Dead. Mrs. Martha MVTlWrl died Apru 1st, at her home here. Though ripe in years and; all knew her y days were !about spent by reason of. age, the an nouncement of her; death caused a sadness "all over .the city. Her pastor Mr- Brad shaw pays a tribute to her life in this column, and we need only add ; a word. t She has been lving in Wilkesboro about 15 years, and she was beloved by all. She was a mother to the moth'erless, a friend to the friendless, and always had a kind and encoiir aging word for all. Her fife was that of the highest type of christian endurance and charity and . kindness. She was buried at Brier Creek? church, her old home. A no ble woman whose long life has been well spent has gone to her reward. I In Memoriam. Mrs. Patsy McBride died April 1, 1896, at her home in Wilkesboro. She was born Feb. 17, 1812. She was mar ried to Martin G. McBride Aug. 15, 1844. Mr McBride died some eighteen years ago and then she came to Wilkes boro to live with her only child, Mrs. Ginnings. Mrs. McBride united with old Brier Creek church early in life she bas been a member about 60 years and through all these years she livid a consecrated christian life. She was ripe with years and had long been a ; sufferer from a painful cough but she mui mured not. Her daily prayer was that GodTs will might be done Uentle by nature and kind at heart, her sweet influence was indelibly impressed on al 1 with whom she came in con tact. Those in less fortunate circumstances than herself al ways found in her a true friend. None were ever turn ed away empty. Here we have an example well worthy our emulation and may we all profit by her well spnt life. Especially conspic uous and lovable were the traits of her life, as exemplified in the home circle. Of her it could be said: "She was the keeper of home." And, now that that home, so long bright ened by her presence, is made desolate, may the hearts of the children, relatives and friends, be united to God, the only comfort. . And may each - so live as to be prepared, to meet with mother gone, in the beau tiful beydnd . Pastor. List-Takers. The following list-takers vere ap pointed by the Board of Commission ers, for the different townships: Antioch H A Foster. , Beaver Creek Vance McGbinnis. Brushy Mountain W O Hendren. Boonier John E Phillips. Edwards P A Lomax. Elk J K Hendrix. - Jobs Cabin AJ Taylor. V vLewis Fork L L Church. Lovelace York Hajs. Moravian Falls J Gilreath. Mulberry -E M Absber. New Castle A L Hendrix. North Wilkesboro J R Caffey. ' Beddies River D V Nichols. Rock CreekA Brewer . Somers D H Prevette. Trap Hill J H McCann. Union L E Whittington. .. Walnut Grove Wr,L Brewer. ': Wilkesboro T B James. - ivica - The latest results of f pharmaceutical science and the best modern applian ces are availed of in compounding j Ayes Sarsaparilla. Hence, though I half a centarv in existence as ; a , medi- 6ine,itis fully kt fll that goe8 to in abjeast ; of - the h age in. make: it the 'standard bloo"Pl,jrifierT: rller new line of all Calicoes Percales 6 to 12 & one A pretty M CALL AND SEE THEM agnrticen JUST AK RIVING AT Tie Hlx Mm- Store. THE ffMESBOEO CAFFEY & P8ITCHETT, PROPRIETORS.- NORTH WILKESBORO, N. O. Are Now .Located In Their New Quarters Opposite . McGee's Establishment With a Compter tiineV Of Anything Kept In A , , 4 FIRST-CLASS''FURNITURE'3TQ?E?, And are Offering Special Bargains In Sewing Macliines, Pianos, and Orp:ans CARTS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, &C. KEROSENE and LUBRICATING . OIL by the BARREL, and STANDARD BRANDS OF GUANO AV ' ' STARVATION PRICES. ; finishing Coffins and Qaskets a Special tyr A GREAT SUFFERER 22.021 Liver Complaint Cured by tlio Use of AYEE'S PlIiLBi years, I vsfas a great sufferer Irom c liver ecniplahitv'l wLicii esuseti se- q vere naii:s . under - til right should cr-o blade, sallownrss of Uie sliln, lovr-. spiritedness, and cramp in the stcmaeh. O I am pleased to be able to state that I bave beea relleTed of. all these com- Ts.aints bv the use ofrAver's Tills. I O find them, also; to be an elegant af et-dn iier pill." Mrs. M. A. SXKAn,Muucy,ra. o i 7 c ci o! Rocelved Highest Awards c AT THE WORLD'S FAIR 91 V - . Xtice. , : By virtue of , a mortgage deed executed by B e n j a in i n Huffman and-otherB, to s e or u r e " the pa y m en? of $225.00 borrotred mousy. I will sell for cosh at the court house Uoor in A ilkceboro, N. G. to the highest bidder May 4th 1896V the fol-io-wiog described real estate, belonging ' to , the7 heirs of of N. P.. Cardwell : in , Wilkea county ao joining the lands of J. XTEIler. Cidid Hack-' ett, Saliie Hamby, Jonathan ;-tout,' -Matildifi McOee and others, foe further description; i ,- mortgage deed reeoxd ia bck do.. 14 page 623: atiefy Hsld eum of $23.00 and cost, of ts.Ut This April the 1st, 150. T.( ' , ' " ' . 5 'W.'T.Jiisio, Itqrtgag'cc. "' illl Bui (dins wafc" 0- tinfls of loofls. ' 5 to 6 cents per. yd. half cents per yd. line of summerjcravats. i ioe of 11 F Gi),.. j Money to Lend, I have made arrangements witli brokers in New. Tork City - through w horn I am able to place loans seiturerl ' by a firat mortgage on i-mproveI f farms, . for five years tim e,. payab! e in i nsta 1 ments, at the low rate of 6 per-cent, interest per annum. r The brokerage and the charge for abstract and, infcpec, tion are small and at the. expense o tne borrower. . If you want cheap money come.at once as the supply is limited. ; ? John S. CnAXOR.' B. N. Hackfctfc.. ; Prnnk I. Hacked' HACKETT HACKETTr attorneys cb XJrXTtrv . , ' : : iVLJimh.SZ(tot N. o Practice in all the courts, StatcUand err alf AH business-enti-rigti'ci to n will tere prompt attwjtion.; CocUoDsiitLe. ty attended to and promptly remitted whfn paid. Will attend the cpHru Wilkes AeLe, Alleghany ami other Ad jing cout:.. A e2thcr firct cr. lifo1 It.eJrat efc will find it to their intreSi to twfvr:vdiUus; we cab furbish cithei , in i e tiaWc com pzaie at lowest pQftfbW raiW;:)E6ni9tftif Vii safc' ani secure Insurance. h "tX-, (',: j i)R LA. HA USE!?, DeiitAl B txrireoii, v XGradudUof-B 0. ., mmnre jtfd., Four Years' experience. J Oilers bis services to tho peoplepf WjiWb. ; Will be" at XVilkeHboro over Kpaj oJiour'a stare 1st -wreak each moaMi S: at tli iict.'- in ISortli IViliresboro hi pccoii J. yek . AlJW'ork Caarttut(lv ,,. UBNIT LIRE