r ' P i - - - - - - - .. m fMF TERMS nir siTni?!?rPTmT On y ear, ....... ...... ,....,.,....,.M,,.1.J 6 m. 1 yr. Three mbnths............. 4.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 17.00 30.00 50.00 9.00 12.00 17.50 25.00 45.00 75.00 v i ayaoie in. ad vunce. tSends all money 'by registered let ter or postal order aad address 18.00 JLHB.,HEONiCLg, Wilkesboro, y. C 30.00 ( ml Equal Taxation,' pirect and Indirect WIT7KESB HIT RSDAY . 23 APRIL .1896. NO. 51. --tti wk i iw- i im "i Knace , l w- l r 75 2.00 Mn' 1 25 3.00 2a- 2 00 4.00, 3li' 3 50 6.00' c' 6 50 'y-75 ce' 1 no 15.00 .. . - ' . . VOL. XI. The Chronicle, LOCAL DOTS. v udef Notes of Passing Events That May or May Notlnterest You. Loola dlit for the show, here Thursday. Dr. J. M. Turner and fa ly are visiting relatives friends in Davie county. Our This is spring time in earn est. ' ; " ent at Mora- Uill I"- i vian Falls, on May the 7th. -Straw hats of the latest and prettiest styles at Hix's. Mr. Albert Gaither o f Kewton, visited in the city last week. ; ' If you want to see the fun, be here on the first Monday at the express package saler If you want to i try your .hand at an express package, be here the first Monday. - Mr G. VyneVfamily have moved into the Blair building in $orth Wilkesboro. -B. S. Call made a trip to Richmond last week with a car load of nice cattle. - Col. Dula is at Stokes court 'this week prosecuting the dock t for Solicitor Mott. For a cool, refreshing drink, call on Berry Bros. Their soda fountain is now in operation. The Rebekahs wj(l hold a meeting at 7;30 o'clock Thurs day. All requested to attend. The students of 34omvian Falls Academy will have a Picnic on Poore's Knob the 25th. The Presbyterian Sunday School has changed its time of meet to A (mxS1' noon. au-ife noil fi!ivs he is compelled to have the rest of the taxes you owe him, by the 'first Monday. -Republican primary for Wilkesboro township is the 24th: in North Wilkesboro township the $nd of May. , The Republican county1 con ventionisto be held the nrst Monday, May the 4th. They will probably have some tun. -The program of the Gospel Mission Rallv at Moravian ap 4 : pears this issue friend Isaac McNeil has accepted a position with Finley Bros, at North Wilkes rnf FALLS AND DIES and alls into Stony' Sparks and Cole's 3ircus L Dies. wijl be in Wilkesboro Thurs- of He was boro. Mr. T. M. Crvsel and wife r v spent a few days visiting their, uncle Samuel Johnson near ISlkin, returning Monday. :.. A big stock of sample shoes for men, women ana children at wholesale prices at Horton & Absher's, North Wilkesboro. Forest fires, have been rag-ino- aViont, Pnnorfi's Knob.. and around fcsq. John Lowe's, do-1 ing serious damage to fencing, forest growth, etc. T h e Moravian Falls Millince (To. have nlaced an or der for a Roller mill at that place, a'nd expect to have it in operation by the nyddle of Au gust: That's business. Whether or not you are espeially interested in tem perance, you should hear Mrs. Qartlarid's lecture Friday night. She comes highly recommend ed and her lecture will interest all. Mrs. Derenbacker died here Monday. Her husband is em nloved Tby the Smo'ot tannery, and came here from Va. Mrs. DflrfinHflolrflr has been an in valid for some time, suffering with consumption. Tf to ti rennart that Mr. Jones McLane apd Miss Leo nora Winkler, of Oakwoods married last week, at Qfatoaviiio while on a visit uvavoo W rln not VOUCh IOr L Dm I 1 V Local Items. Ferguson Fork and W. 'T Fereuson, Elk township, is deadv died Fridnv morninsr: he near 85 years old. Wednesday afternoon before, he went down to Esq. L. L. Churoh's at Ready Branch, and in returning home his norse got away from him in some way. Mr. Ferguson started to walk home. The path near his home runs over a ledge of rocks, some thirty feet high, and Stony Fork creek runs right underneath it. It was dark and in passings over this ledge, he lost his footing ana ffn into the creek below a Aata.nn.ft nf SO feet or more. His friends excited by the re-1 turn of the horse without- him, hunted for him all night till, about 4 o'clock Wednesday morning, and they found him lying in the creek underneath the ledge, covered in water, except part of his head ana face. He was still alive, but unconscious, and never regain ed sufficient strength to speak before deat;h took him. He Iine-ered till . Friday morning about two or three o'clock and then his spirit took its flight It was a sad accidental Stony Fork creek has reputation in this line, is a foot log crossing very far from this spot, tradition ' say a has been the scene of. several deaths caused by falltng into the creek. Mr Ferguson is the eleventh of the twlve children of the family to pass away. Only one still lives Mr. Joel Fer guson. death. a bad There not sp which reno I - Cs. a i n Aflrinc o n d Rtita Bv a CoDwerfleaa daCghW Miss Mary Bell, of Jack Holder's 7 yer old boy " ! F. ;n nf Lfiwiafork. was bitten .Sat .1 ones vine, v jshcu j.xvj. r - - . , ihe colntx last week. Mias about 4 o'clock by a h.gblaud i .. . za mA,ne;n nr onrGrhead snaKe. Sallie Tulbert them homeland week tr so. Sheriff Call nnoniPir Lnrasin or cooperhead snake. I , C3 . y n WM1 cnpnn n. I ThfiV Came ZU IOWU ouuuaj 1U WKVMW 1 mf - a f.r.r,n trt rrflt meaicine jlui aibciuuuu w " it. ..nUn Vvl xr crctA". a : i- i r.iiR nnv. lxu xo uiwuwm.. o - - wanis iK cix y . .a.' all rigni auu i rv i . . i nmmnkd that where,, his depu- ting aion U V W w i l , J J'u..: a n rT.rrt.v for reuuvei. ties nave ievicu :VM.r- j I . , n 4- Ytk oof. taxes, sucn laxes mu&u Association. With said deputies: or it f the - I iiivi. -I - - i LLC iltAU ""v o It will be an paid direct to him, all cost 01 y-iikes county Teachers' Asso day, Anril 23rd. and from ac counts it is a good show, and has a fine troupe of perfoming horses and mules. Rev. W. M. R. Church will travel during the summer in behalf of the Wilkesboro Marble Works. He is author ized to take subscriptions for the Chronicle. Send in your subscription and keep up with the home news. It would be well, just along now, for the citizens of the town and the town commis sioners too to see after , the sanitary condition of the town. Hav a general cleaning up of the premises and you can hard ly realize the diffeience for the better it will make. Only a short while till the town election. We have heard no mention of candidates what ever. It's time something was said and done. . If not the elec tion way go by default. It has been suggested $hat the gold tmd silver question will not enter into the politics of the town election, and twe all can join hands in electing good men. Bv mistake we stated that Messrs. Webster and Nicholson had been licensed to preach by the quarterly conference when wo should have stated that the quarterly conference recom mended that the Distrtct con ference license them. The power of granting such license H with the District conference instead of the quarterly con ference. There will be a reception given at the Yadkin Valley Seminary on the evening of the 24th of April. The present patrons of the school withjtheir families are cordially invited to attend, from 7 to l6 P. M. Prof. Nicholson informs us tnat the invitation is necessarily limited to the patrons, as. there is not sufficient room to invite others, as he would like to do. he ler. uilding, P ASM (0 A new line of all lands of pois. Calicoes 5 to 6 bents per yd, ' Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. . A pretty line of summer cravats. E PRICE TO ALL.1 . CALL AND SEE THEM A M npWsinn wpII worth attending. ievv, kc, must be paid, too. "r t -a v ttt. TATit,ist. Wo lonrn from the nr. ij. a. nuuooii i will move his tamily here at an of thJ marriage of Miss Maggie We shall be" glad him permanently early date. to welcome among us. Mr. J. C. Smoot arrived from Alexandria, Va., Saturday ap.r.nmrtnnind bv his foreman, Mr. C. A. Cover. They are lowkJg marriage licenses now readv for business. been of t h e,i to" i WiivKnrn TTnt.pl. has arrang- Well n;ofinn will meet at xortn Topic Wilkesboro May the 9th. The question for discussion 1 s: Should we change our dooms in the" free school course?" Prof. C. C. Wright wih open -r m . -a. J TVT. Rinrtnn. Ot L.enOir, auu . ... . , 7 . nv,. l.-R. Kain, of Philadelpnia, last iveek, at juenon. Buxtdn is a sister ot our towns- the discussion. man. fol have ioonorl Dock Huffman . t ii. ffftliimhiis nnp.n tne ary ingan, vw'"-r wr . to Ida Adams; S J. B. Buxton, Esq. . nee last issue, the A Lively Week. Things here are to be nveiy this week. The circus wiiA ball Thursday. ri- Charlie day the Republican primaary agnificent Line of mm y an Tie JUST ARRIVING AT Hix Clotliog Store. -HAVING OPENED UP A- 1? M a o nontioh at the uprevette to m. - ; hoteUo a number of friends, S. Spacer to Lura Garris W. wt Si " X Z W -v IT The Ashevine uim&ou statefe that pt tner receAtly undergoing the. inter nal rbvenue civil service; exuiu-. inatibn at Statesville, only wo it. tti Hicker- . 4 IV If- I i V L 4 U of Wilkes, and J. L Bost, at an early date. x The Ladies' , Prayer Meet ing will be held at Mrs. , Kin near' s next Sunday af terttcon at 5 o'clock. Atl the ladies are requested to be present . -The Metnoens u-r- - of Irfedell cured a nice lot oi ouw"- .' mpnt at viia side of The commencement at the Parsonage, on which to ph(Spr.ngs Institute w ,t !n 0iant brick church, on the ntgnt 01 mj It is badly needed. -In the article last ,week concerning 'the pensioners of 1840, the name ood i Jrh the sermon errpneously allowed to appear -t son, e 14th and day of the15thV Prof i Ball3W, of Virginia, wde he literary auuiCM,: W. B. Bradshaw- will will exhibit at the court -house. Friday night Mrs aruia lectures. Saturday we n navo the picnic of te Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. Between them all, and the lively music of the dogs and cats at night, we see rpasnn for any . one ,s to be er Rev (Tu ri a nnmbftr or our older citizens remember . Job Cole. ' , , Glad to see our -friend and county man Mr. Ly tie . Hicker-, son in town-last week. He has been spending a few days at. home, while his law teacher. Col. Armfield, was 'aitending Ashe court. -. - . - : Jrnformation has been com- mii rTi rated to this onice-n y." municatey l" r, w Tlancv Deriuty Marsna . r v ft ia.MarthalancyV d d shoot ano owl? at one shot, with a rt- f.f mBaSurinff each t, tt a lO inches frpm tip to J tip large colt's about Free Balloon Ascensio. De Boe. the French Aeronaut, will make a trip to the clouds Thursday April 23rd and when miles high will jump from the balloon and decead to "the earth oh a parachute. A free feature this is of Sparks & Cole's Circus. x Catting Affray at Vashti. " tvt TUaA " namnbell. one iJAi . xuuu i " 1. of the proprietors tors of the Pin Factory at Vashti, was seriously cut last week. He . and one or tue hands, Bob Bowles, got into a difficulty. Campbell knocked Bowles down with a piece of plank, and Bowles cut Camp belt with. his knife, making a bad gash in his side four or five inches long. His hand was badly cut, too, having thrown it down at. the time Bowles struck hisside. CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries, Etc., I take this method of inuiting my friends to call and ex amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all my customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best . QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market prica nlwava naid tor all siapie prouueo. . r- . Wilkesboro, N. C. MILTON MCNEIL, N S --.-. - - . - The First or tne season. -v r :t . Messrs C. C. Smoot & Sons" Co. are pushing the work on their large tannery in JNonn Wilkesboro their i m men & c bark she4 is nearmg. compie ;r - while their handsome office has been nnishea anu decorated with a pain t i brush . Messrs. C. K. Anderson ana j. F. Absher are the "early birds' in the bark line -each- brougnt in a load Satxirday which is the first received by this concorn but others will follow in, a .few days, and ere long the: roads dftd with wagons W 111. : WV V " f . , laden wito bark, ;. liG -'BARQ'it THE WILKESBORO HARDWARE STORE' having recently bought a large stock of goods, is ottering p them cheaper than ever before consisting of Nails, horse anc mule shoes, holloware, crockery, cutlery, tools of all kinds, base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistols, shot and powder, empty and loaded shells, collars arid pads, and plows of all kinds. V '' Should you need a good "Hillside", call and you ehall beeupplied. Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow, Chatanooga Cane mill, Cuta-. way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and. Marshall Wagons, Can give you the most tinware for the money, ypn ever bought. f When in need of anything to be had at a first-class hardware store, come and see me before purchasing elsewhere. ' - ' - ' ' I sell cheap for cash, but please dont ask for credit. . ' : V C. F. MORRISON. Excitement on Hunting Creek. T. V. Bell is rthe happiest man in this . section, and says 'that "Hard Times" are over. He has a new son at his house. a nnn as the son arrived, Bell went to feed his horse and mule. The mule kicked at him, and he grabbed it by the tail and slung it out. ot tne stable; the horse backed its. ears and he threw it across his i onrl rtarriftd it to the house and told his little son to geV up and go to plowing. He says ' there, ris no more hard Vinn nR hft can now tiUti9.1UJL ' " make a living and not strike; a lick. ; . - r . REP9? 'DEE NORTH WILKESBORO, 2SJ Are Now . Located In Their NewjQuarters Opposite McGee's Establisimen vVith a Compile Lino; Of Anything Kept In A " ' F1RST-C5LASS FURNITURE STORE, And are Offering Special BargainsIn Sewiiig.M.acliiiies, Pianos, ana urgans ' CABTS,' BUGGIES; HABNESS;&C.KEBpSENEaif 4 MJ B RTCATIKG OIL "by the BARREL, and STANUAEI) BBANDS OF OUANO STARVATIOPRIOES. :pihishins'"bpffins, and Caskets a Specialty, (