X v Pirect and Indirect. VOL. X. fiqual Tax&tlon, The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. jBrief Notes of Passing Events That May or MajrNot Interest You. , Wnat about the town cem- etery? Mrs. J. D. Smith is quite sick. , - Mr. Robert Vannby is qnite fiick with pneumonia. ; Drummer Hubbard is home from an extended trijs. Jfr. R. H, Nesbit, of Ra leigh, is in the city. Dr. G. H. Carter, of Cald well, was in city last week.. s Miss . Myrtle Edwards is visiting friends in Statesville. Miss Mamie Wallace is vis iting at Moravian Falls. Glad to learn that Miss Fannie Peden is convalescent. Mrs. James Tulbert, of Go shen, is vising in Ashe. Mr. James W. McNeil, of Winston, is visiting lais people here. The rain came in a good time, and it was a good rain too. r If garden truck donfct grow now, it is because it is not planted. Mr. John B. Horton has re turned from his trip to Boone last week. . Miss Annie Gall, of Mocks -ville, is visiting at Mrs. L. H. Woods'. Rev. W. L. Dawson, has placed a1 neat pailing fence around the parsonage lot. . Mr. Calvin Cowles, of Gap Creek, is visiting his gradfath er at this place. Milton Call, Esq , of Mocks ville, is visiting -friends and relatives in the county. Zeb Deaton, of the Wilkes boro Marble W orks made a trip to Statesville last week. The forests are perfectly green. Did you ever see the leaves grow faster? The Rebekas meet Thurs day evening at 7:30 o'clock. All the members are requested to attend. . ( Mr. L. A. Ward, ;bf Roar ing River, was' here Monday, looking as natural as when he used to live here. Mr. Jesse McEwen, who is attending school at Trap Hill, Institute, came down home Friday, staying till Sunday. sonsville, father ot Maj. Bill Eenderman of this place, is quite ill. He is some 86 years Old. . ; . ' Mr. J. C. Elmore has a chicken which sports 16 toes 8 on each foot.. It would be a dangerous chicken to turn loose in a new garden; If you need a pair of shoes, a hat, tie, or anything in men's wear call and see Horton & Ab sher's spring stock before buy ing. ; . v0:;-':;:'.;.-K';!;- Esq. W". L. Hendrix, of Stony Fork, left on the train the first of the week for Balti more to purchase a new stock of goods. Thursday is Moravian Falls commencement. It promises to be the most interesting occa sion of the kind ever had there. There will be a concert at night. Local elect io os on " 'wet . and dry" stir up more strife and bitterness than all other elections put together. Peo. Pie scarcely get l friendly;; from one election to.ano th'erV ; 7 - T uren it in 10 30 y: Mr. W f E. Harris and are visiting relatives friends in Caldwell count Bishop Cheshire will at the Episcopal ch Wilkesboro May 20th a. m. ' . y . Mr. J esse Hobbs came over Sati rday and he and Mrs. Jlobos returned Monday to their home in Catawba county. Mr. J. G. Hacket received a painful injury while working aboi t some logs the other day. The hand spike slipped and (he fell inflicting a bad sprain aboi t the small of the back. Mr. B. S. Call has sold out his stock of groceries to the firm of I. S. Call & Co. They will continue the business, and will increase their stock i of gqoc s. ... The 3rd quarterly meeting of th e Advent Cof erence will meej with Boomer church, be ginning the 8th and continu- REPUBL1CAN CONVENTION, ing through Sunday. Elder Geo. D. Sherrill and others will preach. Al are invited, Mr. J. C. Triplets little girl ;it Goshen, who was " oper ated upon by Dr. Turner for club foot some weeks ago, is getting along well, and the foot will probably be straight and all right. Dr. Cal. .earner's horse at Boone was taken from the Sta ble one night las.t week and ridden off about six or eight miles. He found the horse next was done wanted a -4 ex ed to Bo1 court. for th again an's b 1 afternoon: - It by some fell ow who ride for nothing. The exercises at Sulphur Sprir gs Institute will take place on the 15th. Prof. C. C. Wrig;ht will deliver the address. Owir g to sickness in the school the exercises which were to take place the night of the 14th will De omitted. awyer H. L. Greene and itor T. J. Robertson went one last Week to attend Mr. Greene appeared e Wagoners in the case st them for burning Bry- arn. he editor thanks Miss Carrie Wellborn, one of the students, for an invitation to attend the fourth annual com mencjement of the State j Nor mal and Industrial School, at Greensboro, May the 19th and 20th. T he Elkin Times says : -"Mr. W. A. Holleman, of New Castl e township, Wilkes coun ty, possesses a curiosity in the shape of a hairy chicken. In stead of feathers there is hair on the - chicken which resejn bles Ithe; human hair. The chioken is well developed and laysltn egg every day.' i The case of the State against Vestfe McGuire for killing one Mr. Phillips near Riverside, which: came up for trial at Boone court, was postponed. The homicide occurred just a little way s inside the W atau galide. The parties reside in Ash el jv.V , Ana this is May April witnl its showers has gone The young man whose- 'fancy lightly turns to v thoughts of love,Y -is -often heard plaintive ly hu nmincr the softly I wooing strait .s of that sweet spring song, "OhJ that we' two were Mayi ag." . ! Col. W. F. Henderson; of Lexiil'gton, was here last week selling ouV his corh.7 : He is mentioned as - the ; Republican candidate for1 Congress in the sflventh district. He can no doubt get the nomination if he iwtatrt a now nis name vuc fore the convention. . They Met, Crossed Swords and Mott Conquered in Convention. The republican county con vention met, here Monday. .There was a full attendance, every to wnship being represen ted. Solicitor Mott was elected chairman and Chas. Cowles was made secretary. W F Trogdon, J 0 Sparks & C H Somers werb appointed ; on credentials. They reported all the precincts represented. There were contests in Elk and Lewis Fork, and contestants, Geo Bradley in Elk, and B F Eller, J C Ellis and J B Dula were seated, v J ; If contestants had not been seated still Mott would have hafcl some 16 majority. The following delegates and alternates' were elected: State Convention Delegates Solicitor Mott, C. Call, J T Alexander, Geo. Bradly. Al ternates W F Trogdon, R A Somers, P A Lomax, Juo Dula. District Convention at LenoiH theLlth Delegates S Q Myers J;E Hays, Sam Harris, J R Henderson. Alternates M L Mott, W G Meadows, W C Mvers and Alfred Alexander. The convention was interest ing from the start. The fight was on between the Mott and McNeil following, and the So licitor carried the day, but everything was not altogether as calm'as a spring breeze: Durine: the absence of the credential committee, General Bryan, the "Red Fox", unload ed his general opinions and scored Tyre York for not being a republican only when he was paid $5000 per year. His re marks were mostly on "old York." Col. W. F. Henderson, of Lexington, respnded to the call of his many friends and made a pleasant speech. The vote by precincts gave the Mott wing 45 and McNeil 20. the in troduced to instruct the dele gates to the State convention to vote for Holton for chair man and Dockery for Governor. Chairman Mott made a speech against the resolution and ac cused the opposition of fighting Mckinlev and Pritchard in an underhanded way. The motion to instruct was defeated by tabling the motion, the vote 55 to 11. Several others made speeches all seeming to be tor McKinley. The convention adjourned, and there was a little more fun on hand. McNeil asked his men to meet him at the mayor's of fice, arid as the people were go ing out, Solicitor Mott and law yer Benbow, got into a few words that sounded like fight ing words, but friends inter ferred and no blood was shed; The McNeil men held a con vention, with Wm. Lee chair- LOCAL MATTEK. ' Prof. Nicholson is visiting friends and relatives in Iredell county this week. Walter Horton and Jlufus Lenoir, 6i the Happfc Valley, were in the city this week. Mr. Will Transou, of Ashe, passed through last week, on his way to Baltimore and New York to purchase goods. A folding store house key was found neaj the post office. The owner can get it by calling at this office. Rev. A. T. Pardue will preach the funeral sermon in memory of John Mitchell's children, at Reddies River church the first Sunday in June Commencement ' Exercises of Traphill Institute will be May 19 and 20. Rev. Jno. E. White, of Raleigh, will deliver the annual sermon. Geo. Cheek, Esq., Whitehead, will address the Literary Society. Rev. W. R. Bradshaw, of N. Wilkesboro, will deliver the annual address. There was a little funin air when a resolution was man,-and J. A McCann, sec'y. They elected the following del egates to State convention: M. McNeil, J C Henderson, V E Staley, A C Billing. Alter nates Thornton Brown, Wm. Lee,f Dr. Pegrarh, J P Elledge. They propose to make a con test at the State convention. Everybody Gets Rich. The express package sale the ill. i 4in raaae every ooay ?icn in this country, and no man will ever again talk about hard times. There are more patent medicines, pills, and almanacs in IFilkes than ever before. You could get all your needed in a life time for 25 cents! There were some 700 packages sold and they brought some thing like $150.00. Everybody bought what he pleased. Gen. E. Wallace bought an organ grinder with a monkev attachment, and sits by it day and night, and refuses to snore or go to his store. It was a great sale. rieasant Reception. The reception given at the Wilkesboro Hotel on Tuesday evening of last week, by Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Zoll, was a most delightful occasion, and one that will be long and pleasant ly remembered by those pras ent, old and young, married and single. Refreshments, cake, icecream; and lemonade were served sumptuously and all partook liberally, and were happy. Those who felt "mu sic in their bones ' and cared to keep step to the rhythm of sweet strains, had an opportu nity and many of them "tripp ed the light fantastic" some of the "fantastics" were not altogether "light." But what was lacking in grace and lightness of step was made up in energetic and honest endeavor. It was one of the most pleas ant occasions Wilkesboro has witnessed and the regret is that such are not more fre quent. he Mill 4 - - . . .. uilciing . v OS A net line of all Ms of goods. Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yd. Percales 6 to 12 & one 'half cents per yd. A pretty line of summer cravats. OWE PRICE TO ALL. ' ' "':''".; CALL AND SEE THEM A Magnificent Line of 1 nil n fa r n B n n 1111111 & .liullUiliLy Tie JUST All RIVING AT Hix . Clolng Store HAVING OPENED UPA- M a -CONSISTING OF- Mad Dogs in Mulberry. They are enjoying a.' mad dog" scare up in Mulberry township. ; Thomas : Shumate, son of Louis Shumate, was bit ten on the finger by . one Mast week. ; Four or fiVe dogs which had gone. niad have been killed right 4 in that , - neighborhood. "Watch eut; or the ;m ad dogs wiU get you. North Wilkesboro Election., It seems that none but the "dries" voted in the North Wilkesboro election of town officers. The others, all but one, did not vote, claiming the election to be. illegal. The vote stood: Mayor J R Caffey 88. Commissioners W - B Henry, 88; J R Finley 87; J R Staley 88; A M McGee 86; C JParlier, 89. . Constable T N Eller,' 88. Only, one Vote was cast for the other ticket. ' It is understood that there is to be a proceeding brought to declare the election illegal. If this is done,M the "dries" threat en ; to investigate last y ear3 election and have it declared illegal. And if the matter gets started : there is - no- telling where it raaystop. ' ' ? - , Dry Goods, Motions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware. Groceries, Etc., I take this method of inuiting my friends to call and ex aminemy GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. V I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure jail my customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and test QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market price always paid for all staple produce. Very truly, Wilkesboro, N. C. allLTON MCNEIL, BIG BARGDN THE WILKESBORO HARD WAEE STORE having recently bought a large stock of goods, is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails, horse and mule shoes, holloware, crockery, cutlery, tools of all kinds, base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oilsj guns, pistols, shot and powder, empty and loaded shells, collars-anoj pads, and plows of all kinds! ' , . 1 - : Should you need a good "Hillside", call and you shall be supplied : v- Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow, Chatanooga Cane mill, Cuta way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons. Can give you the most tinware for the moneyyon ever bought. - When in need of anything to be had at a first-class hardware store, come and ' see me before purchasing elsewhere. ' - I sell cheap for cash, .but please dont ask for -credit. " C. E.MORRISON. THE WILKESBORO FUTURE CO., CAFFEY Sl RRiTCHETT,. PROPRIETORS. NORTH WILKESBORO, N.O. ' ' ' , Are Now Located In Their. New Quarters Opposite . MpXJee's Establishment With a 'Complete Line Of JLnythingKept. In ;A " FIRST-CLASS FURUITURE STORE, And are Offering Special Bargains In; x " SewingMachines Pianos, cLnd Organ ; CAKra, UUuvilJiib, HAKNES8,&C1- KER0SEIE and LUBRICATING OIL by the BARREL, and STANDARD BRANDS OF GUANO AT , , STARVATION PRICES. -;::' Finishing Coffins and Caskets a Specialty." . - . - ! -