It RATES OF ADVERTLSiNG, ... TERMS' OF S UJ3SCR I PTION. .Iwfcrim. I 3m.; 6m; 1 yr. One- year..... .-, .1 in. 2' in. 3 in. i col. col., 1 col. . .75 1.2S 2L00 00 3.00' 4.00' 6,00 4.00' &00 T50 - 9.00 12.00 17.50 25.00 45.00 75.00 monxns.. ....... ( inxee montUa...v..wv ....... . Payable in adyuncje. . CSTSepxickalL money Jty; registered let er pr postal order and. address I Tips OtfBONicLB, Wilkesboro. N; C; 3.50 6.50 11.00 10.00 9.75 '18.00 15.00. 30.00 J3qual TaxatiojfPirect and Indirect. 6.00 900' 10.00; 17.00 30.00 50.00- T V i IS I til I 1 - ; I I I I I III II 11 YOL. X. W.ITyK'ESBOKQV-lSr. C.yTHTTRSDAY'. MAY T4. 189ft. The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. Brief Notes of Passing Events That May or May Not Interest Ton. Some new cases of measles in town. John Warren, of Elkin, was here last week. Miss Lou Isbell, . of well, is visiting in the 6ity Miss Gertie Webster is vis iting friends on Hunting Creek. Editor Gentry, of the Jefferson Times, was in the city last week. , Mrs. Lonsford, mother of Esq. Wash. Lonsford, of Love lace, is very low. Hackett & Hackett, attor neys, have dissolved copartner ship. The tan bark i s being jhauled in pretty rapidly along now. Glad to see Mr. Greene Wellborn, of Ashe, in town last week. Mr. W. H. Colvard,. who has been suffering from heart trouble, is improving. Glad to see Mr. Harrison Lewis able to be out. He has to use crutches in walking. Mr. John Taylor, of Win ston, was here last week,' on business, of course. Miss Lizzie Horton, of Elkville, is Visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. Bob Horton, of JClk ville, was in the city last week, looking as natural as ever. Esq. Wesley Joines was in town last week and reports his neighborhood all in good shape. The new board of town commissioners have an oppor tunity of doing a good year's work. " " , Glad to learn that Mr. J. G. Hackett has greatly im proved and is able to be up again. Mrs, A. R. Vail, of Jeffer. son, spent Friday nigt in the city, on her way to Greensboro to visit several days. Quite a large number of people from this section attend ed tbe Adventist meeting at Boomer Sunday. Rev. C. W. Robinson and wife went to Elkin Friday. He conducted services there Satur day and Sunday. . V ,. Down about Osbornviile it rained very little; when we had those good rains here," and it is quite dry down there. - There is complaint in some sections that the fruit is fall ing off considerably. It SUDDOSfti tftfiP nftiiRfld hv tile drv WPntlior R. M. Stalev Esq.. elected on the new board of town com missioners has resigned and Dr. W. Af Berry has been elec ted to the vacancy. Mr. J. E. Hubbard has put up an excellent grist mill out Bear Oakwood postoffiqe, and Js prepared to serve customers. Mrs. Minnie Gibson, of Huntersville, who has been vis iting at Taylorsville, is spend ing a few days with Mrs. Hix; at this place. The Masonic Annual Pic nic at Dellaplane will come 6tL ?n July 25th. All lodges are Jnvited to participate in the Pcnic. r : Found, by J. F. Barlow, in the ford of Beaver creek, a' box of spectacles. The owner can get same by calling at this.of- See. ' .:: . o ' - at T Sfcraw hats of all styles HixY. Ladies' fine slippers at the Hix Clothing Store. i uhas, H. Somers has been elected clerk of the town board. : Miss "Zora Ferguson, of Boon er, is visiting Mr. Mc "Neil'i; family. It. L. A. Hauser is in his office here this week, ready for dental work. Special line of laces at the Hix Clothing Store, going at the lowest prices. i Kandle Brown " and Myra Brown, colored, were married last week, Rev. M. McNeil performing the ceremony. Ers. Turner. White. Hor ton Doughton have gone to Winston to attend the meeting of the Medical Asso- i ciatio r. Albert Eller. of Ready Branch, passed throuerh Mon his way to Winston to g of the Medical Asso NO. 4. HIS EYE-BALL SHOT OUT. Lee Bash day o meeti ciatio gone r Mr. Haywood familv were in the Shoots Troy Dancy in Mulberry. News reaches here of a seri ous shooting affair in Mulberry to wpship last Sund ay evenin g. Lee Rash sbot Troy Dancy, the ball taking, effect in the right eye, knocking out the ball of the eye, and lodging in th skull above the ear. I seems that Rash and Dan cy got into a fuss. T'hey are both bad characters, Dancy made at Rash with an ax. Rash run a piece and then turn ing. fired into Dancy. - Dancy is in a precarieus condition. Something like a year ago Rash and Dancy had a fuss about" some blockade liauor, and Dancy cut Rash up with a knife, and there has been bad feelings ever since between them. MORE LOCiLS. q. R. N. Hackett has to Goldsboro to attend the rheetiner of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. Powell and citv last week. They came down t& attenci the Moravian com mencement. Miss Carrie Wellborn ar rived I home from Greensboro last Thursday. She is attend ing tile State Normal and In dustrial School there. . Sheriff Call left Monday I to attend the State Republican convention. He will visit friencls at Winston and Greens boro qn his way. r friend Joshua L. Joh som of Walnut Grove ship, was among: our pleasant callers last week. We a$ ways glad to see him. Saturday was a great day for bark at the tannery, and the roads were filled with wag ons ninety-seven loads of bark were delivered that day. l Dv. Thomas Call, of Ashe, spent Sunday in the city with bis aunt, Mrs. Call. He was on his way to Winston to at tend t ie meeting of the Medi cal Association. The boy with his ne w hand made whistle is heard on every hand, blending his music with the so lg bird's, and everybody is hap ?y, or ought to be, The new town board has selecte d William A. Vannoy for po iceman. No salary was allowe d;,he is to work for the feeasaving of a considera- le lit tie- sum. Li!ndsay Swanson and Miss 4usta Barlow, daughter of the late T lomas Barlow, were mar ried lit Boomer township last SundaV bv Elder G. D. Sher riii. ;T The judges failed tor-agree upon a decision in the finan cial debate at Moravian Falls, and the question is -therefore still before the people, open for discussion. ; The new mayor of North WilkelboroJ. R. Caffey, lost two fine milk cows last week. Bioth c ied the same-night. It i'sthoi ght they were poisoned by some enemy of Mr. Caffey. j Mi v S. Q. Myers,, of Dock ery, p? ssed through Saturday on his way. to the district , con ventio a at Lenoir. He said he was feeling a little sad after leavint his wife and; baby. They, lay be has the : prettiest babr that has ever been ; in- that country . L toin c e al- jrif I Changes Hecoiuinenfled. The committee appointed by the Teachers' Association con cerning the matter of adoption of school books, yj a vote of three to two recommended the following changes: 'Our Country" instead of "Hansel Higher History." Hutchinson's Series of Phys iology instead of Steele's. Reed & Kellogg's elementa ry grammar instead of Har vey's. They recommend the drop ping of Steven's History and Moore's N. C. History. They recommend also that Maynard's classic series be added. TwO of the committee were in favor of adopting the entire Moravian Falls Commenceinen The closing exercises at M ravian Falls Academy occurred last Thursday, and was attend ed by a large number. The exercises began at 10 a. m. and consisted of declama tions and recitations, inter spersed with sOngs. All ac quitted themselves well. "The financial debate came the first thing after dinner, the subject being "Should there be free and unlimited coinage of silver in the United States?" Six young men engaged in the discussion. Charlie Hartley, W. A. Bullis and Robert Prof fitt advocated the silver side, and Greene Lowe, Henry Hart ley and J. A Boldin champi oned the negative. The boys made excellent speeches; show ing that they had given the matter considerable thought and study. The debate was so evenly divided that the judges were not able to agree upon a' decision. Following this was the liter ary Address delivered by Mr. T. M: Hufham, of Hickory, N. His theme was "TheTrain- nsr of . Children," and those who heard it say it was an ex cellent production and well de liverd It was enjoyed by all-. Two jprizes were awarded. The prize tor tire- greatest im provement in composition was awarded to Miss Hattie Alex ander. The prize for the great est improvement in spelling was awarded to Finley Keys There was a concert giyenat night and the house,, was crowded. The exercises which consisted of dialogues, .. etc., were interspersed with muic by the Moravian string; band. The admittance ' fee was: :20 cents, and some" 828.00 were realized The students : and patrons were all admitted free. The session just; ended": was one of the most ' successful - in the history ol the school; -v- - The Woman's Temperance Union meets at Mr. Ferguson's Wednesday at 4 P M: All members requested to be present: -The Ladies Benevolent So ciety of the Presbyterian church meets at Dr. Green's this after noon (Tuesday) at 4:30 o'clock. All the members required to be present , ' A mess of peas for dinner On the 9th of May, is mighty early for this section, but that' is what Mrs. J. A. Forester gave her family Saturday. Who is ahead of that? Mrs. B. F. Kinnear leaves this week to visit relatives and friends in Washington City, New York, and New Haveri, Conn. She will remain away several months. W. B. Smoot, of the C. C. Smoot & Sous Co., who was here last week looking after business connected with the tannery in progress of erection at North. Wilkesboro, has re turned to his home in Alexan dria, Va. Dr. Cal. Parlier, of Boone, passed through the first of the week going down to Winston to attend the meeting of the Medical Board. He has been yi siting relatives at Moravian Falls. All the rogues are not dead yet. One night last week some one relieved J. R. Henderson, Esq., of a nice ham' of meat, and there has been two or three fish baskets stolen in the last few nights. Rev. Mr. Barber asks us to state that there has been a change in the date of Bishop Cheshire's appointment at this place. He will preach here the 19th at 10:30 a. m instead of the 20th. Take notice of the change. Prof. Wagoner, of Trap Hill Institute, -was here Satur day, and says they are going to have a lively time at com mencement, the 19th and 20th, and also at Fair View college the 21st and 22nd. He stays there is no measles in that country, and he wants eyery body to come. -We are in receipt of an in vitation to e present at the commencement exercises o f Fair View College, at Trap iliil,'the 22nd and 23rd of May. The Annual Sermon will be preactied the 22nd by Rev. A. J. Johnson, and the Literary Address will be delivered the 23rd, by Mr. Herbert L. Greene of this place. There are some who have the wrong idea about mail mat ter. Some think that if a let- ter is not sealed it requires on ly one cent postage. That is a mistake. Mail matter contain ing writing is subject to first class rates, whether the mat ter be sealed oi unsealed,, and requires two cents postage for every ounce or fraction there of. Remember this and save yourself and the postmaster trouble an(LfiTvehie Th e M ill r Burl diimg: A, O9 A aewline of aa Ms of pofls; . Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yi; Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. A pretty line, of summer cravats. E PRICE TO ALL. GALL AND SEE THEM ' M agnificent Line of 1 fi' its isi D ft JUST ARRIVING AT flii Eiii Sore. m Ah HAVING OPENED UP A i-S-sl ill CONSISTING OF- M mm - Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries, Etc., I take this method of inuiting my friends to call and ex4 amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will injure all mv; customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market nnft always paid for all staple produce. Very truly Wilkesboro, N. C. MILTON MCNEIL, BOG Uite a THE WILKESBORO HARDWARE STORE; haying recently bought a large stock of goods, is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Iails, horse an$ mule shoes, hollo ware, crockery, cutlery, tools of 'all kinds,' base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistols, shot and powder, empty and loaded shells collars and pads, and plows of all kinds. -" -. . Should you need a good "Hillside call and you shall be supplied. ''' - Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow, Chatanooga. Cane mill, Cuta way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons. ' - - Can give you the most tinwpre for .the money, yon ever bought. -- When in need of anything to be had at a first-class hardware, ore, come and see me before purchasing elsewhere. " ' . I sell cheap for cash, but please dont ask for credit . " ' C. F. MORRISON. . THE WILKESBORO William Sneed famous character in Wilkes, having almost a State reputation. He has been dead over five years, and still there is not a stone, slab, f plank or anything to point out .his last resting place, is most inti mate friends can hardly point out his grave.. . This -should not be allowed. His old friends should chip in and'place a. de . Lcent tombstone at his tomb. Just a mite from several would do it Why not attend to itl CAFFEY V.PRITCHETT, PROPRI ETOH2 JNU-itlll WI,K.ESBORO, Kf. ; CO, Now Located In Their New. Quarters Opposite McGee's Establishment With a Com p! af ; Line . - ' 1- fuyning ii.ept In A FIRST-CLASS FURW ITURE STQPP And are Offering Special Bargains In! ' ; - Se-wiiig M!ac3liiiieS9 Pianos n -h - . CAKTS, BUGGIES. HARNESS. r. S? Organ A.TIKG ,K and STANDARD BANDS OF OCAXO AV STARVATION PR I OP K i-. (r .i i