: - - - - . - - V 4. BATES OFAPVERTISING. TERMS Ciw arrnnmTTTTfxr ' lm. I 3m. 6m. l'yr. P-ne year :. v uuuuuuil J.iUi . gpace Ti wk. Six monthg..... 1 ia. 2io. .75 1.25 2.00 3.50 6.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 9.75 4.00 6.00 7.50 6.00 93)0 10.00 17.00 30.00 9.00 12.00 17.50 25.00 j45.00 75.00 Three montfcg... , 8i : Paytfblo in advance. 10.00 CT-Sendg ail money y registered to 18.00 or poaun omer and address Th Cqgoxici, AVilkesboro. r ' i i ii ti ' 15.00 lcoi 11.00 30.00 150.00 Equal Taxation, pireet and Indirect. V D v - Y V . Ill .111 i t : : 11 . 1 TOL. X. Tub Chronicle. tOCAL DOTS. . Ariel JJotes of Passing Events That jly or May .not xniercsv iiw. Cool your parched tongue at Berry's Soda Fountain. Xke Wellborn & Co. To bacco .factory begins work tius Mr. Albert gaither, of Newton, was m tne city last week. Glad to see Mr. Jfaul Chat- ham, or HiiKm, in town last week. -Miss Emma McEwen, of Jefferson, is visiting at Mr. Zoll-s. . - I. -Mr. and Mis. W. C. Wink- lermade a visit to - Caldwell last week. $ext Sunday is Children's Day Exercised at the Presby terian church. Miss Maude Wilcox, at Esq. of W. Ashe, is visiting W. Barber's. Mr. Vaughn, of Winston, was in me cny last weejt. A 1 i. 1 J. ris- iting our mercnants. - - Some of our people went down to tne Julian commence merit last week. about over. It can scarcely be pealed nowv - . Brooms at all prices at Call's. Get - one and sweep out vour house once rnore. Mr. Bob McNeil 'has 're turned from Wake Forest where he has been to school. . Miss Lena ' Wellborn at tended commencement at Sa lem Female Academy last week. Mr. H. A. Kleopffelberg, of Charlotte, was in -the city last week, wearing his usual geni al smile. Mrs. Emily Jackson, 'sister of Esq. J; R. Henderson; died last week at her home five milas from El kin. The next meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be at Dr. Turner's Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock:, c John Y. Jordon, the inim itable gentleman from Bun combe, was a visitor to the city last week. Miss Nannie Wellborn re turned home last week, from Salem, where she had been at tending school. We were glad to see XJncle Hardy Hutchinson in town last week. It was his first visit for a long time. Miss Pearl Sydnor, w has been visiting in Florida, returned to her home in Norxh Wilkesboro Saturday. -Esq. J. M. Mitcell, of Statesville, was in the city last week. He was up here looking after marketing his tan bark. - , , : -: " The Odd Fellows' meeting tonight, TuesdayJune 2nd, is a yery important one to the. order, and a full attendance is requested. "Like the swell of some sweet tune? May glides softly into June.' And so it isagain May is no, more and June is with. us. " V ."'".''- The Chronicle regrets , to kam of the death of Mr. H. ewland little son, last week. It died at Morganton, at the home of its ; grandparents. - . It as a bright little fellow, about 10' months ;6ld;,sV Mr. ewland has the sympathy; "of hh anv friends' Jere.: : WILKESBOR Alpaca uats at Hix's. flnftniftl h n a n f T.o1iao - At. ank I, af VTia Jesse F. Hoskins, the tual Insurance man, is i city. . Ruf us Lenoir, of the' 'Han py Yalley," was in the city the first of tne week. Ex-heritf .Greenwood was in the city Monday, looking as natural as ever. The bark trade continues to be lively C, C. Smoot &' Sons Co , bought 115 loads Sat urday. A n an by the name of Pru itt was pound over to Federal Court Saturday for violation of the internal revenue laws. Traphill Institute will open its eigh Sh session Wedn esday,. August 8th, 1896. The princi pal will be ably assisted. j Uncle Joel Triplett was in town this week. He always is on hand when there is to be a Democratic meeting. miss jtvaaie ocricKer. or Concorp, arrives spend some time tcr, Mrs. Hix. this week to with her sis- friend, Wallace Con- ley, U. i S. Commissioner, and his younger brother, James, of Lenoirj were among our wallers last we(ek., A horse stepped on Well born Pliarr' 8 right foot Sunday morning and, in consequence of whiih, he is now hopping around, on a stick. Mrl D. E. Smoak has the contract for making the brick for the tannery in North Wilkesboro. He .will com mence operations at once. Rev. M. Houck, of Ashe, .preached the funeral"1 sermon of Nancy Ifichols last Sunday at Millers Creek. Mrs Nich ols was 92 years old at her death. Whitehead Summer Nor mal School onens today (Tues day). This is a very desirable place for those who desire to attend a summei school. Ex-Represontative Joe S. Holbriok, of the region round about "God's Country," was in town 1 he first of the week, and report 3 peace and and quietude in his section. It is rumored that Wilkes boro i to have a wedding or two, i i the near future, per haps ere the month of J une shall have finished its course. r. James Horton and daughter Miss Lillie, who had been visiting relatives in Yad kin county- stopped a few days naXr nn their rftunrhOffl6. Tjhere never was a time when wagon travel was as as now in Wilkes. They great pass in droves of dozens, and iJa mrxolTr witVi lumber. arc icbu.c; 14. iijovm.j " jm an bark, and cross? ties. S Every teacher and student Should have one of Webster's Vest Pocket Dictionaries 25 and 60 cents each. Order of W. ik Brewer, general agent, Absher's, N. C, or J. J. Spicer. Joyn 3S, N. C. . ; i.bout 8 .0 0 gallons o f Vjiiice" were ' brought into town and placed in care of ; the depu ;y collector last week. It beloi ged to James Goss.5 ' He tumid it over to the govern ment for4 tax. ; ' -Children's Day Exercis es" ere held at the Presbyte rian church in North Wilkes boro ; Sunday morning. ;The same program will be o bser v ed in tne Presbyterian church. at this place Sunday morning. They are lyery interesting and all are cordially invited ,to at- fnd nthe V ocratlc Count j Conrention Iet ed Delegates and Adjourned. The democrats met in con vention Monday in accordance with chairman Ginnings call. Chairman Ginnings called to the chair temporarily W. W, Barber, Esq. T. J. Robertson and R. A. Deal were ask to act a secretaries. The temporary organization was made perma nent. R. N. Hackett introduced the following resolutions which were adopted without opposi tion: Whereas, the financial question is the most prominent one, before the peo ple at this time, and is a question upon which the people demand definite and unequivocal declarations, not subject to different interpretations at different times and places to suit the views of the audience, and . Whereas, the Democracy of Wilkes believes in the life-long principles of Democracy as taught by Jefferson, Jackson and our own beloved Vance, one of which is the use of both gold and silver as standard and redemption money upon an equality before the law without discrimination or charge of mintage; we therefore' Resolve, that we heartily endorse the true Democratic principle of the use of both gold and silver as standard and redemption money, at the established ratio of 15 to 1, as enunciated in the State platforms of 1892 and 1894. Resolved 2nd., that our delegates . to the State and Distiict conventions be instructed to use all honorable means first, last and all the time, to secure the adoption of platforms agreeable to the true Democratic doctrine herein stated. Resolved 3rd, that we send only such men as. delegates ' to the ' conventions and instruct them to vote for only such men as candidates for office, who favor unequivocally the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio ef 16 to 1, without waiting for the consent ' or ac quiescence of any other nation on. the globe; . Col. Wm. H. H. Cowles put in nomination the following delegates : and alternates to the State convention, who were elected without opposition: Delegates C C Wright, W W Barber, R D Horton, A M "Vannoy, J A Carlton, L W Lunsford, C N Hunt, F H Al exander, L L Church, Dr. Geo. Dough ton, Joel Triplett, R N Hackett. Alternates L C Ferguson, J I Parks, F D Hackett, James Eller, J T Martin, Dr J M Tur ner, R N Garner, J G Hackett, Wesley Joines, A M Qhurch, J L Whittington, W M Absher W L Absher, W L Forester, T J Robertson, R A Deal. The convention then adjourn-- ed. : Savages of the "Gold Standard." The "gold standard," Clerk Vannoy's cadaverous "Friz- nd ox, crept out of the stable e night last week, through a cracK, aestroyea a majority oi MR Buxton's garden, tomato ants, potato tops, onions and U, But after all this, the "Frizland" retains his usual lean, lank, cadaverous, hungry look. One of our gold stand ard friends tells us that this is a fair sample of how the gold men are going" to capture all the conventions; etc. It may be added also that it is a fair representation of the ravages of the gold standard upon the prosperity of the people. Like the Frizland, itvsjbeals in the night when people. ; are not watching and destoys the val ue of their property. But it never becomes ' satisfied. It still retains its cadaverous rest less look, ready at every oppor tunity to renew its ravages. Here endefh the second lesson. : Health and happiness, are - relative conditions; at any rate, there can be little lxappiness ' without ; health. -To give the body its fuU measure" of strength and enertrv. ' bv the use of Oyer's S-iipaparilJa, iffl OTE Bie Shipment There is a big cros tie trade OW. Mr. A. M. Hhurfth. of oifth Wilkesboro, is ahead on large shipments, up to date. He shipped one day last week 40 car loads at one time. This gives an idea of the extent of thejeross tie trade. ' :i , "State AuetIoJIeer.,, One of Mr. Henderson's con stituents came in the other day witn a happy smile on his face and remarked that he was glacl toear that Mr. Hender son was going to be so highly honored that he was going t6 be f State Auctioneer." He'd make a good one. . Important to The Town. Thetown commissioners ask and request the citizens of the town of Wilkesboro to meet with them Wednesday at 10 o'clock, to consult about the; debt due the town by the Wilkesboro Hotel Com pany. It is important that all citizens meet with the commis sioners. Picnic at Boariug Biver. There is to be a big picnic at Roaring River on the 6th inst. and everybody is invited to at tend and bring along a basket well-filled. They expect to have a delightful time, as they always do at picnics down there. A friend at Roaring River writes us that "the editor is ex pected without a basket, but with a young lady." The editor is ready, but where's the young lady? " Don't all speak at once. Notice to TownfTax-payers. Ail persons owjnng or con trolling taxable property with in the incorporate limits of the town of Wilkesboro, N. C, on the 1st day of June -1896, are hereby notified to come forward and list the same be fore me, at sometime before the last day of June 1896, as is required by law. -C. H. Somers, Sec'y & Treas. Rohda Commencement. Ronda High .School, under the charge of Prof. Petterson, closed its session last Friday, and the exercises are reported to have been. very good indeed. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock, pastor of the Baptist church at Greensboro, delivered an ad dress, which is said to have been an excellent one. The night exercises were recitations and declamations, which were first-class, and en joyed by all. One of the most attractive features was the "Indian Masquerade." It was given in several 9 scenes, and represented different phases of Indian life and manners. There was a lage and well behaved audience present. . "A Son of Romnlas. Statesville Landmark.) Mr. F. A. Linney, a son of the Congressman, was a dele gate from Alexander to the recent Republican State con vention. Mr. Linney was vo ting his county for Dockery in accordance with the wishes of his constituents, but when the Contest warmed up, Mr. M. L. Ikfott and Mr. J. B. Fortune, of Cleveland county s endeavored to have Alexander voted' for Russell, Mr. Linney declined to so. vote it and then Mr. For tune told him if he didn't he would beat his daddy (R. Z.) for Congress i n Cleveland Mr. Linney told him to do his worst and. continued to vote Alexander for Dockery. ' ''i ; - r-rz - " ' - - r Most coughs may be cured in .a few hours or. at any rate in a few : days, by the use Acer's Cherry Pectoral. -' -With such a pronipt and sure remedy as ; this at hand there is no need of prolonging the agony ' for weeks and monjbhs. J lyeep this, remedy in your houj?. ' , 4. 1896. he Miller P A new ie of all Mis of pis. Cfaliebes 5 to 6 cents per yi Percales 6 to 12 &,one half cents per yd. f , A pretty line Of summer cravata, OWE PRICE TO ALU CALL AND SEE THEM Magn if icent L rne o lit JUST ARRIVING AT - Tlie Hix Clotting: Store. HAVING OPENED UP A- I3 'MORS; -CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware; Stoneware, Grocerit;, Etc., I take this method of inuiting mj friends to call and y?j amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all i y customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market pi i always paid for all staple Wilkesboro, N, C BIG Bf THE WILKESBORO HARDWARE STOP '-l having recently bought a large stock of goods, is oftteriu them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails horse hu mule shoes, hollo waje, crockery, cutler5 tools of all kind base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistols; shn j and powder, empty and loaded shells, collars and pads, ana plows of all kinds. - - ' " ; , - - Should you heed a good "Hillside' call and you ha l bevsnpplied. Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plov, Cfhatanooga.Cane mill, Cutai way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill, and Marshall Wagons , Can give you the most tinware for the money, yon ever bought. ; When in need of anything to be had 'at a first-class hardware store, cojpie ant see me before purchasing elsewhere. ' : ' '" . - I sell cheap for cash, but please don t ask for credit. C, F. M ORRISON. CAFFEY & PRITCHETT, PROPRIETORS. UOBTH WILKESBORO, 'N . C. ' " ' Q ' ' W . . . J . : - ' .- ,"r ., .Ji , .. ,: . - ; - Are Now; Located In Their New Quarters Opposite McGee'S; Establishment With a Cornplat Linev 1 , I ' Of Anything Kept In A. ; , F I R Tr C L AS 8; U 13 ! "S" U'R'E. STQ C3 E , And are Offering Special Bargains In i v ' s r 7 Sewing ;SIac3iineSy-3E?ianos;:and:Orar . CABTS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, &C - KEROSENE and LUBRICATING s GIL by the BARREL, and STANDARD BRANDS OP GUANO; AT , ; r : STARVATION, PRICES- NO. 7 . :2 Buildiiroff 1 pnniM e 4 produce. Very truly, . MILTON MCNEIL, ;;v , .. , RG FOMURE CO., mm