I r OF ADVERTISING. ft .Space J- OF S UBSCif I ? i?ION. wne year.... Six months.., ....r $1.C0 fl in. 2 in. g in. J col. col. .75 1.25 2.00 3.50 6.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 9.75 IS. 00 4.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 18.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 17.00 30.00. 9.00 12.00 17.50 CO let- I m Three months:.'....... - Payable in advu M.M.M...laaIII(l 25.001 i nee. . 45.00 75.00 oenas an money 4y registered 1 col. 11.00 30.00 ! 50.00 cr or posiai order and address The CwwicWHkerfffro N c Pqtual Taxation, pirect and Indirect. RATES JlWK.j a in. . j j ? r i i i . Q i-n ftm I 1 i'T r5) ffff mm VOL. X The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. .Brief Notes of Passing Events That May or May Not Interest Yon. Mr. P. A. McEjroy depu ty collector, is in the city. Good flour at May berry's, at $2.00. Mr. P. E, tancy, of Mul berry, is quite sick. Mr. John Ball, of Elkin, was in the city this week. Mr. Lytle Hickerson, of Statesville, is home on a. visit. Bestx Home molasses at Maybersy's, 30 cents per gal lon. FrankD. Hackett, Esq., is making a' trip through Ashe, Watauga and Caldwell. Ed Harris has gone io Win ston and other places, to be gone several weeks. Mr. Zack Greer, of Obids? was in the city on business last week. -R. C: Meadows has been appointed postmaster at Poor's Knob, this county. Mr. Morse, of East Bend, was in town Saturday. He says crops are fine in Yadkin. Mrs. Dr. Buxton, of Lenoir, mother-of Lawyer. Buxton, of this place, is quite ill,, says the JTopic t7 ' ; f The roller mills for the Mo ravian Falls Milling Co., have arrived, and are being put in ice. , I Mrs. Lillie LeGrande and children, of Winston, are vis iting her father, Maj J. H. Focte, of Roaring River. Mrs. J. O. Wilcox, Miss Maude Wilcox and Orrin Wil cox, who spent a few days in the city, returned to Ashe last week. 7 - The Rebekahs meet Thursday night at 8 o'clock. It is an im portant meeting, and all mem bers are requested to be pres: ent. Lebanon High School at (jrosnen, thia county, will open July the 13th with T. J. The Gii- reath, as principal. ses- sion continues 10 months. There will be a gold contest' at Dellaplane, the supervision o f Wright,, o n Saturday, medal under Prof. June 20th, at 7:30 p. m. All are in vited to attend. -An enjoyable occasion it will be. Mr. James Cowles, son of A. D. Cowles, of Gap Greek, who has been in New York and Brooklyn for two or three years, is visiting his old home again. He spent several days in the city last week. . . Rufus Phillips and Miss Alice Shepherd, of Idlewild, Ashe countv, were married last week. The report " is' that he is One of the tallest men in Ashe county, and that she is only half an inch1 lower than he is. . ' : . "V A delightful5! party a n d hop was given at the Wilkes boro Hotel on Tuesday night of last week, in honor of Miss Maude Wjlcoxwho was visit ing in the city. A large qum; ber was present and to .say that all enjoyed'' themselves is putting it very mild.- . i ' v Misses! Nellie Cbwlesv Lilli an and bavie Wellborn, Maipie Wallace, and Frankie Staley, and Dr. 'White, Herb Greece, Join uranor.' unariie mit-vw i -1 . A -v. .w ; f-rr..! .III Joe Robertson and .the, editor of this Cosmopolitan, ; attended the Roaring River picnic from WILKESBORO. iSF. C TITU Miss Addie Strieker, of Con orc , is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hix. . -. ' Mayberry has recruited his stock of pant goods, plaids, .sheeting, etc. Prices low 1 as eve . " ' . Mr. J. A. Carlton, of Boom er, has opened up a branch store at Kendall, at Mr. Lind say Ferguson's store house. Bob McNeil and sister, Miss Ma ;tie, leave for Jefferson to day (Wednesday) to. visit their sister, Mrs. M. F. Smith. Several from Wilkesboro attended church a t Lovely GrOve some five miles above town, Sunday. Services were conducted by Rev. I. T. Pre- ve te. --Mr. J. L. Webster conduct ed services at Lebanon last Sunday morning and at Adley in the afternoon, in the ab sence of the pastor Rev. Mr. Dswson. Mr. Stewart, of Yadkin, came up Mouday and took charge of the J. T. Wellborn & Cc . tobacco factory, and work bean Tuesday. We hope they will have a successful season. Deputy Marshall Bauguss pi; t two men in jail Monday, fo r violation of the internal revenue laws. One was Alar tin Taylor, and the other was the celebrated colored doctor, B -yan Spicer. We learn that a man by the name of Bever,; in Alexander county near Russell Gap, .was pretty badly used up with a jug by another man one day last week. His skull was fractured and he is in a critical condition. Vegetables seem to be un usually large and plentiful this year. .Beans, . potatoes, etc. Gin new first We this are very plentiful. Mrs. niners is the first to have corn. They enjoyed the of the season last Sunday, n'ever heard of it earlier in climate.' The snake- season is at 1 and, and they have an abund ant crop down on Hunting reek. A fellow by the name f Moore-killed seven , -ii ; ill rattlers m one aay, auu mrs. i ji n r Somers' nands "slewed" four large ones t'he next day, so they say. We ire looking for a report from Bill Smith. v Mr. J. E. Foster, of Jeffer- irtn onrl Miss lAzzVEt Neal, Of , Winston were married on Wednesday morning of last Week. They came up on the ;rain Wednesday and went ver to Jefferson. Mr; Foster s about 67 years old, and is a brother of Esq. Ben Foster of his county. Miss Neal is bout 36. years old. The HRONiCLE extends its congrat- fulations. A most pleasant party was given at Mr. W. W. Barber s Wednesday night of last weeir. The mention tnat tne parxy was at Mr. Barber's jis suffi- cient evidence that, it was a most delightful occasion. Ice ci earn-and cake were seryea abundantly, and ; t h e guests su stained their reputation as great eaters. The, guests en joyed themsel ves - part of the time tripping "the flight f ar tas tie," the pattern being laid I by Mr; Barber in a very energetic, stout ..n d graceful manner.; Yoii oiight to have seen, him, The occasion will be pleasantly remembered. ' . With the blood full of humors, the heated term is all the moreoppressive. thnrnnorn .'..crinoana lose t VH mu o J" v- c .. er s earsaparma. aiiu rn nf Avpr's Pills, and you wilt enjoy cmmer as nevehbefore in -y.oar - life. Just try this" fpr -once, and- you'll repent jt. . - , ' V:9V TIRED OF LIFE. Mrs. Hanes Hangs Herself and Dies. There was a .suicide near Clingman last Saturday Mrs. Lena JEEanes, wife of the late Bud Hanes, took her own life Saturday afternoon by hanging herself to the joist. She had had -symptoms of craziness, but was thought ; to be all right again. She and her four little children were alone that evening, when she told them she had lived long enough and sent them to their grandpa's. The children told about what their mother said and some of the folks went to the house immediately, but found her hanging by a rope fastened to the joist, dead. She was the daughter of Mar tha Shores. Her mother killed herself a few years ago in the same manner and in the same neighborhood. She leaves four little children; her husband died last winter. A Good Opportunity to Get New Set- tiers. The Southern Railway will run a "Home Seekers Excur sion" to points in North Caro 1 i n a including Wilkesboro, from Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis and M em phis, on the following dates: June 2nd and 16th, July 7th and 21st, Aug. 4th and 18th, Sept. 1st and 15th, and Oct. 6th and 20th, 1896. Rate one fare for round trip, plus $2. Tickets good for re turn 31 days from date. of sale. Also on same dates one way settlers ticket, sold at low rates. For further particulars apply ; to M. v. Richards, Immigra tion Agent, 1300 Penn. Ave., Washington, D. C. Important Town Matters. The town Commissioners met in special session with a number of citizens of the town and discussed matters concern ing debts due the town. The following matters were acted upon: The Mayor was instructed to direct the Clerk of Court to is sue execution on the judgment in favor of the Town against the Hotel Co., and that the Sheriff be instructed to forth with make levy upon all- per sonal property in the Hotel and cause sale thereof to be made on the first Monday in July 1896 the day of Corns, sale. T. S. Miller, receiver, was requested to collect from Clerk Vannoy, such jnouey paid him, on rents of the hotel property due prior to the date of judg ment in the supplementary proceeding, and pay the same to the town treasurer, and that the Clerk have only such mon y as has accrued on rents since said supplementary pro ceedings. 4 Town Treasurer wasidirected to pay taxs collector Pardue the the amount of taxes due town by Hoel Co. Col. W. H. H; Cowles lntro duce'd the following resolution which was adopted: "T h e Mayor and Commis sioners are instructed to use dilligent effort to collect all moneys and debts of any kind du the -town and especially the debt known as. the Hotel debt, and as soon as collected apply the same to th e liquida tion of the bonded debt of the town." For Over Fifty rears. j Mas. Wikslow's Sooxiirso Syrup has been us ed for over City years by millions of mothers for their children -while teething, wi th perfect success It sostb.es the chOcf, softens the .gums, allays a! pain, euros wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea- - It will releive th6 poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists' in axesy part o J andask for- "IJjs; Winsibw's 'SootliLug Syfnp, Pic-nic at Roaring jRiYer. T it there were ever a kinder or more generous hearted peo ple than those in and round .about Roaring River, we have jao idea where you will firid them, and of course the very . mention that there was a pic nic there Saturday is to say that everybody present enjoyed it. The good women had pre pared an elegant dinner of the beEt in the land more than enough for the large crowd! present. And this is saying a great deal when it is remem bered that Sidnev Church. John Birchett, Herb Greene and the editor of this Cosmo politan were there in full force and effect. The picnic grounds are above he mills, back from the river a short distance, on a nice little stream. It is de lightful picnic ground, having the requisites of picturesque and rugged scenery, dense and shady forests, and banks of ivey and fern,. and one of finest springs of sparkling water in the State, of the like of which some poet has said, "there's life and strength i n every drop." The day was lovely, the people congenial and kind, and all went "merry as a mar riage bell." At night there was a social gathering a t Maj. Jas. H. Foote's, and if we were to guess at the number present, we would say that the wholo country was there. Between music, dancing and friendly conversation the evening was delightfully spent. The occasion will be remem bered long hence. The Wilkesboro delegation is under special obligations to our friend Mr. Combs for taking them in and caring for them so elegantly while there. Plney Groye Items. Jess. Alexander is a candi date for Congress against York and Linney and is for the free comasre of copper at the ratio v of 32 to 1. ' - Thfo Rev. Floyd Hoppers the world prayer champion was at Piney Grove recently and de livered one of his best homa made prayers. The queer in dividual had the attention of some of the assembled congre gation. Geueral Jackson is anxious to commence the Congression al can rass according to his no ble braying. Farmers are considerably be hind with their work owing to a misunderstanding about the3weather. Jess. Alexander wants the free coinage of copper, owing to the scarcity of stills. Rev. Mr. Church, salesman for the Wilkesboro . Marble Works, was in this vicinity re cently and sold several tomb stones. The gold bugs have not be. gunr to crawl in this section yet, so I don't think they will be big enough , to do much damage by election in Novem-. ber. If Linney runs for Congress on the gold bug platform, he will, without a doubt need some free silver to put his stiff ened joints in active motion after November election. , Well, York is going to drive General Jackson and Linney ride his red bull of the Brush ies but Jess. Alexander As 'go ing to ride a goat; - . Ruff Henaeson the coon skin ner has forgot that car load of j good mes, and will, no doubt, forget everything else whe n Jie gets to be Auditor; ; ; - i - - , ... . - .T-vu-. A it T ' 1896. Th e SVIHIsr A new line of all MMs of goois. Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yd Percales 6 to 12 & one half ceijts per yd. , , , A pretty line of summer cravats. OWE PRICE TO ALL. CALL AND SEE THEM A Magnificent Line'of JUST ARRIVING AT Tie Hix Clotts HAVING OPENED HP A M C3 -CONSISTING OF- Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries, Etc., I take this methodof inuiting my friends to call and ex amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD.. I will insure v all my customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY; and best : QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY The liighest market prica .always paid for all staple produce. Very; truly, MJLT0N MCNEIL Wilkesboro, N. C. :j : BIG THE WILKESBORO HARDWARE STORE having recently bought a large stock of goods, is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails, 'hprse an mule shoes, holloware, crockery; cutlery, tools of all" kinds, base ball goods, water buckets, paints? oils, guns, pistols, shot and powder, empty and loaded shells, cpllars and pads, and plows of ail kinds. ; '. : , ;; " Should you need a good "Hillside", call and you shall be supplied. Agent for the well kooy Oliver. Chilled Plow, Cliatanooga Cano. mill Cuta way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons. - ; ' Can give you the most tinware for the money, yon eyer bought, : "When in need of anything to be had at a firjSt-ciaiss hardware store, come and see me before purchasing elsewhere. .'V -'r "::'.'. ; I sell cheap for cashj but please donfc ask for credit; THE WILKESBflRO CAFFEY & PRITGHETT, PROPRIETORS. ' . NOKTH WILKEjSBOROi ST. C. ! Are Now Located In Their New Quarters Opposite McGee's .'Establishment -With' a f Complete ' Lino' .. , , Of " Anything Kept, In A 1 FIRST-GLASS FURNITURE STOKE, And are Offering. Special Bargains In ; - Sewing IVXacliines, dPiaiaps; aticl Orgaric carts, buggies, harness; .kerosene and luuiiicating 'OIL by the BARREL, and ST AD Alt D BRANDS OF UUANO Al'- : ' . 'TARVATJON rrioes. no: s . BuiSdins: on, IIT1E CO, Ell 1

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