RATES OF ADVETISIKG. Space 1 wk. 1 in. 2 in. 3 in. i col. i col. 1 col. .75 1.25 2.00 S.50 6.50 11.00 1 m. , 3Ta; f-6m.; 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 y.75 4.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 18.00 15.00 '30.00 6.00 .00 10.00 17.00 30.001- 50.00 1 yr. '9.00 12.00 17.50 25.00 45.00 75.00 TOTj. X. The v.Ohronic LiE. ".TERMS. OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year.i.;.i.;..; "ix ; months......;....;... Three months.. Payable in advance. BTSenda all money by registered lei er or postal order and address THCHHoyjcjje.Wi! ; c Equal Taxation, Pirect and Indirect. LOCAL DOTS: Brief Notes of Passing Events That May or May Not Interest Yon. 'r -t Prof. B. T. Hodge went over to. Jefferson last week. j Dysentery is quite preva lent throughout this section. Mr. John Taylor, of Win ston, was in the city Saturday J A rattler with ,11 rattles was killed on the Harris, bill .Sunday. Lawyers Gf eene .and Bux ton went to States vilie on busi ness last week. J. M. Wellborn. Esq., has returned from a business trip across the mountain. ' It will be but a short time till you can listen to the music of the threshing machine. Mrs. D. W. Greenlee and children, of Mcbowell, are visiting relatives here. Jesse Thomas and Nancy Long, colored, were married at North Wilke&boro Sundav. Mr. Bob McNeil and sister, Miss Mattie, returned Thursday from their visit to Jefferson. The little infant of Lons Johnson, of Lewis Fork town ship, died on the morning of the 18th. Mr. R. N. Hackett - has a nice cottage for rent in-one of the prettiest parjs of town. Apply to him- Wednesday 24th, is the longest day. As the days get, shorter we look for, warmer weather. - Mr. W. E. Harris, who has been down the road several days on business, returned home Saturday. Prof. J. F. Brown came up from Winston , Thursday and went across the country to Le noir on his bicycle. Doc. Sebastian, son - o f Zack Sebastian, and Miss Liz zie Dowell, all . Of Mulberry, were married Tuesday. Mr. J. T. Ferguson steps to the front with the first to znatos of tjje season. He had a mess for dinner Friday. . Wilkes will be well repre sented at the State Democratic convention, "which convenes -at Raleigh today (Thursday). We understand that - Low ry Brothers made a good thing out of their Wilmington ex cursion. Glad to hear it. T h e Wilkesboro ; Marble Works are receiving lots of or ders ;these , days. For nice woik they can't be beat. ; The trial of Viney Lowe, which was to have come off at Moravian Falls Saturday, was postponed till next Saturday. Mr. J. T. Wellborn' little boy was right seriously hurt, while playing with a : stick, pushing it along before turn. "- The photographer, Mr. . Ka der, will remain here only about two weeks yet. Now's he time to, get your '-? picture taken. . ' - . . L. W. Lonsford, : Esq,, of Lovelace, was in the city Sat urday. He reports things as being quiet in his neighbor hood. - ' r ....(. -j " s- . 'The ice cream and cake cupper, given by the ladies of the Methodist church. in North Wilkesboro, ; Friday, night, was quite a pleasantand profit able occasion. About. $21.00 We-re realized. T h e ladies . ant to buy a carpet - for the fiew church. , ' ; WILKESBOKQ. N. C.. THURSDAY. JUNE 25, 1896 i are ter -fUnless you list your taxes by the last of this month v6u liable to double tax. Bet attend to this matter at once. --We learn that Z. C. Church bas paid the tax on all his wh skey and has withdrawn it from the warehouse, and quit stiiing. - -C. B. Webb, proprietor of the Wilkesboro Marble Works, came over from Statesville last week and spent "several days in the city. jGKlbert Samons, of Soiners luwiiamp, was prougnt up Thursday and lodged in jail assaulting S. D. Lewis with a kbife. No one was hurt, however. Mr. ualvin J. Cowles leftA Statesville and Charlott Thursday. He expects t some of the Norther cities before returning. ID. E. Smoak. Esq.. who the contract to furnish rick for the large tannery in JN'ortn Wilkesboro. beffan operations last week. for last visit has the NO. 10. COMMITTEE , For the Vance Monument Association The following is a list of per sons in the various townships in this county who have been requested to take charge of and arrange for a popular con tribution to the Vance Monu ment Fund on July 4th: Hon. W. H. H. Cowles, Wilkesboro; Dr. Geo. Doughton, North Wilkesboro; W. A. Owyn, Honda; Hon. Tyre York, Trap Hill; G. W. Sale, Clingman; Dr. W. S. Pegram, Dellaplane; Miss Lena ; Wellborn, Wilkesboro; Mrs James H. Foote, Dellaplane; Capt. L. C. Ferguson, Kendall; C. C. Wright, Hunting Creek; Mrs. R. N. Garner, Hunting Creek; L. E. Whittington, Whittington; J. J. Eussell, Boomer; Prof. F. B. Hendren, Moravian Falls. MORE LOCALS. r. l i, Messick:, of Lewis Fork, was in the city last Fri day on business. He was as jovial as ever and reported ev erything lovely in his section. -Deputy Collector McEwen returned from a trip to Lewis Fork and Beaver Creek town ships Friday and reports an abundance of rain in that sec tion desse F. Hoskins, Esq., the Farmers' Mutual man, is in the cityj His wife and little daughter ar with him, and theyl will be here about, two weeks. I oseph Spicer, Esq., an aged and respected citizen of Trap hill township, died Friday after noon . He was afflicted with a complication of diseases, and wasp4 years old. An aged man by the name of Jim James, about 65 or 70 year 3 old, fell dead, near his home in the upper part of Al exander last week. He was out hauling logs at the time. Kichard N. Hackett, Esq., left Monday for Oxford, where he delivers an address the 24th at the Annual Masonic Cele bration thereV He will . go from! there to the State con vention. 4 A lot of liquor and a wag on and team were seized at Stat sville, last week, by Red man, i It is said that the outfit belor gsto Mr. James Combs. The seizure was made for vio lations of the law. t We are requested to an nounce that the Rebekahs wi nieet Thursday evening 9 t a important meeting it is desired to have all the mem bers present. New officers are elected. . T. M. Childers, who west in 1852 is visit relatives a n d friends if i. XX 4v r 0 a in tne county. . xx . raised in the Roaring River section, and this is his first vis it to his old home since his de parture. - , - -lunder the new law passed by the last Congress, the term of office f of depu ty marshalls expirbs June 30 th. Re appoint ments are made tbrbufirh'the recinmendation of the District Mars iall with the approval of the - attorney General.' The force will probab 1 y - b e curtailed. It is pretty certain that Dancy will be re-appoint- tHis county, and it is possible'the others will be tamed. An Odd FeUow's Odd Baby. Anay maney, wno lives up about Moravian Falls is a mem ber of the Odd Fellows' order, and he has an odd baby, too. The baby is four months old, and has six developed toes on each foot, and fiive fingers and one thumb on each hand. It is aemarkably odd case. V Dr. Turner sent applica tions to Morganton the latter part of last week for the ad mission of Manley Miles' wife and Romulus Johnson's little girl to the Hospital, All the parties are o f Rock Creek township. A few hints of . the inside plaris of the Republican mana gers indicate that our- towns man ChasJ H. Sorners is to be -me of the candidates for the Legislature, and that Mr. -Sherman Bryan is to be the candi date for Clerk two years from now. v Work at J. Tv Wellborn & uCo.'s tobacco factory has com- iiucuueu in earnest, ana xne W of "fillers" and "brakes" 1 1 ' .iLii -if T AlliFrom One Tree. ' J. B. Kerly, of the Brushies, takes the lead in getting the largest amount of tan bark from one tree. It takes an av erage of about three trees to produce a cord. But Mr. Ker ly procured from one tree 4200 pounds of tan bark. He has another tree which he says is even larger than this one. . . A Painful Accident. While assisting at the Wilkesboro Marble Works last Thursday afternoon Mr. W. L. Bruce met with a painful acci dent. They were handling a marble base, which weighed about five hundred pounds, when it slipped off the skid and fell on his right leg, badly bruising it, but fortunately, no bones were broken. The slab fell about three feet, and it is a great wonder that Mr. Bruce's leg was not crushed it was a narrow escape. 1 Two Big Tales. It is reported here by one ivho lives in the neighborhood, that the terrapins are cutting off H. B. Prices corn, at Poores Knob, and carrying it to the creek. It is said that he caught them at it. Another report is that a spi der caught a young chicken at M. S. Lane's and the chicken could not get away. Lane heard it hollowing, and went to its rescue. The spider or. what ever it was .measured nearly six 1 re Improrements on the Brushies. We understand that Capt: Blair, with a force of hands, will begin work this week, grading streets and Walks ; at the Brusfiy Mountain Iron and Lithia Springs, and he will do his work well. It is further understood that arrangements are' about per fected for the building of a nice hotel there, and that work will begin soon. h The merits of its waters, its accessibility, being about five miles from the Wilkesboros and the railroad; its beautiful seen ery; and the pleasant and de. lightful breezes, destine this to become one of the most pop ular ' summer resorts in thq State. . is now Jieard in that lmmedi- 4te section- We learn that tpey expect to manufacture everal thousand pounds this Reason. solicitor Mott and Sheriff Call reached home from Chi cago Monday and report a fine trip. They were strictly "in it" at the convention. Mott was a member of the committee o n platform and resolutions, and Call was as sistant sergeant at arms. If you want a suit of clothes, ready made or made to measure, a pair of mens wo men's or children's shoes, a hat, tie or anything in men's wear, it will pay you to see Horton & Absher's stock and samples, North Wilkesboro, N- ;C, before buying. j. E. Hubbard is placing a saw mill and planer and matcher, in connection with his grist milL.but where he re cently run a distillery. It may be well for the revenue force Means and others to pay friendly visits to this saw mill and see that it is not pro over capacity." Mr. R. A. Spainhour in forms us that the roller mill is progressing finely at Moravian Falls the machinery is being placed in position and, if noth ing happens, they will be ready for wheat in a week or two. It is very gratifying: to note he establishment oi such en- T he ii slier -Buildifio -o - ,1 . O A new ie of all Ms of goois. ' ' .-:'-:'':oS ''''nl? Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yl Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. V A pretty line of summer cravats. E PRICE TO ALL. ';!;vi V;;- " CALL AND SEE THEM Nl aghif Scent Line o Lcing MS (J JUST ARRIVING AT CIoIbi Store. Hi HAVING1 OPENED UP A- 8 gws . CONSISTING OF feoods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, GIassware,Stcneware,Groceries, A I take this method of inuiting mv friends to call and e- rprises in our county. V-Messrs. W. A. Sydnornd C. ETParlier, and Misses Pearle and Ruby Sydnor, "of North Wilkesboro, and Miss Judith Parkier, of Moravian Falls,; left for a trip across the mountains Monday. They will take in Boone, White Top and Grand father mountains and Blowing Rock before re t urnin g . The iunerai . sermon in emory of the late Mrs. Vick- orv Adams, daughter of Elder J. W. Stike, will be preached at Fairplains the . first Sunday in August, by Elders W. R. I Wellborn, H. B. Miller and William Hall. There will be communion and foot-washing services in connection with it. 1 Not many business houses in' these United States can boast of fifty, years' standing. The business of Dr. J.. C. Ay er & Co., Lowell, : Mass., whose in comparable Sarsaparilla as known and used every where, lias passed its half- centennial and was neyer : so vigorous I at present. - . , . :,V ; , We Invite Them. We understand that the 4th Regiment, of Iredell, under the charge of Col. J. F. Armfield, will select either Wilkesboro or Blowing Rock as the place for encampment this Summer. We hope it will be Wilkesboro, and we extend the ' boys here: with a hearty invitation. We can offer them a warm wel come, a magnificently shaded CToVle for encampment, a j?olen didj)lace for drilling, freedom of the city winthe nece s s a r y accompanymerits . ... . -- '-V'-" 1 ": Y 3 which that implies..-';:.VeV"h6pe the boys will select pur place; Dry -Ciiu.,1 x iaKe xnis meinoa or lrmitinrr mv o. J ine my GOQDSand PRICES before buyins: elsewhere. I amfdetermined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure n.11 iustomers to obtain the largest QUANTITY "and best ' Q'tJELLTTY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market price always paid for all staple produce. -Very truly, Wilkesboro, N. C. MILTON MCNEIL, THE WILKESBORO -HARDWARE STORE having recently bought a large stock of goods, is offering -them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails, horse and mule shoes, hollo ware, crockery, cutlery, tools ,of all kinds, , base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistolsshot and powder, empty and loaded shells, collars and .pads, and- : plows of all kinds.' - ' ( y Should you need ii good "Hillside,", call and you shalle supplied. V Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow, Chatanooga Cane: mill, Cuta way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons. ' ;-. r : Can give yoa the most tinware for: the money, yon ever bought. ' ' " Wlien in need of anything to be rfad at a first-class hardware stbje, come'and, see me before purchasing elsewhere. ; ' " ' f I sell cheap for cash, but please dont ask for credit. : ": C.E.MORRISON. THE ILK ESBORO EUBNITUBE CO., OAFFEY & PRITCIIETT, PROPRIETORS. . NORTfl -WiliEESBOEO, N. C. : . , . . Are Now, Located In Their -New Quarters Opposite . : McGee'sKsb'lishmentWith VCpmplet' Lino Of; Anything Kept Tn A"';" f V. 'i - F I RST-C LAS SFU R E3 1 Til RE S TO RE , . And are Offerings Special Bargains In" 4 ; - " . . ; Sewing Machines, -llanos, iricl Owaiisv CARTS, BUGGIES, HARJJE8S, AC. ' KEROSENK ani LUIJRICATlXG. OIL by the BARREL, and 8TAN0ARDTbBAM)S OF GIAN0 Ai' ;. --Vr'STAjRVATioW PRICES, finishing Coffins' arid Casket a Specialty. V - " .. 'r.. i -j. - -. , ' ' i .' . - -; - - ' ' ; ..-;-.- ----- - -. . : . r " . I - ' v.

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