1 V- 1 Itbs o advertising. TERiiS OF -fiDBnTrr PTTnr I'm. i 3m. i'ft'm.' -gpace 1 wk. '1 :yr. 4;00 6:00 7.50 i in. '2 in ;S in. col. ;' col. 1 col. .75 1.25 2.00 3.50 6.50 2.00 3.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 17.00 30.00 '9.00 12.00 :i7;50 25.00 ,45.00 75.00 Three montns..,.- : on CSrSendsaU mouoy by. jet, er or postal order and address Thk C"ONiCfcK,-WnkeKboro N C 4.00 6.00 9.75 15.00 10.00 18.00 11.00 30.00 50.00 Equal Taxation, pirect: and Indirect. A n mm li.iii n TOL. X. The Chronic le. LOCAL DOTS. 'i . - -v grief Notes of Passing Events That r May or May Not Interest Yon. Ladies' low quartered shoes at Hix's. B. S. Call, Esq., left tor Richmond Monday. Keep cool buy an Alpaca .coat at Hix's. .Fruit jar rubbers at Morri son's, only 5 cents per dozen. Half gallon fruit jaYs at May ; Kerry's for 1.00 per dozen. r Straw hats at cost, a t Hix's. Now's the time. -: Miss Lena Wellborn left Tuesday to visit relatives in Ashe. t i -Mr. W. a!. Baity, of Win ston was in the city this week, .on business. Mrs. Alice Coogan, of Salis bury, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. F. Morrison. Mr. P. M. Pearsall, of New Berne, came up Saturday and remained a few days in the county. Go to Morrison's for fruit jars you can get quart j jars for 80 cents and half gallon jars ov $1.00 per dozen. Mrs. S. Penn and chil dren, of Mt. Airy, passed en joutefor Aslre, last week, to spend the summer. . . Messrs. Sydnor and Parlier, and Misses' Juda Parlier and Pearl and'Euby Sydnor, have returned from their visit across jthe mountain. Protracted meeting begins at the Methodist church Sun day. Prayer meeting Wednes day night, which will continue every night till Sunday; Mr. N." E. Parlier has re turned from Honda. .His wife's mother, Mrs. R. G. Hickerson, came back with him , and is spending the week here. You can stick your head in a new hat at May berry's for a hyery small amount. Large new 'stock for men and boys from 20 cents to $2.00. - - " E. B. Henderson and wife, who left for the "wild and wooly West" several days ago, have located at ColoradoSprings Col., so he writes. . ' The Aid Society V will give an ice cream supper for the benefit of the Presbyterian) -church, Friday exening in the lawn at Dr. Green's. Bud Call, of the firm of I. S. Call & Co., has gone to Rich mond to lay in a new supply of groceries, and to be present at the Confederate Re-union. R. N. Hackett and F. D. Hackett have gone to Ashe this -week to attend the referee trial in the A.-D. Co wles -matter, in which they are employ ed. V ' ; The ice cream and cake supper, given by ;the ladies of the Presbyterian church In the Wellborn lawn Friday e vening, was quite a pleasant affair, and they realized $io. - I Mr. Joseph Pre vet te, of Iredell, died last Saturday. He was quite an aged man: and was the father of Rev. il. T; Prevette, of this county. I His wife died about a year ago. J The .State University is steadily growing in -popularity; patrouage and efficiency . ?' The enrollmeht this year . is , the largest in. its history; We are feady to aid some - needy boy in getting the advantage of WILKESBORO. 1ST. CL. THURSDAY. JULY 2. 1896V J . i. Andrews, of Cald well co inty, -was in the city last we 3k. , Janes C. Wallace went over to Jefferson last week on business. V r I .' "' '' . -. ' HTi.X TV TV.- TTt J 1 . . J- Jtv. Jiiawaras is vis iting relatives at Roaring Riv- tconua.' r er and -Mr nia, is James, Hix, of Califor Yisitins: his sister in- law, Mts. Robert Hix, at this place. Miss Annie Mott, of States- viiie, 4S visiting the familv of her brother, M. L. Mott of this place. : ; Mrs. Thos. Triplett, o f Lewis Fork township, is at the home c f Dr. White, where she is bein treated. Mi. Howell, brother-in-law of Dr. Turner, his little girl, and M ss. Emma Mock, of Da vie, ar3 visiting'in the city. J. B. Deal, of the Chroni cle, is attending the re union of the Confederate "Veterans at Richmond, Va., this week. Tt e case against Viney Lowe, mentioned last week, was hoard at Moravian Falls last Saturday, and she was releasiid. M Jas. W. McNeil, of Winston, came up Wednesday of last week and will spend several days with his parents at this place. . r J. il. Clements, who has been spending several ' weeks at Mocksville and Winston, is at his old .place in the depot ma nipulating the wires. Rbbt. McNeil left for Wake Forest college las week... to take a special . course in -law. His brother, Jesse accompanied him as far as Taylors ville We have heard Mr. Hack ett's oration, delivered at, Ox ford the 24th, complimented very highly. There was a large audience present some 4000 Or 5000. V7e learn that P. E, Dan V. Bauguss and H. G. n have been re-appointed y marsnaiis in unis cpun- der the new law, which MUKDER IN ALLEGHAWY. cy, J Minio depui ty, uh effect July 1st. Misses Carrie and takei la . Nannie Wellborn left for Ashe county last week to visit their aunt, Mrs. Harvey Vannoy. Their siste Miss Lena, joined them the rst of the week. teachers, should not fail to be on hand Monday. That is when the examination begins, and it would be better for all to start at once. Work will commence at9 a. m. r The Presbyterian church at tl is plaee is undergoing a won ierful improvement, and, whe a the carpenters and paint ers ret through with it, it will present an imposing appear ance j especially, on the inside. Daloway Canter, of the Brufehies, had the misfortune of losing two children during fUnlootfAw da.vs. Thev had attack ot measles which followed by dysentery. ias the sympathy of hi3 friends in his bereavement. Miss Zerah Foote, of Boar- River, won tne gom. meuai he contest at Dellaplane Saturday night June 20th, and J. B. Armstrong won tne silvjermedaL They will have andther gold medal contest at that place on the anight of July 25th. ood-purifiers, though graauai, are radical in their effect. Ayer's barsapa rills is intended as. a medicine only and !notl stimplant, excitant: or beverage. Immediate resultsCmay not always fol low its use; frut after a reasonable time, permanent fcenegt ascertain w oe an was He mg in Scott McCraw Shot Dead and a Man Named Hooper Badly Wonnded. Alleghany was the. scene of a murder last Thursday night. Scott McCraw was shot through the head and heart1 and killed instantly, and a man by the name of Rooper ws badly wounded by a shot fired from a shot gun. McCraw was for merly jailer of the county and was the chief witness in the lynching case. Reports are meagre and con flicting, but it seems that some brandy had been stolen from Duncan Bros., and they had found it hidden in the woods near Sparta. McCraw, it seems, knew where the liquor was ana took Rooper with him to get a drink. They went to where to where this brandy was, and there they were fired upon with the result mentioned. It is be lieved that the Duncans and friends had gone there with guns to see who would come after the liquor, and that they did the shooting. They were arrested next day and tried hef ore a magistrate, but were leleased. The matter has been brought to the attention of Solicitor' Mott, and he will probably go over there this week, and if the circumstances justify, willliave the case reopened. 4900 From One Tree. Dan Anderson, of Danville, below Wilkesboro, steps up ahead :of Mr.rKerley on the tan bark" business. . .;-ffQea....:u that he got .4900 pounds of tan bark from one tree. That is 700 pounds ahead of Mr. Kerley . MORE LOCALS. From the Topic we learn that some bird dogs and grey hounds visited Bill Deal's premises the other might and destroyed twenty-four h a 1 f grown turkeys and an old goL bler.; The Topic says Bill is an amiable iellow ;and rarely ever gets mad, but this was too much for him. x Mr. J. B. Buxton was called to Lenoir Saturday night by a telegram announcing that his mother was not expected to live. We learn with sorry that she v died Sunday. She wras quite aged and had been suffer ing with heart trouble for some time. She will be laid .to rest at Aslieville. Finley Holler, of Somers township, and Miss Laura M. Queen, of Brushy Mountain township, were united in mar riage last Thursday at the h6me of the bride's father, Finley Queen, by the father of the groom, Rev. Ephraim Hol ler. The Chronicle extends best wishes. 1 . ""TTTT"-"B5Q5!S2 Gaither Cowles. Tuesday -at 12 o'clock Mr. Work for ReVenues; J. E. Hubbard invites the. at tention of officers, Means and others to the fact that he is pro ducing an over capacity out at his new saw mill near Oak woods. The capacity is only V.20 per day, and occasionally he can produce 8.25, proof 100 correctly measured. He has not reached the capacity of 13, but thinks he will in a few days '. Subscriber. Con- Eiffhth Congressional District Tention. - The District Convention of the 8th district was held in Ral eigh -the. 25th. Jt recommended that the timeof holding the Congress ional Convention at Wilkesbo ro be postponed until August 19th. - Dr. B. F. Dixon, of Cleveland, and E. B. Jones, Esq., of For syth, were elected delegates to Ohicago. D. Mac Matheson, of Alexander, and James Wilson, Jr,, of Burke, were elected al ternates. R. N. Hackett. of Wilkes;, J. R. Lewellyn, of Surry; R. L. Durham, of Gas to nia, and W C. Newland, of Calwell, were elected members of the State EiXecutive Committee from this district. i AYER'S Hair Vigor prevents BALDNESS BEHOVES DANDRUFF AND Restores Color , TO Failed and Gray HAIR A Ami ' A MTV 'lUll wVCoiftWO, THE ing Th e IviHIer Building -o AIM Q O new line of all Albert Gaither, of Newton, and Miss Cora Albina Cowles, daughter of Col. Wm. ,H. , H. Cowles, were united as man and wife. The wedding took place at the Residence of the, bride's father, and was a quiet home affair. A few relatives and friends were present to witness' the solemn ceremony, which was performed by .Rev. C.W. Robinson, pastor of the feesbytSrillK those present were Mr. and Mrs. Gaither, parents of the k groom, ana Mrs. M. J. bnerriil, of' Newton, and Mr. Geo. Hall, of Hickory. The newly married couple left on the train for Sparkling Catawba Springs, where they will spend their honey-moon. They were accompanied to the depot by a large number of relatives and friends The bride is a beautiful and most accomplished young lady, whom all who know her love for her generous and goodiqual ities. She will be missed from the social circle of Wilkesboro. Mr. Gaither is quite a young: man of excellent habits and qualities. Thb Chronicle and their many friends here extend them I their most hearty good wishes, and invoke for them a long and happy life.' Items from Union Township. Mr Editob: As I have seen nothing in your columns from old Union for sometime, I will give you a few sketch es. Farmers are busy plowing corn and are well up with, their work. Corn crops never looked finer at this time of the year. Oats are much improved since the Tain. ' - Mrs. Pijisy Church has just returned from an extended yjsit to her daughter Mrs. M. S. GambiUt North WilkesW boro. '' .Minks are destroying the poultry in this vicinity. They killed oyer fifty chickens at Mr. J. C. Vannoy's in two nights. A Subscriber. Notice. By -virtue of an execution in my hands for collection in favor of B. A. Deal, Treas., and against the Wilkesboro Hotel Company. I will, for cash to the highest bidder, at; the court huse door in Wilkesboro N Cf, July 6th 1896, sell the personal property belong ing to the Wilkesboro. Hotel Company, consist ing of 27 sets of furniture, - one parlor set, 14 stoves, 27 matreeses, a number - of j.com sforts, hee.ts, blankets and pilluws, carpets, a!! the kitchen furniture, consisting of plates, gob!ets,knive8 atMl s forks, pitchers', butter dishes and other things too tedious to men tion, to- satisfy said execution. This June' 15, 1896. ' "C, Call, Sheriff. . Calicoes 5 t9 6 cents per yd. Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. ' A pretty line of summer cravats. E PRICE TO ALL. CALL AND SEE THEM 7 A Magnificent Line oS nn M lliii Tie just Amivwa AT Hix ClotMfli Store -HAVING OPENED UP A QW CONSISTING OF - Dry Girods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries, - Etc., I take this method of inuiting my friends to call and ex amine my GOOPS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all -nrj customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and! bst QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market prico always paid for all staple produce. rVery truly, A, Wilkesboro, N. C. jVIILiT0N MOPfEIL, BIG 1 BARG THE WILKESBORO HAIJDWARE STORE haying recently bought a large stock of goods, is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails horse an4 mule shoes, hollo ware, crockery, cutlery, tools of all 'kinds; base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistd!s, shot and powder, empty and loaded shells, collars .and pads, and plows of all kinds, - , Should you need p. good "Hillside"; calljknd you shall be swpplied. , Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled-Plowy Cbtanooga Cane mill, ; Cuta-. way Disp Harrow, Empire Brill and Marshall Wagops. r Can give you the most tinware for the money, yon ever bought. When in need of anything to be. had at a first-class hardware store, -come and. see me before purchasing elsewhere. " ' . I sell cheap for cash, but please dont ask for credit," C. E; MORRISON. WILKESBORO CO., CAFFEY & RRITCHETT, PROPRI ETORSi j t TORTH WILKESBORO. C, - Teller say$ he does not the nbminatippfor, the dency. . . ; V-; ': want Pesi" Are .Now Located In .Tfceir.-NewVf Quarters Opposite f McGee-s Establishment With a C6mplpe Lino ... Of Anything Kept 3nA ' , FJ R S T - C LA S S F U R rj I T U F3 E is TO HH -3.nd are Offering Special Bargains In ' " ' " , - : gewing IMIacliiTies, Pianos, and "Organic, ' CARTS, pUGGIES, HARNESS, feC. KEROSjiNE andXUBRICATIKG OIL by the BARREL, and "STANDARD BRANDS OF GUANO A' STARVATION PRICES;