o :u t - -. - -f .-.i";r i 1 Urates of advertising. TERMS OT3 s;TTncrrT tTTrtW pace 1 wk.f lm. 3 m. ! 6 m. 1 yr. t 1 . I 4.00 6.00 9.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 7.50 10.00 17.50 10.00 17.00 25.00 18.00 30.00 . 45.00 30.00 50.00 75.00 70ne yfettr.....,.."....' i r V Six inpntha : . Threeontk.sr.: ; ... I .75 4n- 2 ia- 3 in. J col. A col. 2.00 3.00 4.00 S.00 9.75 1.25 2.00 3.50 6.50 - jrivyauie ixi aavunce. -" :..- ; L -. .'. Hrtendg Allpioie7..by registered .let.' 1 col. 11.00 15.00 er o.r-pusuu oraer.and address - Equal Taxation, Plrcct and Indirect I . -. . I X . I - III'-- a "If li I .I -.v lil ' -. "V sr.. ..- ; . - I I ' ..... ' f: .-.'! VOL. X. The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. nripf Notes of Passing Events That fttj or May Not Interest Yni. KESBCVRO Dr. Hauser is here office this week. Aywaufccu meeting in progress a t t he Methodist church; Let everybody attend. Misses Blanch and Bula Ferguson, of Kendall, were in Mr. C. F. Morrison visited f ut me weeK, his father last week. " atnes Holbrook, of Trap -Reports from over the rii'Tt iiien Koberts of j nA . I i - the rains. C. THURSDAY. JULY 9. 1896. NO. 1 2 . Mrs. J. R. Combs, of Roar iag River, is visiting at Dr. White's. Capt. Ansel Parks, of Ed- married last week. Those who have not listed their tdwn taxes wll be double taxed unless they list their taxes this week. W6are requested by Mr. Monday. Mr. E. M. Pardue, 9ho has been on duty down on Hunting Creek, is home again, ; 1 -3 Miss Sue Torrence, of Char Blair's lotte, is visiting the Misses Blair, at North "Wilkesboro. naiu") " - "o ' tunoiv,u- xi j i , , wtuuyui iu say mai mey are needini Our friend Joe Robertson tells us that he will startle the natives with his new . paper, The,Hustler, next week. Mr. Smoak is pushing the brick business. He is now making brick for the Methodist church and Tannery. 9 inch locust ' pins at their factorv. Brin Miis Annie Bell, of Lenoir, who hats been visiting at Capt. at INorth Wilkesboro. returne d home the first of the weeljL Col. Gideon Smoot, of Ed wards lo wnship, was in town Monday, shaking hands . with his old friends and "cracking jokes" as usual. Mr, J. B. Buxton has re turned from Asheville. where PROBABLE HOMICIDE. fell Norman, of Surry county, was the gentleman. -Mr. Bud Brook's son off of a load of tanbark Tues day of last week and broke his arm between the elbow and body. " -Will Duncan of Moravian Falls township was before the he went on the sad mission of The Pension Examining attending the burial services Board examined an applicant of his mother, who died at Le- for pension last Thursday. Mr. noir lasV week. The ladies of the Presby terian church, of North Wilkes boro, give an ice cream supper at the Caff ey building, Tues day night, the 7th. It will be a nice arid enjoyable occasion. Let all attend. Miss C. J. Staley, who has been at Wake Forest for some mayor last week - for carrying I time, hi,s returned to her horne concealed weapons bound over to 3onrt. Prof. W L. Nicholson rev turned to Wilkesboro last week after a long absence in States- ville, Lenoir and others points. Ho will open school here in August. -The Moravian Falls Roller r i Mills will be completed by Thursday. It is a .first-class mill in every respect, and we hope it will receive the pat ronage it deserves. Mr. S. D. Yates, son of Robert Yates, of Purlear, this county died at Fort Worth Texas June 21. He had been" out west for about 8 years. He as some 30 years old. We regret to learn of his death. Mr and Mrs J. A. Forester, Miss Alice, and Miss Mamie Wallace left Friday to visit Hobbs, Mr. Forester's and was at Moravian Falls. Miss Min nie Gwaltney accompanied her. home a; id will spend sometime. ir-jr Tht following officers were elected last .. week by the Wiikes )oro Lodge No. 23, I. O. or the yensuing term, O. F. commencing July 1st: H. arris, Noble Grand; C F Mor- rikon, Vice Grand; Dr. J W tite,) Recording Secretary; Crysel, Financial Secre- n4 . . Tf "' a . lm py, waiter nonon ;i treasurer. A pleasant dance was giv en at tb e Hotel last Thursday night. Quite a number was nrftp.nt. Amoner those from a i . distance were Misses Louise Norwood, and Sallie Hope, of Tennessee, Sallie Lenoir, Ada, Lillie ahd Lizzie Horton, and Messrs. Tom and Rufus Lenoir, Waltftr kind Larkm Horton, or ,ht "Hffrnv Valiev." It was w " X X W , " a pleasant occasion -Mr. Thomas Campbell brought us two guinea eggs daughter, in Catawba county, last wetk, in order to show Mr. Forester and wife returned that thejUmon Republican was Monday, but the young ladies mistaken recently in claiming ill remain some time. I that most guinea eggs are more -Young women who desire yellow that white, showing a thorough, practical education, them; tj be gold stanaara. at remarkably cheap rates, -These were white and Mr. mnhell savstheTre silver- With j . a. iT.i T I I't.oo an t1iat allifirtmiare inc: it to town. It was raised Mclver of the State' Normal straitHver. the celebrated : Betsey Jaae attd InHll9tri.il HKnnl at ft ensnoro, JN. C. bee: an nouncement of the instituti l this issue. , - The bovs h a v returned from the Confederate Reunion at Richmond, and report a de llghtful time. The old "Rebs" ere there in full force, and it was a grand occasion for them." Tl)ere are few th infra' in life that erivp onrVi .ni00ni.a ?ld "Confed" as that of meet- :D2 and shakino- hands with comrades of the ;rsixties".,, o yv nu yvuie tilt? gJlc.J. a not exhibit their natriotism' on their coat sleeves, but if we .anted to knock Spain out on first roil nrl xr Viorl rothpr Cke a few of the old Confds" pan anybody we know of; ' Monday. He was talking free silver to perfection, and shaking hands with tne people He is Earnest about silver. He was called upon and made a speech .t the court house while the commissioners were at re cess. We did not get, to hear it, but ne maae a rannus butw He made some gooa at the gold men would TT loss to answer. ne oped the people would some straight honest w J . ane names Strikes Dave Barnes Willi a Gun, BreakiBsr the Skull- Occurred in Beaver Creek Town ship. In Beaver Creek township last Saturday, about an hour before sundown, Sylvanus (known as Bane) Barnes, son of Solomon Barnes, struck Dave Barnes, colored, with a gun, breaking in the skull just over the left eye. It occurred near Howell's School House, and the darkey lay there until Sunday about 12 o'clock before he was found. Dr. White was called in Monday, and found the wound ed man in a very dangerous condition, though he has strong hopes that he will recover. The circumstances appear to be that they went to a still or soma-where Saturday after- noon and got full of liquor. They were the best of friends when they started out from home. But as soon as they got liquor in them, Dave be gan cursing and abusing Syl vanus. Just how it all came about is not known, but Dave kept on cursing till he was knocked in the head, and he will probably die. Barnes left home and has not been arrested yet. Dave Barnes, the wounded man, is a rather .rowdy negto, and has been in jail here for fighting and using deadly weapons. Mail Robbery. ' For some time there has evi dencajpaul9tQdrv tha;W ihes usual health Jefterson rpgfce MORE LOCALS. -John Coleman's daughter, aged 16 years, died of typhoid faver, on Hunting Creek last week. Leroy Parker's daughter, "Victoria, died o f diptheria, down on Hunting Creek, last week. She was 14 years old. His son is quite ill with the same disease. The colored people cele brated the fourth here with .an Odd Fellows Picnic, and they had a nice. time. The colored cornet band furnished music for $he occasion. There were several speeches, and every i thing passed off pleasantly. Th e r e ?w a s a considerable crowd in tdwn, and. the most of them, white people principally 4 celebrated by getting pretty full. Several arrests,,four or five, were made in the- after noon, and theMa1T6Twas kept The Mill1 er Bui A, 6S TO nrettv b m Prerette's Death. ev, i. Ti- Jrrevette returned Mast' week froni- Iredell where he had been to attend the bu rial of his father, Joseph Pre vette. Mr. Prevette was 80 years old, and died Saturday the 27th of June. He had not been sick long, and was up walking about until a day or so before his death. On Wednesday before he died he callfld in ft irnAnlAi nn1 mtvo directions about "making a cof-J 01 nn saying ne WGUiq neea it m a xew oavau u we tnen walking about seemingly In A new line of all tinfls of aoofls. ' Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yd. Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. 1 v , A pretty line of summer cravats. OIiE PRICE TO ALL. CALL AND SEE THEM A Magnificent Line of on tne between ilbar and eersm was ; bein jpilfered. - Peopk alohg the Tiiountain "Who had ordered goods from JT. Lynn & Co., failed .to ;get them, and torn offi----rwratnm-'"-'rnim 1;hia company were-.fonnd along the route. Suspicion ceiatered Hjbn the mail carriers, John and Calvin Hardin, sons of Lee Hardin, of Ashe. One day last week these boys were discover ed, about two miles from Wil- bar office, pilf eritig a canvass sack of mail. One of the boys was seen with his hand in the sack. The facts were sent to Marshal Dancy at once and a warrant was sworn out for their arrest. The marshal went up immediately to serve it, but the boys could not be found. It is thought that they have left the country. Such violations should be severely punished. Another Wilkes Curiosity. Mayor Greene has a curiosi ty. It was sent to him Satur day. It is a large raddish, and it is shaped like a human hand, having the four fingers and the thumb. ; One of the fingers however got broken in bring- was buried Sandar "tA' the Aew. Cteafeanr Kttoh &bntd& and his wife wbo tixstii t&8& wioter, was tafcea fitsa tbe old ietety tsad rfldsod in the nad eeti a consistent : :ii3emljer of GTassy Xnob church for 62 years and was deacon most of the time. If fcs-21 ' ; M JUST ARRIVING AT iH7l iili - 1 w In Clotting Store. OPENED UP A- Miller, of the Blue Ridge Way flidOilnn,, speech points t be at a said he nut out silver m'an, aid he would give him his ter what name -of question patriotic action and'partjes,'. iinrf.v suoDort, Domat his religion or, the his politics is. It is a he said, that demands of all creeds A Run-away. Some of our young; people went out to the Falls Saturday .afternoon for a picnic. On the way, just beyond John Hall's, Willie Edwards' .horse got frightened ata passing wagon, became ; unmanageable and r a n away, Misses Gertie Webster and Claudia "Wiley were in the buggy with Ed wards. They were all. thrown out. The horse ran into Zeb Deatbn's buggy and completely demolishep- one of the hind wheels. 1 1 ' w a s fortunate however that no one!was hurt: They all . gathered up . them- sftlves and went on to the pic-J V- - r - .... J nic. To Adjust Taxes. In compliance with the stat ute requiring it, the Board of Co. Corns, will meet on the 2nd Monday in July to hear com plaints and adjust tax assess ments, upon real and personal property. W. M. Absher, Chairman. ' An Idea. When David hurled a smooth stone from the brook and hit goliath in the forehead, it was a great surprise to that gentle man, ouch a thing nad never entered his head 1 before. The Deering Idea Mower likewise surprises everybody that uses one, they mow bac& to start n o more. Surrated ledger plates ball & roller bearings and direct pitman thrust does wonderful things. The people steer shy of wobble points, zig zag pitmans, and non adjusta ble aras bars, and is welL they do. They are as dangerous as the single gold standard. S. V. Cox. Curies OTHERS lCttcagb31 WLL Cure Yow, AVER'S - - ,...... -. ... . SarsapariLla W1AKES THE - WEAK -:' TB0Na CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, notions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries, Etc., I take this method of inuiting mj friends to' call ' aud ex- amine my GOODS and PBICES before buying elsewhere. I am determined not to be UNDERSOIL I will insure all my customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market price always paid for all staple produce, Very truly, Wilkesboro, !N. C. MILTON MCNEIL, BUG BARGAIN THE WILKESBORO HARDWARE STORE paving recently boughtv a large stock of goods, is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails horse and mule shoes, hollo ware, crockery, cutlery, tools of nil kinds, base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistols, shot and powder, empty and loaded shells, collars and pads, and plows of all kinds. r r Should yomieed a good "hillside'', jcall and you shall be supplied. Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow, Chatanooga Cane mill. 4Guta way Disc HarroV, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons. .-' - , ' . Can give you the most tinware for the money, yon ever bought. When in need of anything to be had at a first-class bardwiarlwecomxuidl see me before purchasing elsewhere. ' 1 sell cheap for cash, but please dont ask for credit; aP. MORRISON. m WILKESBORO FDMIT Ul OAFFEY & PRITCIIETT, PROPR1 NORTH WII,KESBOROi N. C. CO, 5 ' Are Now Located In Their Nw Quarters Opposite ' cGee's Establishment' With a Compile Line ' ' " Of Anything Kept In A : FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE STOHE, ,r And are Offering Special bargains In! y " ' Sewing Machines, Eianos, and Organa GABTS, BUGGIES, HARNE&S, &C. KEROSENE an1 LUBRICATING . Oil, by the BARRI, and STANDARD BI1ANDS OF 0UAN0r 1 ' , ST A ft V AT I O N PR ICES. ; : . Fi0ishins Ggffias m$ ' Caskq' a Specialty; .

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