IN .FT 't "' BATES OF ADVERTISING. , TERMS OF. SUBSCRIPTION.- One year... ...i........ ....... ...... :.n.c3 ftfx months................. ....... .......... CO Three months.........., . 33 Payable in advance. i 1 m . 3 m. j 6 m. 1 yr, 4.00 6.00 ? 9.00 6.00 9.00 ; 12.00 7.50 10.00 .17.50 10.00 17.00 . 25.00 18.00 30.00 45.00 30.00 50.00 1 75.00 r I 1 in. 2 in. 3 in. i col. col. 1 col. .75 1.25 2.00 3.50 6.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 y.75 CSySends all money by registered let- er or postal order and address - -V ; Ths Chbonicle, Wilkcshorol N. C. 11.00 15.00 Equal Jaxation, Pirect and Indirect. VOL. X. The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. Urief Notes of Passing Erents That May or May Not Interest Yon. Bert Vyne has returned to Rocky Mount. F. G. Brewer, of Dockery, gave us a call last week. Esq. A. H. Eller, of - Win ston, is risking frienas here. "The fight is upon us. It is waxing hot, and waxing hotter." ; ; ' The Wilkesboro Marble Works will have in a car load of fine granite this week. Mr. J. D. Smith and fami ly have gone to Ashe to visit relatives. Mrs. C. L. Zoll and little son are visiting relatives at Jefferson this week. Miss Minda Parlier, of Mo ravian Falls, is quite low with typhoid fever. Miss Kiter Bower, of Cald well, is here attending the dis trict conference. Mr. D. S. Lane is bragging about a tomato he has which weighs two pounds. James Morrison, Esq., is visiting his parents, in ? the lower end of the county. Don't forget that school begins the 3rd of August, and be ready to attend. Esq. Rufus - Combs., of Roaring River, was in town last week. Ed. Ciinard, of. .Winston," was among our visitors last week. Be on hand at the speak ing Monday. It will be worth hearing. . Esq. W. W. Barber and family are visitipg relatives in Ashe county this week. Mr. Finley Coffey and wife of Boone, visited Mr. H. Cur tis last week. The advertisement of Dav enport College, of Lenoir, ap pears elsewhere. This is an excellent school, Mr. F. P. Curtis and fami ly, of Tennessee, are visiting Mr. Curtis' father, Mr. H. Cur tis. f Misses Alice Forester and Mamie Wallace have returned from their visit in Catawba county. : Miss Laura Newland, of Georgia, is visiting. Misses Nel lie and Tate 'Blair at North Wilkesboro. John O. Howell, Esq., the book man;, left last week for Tennessee. He will be gone about two months. Messrs. W. D. Howard and Will Roten, of Yadkin county, visited friends and'relatives in the Wilkesboros this week. Miss Mattie Bee Cooper, of States ville, and ' Miss Alice Hickerson, of Ronda, are visit ing in the city. E. M. Pardue is storekeep ng at Greenwood's this week, hile Mr. Smith and family are visiting in Ashe. The Hustler says Mr. Jar vis shipped 30 coops of live poultry each containing ;, 30 chickens, one day last week. Mr. Will Gwyn and sister, of Ronda, attended Rev. Mr. Oeorge' at the " Epis copal church -Sunday. Mr. Dean Meadows' little child died Sunday morning. It vas only two days old.. Too innocent and. bright for,, this world, it was called Hs home above. -' -away to WILKESBORO. y. c. THURSDAY, JULY . C. D. Duncan's one died one day near Moravian year oia child last week, out Falls. Mrs. W. P. Trogden, who has been visiting at Greensbo for some time, returned - to Norths Wilkesboro last weei. Esq. Sam. Ginnings is boasting about having a sec ond crop of raspberries, now get tint ripe. Mrs. M. J. Gilbert and sistes Miss Ellen Rogan, of Georgia, are visiting at Esq. James P. Rousseau's. Till Alexander, the barber, wants': all his Customers to come jn before Sunday as he will hereafter not open the shop on Sundays. R3v. Mr. George, of vv m- ston, preached two excellent sermons at the church here Sunday Episcopal -at 11 a. M. and 5 p. m. Prof. Debman, of Wake Forest, assisted by Miss McEl wee, will have charge of Ron da High School this coming sessioji. Mr. I. P. Anderson killed a crane last week measuring 5 feet and 11 ill ches from tip to tip an i 5 feet 10 in ;hes from toe to bill. Lawyers Hackett and Hack ett, and Messrs G. W. Holmes, W. W. McEwen and A. C. Weill orn, went over to Jeffer son court this week. Saturday night about 10 o'clock, James Culler and Min nie Mi lam, were joined in wed lock. Esq. J. F. JSomers tied the iaiot.' .-- r, - z'''y.7.S 'S' Miss EfBe J. Squires, of Lenoir, is visiting friends here, and attending, the conference. Her n any friends are glad to see her again. Tne Masonic Picnic the 11th at this place should be well attended. Let everybody aid ill making it a success. The cause is a noble one. The District Conference of thejMt. Airy district beerins Wednesday night -continuing over Sunday, at North Wilkes boro j Let everybody attend. James Hix, Esq., who has been visiting in the city some weeks , left last week for States ville, on his way, to Phil adelphia. Mr. J. O. Brewer, of Trap Hill township, killed four storks last week, measuring an average of, six feet from tip to tip. Mrs. Dorcus "Wiles, wife of EmanW Wiles, of Pock Creek, was tkken to Morganton last week and placed in the Asy lum. She has been affected in mind lor some time. Miss Sue Torrence, of Char lotte, jwho has been visiting at Capt. bbrp, Blair's, North Wilkes left Monday to spend awhilfe at Waynesville White Sulphur Springs. C lairman John Q. A, Bry an we s in the city last week, confe -ring with some of the brethi envas to the list of Re publican registrars and judges of election. Summer goods, light suits, straw hats, etc., at reduced Your photograph en priqes larged free for . cash trade to the arLount of $10., at Horton & Ablher's, North Wilkesboro. Sheriff iSomers went up about! Purlear last week j on business, an4 found a big rat tle snake in ' the road near the store at- John Hays ft is time Bill Smith: was sending in a report pn his snake cro. GUILT l ipp MANSLAUGHTER. John Davis Found Guilty of Man slaughter for Killing Arthur Beb her. - ' The trial of John Davis for killing Arthur Bebber in Alex ander county, came off at Tay lorsville last week. It resulted in his conviction of manslaugh ter and he was sentenced to the .penitentiary for 15 months. The circumstances were as stated heretofore. They had been to a still house, got full, fell out on their Way home. tiebber went at Davis with a. knife and Davis struck him with a jug of liquor, fracturing the skull, romthriswound he diediDL Lb UU UUU1B. A Large Eg. Esq. o Boomer, who is about 75 years old, has a hen egg, seven inqh- es in length and seven inches in circumference. He broe the shell of this egg and found" i-1 1 A I I J auutuef uumpieie sg lusiue ui. the large one. This vis the Benham, who have been visit largest hen egg we have heard ing in Ashe, returned to their of. home at Jonesville last week. Miss Parks Dead. is ;y miss oetue rarts, post mis tress at Ozark, this county and daughter of Esq. J. I Parks, died last week of t; pnoia lever, one was an ex cellent lady of between 25 and 30 years of age, and the sympa i thy of friends go out to th bereaved. She was the only daughter, and her brother, the only son, died last year. The parents are left without chil dren. 'S,y Hiss Edna Absher Dead.. . J Miss 'Edna Absher, daughter of Mr. Mac Absher, of North Wilkesboro, died about 2 oclock on the morning of the 27th. She was, about 15 years old, and a bright and pleasant young lady. Some months ago she had measles and had never been well since. An abscess formed in her side, which necessitated an operation. This was performed by Dr. Horton a few days before her death, and a large amount of matter taken therefrom. She was buried at Hay Meadow. Our sympathies are extended. To tne Democrats of the 20th Sena torial District. The Democratic Senatorial conven tion of the 29th district is hereby called to meet in the city of Hickory on Wednesday the 27th day of August, 1896, at 12 in., to nominate candidates for Senator to represent this district in the next General Assembly of. North Carolina, and to transact - such other business as may come before the con vention. S. D. Bukgin, Ch'm'n Ex. Com. Remember only such me dicine were admitted for exhibition at the World's Fair as are excepted for use, by physi cians, in the practice of medicine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Cherry Pec toral, and Ayer's Pills being included in the list. They are standard medicines- "A Stitch in Time." A Ayer's Pills has saved many dose of a fit of sickness; but when a remedy does not happen to be at hand, slight ailments are liable to be neglected, and the re sult frequently, is serious illness; there fore always be supplied with Ayer's Pills, ...X HX- Notice. By virtne of an Execation" la my haads idr collection in tavor of W. V. Adams, 8. C. Shu mate against M. JF. Browiijiwill seU for cabh to the highest bidder at. tJe."'onrt house door in Wilkesboro, N. C. on tne 3lst day of Ji.nsT 1893, M. F. Brown's interest in the f oilowing (iiscribed tract of land situated in Wilfees . county N. C. adjoining the lands of Susan Brown. Thomas Kiiby (deceased Harrison Chnrcli, Rubia Brown ana others containing 150 acres more or less, to satisfy said Execution returnable to fall term of Wiltos Superior Court 1S96. : This July 27th IS9S. ' . V v- " "' y ;:f" CLaEEICE CALL, Sheriff. VANTED-Ari IDEAJPlSSS BURN & CO.w Patent Attorneys, Waahinffton, D, a, for their $100 prize offer, , MORE LOCALS. ' TS-' " " ' ' 1 -8 A "middle of the road" Pop ulist means a Mckinley gold bug. The Democratic Senatorial convention of this district has been called to meet at Hicho ry, August the 27th. A few of he Wilkesbo ros young folks went up to the Springs Saturday after noon, took supper, and return ed amid the moonlight. It was, delightful. Turner & Wyatt will have their roller mills ready for work next Monday. They have good mills and will make I uuur. x-aironize inem I and VOU won't racrrat it I o- Uncle Rufus D Horton, of Elkville, i s spending these warm days and nights, play- ,ns wun a nne roue Diue-eyed by that soon learn to 2 t r . . . . . - s11 him "papa." " t ' T- . , xaisses ijizzie aua JJexUtte They were accompanied by Miss - Jennie Worth, of Creston. Mr. A. J. Earp, of Stan ford, Ky.t gave us a short call Tuesday. He is a Wilkes boy ana nas Deen visiting nis peo ple here. He is a photographer and is doing well. He left for his home Tuesday. V Misses Lena, Carrie and Nannie Wellb )m, who :, have been visiting' relatives in Ash 9, will return home this. week. Esq. James Wellborn, their father, went over after them uw urne ui iiuo nccik. ...... 'S(ll n.sq. imasay F erguson, 01 Kendall, and Mr. S. F. Moore, of South Carolina, were in the city this week. Mr. Moore and family are visiting Mr. Fergu son's family. Mrs. Moore is Esq. Ferguson's daughter. Mr. R. C. Lowe, the man with the "Otter of Union' ' fla vor about his breath, has a bi cycle. He was riding it in a reckless manner recently, and it bucked and threw him off. In the fall one finger was hro ken and the wrist and arm SDrained. He has since sold The Moravian Falls Roller ill is in full blast, and is turn- ng out beautiful flour. Two grades, are being made no;w: "Snow Drift," the. best grade, 'White Laurel," the second rade. They are paying cash far all the wheat brought th e call attention to Abe advertisement of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts in our issue to-day. This College has steadily advanced to the front rank, and its work has within the past year received the highest recommendation from Harper's Magazine, The New York Forum and other eminent educational authorities. s AYER'S Hair Vigor Prevents BALDNESS .: REMOVES DANDRUFF AND I Restores Color TO hi: i and Gray HAIR DsstDrcssizi A a r 30 . 1896. The' Miller A m line of all Calicoes ercales 6 to 12 & one , A pretty line of summer cravats. OWE PRICE TO ALU CALL AND SEE THEM 'A Magnificent E-ine of j y JUSTAEKIVING AT B ffil ClOlllig HAVING OPENED UP A- 5 1 M CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Motions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries, Etc., I take this method of inuiting my friends to call and ex amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. " I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all my ' customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best QUALITY for the LEAJST MONEY. The highest market Drica always paid for all staple produce. : Very truly, lkesboro, N. C. 1 BIG ' BARGAl HE WILKESBORO having recently bought a large stock of goods, is offering1 4 them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails, horse and mule shoes, holioware, crockery, cutlery, tools of all kinds, base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistols, shot ' and powder, empty and loaded shells, collars and pads, and plows of all kinds. ' , ' Should you need a good "Hillside", call and you shall be supplied. ' - Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow) Chatanooga Cane mill, Cuta-" way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons.' ' -. Can give you the most tinware for the money yon ever bought. When in need of anything to be had at a first-class hardware store, come and see me before purchasing elsewhere. ; I sell cheap for cash, but please dontlask for credit. C P. MORRISON ' THE I'MESBOIill CAFFEY & P'RTCHETT, NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. Are! Now Located In Their New Quarters 'Opposite McGeeV Establishment With a Qomplete.Line Of Anything Kept In A :1 - . FIRST-CLASS FURWITURE STORE, And are Offering Special Bargains In ' - Sewing Madiines, Fianos, and Organs; , " wwj, xiAvis, &i;. XEEOSEXE and LUBRICATING , OIL by the BARREL, and STAND ABD BR ANDkOP fiV A NO !Jl'l' STARVATION PRICES. PifllshinglCoffins and Caskets a Specialty. v NO. 15. Building: Ms of goods. 5 to 6 cents per yd. half cents per yd. '. 4 .' : V ."'If-''.' 'V,- 'J: nn y T him 0 MILTON MCNEIL, HARD WARE STORE CO, PROPRIETOR O Store A m S FDBNITuRE

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