" . wwy m uii 'vy p i '.imi- ..1- ateSOF ADVERTISING. MR : " TERMS OF 8UBSGRIPTTON. Hnace i 1 wk. 1 ra. i 3 m. 6 m, .1 lyr. 2.00 I 4.00 6.00 9-00 10.00 17.00 9.00 12.00 1 3.00 6.00 i - 11 '.i k m m 2 in. 3 in. i col. col. 1 col. II Three monfta"': ' - ' . '. . 2.00 3.50 6.50 4.00 6.00 9.75 7.50 10.0Q 17.50 .25.00 45.00 75.00 FayaiHe-m advuncel '? ''-'.-cV 18.00 30,00 11.00 15.00 30.00 50.00 J2jual Taxation, pireet and Indirect. ... ... . ; . , " r , n mm zr . ii i 1 1 a ii i . . ' ' X J .ill"'- : U J AX TOL. X. The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. Brief Notes of Passing Events That May or May Not Interest Ton. Protracted meeting in prog ress at Lewis Fork church. Lawyer Lytle Hickerson was in the city this week. Miss Mattie Bee Cooper has returned to her home at Statesville. Mrs. Bessie Hill, of Jeffer son, attended, conference last week. . Ex-Editor Joe Hendren, of Elkin, attended conference last week. .Editor jonn o. ueai, of the Lenoir Topic, gave our place a j short visit last week. jf -Jesse McEwen has aXoad sore toe. A horse stepped on it and mashed it badly. R. L. Wellborn and fami ly, of Goshen,N are visiting at Mr. John Bledsoe's in Ashe. Mrs. JVM. Turner, of New Orleans, is spending awhile at at the Wilkesboro Hotel. . . The family of L. T. Brown, of Raleigh, is at the Wilkes boro Hotel for a few weeks. Mr. J". . Forester and Miss Minnie Henderson, of Delia plane, were married last week. R. NV Hackett, Esq., at tended the meeting of the Dem ocratic State committee last week. Misses Dora and Lee Bing ham, of States ville, are visit ing their sister, Mrs C. H. Somers. Mr. Charlie Carlton and two sisters, of Boomer, are very low with typhoid fever. Dr. White is treating them . Mr. RVJ. Gibbs, of Goshen, who was here , last week, re ports a good many cases of ty phoid fever in his section. Miss Alma Newland, of Lenoir, is the guest of Misses Nellie and; Tate Blair, North Wilkesboro. Prof. John D. Minick, Pres ident of Davenport Colleg, of Lenoir, was in the city last week, attending Conference... Prof. John H. Clewell, President o f Salem, Female Academy, came up last week and visited Mr. James t Well born's family. '.; Mr. Allen Hix, of Watau ga, son of Uncle Dickie Hix, of Moravian Fails, was in the city last week. He used, to live in WUkesJbbro. : Chairman Jones of the Democratic Congressional com mittee, N informs us that the Congressional con v e n t i o n which meets . here the 19th, will not be called to order un til 3:30 oclock P. M. We are requested to an nounce that heteaf ter Buck Reins will absolutely refuse to shave anybody o n Sunday. He wants all his regular cus tomers to come in on Saturday. There will be a big. picnic at Sulphur Springs Augus t the llth, so r. J. M. P. Brown tells us, and everybody is in vited to attend. Rev. M r . Douglass will make an address on the occasion. i Mr. T. B. Finley came oyer Monday wearing a lon and, voluminous smile, arid hol4in his old hat in both hands. But some of tlie boys got hold ; of the hat anyway and singed it pretty well: , It is a bright lit -tie new ad ministration l&ryan WILKESBORO. N. C. THURSDAY. ;j Aim. Straw mats at Hix's almost given away. Miss Carrie Harris, of Lovelace, is visiting at Mr. W. E. Harris'. -r-Little Annie, daughter of R M Johnson, of Roaring River died on lsfst Sunday. Mrs. M. E. Williams, of Iredell county is visiting in the city this week. W. E3: Ijarris, Esq., leaves this weeli for a trip to Stokes and Rockingham counties. Dr. Hauser will not be in his office here this week owing to sickness at home. W. E. Harris and family returned Sunday from a visit down on Hunting Creek. Sum aaer coats at Hix's at bargain prices. John Coleman's 18-year-old sonl of Hunting Creek, died of typhoid fever last Sat-, urday. Mr. Mac Gilreath attended the canip meeting at Rocky Springs .last week. There was a large attendance. Messrs. D. G. Washington and C. Ip. Crysel leave the last of the veek to spend some time at Blowing Rock. Messrs. James and Calvin CowleSj of Gap Creek, were in the city the first of the week. Calvin Jwent on to New York. License - was issued this week for the marriage of Thos. R. Colyard, and Miss Ida Col vard, daughter of the late -R. W. Col vard. Messrs. Augustus Tomlin and John Lawrence, ot Iredell passed through Monday for Jefferson, being witnesses in the big will suit going on there; :Mr. Loyd Holbrooks and Miss Emma Sparks, of Trap Hill tc wnship, came down ;to towu '. ast week and were mar ried. A number of friends ac companied them. T aere was a very pleasant picnic at shady Grove church down week, on Hunting creeK last A large crowd was pres ent and everybody enjoyed the l ' 9 occasion. cfonference has come and gone and chickens the few Ieft-4 are getting tame again. We l ope the brethren enjoyeel their stay among u and will cotne again. Sheriff Call wants air who are still due him on taxea to settle at once. The new tax books will be placed in hp banc s shortly and he must col lect the old before the new com 38 in. ISample shoes for men wo men and children selling at wholesale cost prices. Big cut on siraw hats, clothing, gents furnishing goods etc., going at very lowest prices at Horton & AbShers, North Wilkesboro. Miss Mary Litchford, of Ralsigh, who has been spend ing sometime in Morganton, arrived here Monday and will speid the remainder of the summer, with Mrs. Brown at the Wilkesboro Hotel. - Arthur L. Butt is exhibit in J his original gold, pearl and crvstal paintings, here this Uir-ttondav. Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The paint - r . niKIa eAonAs and' are excellent. Admission is 10 cents a night. " '.. Wmr Over Fifty "ITeari. t i MbL Winslov's Soothing Stiipp has been us ed ior over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children Mrtule teething wi th perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all "l .n,cWhd colic, and is the best remedy for hi Arhoea- It wiU relieve the poor little sufferer imlieOiatSfy. Sold by druggists in every part of thehvorld Twenty-flve cents a bottle W sure nnHaskfor "Mrrf inslow'S Soothing SyruT f CONFERENCE ENDED. The Brethren Enjoyed Themselves and vthe People Enjoyed Enter taining them. Conference is over, and the occasion was enjoyed by all. The brethren were congenial and pleasant and the people enjoyed their being with us. It was the 9th annual session of the Mt. Airy . District Con ference, and it met in the North Wilkesboro Methodist church. Presiding Elder H. M. Blair occupied the chair, and J. F. Hendren, Esq., of Elkin, was Secretary. 21 preachers and 25 lay delegates were in attend ance. The visiting ministers V?ere were Dr. F. H. Wooa, Revs. W. C. Wilson, A. P. Tyre, T. A. Smoot and L. W. Brower. License to preach was grant ed to J. B. Snow, J. B. Dough ton, and Prof. W. L. . Nichol son. v Seymore Taylor and W. L, Nicholson were recommend ed to the Annual conference for admission on trial. Educational addresses were made by Revs. A. P. Tyre and T. A. Smoot. Smoot is head master of Trinity High School. Dr. J, M. Turner, H. S. Ad ams, J. R. Padison and J F. Hendren were selected as dele gates to the Annual Confer ence, with J. H. Pennel arir G. T. Atkins, alternates. . Pinnacle, in Surry countjf was selected as the place for holding the next district con ference. J. F. Hendren, W, L. Sher rill and J. W, Ashby, the com mittee, introduced the follow ing resolution which was adopt ed iby a rising vote: Resolved, That we tender our hearty thanks to the good people of North Wilkesboro, Wilkesboro and vicinity "for the hospitable manner in which we have been entertained." 4 Sunday morning there was preaching bv members of the conference at.the three church es in North Wilkesboro and one in Wilkesboro. Also the colored people were ; preached to in both towns. We hope to see the brethren back agaj -wb -m -m- m m mm- yuow er ana: Jbinney noi nere; Neither Bower nor Linne was nere Monaay to speaif. Linney had to attend Catawba court. Bower was detained at Jefferson in the big IJall will case. It was expected to get through the case Saturday, but it will hardly be finished till Wednesday of this week, and hence Bower couldn't leave, being one of the princi pal attoi neys in the case. But we had plenty of speak ing anyway. Mr. R. N. Hack ett announced the reason the speakers could not be here, and made a short but excellent talk upon the issues of the day. Gen. John Q. A. Bryan fol lowed with one of his usual speeches.- Each of them made a reply. - Dr. Tyre York followed dis cussing t h e silver question mostly. He declared himself for Wm. J Bryan for President because Bryan, is for silver and the cause of the people and the rights of humanity. Col. Dula then Spoke for awhile and then ga re way for John -Ruff in Henderson, to ''stick to the issues,' for the space of some time. Huff is the republican candidate for 'State Auctioneer" and says he has hopes of being : elected. It, was a great jlay for politics and "every body talked as much v I - I as he pleasedj r - MORE LOCALS. Call on G. Holmes for empty whisky barrels at the Caffey and Pritchet building- Rev A L Stanford, of East Bend, who has been hereof or several . weeks, f has returned borne. " Lc-velace township has, en dorsed Hackett for Congress. Let Others do likewise. ; Hur rah for Hackett. ; The y Peidmont Advent Christian denomination will hold its Anual conference wth the Advent church at Berea in Caldwell county ten miles west of Lenoir, - commencing on Thursday the 13 inst. and hold ing over Sunday. Preachers from a distance expected. All are invited, - Remember The ric-nic. There should be a large at tendance at the; Annual Mason ic Picnic here August llth. The nobleness of the cause ap peals eloquently to all. The orphans need our care. The picnic is for their benefit. Let all join in making the occasion a grand success, as well as a pleasant one. Mr. ,Lawr3nce will be here with a chapter cf i the orphans, and the program win be interesting: and proiita- Oe au tns-way tnrougn. -ii -l i ii v i r "Win Col. James Horton. Col .f James Horton, of Cald well, isdead, his burial taking place on Saturday. He had been suffering : with paralysis for sometime, and this was the cause of his death. He was about 80 years old and one of the most prominent citizens of the country. He was a broth er of the late Capt. A. H. Hor ton, and of Esq. ' Nathan Hor ton, of Beaver Greek township. 'Possum Dead, Tam Miller's Polan-China 'possum died last week. Tpm wasrracing his possum y against Sheriff Somers' 22 pound Ohio Chester, which h e recently killed. The possum weighed 18' pounds, and would : have reached the weight of the big hog in a few more weeks. He died from fatty degeneration of the heart and the ravages of the gold standard. ; P. S. It is rumored - that Sheriff Somers poisened the ossum. Mrs. Meadows Dead. Srs. Rebecca J. Meadows wife, of F. Dean Meadows died on last Friday a little after one o'clock. She had given birth to a child the week before, and never recovered. The child died two xlays after birth. Mrs. Meadows was a daugh ter of J. J. Russell, of Boomer; was about 25 years old; mar ried about three years ago and was the mother of two children, both of whom are dead. She was hurried at Boomer Saturday nd a large crowd of sympathizing friends. were pres ent. Rev. W. R. Bradshaw conducted the services. Our sympathy is. extended, to all the bereaved. Liquor Selling. The liquor-selling establishments of the land are killing men for gain as certainly and steadily as if they were absolute retailers of the plague, or of pestilential disease. They know tthat they are killing men. Every glance at' the results of their traffic demonstrates, terribly, the destruction they are ma? king of their neighbors. For, what is murder? According to Blackstone, em inent authority, it is "the sacrifice of human life from mere sordid love ot gain, supreme selfishne. ss, reck lessness, or any wicked; state of the hear."'. - Think you, does not th& fJrunkarcL-inaker's occupation come within the definition? Let. the graves of the victjoas-and the sad faces of liv ing survivors answpr.Temperance A,dr v n 6. 1896. The IVJiHer 9 A new Uqb of all 3 Q Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yd. Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. t A pretty line of summer cravata, OWE PRICE TO ALL. CALL AND SEE THEM M agn if i ce n t i- i n e of f0 Hoi JUST ARRIVING AT Tie Hix Clotting Store. -HAVING OPENED UP A- CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Grocery Etc., I take this method of inuiting my friends to call and ex amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD I will insure all my customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best QUALITY -for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market prico always paid for all staple produce. Very truly, Wilkesboro, N. C- BBC THE WILKESBOEO HARDWARE STORE having recently bought a large stock of goods, is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails, horse ancj mule shoes, hollo ware, crockery, cutlery tools of all kinds, baseball goods, water buckets, paints, oils, gus pistols, shot and powder, empty and loaded shells, collars and pads, and plows of all kinds. Should you need a good "Hillside", call and you shall be supplied.. ' Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow; Chatanooga Cane mill," Cuta way Disc Harrow, Empire prill and Marshal 1 . Wagons. " 4 . J Can give you the most tinware for the money, yon ever bought.: . -'A , When in need of anything to bp had at a first-class hardware store come andL see me before purchasing elsewhere. : J J sell cheap for cash, but please'doht ask for credit f " U IV MORRISON. CAFFEY & PRITCHETT, PROPRIETORS. NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C. Are Now Located In Their New -Quarters Opposite MoGee's Establishment, With a Complete Line Of Anything Kept In, A F t RST-C LASS F tl IT U RE STO E h AndVare Offering Special Bargain In, ' : v -oewing Maoliirues, .Pianos, and Ornn , BUGGIES, HARNE&p, &C. KEROSPSC arid LUBIUCATING OIL, by, the BARREL, and STAND ARIV BRANDS OF A'i' - STARVATION PRICES. NO. 16. Building of pods. MILTON MCNEIL, FUIITUKE CO., HiiKi W BARGAINS. Pemocrat. takenootnerfejndV s,.