5-. : - n mj ITOF ADVERTISING.' ' . lm. 3m. 6mu lyr. " 2.00 4.00 6.00 9.00 3.00 6.00 9.00' 12.00 4.00 7.50 10.00 17.50 6.00 10,00 17.00 25.00 9.75 18.00 30.00 45.00 15.00 1 30.00 50.00 75.00 TERMS OP SUBSCStPTION, mat?. 1 wk. One year. !RU months..;. . $103 Tnree months...,..,,.. Payable ia advance. GO SO ESTSenda .all niaaey by rUtexed let er or postal order and ddrus - Space j lin. .75 2 in. 1.25 3 in. 2.00 fcol. 3.50 col. 6.50 1 col., '11.00 V I 1 ft II I i I II I I Ir I It I It I I VOL. X. The Ghronicxe. LOCAL DOTS. Rri!f Notes of Passing Events That May or MayNot Interest Yon. North Wilkesboro ' is have a cornet band. to Solicitor Mott is ing at Blowing Rock. See the bargains rusticat at Hix's before purchasing elsewhere. w . A. tfisnop is moving his saw mill over to. Brown's Ford. Miss Me ta Foster, of Roar ing River, is visiting relatives here. Miss Lillie Taylor, of Dur ham, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John S. Granor. Mr. I. C. Wellborn is hav ing repairs made on the old Central Hotel building. Master Charlie Foster won the gold medal in the contest at Dellaplane Saturday. Sheriff Call seems to have . no opposition for re. nomination on the republican ticket. Mrs. J. Xi. Teeter and fami ly, of Mecklenburg, are visit ing relatives in the county. F.V.Cass, a Wilkes boy and a good one, isnow located in Indiana. Success to him. Mrs. Cashion and family, of Mecklenburg county, spent a night in the city last week. Miss Maggie Berry of Statesville, is visititing her aunt, Mra. Dr. Greene, at this place. - - Miss Minnie Bledsoe, of Raleign, is in the city, spend ing a while at the Wilkesboro Hotel. License was issued the 7th for the marriage of C. C Laws to Miss Ida Parsons, both of Jobs Cabin. A. H. Berry is boasting of an Irish potato he raised, which weighs one pound and eleven ounces. . Little Warner Miller pre sented the Chronicle office with some of the finest toma toes of the season. Capt. J. O. Gregg, . of Mt. Airy, is visiting hi? father-in-law, Esq. A. M. Church, a t North Wilkesboro. J. H. Brucd and sister Mrs. Jarvis, of Irdell, spent a few days this week with their brother here. Prot. Wagoner, of Trap Hill Institute" was ' thrown Off a horse recently and his badly bruised. . .- Esq. j; M. Mitchell, leg of Statesville, was in the county last week, surveying and look ing after some land matters. Both schools at Trap Hill are in progress and are well K attended. Tran Hill mav well VCr ' Yk...l. t 1 .'111.: ( Wast of her school facilities. Mr. Judson Greene, of Al exander, was in the city last "week spending a few days ith his brother, Dr. Greene. ; Esq. J. W. Ashby, of" Mt. Airy, spent last week and part of this, fixing up our people in the life insurance business. Ha is a fine fellow.. While cutting Big Shiney Staley's clover the other day, the machine chipped off a par tridge's head. The partridge was setting on 12 eggs. . Mrs. Emma Sharpe and two children and Mrs.. JVTattie Mintz and child,'of Alexander county, visited, their brothei, Qrannn I'iUici -rvl.5V' . -1n.st i m I : -f-Turner & Wyatt ing a big custom at their new roller mill. 75 bushels came in during one day last week. They are doing good work. H-Mr. A. M. McGlamery, of Mocksville, who has just re cov Bred from an attack of ty phoid fever, is visiting his par ents at Stony Hill, this county. Mrs. W. B. Reeves, of G she i, and Mrs. Joseph Hol broiks, of Trap Hill, have re- A 1 1 . xurnea nome from a visit to their sister, Mrs. Martha Thompson, in Tennessee. rWrs. M. A. Miller, mother of t, Claud and Tom Miller, carreupto see her sons last week. Her younger son Lon nie came with her. They re turned to Davie county Thurs day, jSiherman Bryan, Congress man Linney's clerk who gets $1200 per yearhas been here several days getting a list of the Voters of the county, for the purpose of mailing cam paign documents, etc. pur good friend Esq. An derson Eller, of Millers Creek, has an apple that measures 20 inches in length and 34 inches in circumference. The annleis still growing and is of the Cal ifornia kind. ' The Wilkesboro township primary which met last Satur day selected the following ex ecutive . committee: H . L . Greene, chairman, T. B. Camp bellj Dr. J. H. Ellis, W. C. Wirikler, G. W. Holmes. Debbie Bass, an aged and respectable colored wo for man, who has lived here many years, died August 5th. rasborn in Indiana and came nere witn ner parents, whd were a kind of wondering gypfeies. Mt. Willie Rousseau, of Statesville, spent a few days in the tity Last week.. He, came through on his bicycle. He came from Kilby's Gap to town in 50 minutes 10 miles. Con sidering the creeks, hills and bad roads, he broke the record. Esq. Tho 3. Campbell tells us that the frogs at the mill pond in his neighborhood are crivinsr michtv concerts and the fH burden of their rrah for free song is. silver!" Some of our gold bug financial criterions could learn wisdom even from the frogs. ln the big will case in Ash 3 county last week, in whi;h" about $6,000 was in volved, the jury decided in fa vor I of sustaining the will. Ex Congressman Bower was tfye leading attorney for sus- tain nc the Will. This is tne case which prevented 3 Bower from speaking at this place the first Monday. a nmtrflRteA meetinoT ia in progress at Cub Creek church. ucted by Rev. Jf; jl.. Gwaltnev. There was a large audience there Sunday, enongh trt fill the church twice. The seat s were moved out into the grove, and the large audience was addressed by Rev. Jay Gw ltney, who preached a practical, plain and instructive sernion. Candidate, for Auditor, Henierson, and Sheriff Clar ence Call went down to Win ston Friday and addressed the Republican club there Friday night. Henderson went: ,on dow i to Kernersville ' Saturday and We a speech, returning to Wilkes Monday. Of course they? Had a successful, trip. Ther went, 1 they ; saw fftey Equal Taxation, .KESBOTIO. C. THURSDAY. AUG. "The New Woman." The "New Women' ' passed through town last Wednesday. She was traveling from Lenoir to Winston. She was walking and pushing a baby carriage which contained a jbab and other household and kitchen furniture. She was going -ata 2:40 gate as she passed through town. She makes 8 or 10 miles per day. This is rather a "nov el way of seeing the world, but the "new woman" has ways peculiarly her own. Senatorial Convention. The Senatorial convention of this the 29th district is called to meet at Hickory August j the j 27th. According to the custom Svilkes and Catawba are enti tled to furnish the candidates this time. The counties in . the district and the votes to which each is entitled under the plan of the Democratic orgaization are as follows: Alexander 12 V Catawba 35 Lincoln 20 Wilkes 35 " Total 102; ' necessary to a choice 52. K. R. Bell's House Burned. We regret' to learn that Mr. R R Bell's house was destroyed on last Saturday nignt. Mr Bell was unwell and did not reetweU. About 11 o'clock he heard the fire in the cook room. Arising and opening the door he discovered the flames were beyond control. He rushed back and awoke his wife and children and got them out. He iv. - . a. aj , . ouv.vwv.n WM-T.f, &uu.Wv, beds And a few ouilts-all nis other household goods were de stroyed. Whether the fire was accidental or the work ot an incendiarv is not known. There is an opinion that some fiend did the worir. Tne loss is near $400. The Wods Fnll. The Republicans are devel oping plenty of office seeking timber. There are 10 or 12 wantincr to be Register o f c T Deeds. Anions: them are the present incumbent, D. R. Ed wards, W. G. Meadows, Thoa. Crysel, E. M. Blackburn, Le ander Jennings, C. , U. Davis, Linville Bumgarner, L. E. Da: vis. and we don't . know how j many more. As to. the Legislative ticket, Gen. John Q. A. Bryan will doubtless be one of the candi dates, and we hear the men tion of Chas. Somers and L. S. Benbow for the other. The' important office of Coro ner is wanted by Wash Nich ols, and young Elledge, of Mulberry, and may be others. ; The would-be-laborers are plenty but the fields and ar vests are few and far betweeri. Those who gamble on politics at this time are taking big chances. Those who are greet ed with hallelujahs to-day may be met with "crucify him" to morrow. The Picnic. ; The Masonic picnic Tuesday was not so well attended as was expected. It was extreme ly warm and a heavy storm came up- just about; dinner time and everybody received a pretty good wetting. . The or phans who came were bright and interesting. Their - songs and exercises were gaod .Mr. Hackett, Mr. Xawrence and others 'made short speeches. I A concert was given Tues day night by the chapters of orphans at the court house. ; ' As we go to press we have not legrneg the net proceeds; ' Pirect and Indirect. The Teachers Association met here Saturday and trans acted some routine business. After which the meeting ad journed to meet here on the 2nd Saturday- 6f Sept. The same program of exercises Was continued till then. Petitioning for Greer. A petition is being circulated the Governor to release from the penitentiary Sher man Greer, who was convicted in this county about fiye years ago for killing his father and was sent to the penitentiary for ten years. This brings to mind an incident in the case. Judge Armfield presided. Af ter the case was concluded it was recalled for the purpose of ffettincr the sentence reduced. Judge Armfield remarked: "No man is ever justifiable i u takiner the life of his father- If there could possibly be a case justifiable, it would be when a Southern father named his bov Sherman, about the time Sher man made his march to the sea through southern flood and wrecks of southern homes and happiness.; But even that is not sufficient provocation to justify the awful crime." The sentence was not reduced. F Over Fifty Xe MRS. Win slow 9 SooTHisa Sybvp has been us ed for over fifty yean by millioas of mothers for their children while teething wi th perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gams, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and ia the best remedy for Diarrhoea It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world Twenty-five cents a bottle Be sure and ask for "Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing Syrur, and take no other kind' Notice. Notice is hereby given that seizure was made on the 5th May of Aug. 1896, near Osbornville by J. E. McEwen D. C, of one still cap, and worm ana nine packages of corn whisky, containing about 386 gallons. All claimants of said proper- I ity nui mu daunt mca j ju xuciwen. vv liKf'S- M Tl I T III. -T v -m r w (.4 Mi ftornam I. Jersu,sheville. M , C l wiway3 within 30 day front date hereof, or the same will be declared forfeited to the V S (Government. This Aug. 8th 1800. . Sam L Rogers, coll, Per J E McKwen, D..'?. Notice of Seizure Notice is hereby given that seizure was made on Ang. 6th 1896, near Dellaplane, N. C, of ,two stills, caps and worms and five packages of corn whisky containing about 227 gallons. All per sons claiming said property will appear before J. E. McEwen, "Wilkesboro, ic. c. or Sam L Rogers, eoUector, Asheville, N. C, and file sai-i claims within 30 days from date hereof or paid property will be declared forfeited to the govern, ment. This Aug. 10 1896, Sam L Rogers, coll. Per J E McEwen D c. Notice of Seizure. Notice is hereby given that geizure was made July 27th 1886, near purlear, N. c. of one copper still, cap and worm, and 16 packages -of corn whisky containing about 733 gallons, persons claiming said property will file claim and bond with J. E. McEwen, "Wilkesboro, N. c, or Sam L Rogers, Asheville N. c. within 30 days from date hereof; or the same will be declared forfeited to the U S Government. This Aug. llfh 1806. Sam L, Rogers coll. Per J E McEwen, Dc SALEM ACADEMY AND COLLEGE. For nearly 100 years this institution for the higher education of young wo men has occupied the very front rank, and was never more numerously attend ed than now.' It is not only provided with a high-grade College Course, but has experts in air of its special schools of Music, Art, Elocution, Commercial and Industrial Studies. We will be pleased to send catalogue:., on applica tion. Term begins September 3d. JOHN H. CLEWELL, Principal, Salem, North Carolina. STOVES AND TINWARE. I have opened up a full 'line of Tin ware of every description, and Cooking and Heating Stoves of all kinds, in the new Preyette Store house on main st., where I will be glad to wait on my cus tomers. All kinds of Tin work done ai reasonable rates. - As a specialty I handle the "new Lee" cook stove, the leading stove on the market. GiVe me a call. - W. H. STAKE. Wilkesboro, N. O Jan. 12th '94. WILKESBORO HOTEL, CHARLES L. ZOLL, FsopuuKtoa. .Wilkesboro N. C. ' " HEW MANAGEMENT. Clean. Beds, ' Good Substantial Fare. My Firit Care: T7ie Comfort' of My Guests. . ' mi narlers For 33. 1806. he 'fVl.llerjB A new line of all kinas of ffooas, Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yd. Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. i A pretty line of summer cravats. OWE PRICE TO ALL. CALL AND SEE THEM A 'Magnificent Line of JUST ARRIVING AT ft Hlx HAVING OPENED UP A M CONSISTING OF- - DrjGoods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries. Etc., I take this method of inuiting my friends to call and ex- amine my GOODS and PRICES before buyincr elsewhere. I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all mv customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market prico always paid tor all staple produce. Very truly, Wilkesboro, N. C. 13 o R , wil SOS? M U THE WILKESBORO HAEDWABE STORE having recently bought a large stock of goods, is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails, horse and mule shoes, hollo ware, crockery, cutlery, tools of all kinds, base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oifeguns, pistols, hot and powder, empty and loaded, shells, collars and pads, ; and plows of all kinds. V . ' Should you need a good "Hillside", call and you shall hs supplied. Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow Chatanooga Cane mill Cuta way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons, Can give you the most tinware for the money, yon ever bought. When, in need of anything to be had at a first-class hardware store; come and, see me before purchasing elsewhere. x " 'S . I sell cheap for cash, but please don t ak for credit. m WILKESBORO FDBUIT1E CO, CAFFEY & PRifCHETT, PROPRlEtobc. ' NORTH WILKESBORO. C. Are Now Located In Theiy New Quarters Opposite McGee'a Establishmeut With a Complete Line . , Of Anything Kept In A ; ; ' AncL are-Offering Special Bargains ln -': f Sewiuxaclxiixes; 3?iano axicl branw CARTS, BUGGIES, HAENE&C. KEROSENj: and LUBRICATING 1 OIL by the BAKREL, an& STANDARD ISANDS 0F SUAy0 At STARVATION PRICES FinishirigJCQfnns and Caskets a Spgcfelty . -- NO. 17. e mm: MILTON MCNEIL, p va n M tfl UM U H XI mV D a I MORRISON.

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