aCg:tmgg:;aBsg m.ft - - -v,!' " ? v - .... ." s . , ' " - ' fhT"T5 2.00' 4.00 f 6.00 i , . ,9.Jo ' j . iTlV M 4HCV i in i i 1.25 3.00 6.00 9.00l 12.00 I U ) J ? f . ' - 1 aJ J . -V iF V IS.' 2.00 4.00 7.50 10.00 17.50 Si J K J ; J j V X ' . M Y " f;" isRo 6.00 10.00 17.00, . 25.oo U, I isS V: V JJ . I I i I V 1 I. 1 . - ' . " '-1 :- . - S -m Pqual Taxation, Pirect and Indirect. II 1 . , TERMS OF "JSUBSCiUPTION. One year.,........,, .....-.l.oO 1-xireff m on Hi - --- Payable in advunca. tSend. all mone3r , x pvjuu oruer an.l Hldres " : ' YOL; X. - I The Chronigke. LOCAL DOTS. WILKESBOKO. K C. TTTURSD AY. AUG. 20. TJ Rev. Mr. Robinson will hJreach at teTiioak Springs qundav afternoon at 4. nVlnnir Brief Notes of Passing Events That May or May Not Interest Yon. Court will soon be upon us. The jug factory is turning out some pretty work . . Floyd Cox, of Ashe, was in the city this week. :; r Mr. and Mrs. Lowry JDula, of Elk, are visiting in the city Sheriff Call attended the Mocksville picnic last week. . Mrs. Elizabeth Harris is visiting her son W E Harris. Reuben Campbell of States villejwas here this week, A small lot of country cheese at May berry's.. 4 w ... Jesse McE weni has entered school at Trap Hill Institute. Miss Emma McE wen, o f Jefferson, is visiting her sister Mrs. Zoll. Dr. Lowinstien, of States ville, was in tlie city f; ou busi ness this week!" , S Proprietor C. L. Zoll, of the Wilkesborohatel, madeia ,y;rip to Ashe, last week, -f ' i F. D. Meadows has gone to Elkin to run Hubbard i&-tCo.,s pin factory. Mrs. Mitchell. and son, of Statesville, are visiting rela tives in this 'county. They realised about $400.00 for the orphans at the Mocks ville picnic. - v About $65.00 were made at the picnic here for the benefit of the orphans. ThjiiKeUblican county conventdoaii'c? meet on September the 19th. "Auctioneer" Henderson is busy calculating how much he'll be defeated. Miss Florence Jarvis visit ed friends at .Winston Salem 1896. The repairs on the Presby terian church have been com leted and the improvement is reat. y The Rebekahs meet Thurs day evening at 7:30 o'clock. Tjhe installation o f officers takes place. W. C. Meadows has com eted a mill for Mr. Blackburn on Stony Fork, which is doing good work. Prof. Nicholson will preach his first sermon at the Method is1; church here next Sunday at 11 o'clock. f-Mr, Wiley Winkler SERIOUS DIFFICULTY. NO. 1 8. MORE LOCALS. has gourd which sports a three fet in length, that hard to beat? handle Isn Sheriff Call and Bnd McEwen hare a Foolish Scrap. Sheriff Call andffeud McEw- en had a serious" fuss in Adams bar room Monday, They had come nearly fighting last week at the picnic. Bud went in the bar looking for a man; Call was there and old fuss was re newed. Bud had put his knife and Call drew ,hi pistol. As, he did so, Bud jumping at him, caught pistol with both hands. They fell over the table to the floor. Mr. Zoll grabbed them and tried to part them. The pistol gred but hit no one. It singed Bud's shirt bosom and bunrt Zoll's hand a little. Bud f pot his fapfi p.iit. nn Knmo with a j the broken glass on the floor. .1 - . .. . ,.. 1 ' f-The dry hot weather has xniurea ine corn crop to some extent, and has cut short all garden truck. I "r" -tt , -p-D. . carter nas been ap pointed postmaster at Ozark, this county, in place .of Miss Be ;tie Parks, deceased, v Hon. -W H. Bower, of Caldwell, passed through the city last week en route for Wiistm on business. ; J-W. T. Walker, of Whit tington, wpo travels for Gil lam & Co., of Richmond, was in the city last week. 5 Mrs. M. L: Mott and fami ly, and Miss Annie Mott are visiting relatives and friends ir tne upper part of thecouuty. Dr. Geo. White, a Wilkes boy who lives now at Marion, is rejoicing over a new arrival m his family. Mrs C. M. Chatham has presented the Chronicle office with some of the finest speci mens of Irish potatoes we hare ever seen. A mm 1- Aroucfcies coffee at May berry's 20 cents per pound, for cash A good grade of green conee at is and 18 cents pound. , - Revenue officers Redman and Gfesham, of Statesville, .were; here Monday to attend the trial of L. A. Souther tor reusing stamps. The trial Was postponed till the 29th. Mrs. Brown and, Mrs. Tur ner, who had been spending a Kxaya ai- wiiKesDoro, re turned to Raleigh last week. Mrs. Brown's little son was suffering a great deal with tonsilitis, Kev. David Hix, of the N. C. Conference who is stationed at Henderson N C, is visiting relatives is the county. He is a nephew of Mr. R. L. Hix of Moravian Falls, and is a splen ;did preacher. - - mangled and dismembered. j A scrap accurredSat&rday. Some arrests have peen made Lawyer Bexhow struqk jElbert and one fellow has left the Pardue on the left jaw break- country, mg the bone. They were on the old Central hotel porch and Fooling With a Gun. passed some unpleasant words. I Emmet Nichols is- a married Pardue turned around famW man, lives up at. Millers Creek. from Benbow, when Benbow It started over morning they came near getting into it again. Both had pistols. There seems to be hacT blood, all about noth ing too. The Miller Buildum ! Tift. 1 AW Mnrder in Alexander. News reaches us of a murder in Alexsiuder over near the Ca tawba line. John Childers who used to live in Wilkes and sev eral others the names of whom we have not learned, were at a still house and had a fuss. Childers was soon missing. A few days later his hody was found in the wop'cU, very much i A new line of all kinfls of ioo fls . Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yet Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. . i A pretty line of summer cravats. OWE PRICE TO ALL. ... CALL AND SEEhM.WC4 1 1 MBSCaiBSiBaB and loves to hunt. Saturday W. E.L Harris, who has ! he went put and killed 6 squir- last week! been traveling through For- sythe, Surry and Stokes, tells us that everybody he met with is in favor of silver. Mr. J. U.. bmitn went over to Watauga last week to bring his family home. They haye been visiting: relatives in Wa tauga and Ashe. -iliss Minnie Gwaltney, of ' obtained on J Stony The "revenues a blockade still up Fork last week. . Master Russell Sherrill, : of Newton, is visiting the IJamUy of Col. W. H. H . Co wles. Lottie Robertson's little schild died! at jjohii Mitchell's on last Friday morning. A big cut in prices 6 f goods, for cash, at Mayberry's for the next 30 days. -Mr. Whit Wiiliams lost a find mare the first of the week. She died from colic. Miss Claudia Wiley, after remaining sometime w i,t h friends here, has returned to her home at Olin. -The W. C. T. U. meets at to. Dawson's at 4 pJ m. Wednesday. All requested to attend. ?sq. J. M. Byrd and fami of Lomax, spent a few s last week visiting Mr, crysePs family. Some much needed and commendable work is being done on some of the sidewalk's. et her proceed. Misses Nellie and Tate Blair are eroiner to Watauera this Wllr- 4-n. annvr1 daT01o1 I Walsle Forest, ' who is visiting at Moravian 'Falls, spent a few davs in the city last week, at : 1 slina WInKler Uead. . iier Uncle s iusq. rJOD otaiey. psq., dosaua wmKier, wiiomioors. Leep tne premises uvea near isoone, aiea on tne viean. xnat trite sayins: is as -The Presbyterian Sunday School has been resussitated since! the completion of t h e church repairs. All are invited to attend. ti ' Hfioo TAa 0-rc&iries Jinn iir.t.ift Miss Sallie Co wles have -Miss Effie Squires - has re ?urned to Lenoir, after spend lH a week or so here among "lends. Mrs TP T. TVTV.I nmA UTica OUlSft hc A U.- War ?0n Fred, who have bpdn visit Dg here, left Saturday to spend few davs fit. Rnarintr fian. Qa will then w tri:thfiir home re turned from the Sparkling ,Ca 4 . . . tawba Springs, alter several weekk stay there. -i-Prof. E. F. Wakefield pass l! through Saturday on his ' - .1 x. x : way to, nis nome aii ijeujn His school at Laurel Springs Academy closed Friday. isses Mary and Lillie Buxton, daughters of Kev. ur. Buxton, of Lenoir, are visiting their brother, lawyer J. a. Buxton, of this place. Postoffice Inspector C- E. Dexter, o f Greensboro, nas been m this section several days looking after . some mat ters connected with the mail service. 4-Candidate for Governor,, RusselL and H. A. Gudger, are bilied to speak in Wilkesboro Sept. 15th. They do. not Drooose to uave ft sions. rels. On his way home he got to fooling with his, shot gun, rolling a bullet in and out, as he walked along. . The hammer hit something and the gun fired. The load took effect in his left hand and left thigh The middle finger was broken, and the load lodged in his thigh. Dr. Turner attended to the woundSfeetting struck him. politics we learn. They .were u p bef o re the mayor,: and Par upi wa$ let 'f 1 With I cosJ;, and' Benbow was bound over to court, yv j j uur town autnorities are not as vigilant-in sanitary matters a& they might be. We have so 4nr been remarkably blest by "the ahsence of sick ness in our midst. The towp authorities should see to it that no cause for interrupting the good record be laid at their A Magnificent Line 6f A v 5 ii mm. At 6th. 'He had -been feeble for applicable now as ever: "An sometime and was attacked by ounce of prevention is worth a measles and never recovered, pound of cure." and Mrs. E. Wallace Ieii last week to visit, the fam ily of Mr. James, Warren, at Pattersbn, and other friends in Caldwelh - They returned Mon day. ' ' J - - J-Mn l-WW Vannoy, Miss Lola and Robert and also Mrs. J Marlow and son and dav'ff itteVare.'i usticating over I in'Watauga, aurjug-i'UoooMiw-, He was something over 80 years old, and was an excellent and substantial citizen. He was a brother of Esq. Wiley Winkler who lives near this place. There were 8 children of the family; only two survive Wiley and John. He leaves a wife and 10 children who mourn ms departure. uur sympathies are with them. Episcopal Cemetery Improvements. The citizens who have rela tives and 'friends at rest there have done a commendable thing in cleaning off the Epis copal cemetery, as well as the sidewalks leading thereto. It was a work badly needed, and it has been done well. It has a clean and respectable ap pearance now. It is an exam ple that should be immediately followed with regard' to the town cemetery, near the Pres byterian church. The terrific storm Tuesday cf last week blew down some trees in the cemetery, and some damage was done. Dr; Hackett's monument was knocked over but not injured. The pinnacle was thrown from Gen. Gordon's monument, and the iron fencing around Dr, Stokes' tomb was badly ; torn, up. ... ., . " : The rubbish however has been clear d a way .and t h e nec essary repai rs hav e been or are being made.- , , Old Uncle Horace, the modern Demosthenes, is very much "conflumigated" at the way two "unsquenceable gim- men," whom he thought were his friends, have treated him. He went to the store for "tar nip seed, lie tound a pack age with a "yellow" picture on it, and it pleased him. He scrumoieized" tne "signers and appalations" on the paper, and the "gimmen" told him it was all right- He took them home and sowed them and now has "liminated" the fact that they were onion seeds. Horace says the boys tricked him. ft JUST AERIVING AT Hix Clotlit OF -HAVING OPENED UP A- A M CONSISTING OF DS Dry Goods, Motions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries; I take this method of inuiting mj friends to calL and ex amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. , I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all mV customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best' - QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest 'market' nnW always paid for all staple produce.' Very truly, f j" t Wilkesboro, N. 0. B I G B R Gn IN Carolina, Superior Court, North Ashe. County, j July 27th, 1896. It appearing to the court that Geo. A. Dula, the defendant in the case of Ma ry Cornelia Dula Vs. Geo"; A. Dula, can not be found by ordinary process of law and that he is anon resident of the State, it is ordered that publication. be made in The Chbokicjle, a newspaper published iniWilkesboro N. C, for six successive weeks, notifying said Geo. A. Dula to appear at next term of Ashe Superior Court to be held at Jefferson . N;:Cr:6ri the 3rd Monday after the first Jffohday in September 1896 answer or Alemur to the complaint of the plaintiff, which will be filed in the clerk's office t of said county within the first three days of said term. POINDEXTEB BLEVINS, C. S. C. Notice of Seizure. Notice is hereby given that (reiznre as made July 27th l886i near porlear Nc, ofone copper still, cap and worm, and 16 packages of corn whisky containing about 733 gallons persons claiming said property will file claim and bond will J. E. McEwen, "Wilkesboro, K. c., or Sam It Roger?, AsheviUe N.C within 30 days from dat3 hereof, or the same will be declared forfite,dj to the U S Gx vernrnent. Tb U A ug. 1 1 th 1 896. ... - r- Sam 1 1cgees coll, . Per J f?McEwn, D c ' ! . . ' .-; - THE WILKESBORO having recently bought a large stock of STORE goods, is" offering ' ' inem cheaper tlian ever before; consisting of Nails, horse : aii47 mule shoes, hollo ware, crockery, tlSoois'' f all" kipds,1 base ball goods, water buckets. Daints ' nils. crnn r,itnT 'hAt and powder, empty and loaded shells, collars and pads, and I pio w&oi aiL Kinase - .. vM:- V' -y Should yon need a good Hiilside",,call arid you shall be supplied. , ? ' Agent forihe well know Oliver Chilled Plow, Cbatanooga Cane .mill, Cuta-, way Dwc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons. ' ' - , , Can give you the most tinware for the money, yon ever bought. , When in need of anything to be had at a first-class hardware store, come and ' see me before purchasing elsewhere. v ! ' . . - - I sell cheap for cash, but please dont ask for credit. . - C. MOKRISOK. ? THE MKESBORO FBfflTOBE CO., CAFFEY & PRITCHETT, PRO PR I ETORS. JNUKTH WILKESBORO, N.C. . . o , y, : t . f;. Are Now Located In Their New Quarters Opposite -McGee's Establishment With a! Coi.uple Line Of Anything Kept In A' FIRST-CLASS FURWITURE r.-auu ar wixtjiriug opeciai uargains In Sewing Macliiiies .Ran'os, avid Orna ' CAKTS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, &Ci KEROSENE and LUBRICATING - : uy m. Dwwuiii, ana Sl'ANpARD BRANDS OF GUANO STARVATION PRfCES. Piishiii Coffin Caskets a Scciolty Msg days.' ' - . 1