4'? ." v ) : RATES OF ADVERTISING -Space 1 in. 2 in. 3in. 1 wk. i col." 3 coU 6 1 cot. '11 .75 1.25 2.00 3.50 6.50 00 ' lm.h 3m. 6m. 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 9.75 4.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 : 17,00 18.00 30.00 15.00 130.00 '50.00 - ' 12.00 17.50 25.00 45.00 75.00 voi,. x. " M" ' " M " W' II TERMS OP S UBSCaiPTION-. One year..........' -i " r - V i Six. months... tn . Three months.:...... ' ic Payable in advunoe.' tSends all money by registered let- er or postal orcier and address T&t Cwbomiclb, AVilfcfgro, N. C. JJqiial Taxation, Pirect and Indirect. Thei Chronicle. WmtESBOttO LOCAL -DOTS. Brief Notes of Passing Events That May or May Not Interest You. New line of hats- at Hix's. Court Monday; come pre pared to help us a little. It's a boy, and Mr. JT. P. Rousseau is wearing a broad 6 mile.. Dr. Chas. Hubbard, of Worthville, was here visiting his people last week. ! s More than sixty pupils now answer to roll call at Tr.aphill Institute. Prof.j Nicholson preached his first sermons Sunday and Sunday night. Mrs. Cowan, of Iredell, and two little sons, are visiting in the city. CoL Henderson has some 700 or 800 bushels of, corn he wishes to sell cheap. David E. Call and Marv Mastin, of Fishing Creek,, were married several days ago. The marble works nave received a car load of marble and are ready o fill all orders. Mr. Bob Hubbard, of Elkin J whose accident was !s noticed last week, is getting along well. Mr. Reuben R. Cowles, of Statesville, passed through last week to spend a few days in Ashe. L. M. Pharr, Esq., and Mr. Sewell Wellborn are visiting iii Cabarrus and Mecklenburg counties. Miss Katie McEwen and little Miss Maud McEwen have gone to Ashe to spend av few weeks. . Mr. C. B Webb, of States ville is in the city, 'looking after the business of the mar ble works. The W. O. T. U. meets at 4 o'clock "Wednesday after- Mr. Curtis and fami- left last week for their home t Butler, Tenn.,' after spendffeourt house Friday night, mme .THURSDAY. AUG. 27, 1896. msr several weplra Mi. it . w . " n U . O.J. . urtis ( Our friend Col. W. F. Hen person, of .Lexington, is in the fty and will remain till court, e has a pleasant and enter ining word for all. The Webster mills will do grinding Wednesday and Sat urday, of each week, untill 13 o: clock. No grinding done in, the afternoon at present. j Mr. Amos Church's wife died on last. Sunday night of typhoid fever. She had been suffering for several weeks. The Concert. - . concert sriven NO., 19. at t un der the auspices of the Ladies Benevolent Society, for the benefit of -t h e Presbyterian chureh, was excellent. The selections of music and recita tibns were good and were all well rendered. The recitation "Long: Ago" 'by little Sallie Cowles was cute and well re ceived, ana tne excellent reci tations by Misses Lena and Nannie Wellborn and Edith Cranor were encored to the echo. Miss. Cranor's perfect manner in reciting: "There was an old woman who had three sons," took the house by storm, OU-v T J t ! ' DUUDj LKJvJjX. UllO UUUSO U, CS WILLI She .Uved several miles west ofand Miss WeUborn.s tion of the effect of song upon Wilkesboro. h-Mr. F. S. Blair, of Guil ford College, an enthusiastic Sunday School workeir, was in thfe city last week. "He has ! A ITT i . goue io w atauga xo spena a few days. 4-The contract for building th Methodist church at this plaice has been given to Poin dexter & Rollins of Elkin, and the y are to begin work not lat 3r than the 15th of Sept. Dr. and Mrs. H. V, Horton, and family, of Winston, came up last week to visit it the city. Dr. Horton returned Monday but Mrs. Horton arid children wil remain a week or two. The Methodists have held thei r last service in their old ch on the hill. They will chu noon Mr. Ferguson's All re quested to attend. Mr. C. F. Morrison and family are visiting at the old home place in the lower part of the county. Fall and winter goods ar riving at the Hix Clothing Store. See them before p -T i . iiasmg eisewnere. Solicitor Mott is up in the Asheville. country, helping Russell and Pritchard advo cate the gold standard. J. F. McCann and Miss Mary Forester were married last week. Esq. John Forester performed the ceremony. Sheriff Call wants to re mind you that he must " have the taxes and that you should be ready to pay them by courts Sulphur Springs Academy has the best school of its histo T7, we are informed. It opened vith 60 students and now has 125 enrolled. Deputy Collector Horton bought in last weejc 20 ; bar rels whiskey and 10 barrels of handy which he seized in Ashe county. : ' ' . Mr. Geo. Iseley, who has charg.e of Turner.and Wyatt's !?ller mills, was home; Sunday ie says they are doing good rk there. r-on. W. H. Bower will pess the people at " WTilkes ooro on Tuesday Sept. 1st at 1 clck, it being the .second Z UI court. It. will be inter- ssthe political issues of the occupy the court house until the Jnew church is completed. Their nierht services will be gin at S o'clock. T.J. Gibbsand Leona Dula, of Boomer, were married Sun day by Esq. W. G. Meadows at Moravian Falls. Mr. Mead ows issued the license and per formed the ceremony .all right on the spot. Sl party of Ronda people composed of Prof; J. E. Deb nam, Walter and Luther Hen drix3 Chas. Greenwood," Oscar O'Ds.niei, John Miner, Elmer Burch, Misses Alice' Hickerson, Hattie Dobins, Etta and Betta Henqrix, Julia and Daisy Dob ins, Mary Belle Atkins, Susan and Ada Edwards made a very pleasant tripto the Stone Mountai i x op" xinaorse ljinn&p The Populist Congressijonal convention which met at 'Le- noir last week endorsed Lin ney for Congress and put ,out Bill league for elector The repor; is that the meeting was slimly attended; and mostly by Republicans. Wilkes and some other-counties were not repres ented. Linney was there and hi 5, Bill Teague and R. A. Cobb, run the meeting by pri vate caucusses. All the Popu lists in this county that we have seen are not pleased with 1 . the action of the convention. In the first place they claim that tt ey never knew anything about ;he meeting of the con ventio i, and in the second place they and their party are pledge! to silver and they do not pre pose to vote for a gold bug, e ndorsement or no en dorsement. A. Populist from Alexander was, here the first of the welk, and said Bill Teague and the others who had sold Mark Hanna couldn't the good3 in his county. the Blue and Gray as the old veterans faced each other around Richmond in the last struggle of the Confederacy, was a gem of elocution. ..The quartettes by Misses Greene and Wellborn, and Messrs Cowles and Jenkins were well rendered. And the solos by Miss Taylor of Durham, were exquisite. Her voice is sweet. Full, rich, clear, liquid and smoothe, every sound and movement of lip or body, is the perfect rythm and melody of music and song. It was pleasant t o be there. The attendance was small and the receipts were not rery exten sive. They will probably give a concert at Elkin Friday nigt, and also another one here during court week. An Egg With Letters on it. Ij. V. Hutchinson tells us he has an egg with the letters W I N L plainly imprinted upon it. It is something remarka- Die, ne ininirs, dui ne is at a loss to interpret the lettering. He leaves that to the readers to decide. i. The CkRONicxE is prepared to announce whom it is for for IMA... T j 9 . rr u s man is non A. Doughton, of Alleghany. - Mia ; ' ion. bamuel J. Pemberfcon, whb will be remembered in the county when conne6ted with the revenue service has been nominated for Congress by the democrats in the Salisbury dis trict. He is from Staley ' , coun ty and a good man. According o' "Republican" m tne JNews (written by here tofore democrats) we should be proud of our deputy collector ItfcEwen. They (Capt. Repub ncan) accredit McEwen with influencing President Cleve land to suspend his own wishes sufficient to allow employees to vote their sentiments for free silver. It is the first man on record who has exercised any inflence lately with the Presi dent in behalf of free silver and democracy. Even hi3 own cabinet officers have to stick to gold or resign or be snub bed. McEwen must be a hoss. Convention Called. The People's Party of the 29th Senatorial Dist. of N. C. will meet in Taylorsville Alex ander county, on Tuesday the 8th day of Sept., 1896, to nomi nate candidates to represent said district in the Senate of the next General Assembly ' of N. C. Delegates and others interested, take notice. This Aug. 17th 1896. H. A. Forney, Ch'm'n People's Party 29th Sen. Dist. m mm it . .V. he Miller Buildino: Anew line of all -I , r . Mi of mt Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yl Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. A pretty line of summer cravafe. OWE PRICE TO ALL. CALL AND SEE THEE A agnificent Line of Bryan te Speak in the State. unairman Mainly is arrang ing for our next President W. J. Bryan to speak in the State. He has promised to come and make a tour of two or days. He will speak in Ra leigh and Greensboro, and will visit different parts of the State and speak from the car. He will have an ovation wher ever he goes. Teachers' Meeting. The Wilkes County Teachers Association will convene at Wilkesboro 12th of Sept. The following subjects and speak ers have beed assigned: How I teach English Gram mar. T. J. Gilreath. How I teach Numbers R. E. Lee Plummer. ' Dictation E. L. Wagoner. Deportment C. C. Wright. Then will follow the Query Box and general discussion. Let all attend. Republican Primary. In accordance with the di rection of the Chairman of the Republican Executive c o m - mittee of Wilkes county, I hereby call a convention of the Republicans o f Wilkesborp township to meet at the court house in Wilkesboro, N. C, on Thursday Sept. 17th, 1896, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of elect ing delegates to thejonvention three to be held P- 19th 1S96- la. S. tJENBOW, Ch'm'n Township Ex. Com. Ml Tie JUST ARRIVING AT Bix Clotting Store. -HAVING OPENED UP A- Mm&QK am m out to deliver i?or Over FIr rears. at Wrw.i-ow's Soothixg Sybcp has been s- ed for over i If ty years by millions of mothers for their childn n while teething wi th perfect success. It soothes U ie child, softens the gums, allays all' wind colic, ana is iue umt. cui It will relieve the poor little suiterer Sold by di-uggists in every part o , jTwenty-Iiva cents a bottle 'Be sure ; 'Mrs. .Winslow's Soothing byrup, pain, cures Diarrhoea- immediatelt the world, and ask for NOTICE. Persons in the various town ships of Wilkes county who re ceived circulars from the Vance Monument Association re questing them to- take charge of the popular subscription on July 4th towards the erection of the monument, are hereby reminded that they were re quested in said circulars to turn over all funds so collect ed to Mr. A. M. Vannoy Clerk Superior Court of Wilkes county. We now request all such per sons" to make immediate re turn to said clerk, in order that he can report to us. In cases where, nothing was collected please iwrite the clerk a postal card and say so. - ; , Very Respectfully, : Vance Monument Associttio n . - Asheville, N. C. Announcement. At the earnest solicitation of many leading citizens of different sections of the county, I hereby offer myself an applicant for the nomination for Reg ister of Deeds. I hope the Republi cans will consider before the conven tion that it will be a highly appreciated favor if they will select nie as the suit able one for Register of Deeds, and nominate me to saia omce at conven tion, as I am feeble in health, and not able to labor on the farm nor able to travel in the ministerial work all the time. All assistance in this effort will be highly appreciated by me. Very respectfully, Wm, M, Lee. August 15th, 1896. Parsonville Items. A protracted meeting is in progress at Stony Hill Baptist church this week. Rev. W. F. Carlton is' the pastor. Mr. T. T. Hall's house which was be ing built by Mr. A. M. Hamby of Par sonville, gave way and fell on the morning of the 5th inst., so we hear. We hear Esq. W. S. Hail is spoken of as one of the candidates for the Legis lature on the Democratic ticket. Mr. L. D. Whittington wants to be a candi date for some office this fall. He .is a . Rad. but a very good fellow and we would like for him to get there if any Had. has to have an office. We Democrats want Mr. A. J. Tay lor, of Jobs Cabin township, for county commissioner. He is a verv deserviner gentleman and. would carry as manv votes as any other Democrat in this section. Bill Caetek. Notice of Seizure. . Notice is hereby given that gelzure. was made July 27th 1S86, near pnrlear, N. e. of one copper still, cap and worm, and 16 packages of corn whisky containing about 733 gallons, persons claiming said property will file claim and bond with! J. E.! McEwen, Wilkesboro, N. ., or Sam Li Roger?, Asheville N. c. within 3d days from data fcer.wf, or the same will be declared forfeited to the TJ S G&vtrnment. This Ax. llth 180C. ' ) ' T Sam i. Eogeks eolr. Per t E! M;Ew?n, Dc - ' , CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Motions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries, hitc, I take this method of inuiting mj friends to call And ex amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all my customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market price always paid for all staple produce. -Very truly wnke8boro, c. MILTOMCNEIL, BUG.-' FUPftM mmmr mm mam mf XT U J W Q THE WILKESBORO, HARDWARE STORE having recently bought a large stock of goods, is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails, horse and mule shoes, hollo ware, crockery, cutlery, tools of all kinds, base ball goods, water buckets, paints oils, guns, pistols, shot and powder, empty and loaded shells, collars and pads, and plows of all kinds. ' f ; Should you need a good "Hillside", call and you shall be supplied". ' " Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow. Chatanooea Cane mill. Cuta way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons. ; - an give you the most tinware for the money,-yon ever bought. When in need of anything to be had at a nrst-class hardware store .WmA see me before purchasing elsewhere. i - i sen cneap for cash, but please dont ask for credit; C. F. MORRTS(VNr CO, CAFFEY & PRITCHETT, PROPRIETORS. JNUKT11 WILKESBORO, N. C. Are Now Located In Their New Quarters Opposite . McGee's Establishment With a CoiopT Line Of Anything Kept In - A . . FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE STORE, And are Offering Special Bargains In Sewing JVTacliiiis, Pianos, and OroranW.-' CAEra, BUGGIES, HARNESS, &C. KEROSENE and LUBRICATING OIL by the BARREL, and STANDARD BRANDS OF GUANO XV STARVATIONPRICES. Finishing Coffins and Caskets a SreefphT- aud takx? no biUerliindl

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