1 "J -."Of. "J'- ; : Jt t ' x ; . . 4 . RATES OF ADVERTISING (space jl wk.3mi fn 75 2.00 4.00 6.00 2 S: iS 3.00 6.90 .00 3 in 2.00 4.00 7.O0 10.00 xiol 3 50 6 00 10.00 17.00 6 50 9 75 (18.00 30.00 1 -"r. 9.00 12.00 17.S0 25.00 45.00 75.00 1 YOL The X .TEP.US OF SUBSCUEPTION.' One year .............1.00 Six months..;.:..,.....-. . GQ Three months.... 3c Payable in advuncei - ; 1 jSTSends all money by registered let er or postal order and address Equal Taxation, pirect and Indirect. WILKESBORO. 1ST. C. THURSDAY: SEPT. 3. 1896. NO- 20 . ip 1 1 Chronicle. IocaIYdots. Junius St I Clair and fami ly are visiting at Mrs. Gall's. Rev. W.m. Hali, about 70 years, is very law.. Heart trouble. Mr. Elbert Pardue and son Charlie are out peddling tobac co. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hobbs, of Catawba, are visiting at Mr. James Forester's. Mr. James Cowles of Gap Creek, left the first of the week for New York. Ex-Congressman Bower, 1 Mrs. W. L. Biruce and chil dreq have returned from a visit to Alexander and Iredell. arson, of the Alleghany Start and White, of the Union Brief Notes of Passing Tents UatJ Republican, are attending court Hay or May rot mwiw A Methodist church has beer organized at Gilreath on the Brushies with something over 20 members. Mrs. Coogan, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. F. Morrison, of this place, has retiirned.to Reidsville. Thos. L. Smith and Jno. A. Hol'irook, former pupils of Traohill Institute, are now at Wa ce Forest College. Our friend S. L. Parks, of Statjesviile, was in' the city this week. He has been visiting his kinfolks in the county. iTCsn. Weslev Fletcher, of j.- - " - - . . i i i - his-wife and little, son David, Lejis Fork township, is at .are in the city. tending court. This is the first t. Tioncpr will hfi in his tik Vipi has hften here in six .office here this week, ready to yeafs ,do"your dental work. Mr. Milton Greer of Cald well county gave the Chroni .cle a call last week. The school at Moravian TToiic AfflHfimv oneris the 14th J.' UilU it Just across the mountain in Alexander county at Leba- i t i nori church a rivivai meeting closed last week and there were 34 conversions. LMr nnift Prevette has thd Ro tai county, one had a visit. Esq. Joe Holbrook is very budy taking rights of way on proposed railroad line from ,ring River to Stone Moun . He thinks he will com- ple - - I TXJl iO. A - jnst. The prospects are good. I , f rom frQm a severai Revenue officer P. A. Mc- dajjs visit among friends and Elroy, of Madison county, has reiitives in the upper part of been in the county a iew ut. the county, bhe had a pieas Mr. Gaither Hall, of Elkville and was in town last Thursday. Says "he came to buy his li cense." Mr. Dave Baker, repre senting the Simmons Hard ware Co., of St. Louis, was in town last week. It is learned that Esq. W. L. Hendrix, of Stony. Fork, is very low with fever not , ex pected to live., J. A. Huffman, of Purlear, was thrown from a mule last week and his shoulder was badly injured. Mrs. R. A. Spainhour has been very sick for some days but at this writing she is im proving. Mrs. Mott and family and Miss Annie Mott have returned from a three week's sojourn in the Happy Valley . Mr Tnrrr McKoV. of Dur- e the work this week. -Over at Spencer Black burn's mill pond, in Rock Cr. tovfnship last week, Ambrose Brewer killed an eel measuring 3 foet and 3 inches in length anc. 9 inches in circumference. Rev. J. E. White, and Messrs. Baily, Caddell and Johnson passed through town las; Thursday on their way home from Brushy Mountain anct Three Forks Associations. Iwp. note the followm j i weddings near JWlfcvilie tnje firdt of last ween: joruau Greer to Martha Huffman; Fin- ley Sherill to btena juia. xuo last named party was trom ie- TYright and Turner the Men. j The Democratic Senatorial convention of this district met at Hickory the 27th and ' nomi nated C. C. Wright, of Wilkes, and C. L. Turner, of Catawba, for State Senators. W. B. Gaither, of Catawba, was chairman, and the mem bers of the Democratic Press were made secretaries. All the counties in the district " anwer ed to the roil call. Wright and Turner were put in nnmi nation and were nomi nated by acclamation. The following executive com mittee was elected: Alexan der, E. L. Hedrick; Catawba, E. L. Shuford; Lincoln, S. D. Burgin; Wilkes, R. A. Deal. Shuford was elected chairman and Hedrick secretary. Thomas M. Hufham, of Ca- .n.whn. introduced the follow ing resolution which was unan imously adopted: Whereas. The political contest now being waged in the U. S. is the struggle of the people against the forces of com bined monopoly and corporate greea, arrayed together under the banner oi the republican party, and Whereas, The Democratic . party stands for those principles by which alone American liberty and independ ence can be perpetuated, Resolved, That we announce a liberal wnli mr fonrorfl fill who. thouerh differ- ing from us in their political affiliations hitherto, are now willing to join with the Democratic party in securing the the enactment of laws in harmony with the doctrines enqnciated in the Chica-. go platform, and that to . all such we promise a cordial welcome and full recognition. A notification committee com posed of S. D. Burgin, B. J. Summerow, E. L. Hedrick and J. G. Hackett was appointed to inform the nominees. Ihe candidates were not present, being detained at home. The men nominated are good men, and tney suouui ici'c the heartv support of all. Mr. Turner is represented by those who know him as a spieaum and affable gentleman and a rood sneaker. He is a cousin of Dr. Turner of this place. As TVTt- WrirMif3KiOil all KDOW ; iA rt f tffsBfes t me n . MORELOCALS. Mm' ham. was in the city last week. noir. He is a first cousin of Dr. Ber- The now tax books are in ry of this place. the hands of the sheriff and -Rev. Parks Gwaltney is he says he must have the cash, conducting a protracted meet- Those owing on the old bpoKs ing at Walnut Grove Baptist may expect their property to -church. .,'.) be Levied upon. tit- win wv,io of States- T?he Baptists have bought the ville, is now cutting marble at the school property at Sparta tu marWa v9rH hfire. He is over m Aiiegnauj, haying a spieuuiu uu -.--tl4 management of Profs. J. M. an experienced cutter Mrs. Dr. Horton and chil dren who had been spending several days in the city, re turned to Winston last week. -Hugh and Bill Cranor made a trip to Virginia last week, and bought two or three hors es. They report a -delightful trip. : . A protracted meeting be gan Sunday at the! Methodist church at Moravian Falls, con-, ducted by the pastor, Rev. W. L. Dawson. t Rev. Mr. Bradshaw held a very successful meeting at Mt. Carmel church last week. t was . . . t I mamtested. , Miss Bertha Hobbs, and. Mr. Ed., Hobbs, of Catawba, and Miss May Webb, of States ville, visited at Esq., J.' A". For ester's last week. , . , . ' Mr. J. W, Bowles of the firm of Bowles ' & Campbell, Vashti, N. C, has sold his- in terest in the firm and will lo Cate at Eikiu, N". C. ' - Mounin fif en & 8. M. Cheii. xr "Rnmo-nrner. over in Reddies River township plant ed half bushel of Irish potatoeb and raised a little over 17 bu shels'. - 11 of them weighed la poinds, one weighing 20 ounc es. : --A most pleasant picnic was hal at Smoak Springs Wednes day of last week. There were n nr twfintV persons utt. t a. Forester ana V . - - 1 m r rri Mt: G. B. WeDD cnape" the crowd. --Mayor Greene and Drl Tur he r had a little wordy disturb, .-Qntnrnav over isome old mftters or something. They shbwed some symptons of bei lierancy in a serious manner, , iM, 'imis lives; were m- bill) uu i - A stintaneously blotted gut and discovery, has yet oeeu-u kii snilt upon the alter,, ot county:- They ought to.trr ne more - pleasant way j acting the fool.. ' . - no of ou of the Brnsliy Association. Mt. Zion, N. C, Aug. 27, 186. The Brushy Mountain Asso ciation has iust closed its year ly session at the church at this place. Mr. R. A. Spainhour was chosen moderater and ivir. V. McGhinnis secretary. 18 of the 20 churches in the Asso ciation were represented. The reports from the different churches showed it had been a successful year both financial ly and numerically. A num ber of brethren from a dis tance was present. Among the number were Revs. J. E. White corresponding secretary of Mission Board and Blalock of Mitchell, county, Messrs. to;itt nnrl Daddell of the Re corder, and A. Johnson of Charity & Children. The most' interesting discus sions were onH.ome and For eign Missions ana Temperance, which were freely discussed by the brethren. The Gospel Mission seems to be succeeding well in the association. 18 churches pledged $175 tor the support of missionaries in foreign fiel d s . Wilkesboro and New Hope churches do not pledge any amQunts, It was a very pleasant and; profitable v Thft h n sin ess of the 0!w" . Association was finished on Saturday but there was preach ing on Sunday.; , The iisdal vote of thanks was extended to the people of the community. The Association will meet nest "year with Edgewood ohnrch near Wilkesboro. ! , ' Hp. Mr. and Mrs. Ballew, of Le noir, are visiting relatives in this place and vicinity. Miss Nannie Wellborn en ters school at Salem Female Academy this week, Miss Lizzie Taylor who has been visiting kinfolks here returns to Durham this wek. She has made many friends here Miss Edith Cranor will accompany her home. 'Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Jno. W. Waters, died at her home in Jobs Cabin on the 14th of August, after an illness of only four days. She was the mother of twelve children, two of whom are dead. 4-The social gathering at the Wilkesboro hotel Friday night was a pleasant one and all who - i t t were nresent emoved mem- selves solerididlv. Such occa- sions should come around of ten. Tf von want a nice suit of clothes go to Horton & Absher, North Wilkesboro, N. C. They have 2700 samples from which you can make your selection and will saveyou from five to fiftfiftn dollars on the Drice of a suit. There will be a big Primi t.ivft Bantist association a t Elk or Feather Hill church in Happy Valley commencing on Friday before second Sunday in September. There will be a foot-washing, also, so we are informed. Our next Governor, Cyrus B. Watson, will address the people of Wilkes county in Wilkesboro on Tuesday, Sep- tember 22d. Maj. W. A. Guth rie, the People's party candi date for the same office, will al so be on hand and address the people. Mr. Eugene Sharp, nephew of Mr. William Russell near Boomer, died of typhoid fever on August the 26th. He was 18 years old and was a splen did young man. He was try ing hard to get an education and was a good student. x He was an orphan, and had been living with Mr. Russell since a child? He was the joy of the household, and we extend sympathy ,to the bereaved. On Sunday week ago ravian Falls and Boomer each a death, and burial on same day. At Boomer Jeff Walker's little child was buried and Parks Steel and Lizzie Rus sell were married. At Mora vian, Mrs. 'Fr.an.kie Reece, the widow of the late John Reece was buried, and Thomas Gibbs and Leona Dula were married. Major Combs,a young white man, who was attending court, gave the officers a lively race Monday evening. As he pass ed -'aunt" Hariett Vannoy's h tahlfi he seized a lunch and "uverty-hit er-der grit." As soon as the officers were no tified they started in pursuit. As they passed J. S. Cranor s Will joined them with his dogs and "Big Lead" soon overtook the culprit. He was given pre liminary trial this morning (Tuesday) and fined by Mayor pro tern Somers. 1 he'- V i ar o u Elding J9 m own; do9 O ft A new ie oM Mis of polls: Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yd. Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. i,. . . ' ? A pretty line of summer cravatrl E PRICE TO ALL. CALL AND SEE THEM; A Magnif icent Line of our Mo had the JUST ARRIVING AT - . Tie Hii ciotama s lore HAVING OPENED UP A- Ki'iiil 1 uil 9 -CONSISTING OF- Dry Goods, Notions, Hats Jhoes, Glassware, Stonewar0,Groceries Etc., I take this method of inuiting mj friends to call and ex amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. ;. I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all my customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY, and best QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market prieo . aiwavs naid for all staple produce. v cry iruiy, Wilkesboro, N. O. MILTON MCNEIL, THE WILKESBORO HARDWARE STORE having recently bought a large stock of goods, is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails, horse and mule shoes, hoik) ware, crockery, eutlery, tools of all kinds, base, ball goods, water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistols, shot and powder, empty and loaded shells, collars and . pads, and plows of all kinds. Should you need a good "Hillside"; call and you, shall be supplied , Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow, Cbatanooga Canes. mill, Cuta way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marshall Y agons, -Can give you the most tinware for the money, yon ever bought. When in need of anything to be had at a'first-clas hardware store, come and see me before purchasing elsewhere. - : ..' . I sell cheap for cash, but please dont ask for credit. N ' C. E. MORRISON. CO, Corn Lifluor the Cause. A fellow by the name of John 5 Prevette was put in jail Mon day. The Misses Sydnor 'with 1 n f r i triri f a driver wero; uuu uiiiuft. Prevette met them and stopped the horse. - The driver made him let loose, andnhen as tbey passed by him he attempted to strike them -with a stickT; He was drunl- Mayor Caffey. of North Wilkesboro sent. him to jail where, he ought. to . remain he rest of his natural Iifo-; THE WILKESBORO F CAFFEY & PRITCHETTj PROPRIETORC. NORTH WILKESBORO, N". C ' . . . ' I ' - i O .. . 'Are Now Located In Their New Quarters Opposite MpGee's Establishment. With a Compile Line ' , Of Anything Kept In A , v - FIRST-CLASS, FURNITURE STODE, : , Afld are Offering Special Bargains In '-'. ' - ; . Sewing Macliiiies, iartos,, and Organr , - - CARTS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, &C. I KEROSENE and LUJ3 H ICATI NG . , OIL. by the BARREL and STANI)ARI). CRANDS OF CCA NO XZ s : : STAR V AT Ip N 'PRICES. . fifl&hlns Coffins and Caskets a Specialty, 9