i . RATES OF ApVERTISING: TERM3 OF siiPnarpTTrtM Space .J !n- 2 in. 3 in. col. i col. , 1 col. v j 1 wk. 1 m. I .75 2.00 1.25 3.00 2.00 4.00 3.50 e.oo 6.50 9.75 11.00 15.00 I I 3 m. : 6 m. I IT'- uneyear Six months $1.0? ; no 4.00 .6.00 6.00 9.00 7.50 10.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 30.00 30.00 50.00 9.00 12.00 17.50 25.00 45.00 75.001 Three mojiths..... Payable in advuace 3f trends all money by registered let er or posiai oruer and address ' TgE OHQyicLB, Vrifcesboro; y.,C. Equal Taxation, pircct and Indirect. VOL. X. jKESBQRQ. yr. C. THURSDAY. SEPT. If) , 1896. The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. prief Notes of Passing Events , That May or May Not Interest You. r-Mrs. C. J. Cowles has been quite ill several days. Miss Daisy Bowie, of Ashe, .was in the city last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hobbs r-eturned to ;Catawba Thursday. Mrs. Lizzie woods made a visit to Statsville last week. I. S. Call & Co. will furnish you snuff in which to "woller your tooth brush." Mrs. Minnie Gibson, of Taylorsville, is spending a few .days at Mrs. Hix's. Mrs. Dr. Turner and chil dren hare gone over to Ashe to spend a few weeks. Arbuckle's coffee at Call's for 20 cents per pound, cash nn onrl n r rr r 1 1 tyi Vl i n or Empire wheat drills v at Morrison's Hardware Store. JTow's the time to get one. Some of our young people had a pleasant tea at Mrs. Woods' one evening last week. rr-Mrs. itoDerc mx maae a visit to Statesville last week. JLittlo Mable accompanied her. W. L. Hendrix, Esq., of Stony Fork, who was not ex pected to live last week, is bet-? ter. . Show your colors. . "Free Silver" hats at Horton. & Ab sher'Sj North Wilkesboro, C. The typhoid fever which has been extensive in parts of the upper part of the county, is rapidly subsiding. ' The place of deposit for postmasters, of postoffice sur plus, has been changed from Asheville to Raleigh. Arthur Hays, colored, who was about twenty years old, died last Fridays He had something Jike consumption. Geo. A. Letford, represent ing the Buckien Medicine .Co., was in to see us last week. We are always glad to see him. . 4 The concert at the court house last week was good, an the proceeds amounted to n $20, which goes to the benefit of the Presbyterian church. W. O: Hendren, Esq., of Brushy Mountain, has a fine milk cow he wishes to sell. Apply to him at Brushy Moun tain postoffice, on the Grade road, - ' ' Court at Sparta next week. (The Moravian Falls Card in Mills are now in full work ing order. Send in j your wool, loi .... . pourc is still m progress and will probably continue all the week. We'll give the civil docket next week. The members of Moravian Lodge are requested to attend the regular communication on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 12. Important business. , F. B. Hendren, W, M. fjsqo. x. j&a warns nas a Jersey heifer which gave birth to a calf when only 14 months old. The calf was sired by Esq. W. A. Gwyn's fine Jer sey one of the finast speci mens in the county. Lee Mullis, the veteran mail carrier of Alexander, is again carrying the mail on the esboro and Taylorsville He has been in that yirjess the most of his life and he isinow an old man. Miss Clementine, daugh ter oi Esq. W. M. Absher, of VT All ITT.'ll 1 1 1 1 in or on vviiKesDoro, aiea iasi Friddy, and was buried Snn She had measles several months ago, and ered. and NO. 21. rou$e never -Stanly Walker, of Trap Hill township, has a child, we understand,- that has twelve toes and eleven fingers. The child is a9ut two months old snd is doing Vell. r -Mr. A. C. McNeil, .of Rea dy Branch, brought us the !argest sweet potato we have feeu this season. It weighs ree pounds and a half. Isn't that pretty good? V alTPl-rfc brought rain as usu S but it required several days. ne firsfc few days were so QTy and dusty that one could scarcely get his breath. One "me Court brought rain in the rigattime. -Mr. W. F. Gilley, of Ashe, CaiHe into spa via locf uroot nnd V0ldQ't talk favorable of our Jn Henderson Gilley - fip.y s le nas always been a Republi gand is yet, but he cannot PPort Henderson, and says, pre afe just lots of Republi ansii his section just the fame way. Qiy talked like sinearnestr ' ;; .. reciov- It settled onjier lungs, sh lingered along be tween life and death till Fri day. . C o 1 . James E. Sharps write j us that there will be reunion of the old soldiers of. Wilkes, Yadkiu, Davie anJ Iredell, the 26th o f Sepf Grood speakers will be present?! It is pleasant for the old sol diers xo get together occasion ally aid they should IT go, as well as all others who can. olir couhtyman Mr. ler cy Wj Foote, has. stood his ex amination with flying colors and has entered the Naval Academy at Annapolis. He went there some months ago tor prepare for the examination. J He was among the few of his class who succeeded in passing the examination. He has a four's term there now, and can-. not et furlough of leave to J j ! A t come nomaiMne expira- tion e of our young men letter last week which co his girl's picture. father's mail at HE Alt THESE MEN. Watson and Guthrie. Remember that on Tuesday the 22nd of this month, Cy. Watson, Democratic candidate for Governor, and William Guthrie, Populist canaidate for Governor, will address the people at this place. Daniel Russell, Republican candidate, has been invited to be present and join in the discussion. It is not known that he will come. The others will be here sure, and everybody, of all political persuasions should attend and listen to the discussion of the issues. Be Beady to Hear Him. Hon. R. B, Qlenn, of Wins ton, will address the people of Wilkes at the court house here, on the first Monday in Octo ber. Let everybody get ready and come out and hear him. He will say something you ought to hear. Attempted Snicide. Larkin Saunders, of Elk township, attempted suicide on Sunday by cutting several gashes on his throat. Trouble about his wife seems to be the cause. He was engaged in a lawsuit here last week having indicted a fellow for stealing. He will probably recover from the wounds. , Mrs. Yeakle Dead. Mrs. H. M. Yeakle died at - . nuffjCity, Tenn., Aug. 28th. remains were taken to lelphia, her home, and may con- . -Democratic County Contention. A convention of the Itemp pratic party of Wilkes eounty is hereby called to meet at the court house In Wiikesbojo, on Monday Octobei the 5th at 11 o'clock A. M. sharp for the purpose of selecting the different county and legislative candidates, and transactmg such other business as properly come before the mention. Primary meetings are re quested to be held at 2 o'clock P. M. on Saturday October the 3rd, in each precinct at the designated voting places, for the purpose of selecting dele gates to the county convention. Each precinct is urged to hold its primary meeting. The members pf the county executive committee are re quested to meet with the chair man at his office in Wilkesboro at 10 oclock A. M. on Monday Oct. the 5th. H. L. Gkeen, Chairman Ex. Com. he Mill sr Bui I d'mg The Grand Jury' Work The grand jury acted upon 80 bills, finding 63 true bills and 17 not true bills. They made 24 presentments. The' following is a synopsis of their different reports: jAiL.-They find the jail nice and clean and prisoners well cared for. They recommend that sewers be placed in the upstairs, running to the ground and that some repairs be made. Home or aged and iNFrai. rred. Mrs. Yeakle waI They find the buildiin Wr - -0 - H,r . ; .Hp r. '. : ' - : 4, " Anewl iiie of an Mis of goods. Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yl Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. i A pretty line of smamer cravats OWE PRICE TO AtU CALL AKD SEE THEM , 4 well known at this place She was the mother of the late Mrs. Dr. Calloway, and lived here for some time. ' She was a kind and pleasant woman and all who knew her appreciated good repai r, and Very nicely kept., and the inmates well cared for. The inmates, which number eleven, seem satisfied. CEQISTEB'S OFPICB. T n 6 y find the Register's office In the time. The picture tained got his same charmed him, and he lived in a kind of a misty heaven, tor a while. When he awoke the idea struck him that he had lost his father's mail, . He came pack the -sidewalk a con siderable distance, when remembered that the mail w in his pocket. It is wonder ful what effect a woman, or even her picture, has upon a young man. one 01 tnem are and the horse will not be fit for use again. Mr. Nat Mien's harness and buggy were in the shed.' The harness was de- Helgtroyed b.t the buggy was 1 -T he asi The with the ville) on Advent Conference. ahnual meeting of the Pied mont Advent Christian Conference met tehurch at" Berea (at Colletts- Aug. 13th arid held over. Snnr day. Eld. G. D. Bherrill preacnea ine introduet Dry sermon. Eight ministers were pres ent. Churches all well repre sented. Ministers reported very good interest v here their work "has been. - Eld. G. D. Sherrill was elected Pres., Eld. W. I '. Hendrix, vice-pres.,1 1. ' W. Moore. s3c, E. L. Moore, Treas. and C. L. Coffey, Director. On hearing of the death of Bro. John Hartley on the 3rd Sunday morning in August at 3 o'clock,. be it v - - : :, I Resolved, That in the death of Bro.' Haj-tl we.lose the help of a dear, chris tian brot ler, and offer : our earnest sympathy and prayers for his bereaved family. The attendance was good and per? feet harmony prevailed all through the meeting. A vote of thanks was given ference to Berea enure n jot to. Visiting "brethren 1 O L " i r -i -i J I i i . . . ner. cue waij uoru m ion, auu gooa connilion, DOOKS, papers, was 85 years old when death etc., neatly kept, and in their claimed her. proper places. . Ulerk s office. They find Barn Destroyed. tne Uierk 's office in good con- Mr. W. B. Henry's barn in dition and the books and pa North Wilkesboro was destroy- pers neatly and properly kept. w io triAn Road matters. They r e - ed by fire . last Friday night. fc that th ad supervisors There were two horses in the of an the townships have made barn and they were badly their reports as required by btfrned. The eyes and ears of law, except Edwards town of them are destroyed, SI11P- 9Hror. lJ? grana ju iwio wuu live iu ftuwarus luaue aved. The fire occurred about ten o'clock The origin is not known, unless it caught from a cigar stub. The barn, rough ness, etc., is a complete loss, there being: no lnsjurence. report that the supervisors of said township hld their meet ing as required by- law, but have failed for some reason to send in their report. Thev iurtner state tnat tne roaas in that township are in good con dition. Is Magnificent Lin of ill n n o n y (5 JUST AERIWNG AT lX OlOlflg : Store HAVING OPENED UP A- o CI (7 SSf O B3 CONSISTING OF M by the conf I their hospitality -f during coxifernfe Old Walk!? Cane. William Edwards, Omaha, Nebr,, is visiting rela tives in tfclis county. .He has been here this week visiting his 3rd cousin, D. R. Edwards. He is about 57 years old, and has been all over the world nearly, and it is interesting to hear him talk. His grandfath er was raised in Grayson, coun ty, Va. He has found 651 de scendants of his grandfather . - i . ' l- ' TT 1 in tnis country ne uas a walking stick that is olp and historic. During the Kevoiu- tionary war his, grandfath er was put in jail at riaiitax, va'., remaining i n connnemenu a year. vynen reieaseu ne cui a hickory walking cane to assist him in traveling. This cano has' been preserved and is now, in the hands of Mr. Edwards. He returns to Nebraska this week. - . . Yeari. tkui For Over Fifty TVTrta WrNSLOW's Soothixg Syrlt has been us ed for 'over fifty years by millions of mothers for their Children while teething wi th perfect s access. It gothes the ehild, soften, the gums, allay f all pain, cures wind colic, and i8 the best remedy for Diarrhoea- 'It will-relieve the (oor little sufferer immediately. r13old,, by drnggists in every part of Ihe -worM Twentyrva cents a bottle Be snre vnd ask for . 'Mrr. WiaSlow SootMn j Syrn f . RepQrJed. : and take go othfr kind s'-y ' ' Beselations of Respect. Boomer High School, August 29th, 1896. Whereas, the, Alajighty Buler and Director of the destinies of man has, in accordance with his divine pres ence and clear conception of justice and mercy judged best to remove from is friends and loved ones our es teemed friend and schoolmate, Ezer Sharp, - Therefore, be it resolved, First, That we, as a school deplore his death and feel deeply grieved at the. loss of one so young, yet we. bow in humble submission to Him who is too wise to err, too loying to be .; unkind. 2nd, That we wij eyer cherish the memory of his unyielding adherence to principle his unfliching courage in the right, his exalted love of truth and above all the beautiful graces and sub lime virtues of his manly christian character. 3rd, That his influence at Boomer lives after him as an inspiration to ev ery one that knew him, to a beautiful christian life. 4th, That; we tender tp his relatives in this hour of sore; bereavement our warmest christian sympathies and com mend them to the tender mercies of Him who alone can bind up the brok? en heart, .and who doeth . all things well. ;-; ' v". 5th, That a copy of Ithese resolutions be'sent tqf the family of thes. deceased, au.l to furnish. a copy . td x the Wilkes bqkq jHEqsrp for publication. : . v ' J.XJ Carlton, 7 : S.Carlton, V " ; J. E. German, ) Cpm. ; J l bt Chiton j ; , Dry Goods, Notions. Hats, Shoes. Glassware. Stoneware. Groceries. Etc., Ttake this method of inuitiqg friends to .call and ex amine my GOOJ)S and PRICES before buying elsewhere. ' I ain determined not to be CJNPERSOLD. I will insure all mr customersto obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market pric always paid for all staple produce. Very truly, Wilkesboro, N. C. MILTON MCNEIL, BBC BAR GAS THE WILKESBORO HARDWARE STORE haying recently bought a large stock of goods,, is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails,' horse ancf. mule shoes, holloware, crockery, cutlery, tools of v all kinds, base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistols, shot and powder, empty and loaded, shells, collars and pads, aud plows of all kinds. Should you need a good ''Hillside", call and you shall be supplied, . Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled flow, Chatanooga Cane mill, Cuta way Disc Harrow, Empire Prill and Marshall Wagons. Can give you the most tinware for the money, von ever bought. ' When in need pf anything to be had at a firetrclasa hArdtt'are store, come and see me before purchasing elsewhere, . ' , - i sen cneap tor cash, but please doiit ask for credit, : aF.MOREieON. THE MKEBORO FDfilTlE CO., CAFFEY & PRITCHETT, PROPRIETORS. NORTH WILKESBORO, NO. ' Are Now Located. In Their New- Quartors Opposite . : McGee's Establisnment With a Corpplte Line f v v - ; Of; Anything Kept, In A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE STORE : And are Offering Special Bargains I n Sewing aVfa.cliines, 3?Iano, nnd Oranu v CARTS, BUGGIES, HARNEf-8, KEK0SENE .rv! LVr.HIOA s; - . Olii by the. IJ4JJJIEI,- an! ST A VP AT? V1 H , STARVATION PR! OES Pioishing Coffins jBd Caskets a Sppbialty it