1 - I . .... "T ""i," o RATES OF ADVERTISING. -TERMS OF SITprmrnrrnxr " p.-ice ! 1 wk, 1 m. 3 m. : 6 m. fiuc months (;0 . - Payable in ad yuncc. ' - in: 2 in.- 0 in. 1 col..' i'col. 1 col. 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 G.OO 7.50 ! 6i00" 1 9.00 10.00 17.00 30. 00 50.00 9.00 12.00 1.25 2.170 3.50 6.50 17.50 6.00 30.00 25.00 45.00 75.00 Sends all money by ro,teircd 9175 j IS. 00 21.00 ' 15.00 '30.00 Tixe Chronicle, WiIfcCc.i r0) jj ' I Equal taxation, pirect and Indirect, VOL. X, III" WILKESBORO, N. q. THURSDAY. OCT. 8. .1896. UHOXICLE. LOCAL DOTS.. f Sc.H s of Passing Events Tliat U;tv or 3sy Not Interest You. Donald Todd, of Jefferson, vix- In the city last week. , Miss Emma McEvren re o(i to Jefferson last week. II. A. Kleoppelberg, 7 of In: r lotto, was in the city .last - "lies Estelle Richardson, of ..;.;;. . entered school at Miss -arbor's this week. sir. Will Bullis 'began si-hool at Millers Creek Acade r.iy 1 his -week. A. O. McRary, Esq.. is a candidate for Constable in his to vvd ship Reddies River. AIj. D. W. May berry and - u Dorr have returned from th-h- t rip to New York. D. A. Reece, Esq., made a vip down South recently, and lit- 1- now enjoying a short sea son of chills. -.-Only two more days to reg-i:-i;r next Saturday and the ;;turday following. Register -Tjhe 4th quarterly meeting for the Wilkesboro circuit will be conducted at this place next Saturday and Sunday. Presi ding Elder Blair will preside. Miss Eula Todd, of JefTer- " ' ' ' : 7 . , .JWlWNBWai,,,. ' MORE LOCALS. i " -.- I NO, 25. son, passed through last week ! Reddtes River, and Lewis Fork Register at Once. According to the construction of the new law there must be an entire new registration in Edwards. Trap Hill. Boomer, Moravian-Falls. Beaver Creek. m i 11 - 1 - i en rotate-for Greensboro, where ' x"ere are oniy two cays to ao she Mrent to enter the Normal 11 in next Saturday, ana tne an d Ind ustrial School. Mr. J. Oj McNeil, of Lewis Fork was in town last week, and says 3ilver is on a bdorn up there among, Democrats, Republicans, Populists andall. Fifty-four new lawyers received license from the Su preme Court last week. A Saturday following. Attend to this at once, or you can't vote. Laying of the Corner Stone. The ceremony of laying the corner stone of the new Meth odist church at this place will occur next -Saturday at 11 o'clock. The services will be moni them was our brilliant I interesting and profitable and o,!iss Carrie Wellborn left r Greensboro Mondav to en ? the Normal and Industrial hocl. ' --This week is Federal court Greensboro and Wilkes has ;ood many representatives in condance. Oev. W. L. Dawson i3 at kid this week assisting Rev. Mr. SI 1 1 iii a protracted Mrs J. B. Buxton and Miss 0oma. Rousseau are visiting frirMiJ- and relatives in Ashe oiUy this w.eek. -Fldcr William Hall, of r.nls Mills, who has been suf hi -ing with nervous trouble for three months, is improving. Shoriff Call wants the tax payers to remember to meet at '- appointments elsewhere innounced and.pay 3our taxes. The republicans will have p oking at C. H. M. Tulbert's t. ve on Saturday Oct. 10th at .. 111. Everybody invited. --Misses Npllie and Tate Flair, vcho have been visiting ir Watauga for some time, re tnrntjd ho me-last Saturday. :vfr. Geo. Nicholson, of Ire de"ii, was in the city last - week visiting friends. He attended vhool here ..a-year or so ago: Miss Mamie Transou, who ha? been spending several days at Mrs. Call's, returns to boy home in, Ashe this week. "Bud" Holman con young county man, L. N. Hick- ersori. About 130 left for Federal! courl Monday on the train witnesses, defendands, revenue officers' and lawyers. Isn't that a pretty good representa tion? . -Mr." J. M. P. Brown, of Mulberry, brought us a pretty clustar of second growth June i apples Monday. It is the third year the same tree has pro duced second crop. A. series of meetings wili begin at the Adventist church at Boomer on Saturday before the second Sunday in October. Elds, Hendrix, Cottrel, Isbell and Dula are expected to be present. is v Whi Ni ch Mrs. Nicholson, of Iredell. sister place, Mrs. Mrs. -Mr. icicd a successful singing '0! at Mt. Pleasant church, in Lewis Fork township, last siting her e, at this 1 bison is the, widow of Thor.ias Nicholson, who was Senator from this district sev eral-terms, 'k 1 The pea crop in th&u&punty is a large one this year, anxi if the frost will vvait a couple of weelis, Wilkes will harvest the biggest pea crop in its history. Our people are paying more at tention to xea culture than formerly, and it if! well it is so. W. C. Douglas addressed the people here just after the conv :uition "adjourned Monday. Ther 3 was a good sized crowd present to hear him. He was unwell, but made a good speech Ho rr ade'a strong plea for sil ver, and for. the silver forces to stand together. Millard Grant's horse got kyjiere last Friday and cran was tions say. with M Lillie Hix has return- n on; her trio to Baltimore, he purchased a spien- and milh; l-i't nno of clothing City V.; ; 1; ; Miss Nellie Cowles left 1'iiday for Washington to spen1 a few weeks e: Mrs. .Geo. D. ii r nie Mr. B. J. Council of Boone, inie over last veek and Mrs. 'ouncill, who has " been visit1. lns liere, accompanied' him me (he last of fhe' -w'eek., . r -MY riK8.. V C1. " " ... , tm rt,r for a friro ver fifty years dj iimuvo x-rr- - -tltS ch Idren C.lnle tectums with perfect succe, l.C7. ,i.ilfl. softens theuiu, alLiy a.l Adam Jones passed ir ugh the city on his way 'to Atlanta, last week-on business.' He and Mrs. Jones ' (nee -AlifiS. -iai" K0 Vv-ipA hnvft hpftn r sneild- !Wmec kickid the cart, to which he litched, all to "flindera as uncle Horace would WThat was the matter the horse we can't say, unless he was kicking against the cfoid standard. Hon. J. R.TIenderson went .r fTl'Vi'ii Sntfnrdav to TOili Hi phra m Harris in the .work of evan g-elizing Surry county for the g lorious purpose of McKin lev Signer taxes and less mon ey to pay them with. If Ruff and Ephraim cairt convert them, it must; go out to the world that they have a terri bly heathenish set in Surry. - Tie colored-citizens held a meettng Friday night, under the direction of the Republican leaders and organized a club. t a v.- A i rbi ' t all si s:n the which haa everybody is invited to be pres entu . .-ihTi 3B-' "The Old War Horse." Oliver H. Dockery, the ''Old Republican War Horse of the Pedee," we are requested to announce, will address the peo ple of Wilkes, at the court house on Wednesday the 14th of this month. He wants the people of ail parties to come out and hear him. Mr. C. B. Aycock, Democrat, has an appointment at the same time, published last week, and of course, a division of time will be arranged, so that the people will have an opportuni ty of hearing both speakers. Let us give them a big crowd. I The Populist Meeting. A number of the Populists held a meeting- here Monday afternoon and placed "in. the field Vance McGhinnjs for the Legislature: David Lee, of Jobs Cabin, for Coroner; and R. P.. Yates, of Boomer, for county commissioner. The place for Register of Deeds was left open. This nils the places left open by. the Demo crats, and insures the co-operation of all the silver forces, and means they propose to elect their men. The following executive com inittee w a s elected: J. M. Wellborn, D. E. Smoak, Ed. Hackett, Maj. W.sW. Vannov, and Joe Hays. E9 i a n mi ' . 9 - PS - B R L?a 19 1 o ";-,' - 1. A w line flfallMiffOQis. Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yd; Percales 6 to 1.2 & one half cents per yd. ; A pretty line, of summer cravats. " i ' i E PRICE'TO At...- ,;' ' CALL AND SEE THEM ii tree n' pled been pre- was to t"e effect that tbey ?? themselves to vote the straight republican ticket without a scratfeh. The republicans don i t seem tohave any confidence in the colored .brethren. It bOCxtl px'm, en Iiiarrhq Per Orcr Fifty Vear. - . been trs- rca wind coUc, nnd is tne dem rC3 ' ihe TKibr little sufferer l,r' Sold bv dmggWe hi every rartroX ol'I "Tftentr-arSt a l-ottlc Be sure for '-Mrs. Wl05i0W - . , ' Claiius Allowed. Isaac Shumate, repairing stock law fence, &G.00; E. Sta ley keeper of aged and infirm, 132.83; C A Dimmett, coffin for pauper, 1 50; T B James, tax lister, 10.00; T M Crysel, cryer of court, 10.00; T M Crysel, jailer, 39.65; T J James, goods and coffin for pauper, 3.74; J M Turner, county physician, 7; 50; D. R. Edwards, for dock ets, 90 cepts; A M Vannoy, clerk superior court, for fees off at fall term, 176.97, and for fees as county charges, 79. S2. Teachers'. Associ at ion Pi-ogram. The next meeting of " the Teachers' Association will be held at Moravian Falls on the 17th. The following is the program, as handed us by the secretary:. u How I teach spelling W. R. Hendren. Government T. J. Gilreathr How I teach history W. S. Surrat. J ' f General discussion. Querry box. .ddress,.tho Association R. El L. Plummer. Ail are cordially attend. ' The Hix Clothing Store is recieving a nice lote of new gooks. Call and see them. Mr. Hooper, of the Odell Hardware Co., was in the city ttis week. f -Vance ?JcGhinnis was at tached to Beaver Creek town ship by request. Mrs. Bower, of Caldwell, is spiting her; daughter Mrs. W. d, Winkler, this week. L. D. Huffman and the widow of James Bowlin, have been exempted frem poll tax. W. T. Pennell has been appointed road overseer in place of David Wasnington. TJncle Joel Triplett tells us that there is a yam potato up there" in his country that weighs 75 pounds. l Mr. B, S. Call is opening up a store at Mt. Zion this week. Our friend I. P. Ander son has been engaged as clerk. The board appointed Ambrose Mathis a school committeeman in Dist. No. 11. W. A. Broy hill Jr. was attached to the said district, from No. 92. Our friend" F. V. Cass who is now in Indiana, in a private note to the editor says that "free silver" is the cry on all sides out there. Brier Creek Baptist Asso elation begins this week Thursday and wili continue over Sunday. I t convenes with Hunting Creek church. - Miss Lena Holmes, who has been spending some time at her brother's, G.WT. Holmes, leaves today -(Tuesday) for her home at Fayettevilie. Register of Deeds Edwards hopes that all parties who have d'eeds in his office will 3all and pay the fee and get them be fore the 1st of December, when his term expires. Mrs. t Ellen Pilsori, of Staunton, Va., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Martha Finley, at North Wilkesboro. She re ports that the recent storm there did a great deal of dam age. Several houses were bin i?n clown arid washed awajr. i wo railroad depots were destroyed. No such storm has ever before visited that section. Doughton and Linney joined horns at Jefferson, and they say Doughton gored him as usual. They have sinca bad no joint debates: They say that our man Henderson., , and Dr. York had a rich debate there on Tuesday. York pour ed free silver doctrine out in volumes and Henderson offered three cheers for Mclvinlev. Mrs ' FliTinhpth Ailnms -a V7 tt aj, ' A: ,-r&y Bis Harrow Empire Drill and Marshall Waron v iuu w yi . . Auttius, uibu nan ;Ve von t.hn. rnnsf. tinwora W ..lr.i ine o' ; JUST ARRIVING Tie Hix Clol AT Stori HAVING OPENED UP A E3 m. S53 R3sa ES3 S3 -CONSISTING OF- Dry Goods Notions, Hats, Shoos, Glassware, Stansware, Groceries, Etc., I take this method of inuiting mj friends to call and - ex ; amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. - X am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all nw customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best yuALim tor the LEAST MONEY. The highest market pric always paid tor ail staple produce. Very truly, Of; Wilkesboro, N". C. MILTON MCNEIL, in rited' to Announcement. To the voters of .Wijkes Co. : o T I hereby announce niycelf an Independent Free Silver candi date Tor;. Register of Deeds. I ask thesupportQf all. men of every party, who ;.beiieve in,fi nancial reforrn.,.: "t 1-: -; 'r . : ( JM German at her home near BrierCreek on last Friday nightShe was something over- 80 years old, and hadbeen a member of BrierCreek church for over 50 years. She was buried Sunday at the. old family graveyard and a large crowd was present to pay the last tribute of re spect to the deceased. At the home of the bride's parents, tx i ' t ii l o pitn;t;, u ii Wednesday . of lastveek, - Miss Gertie Webster and Mr. " Zeb Deaton were married, Rev. W, L Dawson performing' the cer- pmnnr Tt wrtci wedding, only present. 'They left soon after the ceremony to spend - a ' few weeks with relatives iu -Iredell county r 'We-Avish :the'., happy coup! e all y the : h appin ess. t h at heaven allows to mortals; ; 'v THE WILKESBORO HARDWARE STORE having recently bought a largo-s'tbck of goods, is offering them cheaper than ever befor; consisting of Nails, horse and' mule shoes, hoirowarerockery, 'cutlery, tool of all kinds, . base ball goods,vatef1 buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistols, shot and powder, egpfcty and loadedshells, collars and pads, and plows of aJLkinds. 1 1 . . .. "Should jiou need a good "Hillside', call and vou sLalVbo Kiir.nlifid. ; Agpfft for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow, Chataneoga Cane I ixiill, ' Cuta- ' - T- ! TT . . T7 . . . T " t . .... - - When in need of anything to be bad at. a first-class- hardware-store, .come and see me before purchasing elsewhere." S - - ' I sell cheap for cash, but please don t ask for credit."" Q E. MORRISON. THE a .few. friends F IflLKESBOBO FOMITURE .CO., O Af FEY & : PRITCHETT, PRO PR! ETORS. NORTH WILKESBORO, Are Now located In Their, New, Quarters .Opposite . McGec's Estahlishment With . a Complete .Line . . Of Anything Kept In.. A":- S t- CI. AS S ' F U R M I T U R.E7 ST O R C . And are-Offering Special Bargains ln ... ... Sewing Machiriesj-Hanoy; ai)d Oroaii ARTS,'B0UGTE3;H.tENEbS;&a KEROSENE and LU B II JC TING ? OIL by tUe BAJIREL, and "STANDAKL OF OUAKO XV STARVATION; PRJCfes"." finishing Goffiris""and Caskets a Srectelt v .': . 1 ' 1 ''cine stead,-: : t-Tvnd u lie pWtUer kind ' -1 .

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