RATES OF ADVERTISING, TEH Ms OF SUBSCRIPTION. neIear;:' -.....:....?i.or Six months........ . - ,.A Space jl wk. 1 m. i Sin. ; 6m. 1 yr. ). in. 12 in. 3 in. I col. col. 4 col. .75 1:25 .2.00 3.50 6.50 11.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 9.75 15.00 4.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 18.00 30.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 i7.00 30.00 9.00 12.00 17.50 25.00 45.00 75.00 Three mqnths,..,.,. , layaoie in advunce. 1 ; r Sends all mdney by registered let sx wr postal oruer and address Tits Chronicle, WiIkW0 N C 50.00 Equal Taxation, pirect and Indirect. a - M II 1 113 1 The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. jjrief Notes of Passing Events That Maj or May Not Interest Yon. Rev. Vardry McBee, has gone to B.altimore to locate. Go to I. S. Call & Co. for groceries. Mrs. Rebecca Horton, of Watauga, is visitjbQg. at North Wilkesboro. Mr. F. D. Hackett made a trip to Statesville last week on business. Green Wellborn, Esqiy of ,Ashe, was in the city last Thursday., Miss Lena Wellborn leaved .this week for Pitt county, where she goes to teach. Mr. J. S. Pearson and Miss M. E. Brokshire, were married' ia Boomer township, on the 7th jnst. Mr. Will White, of the Wilkesboro Marble w-6rks, went to States rille Saturday to reg ister. Alonzo Stroud, who has been in Virginia some time, is visiting his father, R. A Stroud. -Glassware, plates, cups and saucer Sj, etc.,- cheap for -cash, at I. S. Call. & Co's. Go and see for yourself. If you have not registered, don't fail to attend to tkis mat ter next Saturday. It is your last opportunity. Mrs.; Bower, who had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Winkler, at this place, returned home Sunday. r - Mr.J. M. German informs us that he has withdrawn as an independant candidate can didate for Register of Deeds. Mr. J Je. Foster and wife, who had been to Winston, stopped in the city last week on their way home to Jefferson. W. R. Johnson and B. H Anderson, of " Watauga, -for nierly Wilkes boys, were in the county among relatives last week. Judge and Mrs. Norwood were in the city last week. Mrs. -Norwood is spending a few days with relatives in North Wilkesboro. Mr. Joe Wellborn, of Go shen, and Miss Bettie Coffey, of Caldwell caldwell county, were married Wednesday of last week. Here's to their happiness. Messrs. E. O. Mastin and Solicitor Mott, went to Greens boro and Raleigh last week on- political business. We hope it ; visitation before we get our breath. v Lee Mullis, the mail carri er on the Taylorsville - route rides a little bay mare, t which . he says he has ridden 275,000 miles in the mail serviqe Mul lis has been in the mail service for many years. Mr John Stroud, o Ind.; is visiting his brother R 'i-A:. Stroud, in this county. He was raised in Wilkes and has been west for 27 years. He says politics are big in Indiana, and that Bryan will carry that State in the election. - J. R. Herrderson, "Audi torial" candidate, wentyto Winston last week, and made a speech. He and Dr. York had a joint discussion. They had a very good attendance. Dr. York is still down - in that section preagfcin free silver,, , j WTTJCESBOTtO. ;y. p.. THURSDAY . OCT. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gaith er returned to their home at Newton this week. Mr and Mrs. J. E . Spain . hour returned the first of the week from their bridal tour. B, S. Blair, Esq., is opening up & s tock of gooceries, in one of his stores in North Wilkes boro. Presiding Elder Blair went from here to Watauga county where he .pholds conference Saturday and Sunday. N,'.r. Joe Clements, who is now located at Winston, was lip last waek for a day or so shaking dands with his friends. Calvin J. Cowles, Esq., has returned from an extended trip to Kansas and elsewhere. He brings good news concern ingftiie silver movement. Ihe Silver club1 at Millers Creek has a meeting next Fri day night. Mr. -Self, senatorial candi date in this district, will address the club at that time. North Wilkesboro town ship has put out the following Democratic candidates; for magistrates, W.' J3. . Henry, Thos. P. Ward and 3. P. Hutch inson!: for constable, R. B. Cass3l. -We are informed that Mr. W. J. Johnson, of Watauga, who was in the county visiting relatives, lost a fine mare Sat urdajy, while at the association at Hunting Creek Churcb. It died of colic; and was worth abou t $75.00. The quarterly conference here Saturday an d Sunday : transacted the usual routine business. 1. D. Milam and J. S. Mitchell were licensed to ex- hortl Presiding Elder Blair preached some good sermons whilje here. VIessrs. Wiley and George Fa w, of Virginia, are visiting their parents and friends in this county. They are from the coal field regions, .where Hanna is using all his coercive tact cs, but they say there are just lots of silver men there. Mrs. Rufus Martin and dau hter, of Little Rock, Ar kansas, returned to their home last week. They had been visi ;ing Dr. and Ransom. Hick ersen, and other relatives at Ron da. Mrs. Martin is a sis ter of Dr. and Ransom Hicker son The Brier Creek Associa tior , which met with Hunting Cresk church last week, was one of the most profitable and largely attended meetings ever held by the association. Rev. Parks dwaltney preached an excellent sermon Sunday, as he always does. We have not sacbeeded in getting a report of the proceedings, but will do so ater. A KiWfir r.Iub was organiz ed at the opera house in North Tact. Satnrdav night, with 46 members. R. JN Habkett, Eq.7 candidate for Legislature addressed the club, making a good speech. The club .will meet again Thursday night. A large attendance is reduested. Mr. Self, one of the Democratic free silver candi dates for the Senate, in this district is expected to address th3 club that night. Candidate for "Head Squire." Martin Elledge, of Mulberry, w2s in town last week, and asked us to announce that , he is I canaidate for'.- the "Head Squire of the United States, on thi1 Republican trcket.7- He savs he will be elected, and he offered us the contract of send ing his tickets all over the : U. Si The Federal Court. There were a good many 43ases from Wilkes in the Fed eral court. A good many were found guilty and fined. Seven prisoners were brought back and placed in jail for three months each. We under stand that there were nine left in Greensboro jail, for one month each. Another Landmard Gone. Mr. Jonathan Canter, who lived near Oakwoods, died on last Saturday about 3 o'clock. He had been feeble for a good while and his death was not unexpected. He died princi pally of old age. He was 83 years old. He watLn excel lent substantial, reliable citi zen, and had been a member of the Methodist church for many years. He was buried Mon day at Moravian Falls. A good honest man is gone. Free Silver Rally. On Monday, Nov. 2nd, the free silver forces, of all parties will have a big rally at the op era house in North Wilkesboro. Capt. R. B. Glenn, of Winston, will address the people at that time. He is one of the best speakers in the State and no one can listen aj his arguments and not be convinced that the free coinage of silver ia right and that our prosperity de man els it. Let everybody at tend. The Circus. The circuss to be given at Elkin the 2ith is said to be very good, ft is a '3 ring cir cuss, and has a Roman hippo drome, a wild beast' show, and managerie and marine exhibit. Capt. Perier will do his world's j highest dive, free, after the parade reaches the tents. The parade and free exhibition will be led, we are told by y John Lowlow, the famous old south ern clown. ; a e i-o , No New Registration in Union and Mulberry. ,Some are advocating the the-; ory that there must be an en: tirely new registration in Mul berry and Union townships, by reason of the new line estab lished between Wilkes and Ashe by the last Legislature. This is not correct. No town ship . boundery lines were changed. It was simply the county line." The township line of these border townships is simply the county line, and a change of the county line, does not come within the con templation of the law. It is only where lines between town ships are changed that the law applies. The Laing of the Corner Stone. The laying of the corner stone of the new Methodist church took place last Satur day, and there was a good sized erowd present. Presid ing Elder Blair made an ad dress appropriate for the occa sion. The following articles were deposited in the corner stone: a Bible, hymn book, di cipline, copy of'the deed to the property, a roll of church offi cers and members, a list of the. building committee and con tractors, a copy each of the N. C. Christian ' Advocate, The Conference Journal, The Ep worth Nes, The World for Christ, The Hustler and The ChronicLe . The exercises were enjoyed by all present. : Bucklen,s Arnica Salve. The Best SalTk in the-world for Cuts, Brai ses; S6res, JJleers, Salt Rheura, Fevor Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands -Chilblains, Cortis, aud H SkiiiErnptions, audi positively cures Tilesor no pay required, is guaranteed to Rive perfect satisfadlion, or Joney v refunded. Prico-25 cents per box. JOltSALE BY J3TA .IrfEY&lO, e "J . .. . ; ; ' . The County Canvass. ' The county candidates are around having their fun, and they seem to be getting along all right. Everything seems to v getting along smoothly. Hackett is managing the Red Fox in a lively manner, and keeps him in a.hole most of the time. They say McGhinnis is making good speeches. Brer Somers doesn't say much. He announces that he is a candi date and is for the gold stand ard, and sits down. The oth candidates talk as much asx they please, and though they talk a little 4 'sassy" sometimes, there's been no blood shed nor any prospects of it. There are plenty of candidates' in the field, and they all seem to want to be elected. Everybody a grees that the last proposition is strictly true. McNeil and Barker, the Republican-Populist candidates for the Senate, are with the county candidates this week. They were in Lincoln last week. Everybody ought to hear the county candidates. They say Sheriff Call has won the compliment of being the most energetic and loudest speaker in the crowd. Later Mr Barker returned to Lincoln the first of the week. The Darkey Downed Tommy. The Sentinel this on Tommy Settle, which sizes up the 53 cent dollar business pretty well: "Republican speakers are fond of talking about 9 .53 cent dollar. You never hear a speech without it is dwelt on at length. "It is told on Tom Settle that he made a speech the other day, devoting the ussual time to - the subject. After the speaking an old colored- man hitched up his horse for him and Mr. Settle asked him how much he owed him. "Ten cents", I recon,' aid the darkey, whereupon Settle handed him a silver dollar, tell ing him to get it changed. The old fellow went off and soon came backwith 43 cents which he tendered the nominee. " 'How's this?' he inquired; fyou charged me ten .cents; . I gave you a dollar and you hand me back 43 cents.' ' " 'Well, you see, boss, you said as how de silver dollah is only wuf 53 cents; if dats so you has de right change seer' "Mr. Settle 'saw' and had no more argument." "' - 0--'" : Miss Ballentinc Resigns. This is to certify that I have been teaching in Traphill In stitute since the opening Au gust 5, last. My connection with the school has been very pleasant and now as I resign my position to accept one near er my home, I do so with the very best feelings existing on all sides. I feel it due the prin cipal and myself to make this statement as I am called away befdre the close of the term. The: vacancy will be filled at orce and the school will uffer no loss by the change. I know of no better school of its grade and reluctantly leave though expecting to. return. , . LULA BAliXiENTINE. Traphill, N. C, Oct. 0, 1896. - Core for Ileadaefcc. As a renjedy for all fornia of Headache Elco trie Bitters "has proyed to be the very best. It effectf a permanent cure and the most treacled habitual sick headaches yield to its influence,, Wejjrge all who are afflicted to procure a bot tle, and give this remedy a fairj-ial. In cases of Jiabltua constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowe's, And few cases long resist the use of this medicine, try it once. ; Largo Dottles only 50c at Staicy. jfc'soDrujj Store, - - 1 r. 1896 ri 5-1 - . v. he Mil Ao SFAiaSTHOEFR hX0 Anewline ofall Mnfls of coofls. Calicoes 5 to 6 cents , per yi Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. ' A pretty line of summer cravat:. OWE PRICE TO ALL, CALL AND SEE THEM apjrsificen JUST ARRIVING AT Tie Hii -HAVING OPENED UP A- CONSISTING OF- Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries, Etc., I take this method of inuiting mj friends to call and ex. amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhereV I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all my customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market price always paid for all staple produce. -Very truly, Wilkesboro, N. C. THE WILKESBORO HARDWARE STORE having recently bought a large stock of goods, is offering them eheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails, horse and mule shoes, hollo ware, crockery, cutlery, tools of all kinds, base ball, goods, water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistols, shot and powder, empty and loaded shells, collars and- pads, 'and plows o all kinds. . " : Should youjieed a good "Hillside", call and you shdll be supplied. Agent for the welitnowOliver Chilled Plow, Chatanboga Cane mill, ; -"Cuta-.vvay Disc Harro w, Empire Drill and Marshall NVagons. r ' Can give you the most tinware for the money, yon ever bought. ' j 1 When in need of anything to be had at a first-class hardware store, corn e and see me before purchasing elsewhere. ' - I sell chap for cash, but please dont ask for credit. : . C. F.MORRISON. TI WILKESBORO FDMTBEE CO., CAFFEY & PRITCHETT, PROPRIETORS. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. - " " ' i - ' " J ' " Are Now Located In Their New Quarters Opposite - McGee's Establishment With- a Complete Line Of Anything-, Kept In AJ FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE STORE, And are Offering Spfecial Bargains In ' ' Sewing Machines, K CARTS, BUG CllES, II ARNESS, &C. KEROSENE and LI7BRICAXINTJ --OIL by the, BARREL, and STANDARD BRANDS OF GUANO Ai' - STARVATION PRICES- finishing :CoffinsTand Gaskets a Specialty.- :;, NO. 2G . :- uiidirig a MILTON MCNEIL, CI Line of Sore BARGAINS v

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