n - ' . I ' ' J 'J " 1 - 'UMX. " I- - I ' ' RATES OF ADVERTISING. ' Space 1 wk; 1 m. j.-3m. ; 6m. J .1 yr. 2 in. :75 2.00 - 4.00 6.00 9.00 2 in. 1.25 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 3 in. 2.00 4.00 7.50 10.00 17.50 J col. . 3.50 6.00 J10.00 17.00 ,25.00 4 col. 6.50 9.75 118.00 30.00 45.00 1 col. 11.00 15.00 1 30.00- 50. 00 75.00 TERJfS OF suBsoarp.fiow. - One-year. ' ' i n Six nionths. ' ' " ' ,. Three months-. 30 Payable in advunce. ; : - OTSenasalliaey ly registered let- Equal Taxation, pirect and Indirect. A nil fr 7 III - i; i VOL. X. The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. rief Notes of Passing Events That 3Tay or May Not Interest You. Remember the speaking Monday, and be here. E. A. Womble,- of Honda, was in the city last week, ; Mr. H. A. Cranor has gene South with some fine .horses. The boys .have .returned from Federal court at .States ville. Congressman Linney spoke at North Wilkesboro 1 a sjt Wednesday night. ". Mrs. E. Wallace is spend ing a week among .relatives about Roaring Eiver. Thos. Ladd's two .year old child, at Osbornvdlle, died last Friday night. . Mrs. Rebecca Seiners, of Hunting Creek, is visiting rel atives at Statesville. T h e county candidates will close their campaign here .Saturday . Miss Nellie Cowlel-r, who has been visiting in Washing sdty, returned home last week. Miss Mable Mott, of Mount Mourne, is -visiting in the city, .and will remain about . two weeks. , Mr. John Mott, of States ville, came up the first of the week. He returned Wednes day accompanied by his sister. Mr. M.'H Gilreath, of Mo ravian Falls,, who has been confined with feverfor severai weeks is able to be aUt again, we are glad to ;sree., The circus at Elkin last week attracted several of our people. They report a large .attendance, -and say the show was good, ; - Maj. Bill Vannoy showed us a notato last week which- A. was raised by Mrs. Theo. Woody i n Union township, and it weighed 6 pounds. Messrs. W Hey and George Faw, who have been visiting their old home in Wilkes, have returned to West Virginia. :k Mr. E. "Spencer Blaekburn, of Ashe, was in the eity last week. . He.had been down to Statesville to attend Federal court. Mr. I. C. Wellborn and Miss Lena t Wellborn .-attended the Haleigh Fair last week. Old Aunt Lucy Denney, col ored, went along to see the sights Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hoi man, of Iredell, visited their son 'Floyd Holman, at Moravian Pnii i " i- nr.n rinir tti .u i xi xx.- r.: Esq. T. F. Call ways,! down in New Castle township, caught a half grown, white rab bit last Sunday "morning. It is LJ II, 1 I I t J, I I IIIPIM Mil IMM VISMi. SsS&i seldom you find a white rabbit in this section. - Mrs. J. E. McEwen, aBd Sirs. Solomon Cox made a rip. I garMer, who came out and be to Tra Hill last week,- 'JTheyj lQ sDeakRbThe gold l)iigs, bdy that they now know ... wny .,f . . ... v , i tkat countrv nn thfire is called 'God's Country." They have oeen there and the kindness of the people convinced, flthem that it is rightly, named - The New ballot Jboxef? have aade and are being delivered to each precinct this week. According to the ' law these toxes are to be kept in the Jerk's office aftor the election. :ihls will -require an addition to j - wurt housft -inHo-infy from - the WILKESBORO, P.. THURSDAY. OCT. JL&i mbf intj, ios nis iitue cmitt Monday. It was about : six mailt is old. Loyd Headren has a Tur bine abater wheel, as .good as njw, for sale. See it at Mbrri son's store. Several arrests were made at the rally Tuesday. One for insulting a lady, another for shooting. -He was a goldbug and 1 e fell out with a negpo goldl ug about a lunch. No damage done. Mr, Vance Wright's thiee year Did child died on Hunting Creel:, Wednesday of last week. It had been sickly all its life. The sympathy of their friends is extended to them. T here will be speaking at Bidvoy school house on Friday night the 30th inst. - Also at Cone 3rd in Union township on Saturday the 31st at 2 p. m. Let everybody attend. N Mr. Zeb Peaton and wife 1 - TTl 1 3 . i wijo. nave Deen at otaiesvine- and Salisbury for some weeksj returned home last week. Mr. Deaton tells us that he will probably locate at Wadesboro in a jew weeks. Mr. Wright, who is in Catawba and Lincoln,, sends ! cheering news of the prospeets of success. The silver men are not going to vote for gold bugsl even if they have been traded offr ' 5. E. Bullis and Mrs. Susan Nichols, widow of the late A. Z. Nichols, were married . last week. Bullis was a widower with four children and Mrs. Nichols was a widow with four children. Wilkes mud bears a repu tatio l for being very muddy mud. It is unavoidable. Pre pare jfor it by .going to Horton & Absher, North Wilkesboro, N, C and getting a pair of A full line hi la- overshoes. dies.' Misses' and men's sizes, just received. Kx-Auditor Henderson says it is 1 mistake about the com mittee taking -him oJff the ticket but till at he came off of his own free will, in order that the State could be carried for Mc Kinlsy. Henderson says he acted- from pure patriotism. The jmilk in the cocoanut is that the committee had tonnake some new move in order to. get some more boodle, and they de cidec. Henderson was the man ito work on. The Kiotons Conaucf of Gold bgs at Statesville.- 0 The srold bugs came very near! precipitating a riot at Statesville last week, Mr. Glenn had an appointment to eak there Tuesday night. Boyd, Republican, asked erin to exchange nights, with arid let him speak on l ues May hight, andd Glenn readily acrreed. But during the next dayJthe gold. bugs got a negio to srieak for them on the night 1 give i to Glenn by Boyd. The negro spoke miihe court bouse, and ; xf t e r h e got th rou gh , the silver people gathered in front f thft hotel to hear Glenn rnA The erowd ononlr I lit; tCiAJwvx, A,an,. nr -i - i GOTUes and all, came out ana bega'n trying to hollow; him dow i. This was a deliberate attempt on the part of the negro sold bugs to. keep silver white men from, speaking. . But .the silver - fellows got roused up and it wasn't long till : the rioters shut .up and retired -to mor4rcongenialquartars. v A bt : of Ashe .Republicans witnte e& the, shametui pro ngs and swore they would ceea I BIG DAY FOR THE BRITISH. Republican Gold Bug- Rally Tiited by 1000 te 1200. Addresses by Bojd, Carter and Mott. The big republican rally oc curred "Tuesday, and from 1000, 1200 were -here. They pa raded on horseback and in ve hicles o f different kinds, through both the Wilkesboros. It was a kind of mixed crowd, about one third being colored people. Nearlyevery colored man, woman arid ehild in' tha county was present. It was a ight to hear the crowd hollovy ing for the gold standard, when none of them, except the few bosses who had recently visited Hanna's pile, had seen a gold coin since silver was demonetized. The stage and the trees about the court house were ban daged about with red, white and blue calico, and there were plenty of flags-, large and small, waving among the crowd. Hon. Jeter Pritchard was not here on account of sickness. Col. Jim Boyd, of Greensboro spoke first. He is a good speaker. He said he was one of the "straight laced, blue stocking, aristocratic, goldbug republican." He didn't say much .about the financial ques tion, but rehearsed the repub lican tariff stuff, and' charged all our ills to the Wilson tariff law. He is an ingenius speak er, and can take one or two truths and plaster them over with a thousand misstatements as" well as any onewithin our knowledge. Solicitor Mott followed in one of his fiery, cuff shaking short speeches. He exhibited Gen. J:. Q. A. Bryan, in about the same manner an organ grind er exhibits his monkey, and said the blamed Democrats were trying to -defeat the Gen. He called or his hearers to sup port the Gen. simply because he is on the republican ticket. He had no other recommenda tion for him. Mr. E. D. Carter,- of Ashe ville, was the next speaker. He is a right good lawyer, with very few clients. He has Mark Hanna for his client now, be ing one of his electors in "the Asheville district. He is one of the most unfair speakers and makes more .glaringly er roneous,and misleading state ments, according to his ability, than almost any speaker we have heard. His remarks on the silver question were at some length, but most of his assertions were not founded on facts. He put William J. Bry an down as an anarchist and repudiationist. He said he was backed only by anarchists, convipts and secessionists. He read from a. little clipping tak en from one of the pot metal papers sent out by the ' sound money syndicates, giving a list of the men who nominated Bryan. They were nearly all convicts a n d anarchists of some kink. Everybody with any sense knew it was a lie; Col. Calvin J. Cowles interrup ted him with the su ggestion that he was probably tnistaken and: was unintentionally nis leading bis audience. TTe an swered that any man with any sense knew what he meant, that' he didn't mean that these men nominated Bryan, al though a few moments before he said they did nominate. Bry an. This is a fair sample At his speech. . . The republicans hay e made appointments all" over the county for Monday in order .to keep a crowd f rom-hearing Mr. Glenn. . They are afraid of -the tr.utU, - Y : - . .. j , - . - - r Killed in Runaway On Last Saturday, up near New. Hope church, Wm. Critch I er s team of mules ran a way an d killed h im. He has a saw mill fn Ashe county and had been to the depot with 'a - load il of lumber, and was returning home. His home i s near oone, and he was ibout years old. 50 Fraud at Raleigh. i . The Republican. registrars irf. one of the precincts in Raleigh stole the registration book last week and tried to substitute a new one made ip to, suit them selves. The stealing was done by the negro registrar, but he was hired 'to do it by some of the Republican bosses. The precinct had" 2Go Democrats and 70 Republicans, hence the rea son for the stealing. That's another fraud election under the new election law. mt-f : . Holton and the Winston Registrars. The News asks us if Associ ate Justice Montgomery did not sustain tt oiton m his at-' tempt to persecute the Win ston registrars for trying to "prevent the registration of unqualified. voters.'"' XThe ex-, pression "unqualified voters" is taken from Holton's own mouth, when he told Creelman that the increased registration of "unqualified v.oters" would give the State to the Rep.ub'i cans.) The News is muddled, or something. Montgomery; who is a beneficiary under the law, being a candidate thisi ?time, did not sit in the case Chief Justice Faircloth, as we remember, rendered the opin lon, and it did not susta11!! Hol ton's high landed acts either. It said the registrars have a right to ask questions of iden tity, age, riesidence, qualifica tions, ete. Helton's -object was to prevent such question ing so that the registration of his "unqualified voters" could go on unmolested, j Prophecy and Fulfillment. The (Kansas) Piiot. The United States silver com missin, in its report, presented in 1876. is startlingly prophetic in the light of subsequent e vents. Here is what the com mission said: -"However great the natural resources of a country may be; however genial its climate, fer tile its "soil, ingenious, enter prising aud industrious its in habitants or free its institu tions, if the volume of money is shrinking and prices are fall ing, its merchanfcg will be over whelmed with bankruptcy, - its industries will be paralyzed and'' destitution-and distress will-prevail." The sad fulfillment of .the prophecy may be told in a few brief paragraphs: Prices have fallen 50 per cent ! Merchants are bankrupt I Industries paralyzed! Destitution and distress pre vail! ' . ' - Thelburdenef debt increas- ing! - , - - The volume of money shrink ing! - - . , The, only business- which prospers is the accursed trade of usury! -- Notice.; - Notice is hereby given of seizxire on Oct. 9 1896 near Roaring Biver N 6 by J. E McEsren of four copper js tills and -. fixtures and : twelve packages corn whitikev contaminq about 5CG 1 gallons. Any person claiming .. said property. Is hereby notified tQ.jappoar before before Sam L Rogers Coll. A she villa N O or J -E MeEwen D C Wilkesboro NJO Within 30 day&from date hereof and fileMffli stating iheir. ; interest t in said property and fie - bond as required by law in suckases orhe same will .be forfeited 'to the T3(..S. G. - Thispct.. 16th, 1896. - - - am. L. Roqeks, Coll. JPefE.lIcwen,P. " " ' 29. 1896. & Millar A dow li bb of all Calicoes Percales 6 to 12 & one , A pretty Th P E PRICE TO ALL. ' CALL AND SEE THEM A Magnificent Line of JUST ARRIVING AT HAVINa OPENED UP A -CONSISTING QF- Dry Goods , Notions, Hats, ShoesrGlasswam, Ston Etc., I take this method of inuiting rhj friends to caU' and. ex xu3Qinemy GOODS and PRICES beforebi.ying.elsewhereu 1 am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure "all customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and hest; QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market pries always paid for all staple produce. -Very truly, Wilkesboro, N. O. THE WILKESBORO 11 A II D WARE STORE having recently bought a largestock of goods, is xxffering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails, -horse .ant mule shoes, holloware, crockery, cutlery, tools of all kinds, base ball goods water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistols, shot and powder, empty and loaded shells, -collars ixnd pads, and plows of all kinds. 1; Should you need a.good "Hillside"., call and you shall be supplied. jLgent.jfpr.the well know Oliver ?billed loij-, Chatanooga Cane aiiill, Cata 3vay Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons. Can give you the most tinware for the money, yon ever bought- v ? " .. When in need of anything to be had at a first-class hardware &toKe,oome and see me before purchasing elsewhere.' I sell cheap for cash, but please don t ask for credit.; G: E. MORRISON. Tl WILKESBORO CAFFEY & PRITCHETT, PROPRIETORS, NOKTH WILKESBORO, N Q. . ' Are Now Located In TheirNew Quarters Opposite. MeGee's -Establishment .With a knpl&te Lino Of Anything Kept In A ' - FIRST-CLASS FURNITURES And'are Offering SpeciabBargaiqs lii , Sewing Machines, Fianos-aTid Organct . : CARTS, BUGGIES, HARNESSft&C.iX1K'KTJOSEKE antl LTJBRTCATI7?G OIL by. the BARBEL; and STANDARO OF GVA KO At V STARVATION PRICES. ' Finishing Cfimnsjatui Caskets a Spicielty- No. 28. Buildino- ASM TO 1 . ( - 5 to 6 cents per yd. half cents.per yd. line of summer cravats. MILTON MCNEIL, F CO; -o- K1D0S of foods. isllff of theixrxes. vote KepuDiiuu.uv m-v. I