" 1 1 i, - b , RATES OF ADVERTISING Space wk. 1 in. 2 in. 3 in. i col. i col. 1 col. lm. i 3m. . Bm. I 1 yr. .75 4 2.00 44.00 6.00 1.25 a.oo e.oo 9.00 2.00 4.0G 7.50 10.00 3.50 6.00 10.00 17.00 6.50 9.75 18.00 30.00 11.00 15.00 30.00 l 50.00 9.00 12.00 17.50 25.00 45.00 75.0a TERMS OF SURSCEI PTION. One year..'..w..rf'........l,.....,.Ji.;....w.$l,oJ Six months....- - . v Three months .,......L.:....a... .; 30 ; - Payable in advunce. ail money by: registered let-' er. or postal order and address . . "VOL. X. Equal y&tion. Pirect and Indirect The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. Brief Notes of Passing May or May Not Interest Yon. Events That, Wilkes went back to her old Republican majority. r The Hix Clothing Store is offering some good bargains. Solicitor Mott is to locate at Winston soon, we learn. Let everybody get quiet again. The election is over. Prepare for winter. Get in your wood and bring ours ' - too. You can buy a ten dollar suit of clothes at Mayberry's for $5.00 ; Mr. Chas. Woods is quite sick at his home below North Wilkeshpro. Buy an oyer coat at Hix's and get ready for the storms of winter. It was a fine day Tuesday for the election. But Wednes was a "sweet one." , Keep your feet dry by get ting a pair of rubbers at the Hix Clothing Store. - . ; Mr. J. C Hubbard has been home for a few days. He came up from Charlotte to vote. We hope our friends will send us the nws no w that the 'battle of ballots' is over. Now that the fight is over and we can't warm on "poli tics," a little wood would be in order. The chronicle is late ims week, in order to get in the election news, as much as pos sible. The Methodist church here will be one of the prettiest in the Conference when it is com pleted. Our Enterprising merchant Mr. May berry, is rejoicing over the arrival at his house of a fine little girl. Mr. Linney is probably elected to Congress again, and Sherman Bryan can hold on to his position as Clerk. It has been a favorable season for wheat sowing, and a good crop is being put in the ground.' v We have heard of very lit tle disturbance over the elec tion in this county. It seems to have passed'"off very quietly. -You will find Mayberry's big stock of new goods in the Ferguson & Hubbard building. Lowest prices guaranteed. We are ready for "pos sum and taters" now. The election is over. They say the "possums" are fat, too. . Mice Mini "Rlftdsoe re- turned to her home at Raleigh last week, after spending most of ths summer in the city. -There were communion services at the Presbyterian church Sunday, and Rev. Mr. Kobinson nrPAnhed two exceJ- knt sermons. Mliss Lillie Taylor, who as been visitins:' her sister, Irs. Cranor. at this tdace, re Wn.&.B8B0gBffBigBgPB8PAY -NOV. 5- 1896., tfO 29. Bob Castle was elected con stable in North WilkesboroM? township. 4-The Republicans are goiri to celebrate Friday nigh They will all be loaded wi plenty of "liquid enthusiasm." -4-We are informed that the North 'Wilkesboro News . will suspend indefinitely after this week's issue. Mr Trogdon is mov ing to Greensboro. It's hard to get any news now. Everybody has been so excited over politics that they hav 3 forgotten to die, marry or anything else, interesting. The Episcopate will hold a. i : L i . i x 1 1 at tljis place on the 1st and 2nd of December. There will be 15 or 20 ministers and delegates present. Dr. G. H. Carter, of Cald well,! IS REPUBLICAN BY 3X ne is that happM body same not ; kno w wed to hemsftS&mef. .McNeil and Barker, Repub- pcans are. tAeotoA spnators f rom ,hls district, so far as we can rrn but we do Mr mainrJfTr -Mr. Will Pope, who has ieen spending several weeks "tecitv. rftturnpd to -Char- was in the city last week. He came here to meet his fam fily, who were returning from a vis t to relatives in Rocking ham county. l ev. Parks Gwaltney will preach the dedication sermon at ti e new Fishing Creek Arbor church, on the 4th Sun day of this month. It will be wort! hearing. Every fellow who feels that left, should remember somebody else is made on that account. Every cannot rejoice at the T . 1 J time, it comes Dy auras. John Mitchell was elected Constable in Wilkesboro town ship. Eli Andarson, J. Edward Hubbsrd and Grant Hendren, were elected magistrates. All Republicans, of course, but clever fellows. Prof. J.' W. Blankenbeck ler, of Rye Valley, Va., who opened school Oct. 5th. at Un ion, about two miles from town, was in the city last week, and payed us a pleasant call. Dick Hackett run ahead of of his ticket in this township; over 5ovotes, in spite of- the fact that the negroes went al most solid against him. He can console himself to the ex tent that his home people stood to him ,s best they could. Som e of the oldest men, the old landmarks of the coun ty, were here Monday to hear Glenn's spedch. There were Allen Whittington, 95 years old, Wesley Nichols, Hix Combs Joel Bentley and others, all near phe 90' s. Hev Mr. Mathews, off Brooklyn, N. Y., conducted servicas at the Episcopal church here last Sunday. He tvill prea'ch again next Sunday morningj He is quite an aged gentlemen, and seems earnest in the cause. Ex-Auditor Henderson and the "Red Fox ' made speeches of congratulation to a few Tuesday, at the court house. Ruff emphasized the assertion that McEinley is elected and that he (Henderson) is elected. Ruff forgbt that he was taken off of the ticket. He probably meant however that he would be bicely taken care, of. These destinguished statesmen were followed by Senator Mc- and Chairman 5ennow. iieil told them he would re- their taxes aim uuu6 "retrenchment and re- tl ;.f the Republican eeou- S ve; committee of this county. without, hardly Knovving i . jXniont. candidates gave i inueycUU- : st:- TJtepublicans Sweep Wilkes Couii ty and Elect Erery Officer. The returns of the county came in slow and it was impos sible to eret anvthiner like a :, - o T - o correct vote before Thursday morning. We give the total vote of the county below, for the different offices, and it is correct. Presidential Electors Mc Kinley 2833, Bryan 1809 ma jority, Republican, 1024. For Governor Russell 2818, Watson 1755, Rep. majority, 1063. For Congress Linney 2837, Doughton 1811, majority 1026. . For State Senate McNeil 2833, Barker 2856, Wright 1812, Self 1796. For Legislature Bryan 2767, Somers 2843, Hackett 1882, Mc Ghinnis 1708. For Sheriff Call 2943, Gar ner 1705, Ferguson 50. For Register of Deeds Black burn 2824, Davis 1601, German 234. For Surveyor Chas. Colvard 2865, J. W. Burchett'1757. For Coroner S. Q. Myers 2853, David .Lee 1768. For County Commissioners W. C. Myers 2883, P. A. Lomax 2839, R. A. Spainhour 1796, J. I. Dimmett 1803, R, P. Yates 3289. Mr. Yates, had no oppo sition, being the candidate of both sides. f.u.;i lnmbia," and blistered little. v inouuuj seriously his throat a: or Tote of Wilkesboro Township. The Republicans carried Wilkesboro township by a ma j rity larger than heretofore. There were over 400 registered voters and the most of them voted. For Governor the can didates received the following vote: Russell 236, Watson 129, Guthrie 2. Sec'y of State Republican 248; Democrat 125. Auditor Ayer rep. 253, Fur man dem. 120. Associate Justice Supreme Court Rep.'242, Dem. 120. For Congress Linney 243A Doughton 124. For State Senate Barker 245; McNeil 244, Wright 129, Self 127. For the House of Representa tives Bryan 226, Somers 242, Hackett 147, McGhinnis 128. For Sheriff Call 250, Garner 119, Ferguson 1. Register of Deeds Black burn 243, Davis 111, German 12 For Commissioners Myers and Lomax 242 each, Yates 268, Spainhour 131, Dimmett 133. Constable Mitch ell 241', Lowe 67, Shew 36. Magistrates E. F. Anderson J. E. Hubbard, A. G. Hendren, 243 each. No other candidates. Elector g McKinley, 232, Bryan, 132. Additional Locals. I Should Go to the Pen. Some scoundrel or scoundrels cut and, mutilated, Mr. A. A. Millers cloth tent, which he used for a photograph gallery, on the night previous to the election. Mr. Miller was not here, but had gone to Denver to visit his people. It was a cowardly mean trick, and the perpetrators will pay for it in the penitentiary. if there is any chance. We do not say that the gold bug negro club meet ing at ,' the court house that night had anything to do with it but it is probable that some of its members are individually I concerned and will have to ac count for it. They probably did It to keep the Democrats from "placing them in slavery xvr : 1 1 : K3 nmi give you a. nau uj. the magistrates and cousta bles elected, next week. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kinnear returned to Wilkesboro Thurs day, after spending several months among northern rela tives and friends. - Alexander, Linney 's home county, went 31 against him. Last election, it gave him over 300. Wilkes and Fosyth saved Linney from the "bottomless pit" of political defeat. The vote in Wilkes is the largest it has ever been, there being over forty six hundred votes polled. There are over 5,000 voters registered, and the most of those who didn't vote are Democrats. We all, Democrats, Repub licans, Populists or whatever, have to live in the same coun try, breathe the same kihd of air, drink the same kind of water, and read the same Bible and its no use quarrelling at eaoh other after the matted is over. s The Mascot," of States ville says, that 'Cal. and John Hor ton, the two-young boys charg ed with robbing the mail be tween Wilkesboro and Jeffer son plead guilty and were sen tenced to one year in 'the re formatory." The name of the boys is Hardin instead of Hor- j ton. Mr. Wilson Davidson, of ' this place, and Miss Lizzie Stewart, of Statesville, were married on Wednesday of last week, at the residence of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Angus Whitley, who lives near Dock ery, this county. Rev. W. R. Bradshaw performed the' cere mony. The Chronicle's best wishes are theirs. Ex-Auditor "Koon Skin ner," who came off the ticket for pure patriotism, still exhib its symptoms of the same gen erous impulse occasionally. The other night' he generously unloaded his roll of "long green" at big odds, on election predictions, and "now he's sorry that he fooldd with the Zulus." Sheriff Call made a "few broken remarks" at the court house Thursday. He thanked every body for his big vote and told them that he would make a good Sheriff. He electrified everybody by making the an nouncement that there would not be a Democrat alive in 1898. This was cheered to the echo. If his prediction comes true, there'l have to be a mighty dy ing out in this country. People stood in the rain here Wednesday and screamed for McKinley and the gold stan dard, who never had a gold dollar in their lives, and whos little bit of land, if they have any will probably have to be solcfcfor taxes in the next four years, under the gold standard. As soon as their Hanna boodle and Wilkes "liquid enthusi asm" get low, the hollowing will change into sobs o regret. . The Miller Ui ding o da Ws5& Am li jeofail Ms of pois. ; Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per: yt Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. . A pretty line of summer cravats. ONE PRICE TO ALL. CALL AND SEE THEM A Magnificent Line of Tie JUST AE RIVING AT Hix Cloinff Store. -HAVING OPENED UF A- OP M CONSISTING OF "Eg Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries,, Etc., I take this method of inujting mj friends to call and ex. amme my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. ' I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. , I will insure all my customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and 'best QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market prico always paid for all staple produce. -Very truly, Wilkesboro, N. C. MILTON MCNEIL, BBC A N THE W1LKESBOEO HARDWAEE STORE having recently bought a large stock of goods, is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails,, horse ancfc mule shoes, holloware, crockery, cutlery,. tools of all kinds, base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistols, shot and powrter, empty and loaded shells, collars and pads, and. plows of all kinds. Should you need a good "Hillside", call and you sh all be supplied. Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow, Chatanooga Cane mill, Cuta way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons. . ' Can give you the most tinware for the money, yon ever bought. yhen in need of anything to be had at a first-class hardware store, come and- see me before purchasing elsewhere. v . . I sell cheap for cash, but please dont ask for credit. C:F. MORRISON. , THE WILKESBOBO Fl BIITDB E-C Notice.. Notice i9 hereby given pf Beizurv on Oct. 9 189ff near Roaring River N C by J E McEwen of fotir copper stills and fixtures and twelve packages coin whiskey con tainintr about 506 gallons. Any person claiming aid property is hereby notified to appear before before Sam. L Rogers Coll. Asheville N C or J E. McEweo. D C Wilkesboro N C within 30 fays from, date hereof and file claim stating, their interest in said property snd file bond as required by law in such cbfes or the same will be 3 forfeited to the U: S. G. This Oct. 16tb,' 1896. . v , Sam. I. Roess, Coll., CAFFEY & PRITCHETTy PROPRSETORSi -NORTH WIIiKESBORO.'.K. C., - ' - - ' ' . v. . - ''-;....'. ...... Are Now Located In Their New Quarters Opposite McGee's Establishment" With a Complete ''Bine Of Anything- Kept In A , . . . FIRST-CLASS FURE!ITUI?E STORE, And are Offering Special Bargains In , . . ; Sewing Machines, Pianos, anct Organs, QARTB, BUGaiES, HA11NESS, &C. ' KEROSENE and-LTJBBTCA'TIXG . OIL by the BARREI and STANDARD BRANDS OF 0UAK0 X 1 r STAR V All O N RRjCES. ; inishixiGoffiCqni SycqJalty- ' . ' ttelast week to vote' ' He is again.'! - -. ' Xer J. E. McEwen, D. C. injured, A I - was . killed very