V9" -4 k b RATES OF ADVERTISING. iTERMS OP-SlXBSCRrPXION. JJpace j 1 wk. 1 m. 3 m; ! 6 m. Oae ye4r............. .......... ...-. ........ .1.00 pix months J CO 1 in. 2 in. 3 in. col. COl.i 1 col. ,75 1.23 2.00 2.00 3.00 4.00" 6.00 4.00 6.00 7.50 6.00 9.00 10.00 17.00 &.00 2.00 Three yapi6 m advance. -trends all money by retired let er or postal order nd address ! . ........... . 30 17.50 25.00 45.00 3.50 6150 11.00 10.00 9.75 18.00 ! 30.00 '50.00 15.00 '30.00 75.00! qual Jaxatipn, Pirect and Indirect. VOL. X. The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. Brief Notes of Passing Events That May or May Not Interest Yon. WILKESBORO. N. C.. THURSDAY. JSTOY. 19. 1896. H. M. Wellborn is Visiting in Ashe, -N l r..t.i joi uuia is naving a new fence placed around hid house lot. Mr. R. A. Spainhour has moved his family to the cityi to spend the winder. Dr. J. B. Triplett of Elk Park was in town Friday. Dr. is looking well. Dr. L. A. Hauser has moved his family to North Wilkesboro from East Bend. MrSf C. P. Morrison has gone to Salisbury to visit rela tives .and help eat conference chicken. TTT.'I TXT? 1 -vviiey vvinKier msq. was pretty badly bruised up one day last week. His Wagon turned over with him. Rev. and Mrs. Dawson, Dr. Turner and Prof. Nicholson, have gona to Saliaburry to at tend conference. The Rebekas meet Thursdav at 7 p. m. All members are requested to come. Important business to attend to. W. H. Marler, of Winston, was in the city last week, sup plying our merchants with goods of his lino. The Topic says there'are al ready six applicants for the post office at Lenoir. They seem to be innumerable here. Miss Sudie Mott, of Mt. Mourne, is visiting the family of solicitor Mott, in this city, and will remain here till Christ mas. There were .a few scatter ing snow flakes fell one morn iog last week the first of the season. It is an early start. Esq. E. M. Absher was in the city last week on business. He says people have not yet finished sowing wheat in his section. H. M. Parlier and B. F. Tedder, of the Brushies, put in good crops of wheat with drills this year the first drilling we have heard of on the Brushies. Misses Mary Bell Atkins, of Jonesville, Julia Kelley and Cora Marler, of Yadkinville, spent a few days of last week with friends and relatives in the city. We have nothing to do with the Republican patronage, but if they don't give Hon. J. H. Henderson a good job, they'll prove to be a set of un grateful wretches. The wife of Patterson Fox, who lives near Brown's ford was bitten hv a snider last l i. week and has suffered a great deal since. She is improving now. Our friend Ly tie N. Hick ei'son has located at North Wilkesboro for the purpose of practicing the profession, of law. We wish him success, and plenty of it. ' Call has advertised his last routid for taxes, and says he be compelled to v collect 'hern. He will have an assist or two, so as to fill all the appointments. Be on hand New Groceries of all kinds just recieved at Call's. Miss Minnie Deal, of Cald well, is visiting her brot hers at this place. Mrs. Rebecca Nicholson who has been visiting Dr. White's returned home Satur day. ' v The revenues put Bunk Spicer in jail last week for mak ing alittle blockade. They cut up his still. Next Sunday Rev. Parks Gwaltney preaches the dedica tion sermon at the new Fishing Creek Arbor church. Our friend A. H. Eller, of Winston, and Miss Laura New. land, of Atlanta, marry the 19tth inst. Much joy to them. Miss Ida Green gave her music schollars a compliment ary ride on the "flying Jenny" last Friday, which was enjoyed very much . Mr. Thomas Pennel and Mr. Barnett of Caldwell county were in Wilkes last week visit- ng Mr. H. C. Pennel and other relatires. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Deaton save moved to Statesville this week, where they will make their home. Good luck to, them. There will be services at the Baptist church Thanksgiv ing' day at 2:30 o'clock. A col lsction for Thomasville Or phanage will be taken up. On Sunday Nov. 8th Mr. Amos Greene and Miss Lottie Bradley were united in the hbly bonds of matrimony. Both ot Mt. Zion. Kev. Isaac Miller tied the knot. Prof. L. A. Abernethey, w,no taugnt scnooi nere some years asro, was elected to the Legislature froni Lincoln coun ty,, at the recent election. He w is elected by 2 votes. Th present board of coun ty commissioners did their last work as commissioners on last t. NO. 31. BIG SENSATION. , , ' IS- had oath the VI body Saturday. Their places will be taken the first Monday by the recently elected commissioners, Rev. W. R. Bradshaw will preach at the Baptist church at phis place every third Sun day night commencing with the third Sunday in Dec. Rev. Mry Kennedy will preach at the same church every third Sun day at 11 o'clock. 4-E. O. Mastin, who is ex pecting to be one of the reve t . nue managers in tnis country, announced and taken an before God, that during four years of McKinley's administration there shall not be a single distillery, blockade or otherwise, cut or destroyed in t lis county. If Mastin can cany out his oath, he will be the idol of the' whiskey men in these "diggins." - tRev. W. R. Bradshaw at tended the Baptist State Con vention at Morganton last week. He made a good im- feion upon tne convention. eport of the meeting in referring to the discussion on mission says: "The next speak er whs W. R. Bradshaw, of the ;'State of Wilkes." He said: "We have plenty of Baptist. If you shake any bush they will tun out. He is decidedly prigihal, and pleased every- Anpther Good Man Gone Wron A sensation was created here last Wednesday when it was learned that a warrant was in the hands of an officer for the arrest of Lawyer J. B. Buxton, on the charge of forgery. The warrant has never been served. The officer has never found Mr. Buxton. He has probably left the country. The charge is that he forged the Clerk's and Register's cer tificate upon a mortgage deed, by which ho obtained money from a money lender in New York, A. L. Richardson. Bux ton was the agent for Richard son. G. W. Parlier negotiated for a loan, and signed up the mortgage. Buxton sent it on and got the money. Richard son sent statement to Parlier Tor first installment, and Par lier answered that he had re ceived no money. A detective was sent here to- investigate the matter and it seems the mortgage had not been regis tered although certificates of registration were on it, and as a result the warrant Was is sued for Buxton's arrest. We understand that the mortgage has been . paid off, and that Buxton has left the country. The warrant howev er is still in the hands of the officer. His wife and a bright little girl whom they had taken to raise, are still here. His many friends here had hoped that he could clear up the matter satisfactorily. Du ring his stay here he has been a quiet, pleasant and accommo dating citizen, and has made many friends. It is probably the old story. He was to generous, got hard pusnea, ana went wrong, wituout intending to injure any one. It is to be regretted. A Norel Fight. A rather novel fight occurred of the week. A cow and a hog got into a fight over ' politics and it seems that the hog was getting the best of it until the cow hooked the hog's tongue off, leaving only a short part of it. The hog could not eat nor squeal. The cow carried the tongue away on her horn Mr. Duncan had to kill the hog. This is no fish story. . She Saved the Train. The Hustler. Miss Alice Forster, who lives down the railroad about six miles -from this place, prevented what might have been serious wreck Monday afternoon. A horse, in attempting to cross the trestle, fell and be come entangled, and was un able to get out without assist ance. Miss Alice saw it and realized that there .would be a wreck unless she could flag down the train which soon pass. She went up the road about half a mile and patiently waited for th? approaching train which soon hove in sight, and she succeeded in Slagging it down, thereby preventing what might have been a serious wreck, and loss of life. Capt. Hawkins was more than grateful for her thought fulness, as were all on board. pres The atd settle up. rards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Tate Blair ghter of Capt. Blair, of Aorth Wilkesboro, to Mr. Walt Gwyn, on Wednesday eve ng Nov. 25th at 8 "o'clock, at ftrlu tit i . - , . .; "llu -. . - rForOrer Fifty ITear. , ed for drerflfty years by millions of mothers for tueir children while teething w4 th perfect sncces?. It Sootb s the child, softens the ghms, allays all pain cuies wind colic, smd is the best remedy for J.,nli. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately." ; Sold by druggists in every part of j theorll Twenty- cent a bottled Be sure "The Merry Go-Around," Shooting, and Other Pleasantries. The "merry go around" at North Wilkesboro is the draw ing card. The pleasure seekers flock around it day and night. The svift footed hobby horses in making their swift rounds often exhilirates their riders to such an extent that they feel like performing a few John Sullivan acts. And last Satur da night they all got wrought up to the highest pitch, and had several fights. And they say that all regions round about yet show signs of' hair, blood and destruction. On the same night, John5 iiarnett, a tannery hand, was shot with a shot gun, and his legs and feet were ; filled with shot. Harnett naa taK en a drunken fellow home and was on his way to his home, and just as he got at j the corner near the Methodist church and Mr. Hawkins' some unknown party shot nim. JNo suspicion as yet rests upon any one. But the "merry go around" goes on. i Removal We beg to state to our custo mers that after the 17th inst. they will find us on B. street opposite Hotel Gordon. . A full line of clothing, hats, shoes, overshoes, gents furnishings etc.; ill stock- A line of sample shoes expected this jweek Hor ton & Absher, North Wilkes boro. r Senatorial Tote 29th District. The vote for Senators in this district is as follows: County, Barker, .McNeil, Wright, Self. Alexander, 828 Catawba, 1925 Lincoln, 1317 Wilkes, 2856 The Miller Bulling So Ao sp aim Ane? line of all Ms of looils Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yd, Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. ".'':. .... ... , A pretty line of summer cravats. OWE PRICE TO ALL, CALL AND SEE THEM A Map-nificent Line of 811 1832 123G 2833 G793 952 1738 1129 1812 5631 919 1705 1135 1796 5555 Total. 6926 McNeil's majority Over Wright is 1126 and Barker over Self 1371. The majorities are not so large as they were two years ago in the district, they being over 1500 then. The Democrats made a gain of over 700 in the three counties out side of Wilkes, but Wilkes gave big Republican gains. The Congressional vote. The Topic. As we. gather the vote in this Congressional district the coun ties show the following majorities: Linney, Doughton, 420 31 108 281" 326 234 1400 Bucklen,s Arnica Salye. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Brai ses, -'Sores, Ulcers, Salt Elieuro, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, aud all Skin Eruptions,' and positively cures Tiles, or no pay required. It is graranteed to give perfeqt satisfaction, or money refunded. -Price 25 cents per box. IWSAUS, BY STA LEY & Co. . . - ' Alleghany Alexander Ashe 31 Burke Caldwell Cleveland Forsyth 1083 Gaston Surry 231 Watauga 118 Wilkes lo26 Total; 2489 Linney's majority, 1089. Two Lire8ared. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had consumption and that- there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says ii saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St. San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consumption, tried without result everything eise then bought one bottle Br? King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples, that prove the wonnderful efficacy of this medicine in coughs and colds Free trial bottles at Staley & Go's, Drug Store Regular size 50c. and $1.00. D yiiiisfi m JUST ARRIVING AT Store. -HAVING OPENED UEs& M CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries. iLtc, I take this method of inuiting my friends to call and ex amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all my customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and hp QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. ' The highest market WiV always paid for all staple produce, ! rVcry truly Wilkesboro, N. C. MILTON MCNEIL, BUG A R GAIN THE WILKESBORO HARDWARE STORES having recently bought a large stock of goods, : is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of tfails, horse: anc mule shoes, holloware, crockery, cutlery, tools of all kinds, base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistols, shot and powder, empty and loaded shells; collars and pads, and plows of all kinds. - . i ; V Should you need a good "Hillside", call and you shall be supplied. Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow, Chatanooga Cane mill, Cuta- way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons. Can give you the most tinware for the money, yon ever bought. When in need of anything to be had at a first-class hardware store, come and see me before purchasing elsewhere. I sell cheap for cash, but please dont ask for predit. " . C. E. MORRISON. THE WILKESBORO FUl CO., Notice to Non-Besidents. , Hese and W T 5Y)aurh. tradine as Salem Iron 1 Works, vs. C C Bowie, A .W Jones, Mrs." May Hagaman, et al that Mrs May Hagaman and C C Bowie are non-residents oT this State,' and that they are necessary parties in this action, which is for the division of the laud "described in the' complaint of the plaintiff, it is therefore orcler ed and adj udged by the cour t that-, publication be made in The-Chronicle, a newspaper publish ed in the town of wi'kesboro, county'ok Wilkes for six successiveweeks, cominandingthe said Mrs. May Hagaman and O O Bowie to "appear before me at my office at wilkesboro cn the 20th day f f T3J. 1831 at 2 u'It c'x p. m. and answer - or detour the compla nt or 1h said actU n w 11 ? e I h ard exp nta as to them. This Nov. ' 10, 1893, ! " ' ' - "A.M.VA NY,c-f. C. ' t LMSw'nlj, Atfy for Pla ti ';. ' . - CAFFEY & PRITCHETT, PROPRIETORS,: Are Now Located In Their New Quarters 'Opposite McGees Establishment With; a Complete Line. Of Anything Kept In A " FIRSTCLASS FURWITURE STORE V Aiid are OffriS l I Serving Macliiiiesi pianos, aii3j Organ CARTS, BUGGIES, II ARNESS, AC. KEROSENE and LUBRICATING. OIL by the BARREL, and STANDA BRANDS OF (JUANO STARVATION PRICES. ' . Finishing Coffins ariti Cskcta Secialty . . - , TfcU wilkesboro. and take

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