- BATES OF ADVERTISING. Space 1 wfc; lm. i Sm. ,! 6m.4;.l n Pix months ' 1 in. 2 in. 3 in. col. i col . 1 col. .75 1.25 2.00 3.50 6.50 ! 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 ' 6.00 9.00 10.00 17.00 9.00 12.00 I i .. - .,. , -.... yrj 17.50 25.00 45.00 . .rayame in advance. ' . Emends all money 'by registered, let er or postal order and address y.75 18.00 30.00 11.00 1 15.00 30.00 '50.00 1 75.00 JSqual Taxation, J Tect and Indirect.. voiy x. The Chronicle. LOCAL -DOTS. Brief Notes of Passing Events That May or May Not Interest Ton. Only one month till Christ mas. Dr. Parlier, of Boone, is quite sick. --Overcoats at Hix's. Now's the time to buy. f , A. Hi. Berry has returned from his trip to Jefferson. Recently near Halls Mills, W. P. Wyatt's wife died. . , The stores will be closed to-day Thanksgiving. Geo. Faw, of Virginia, is visiting relatives in the county. Mr. C. E. Parlier made a trip to Statesville last week. The Bank of North Wilkes-' boro will be closed Thanksgiv ing day. Miss Davie Wellborn fs at East Bend visiting friends and relatives. Esq. G. W. Hinshaw, of Winston, was in the city last week.- , . If you want lime you'll find it at Morrisons Hardware Store. . Lawyer H. L. Greene and Mr James G. Hackett went to "Winston Friday. Messrs. Will and Sam Mc E?veii, of Jefferson, were in the city last week. For axes, call at Morrison's hardware store. He guaran tees them. -Mr. W. C. Coffey, of Boone, spent a few days at ' Esq. Curtis' last week. -Esq. G. W. Sale, of Creek, was in the city on :uess the first of the week Mr. C. XI. Davis and ly are visiting; relatives friends in East Bend. Miss Lillian Bagby, of Ashe, is visiting Mrs. Call and family, at this pldce. Mrs. Laxton, mother of W. A. Laxton, near Moravian Falls, is quite sick. Tom Watson, who had been in Ashe a few days, re turned to Winston Saturday'. -Rev. W. R. Bradshaw will preach at the Baptist church here next Sunday at 11 o'clock. The few turkeys that have been spared, can give . thanks that it is as well with them as it is. G. W. Holmes made a bus iness trip to Fayetteville, Wil mington and other places last week. Lawyer R. N. Hackett and Will White of the Marble Works, went over to Ashe last week:. . The wife of " James Rob ots died near Halls Mills last ;veek. She was about 26 years old. - i! Little Mabel Hix has gone o Concord to spend he winter vith her grandma, Mrs. Strick- . er. r . ' WTLKESBORO. 1ST. C. THURSDAY. NOV. -26. 1896 Lawyers W. W. Barber and T. B. Finley are attending Supreme Court at Raleigh this week . Our wood subscribers have been responding liberally, and the goose bone can point any way she pleases Our delinquents should re mem Wer that we need a f nickels to lay in a supply striped candy for Christmas. The dedication services at Fishing Creek Arbor Sunday was largely attended. The services are being protracted this week. The family of W, E. Har ris, w,;io have been among rel atives and friends up ijr Cald wall county, returned home SundaV. M: Rufus Lenoir, of the Happy Valley, was in the city Friday night. He was on his way to spend a few days in Surry county. Rev. W. L. Dawson has been.r 3turned to tliis circuit. Rev. J. H. Sprinkle has been assigned to the North Wilkes boro circuit. A small slice of the cold wave which has been, traveling througjh the northwest, struck NOTICE. 3 will sell the personal prop erty of J. B. Buxton.at Wilkes boro, N. C, Friday Nov. 27th, at public salM, glitcr of the Siamese TwiifliJ5 cents per pound. Brier busi- fami- and us tnrs weeK, but it didn t strike hard. The postoffice will be closed Thanksgiving day, except at the tin: es of the arrival of the mails. All who wrant their mail si ould call then. Y"oii had better heed Sher iff Call's last call for taxes. He is going to collect them, and the sooner you pay them the betteriE will lie for you. If vou have clothes need- ing to be cleaned up, W. W. Hortod Dead. Mrs. Victoria Bolejaclf died last week in Knoxville, Tenn. She was the daughter of Chang one of the celebrated Siamese twins, Eng. and Chang, who lived and died at Mt. Ai ry. . She leaves two grown children. She had gone tp Knoxville to have a cancer treated. The physicians de cided it was necessarv to per form an operation. She nev er recovered from the shock. The Blind To See. Thomas A. Edison has been experimenting upon the blind with the cathode or X rays, and the subjects have been able to distinguish the flashes of light. The most successful results ere attained with the aid of a red globe, and it is Ed ison's intention to continue ex perimenting in this line until . much more satisfactory results j are arrived, at, wnicii ne con fidently predicts soon. Additional Locals. Arbuckle's coffee at 20c per pound at Call's. ', " W. E. Harris has gone to Winston this week. Green coffee at Call's only & Co., North Wilkes- bonvare prepared to do the work neatly and cheapl3r. A protracted meeting will begin at Moravian Falls the first Sundav i n December. Jones, of Morganton 1. Rev. M will be the services. A present and assist in ;Curious cabbage was purchased at McNeil's store this week. It came from across the mountain and had . 3 five distinct heads all on one stalk. Cad the mar noir. place tli T h cornet serenad night. Hugh Cranor has returned from his southern trip, where e had taken some horses to sell. t Horton &l Co. have an ad vertisement in this issue. Try ttieru when you want work Tree Fell on Him. Finley ClMirch, of Purlear, is pretty badly mashed up, though not fatally. Saturday night a week ago, he and some of the other boys were hunt ing 'possums. They found one, and cut down the tree. This tree tell against a dead tree, which was knocked down, and a portion of the broken limbs and fragments of the dead tree fell upon Church. Dr. Eller was called in to ad minister to the. wounds bruises. -0'd and and ac- ds are out announcing riage of Prof. W. L. Nicholson, of this place, - and Miss Erne Jean Squires, of Le the marriage takes e 25th. e North Wilkesboro band came, over and o . v ea our town oaturuay The boys do well for the short time they have been practicing. Thete will be Thanksgiv in a- sfirvhrreK conducted at the Episcopal, Presbyterian and Baptist bhurches. Everybody Poplin Harris; Elkin Times, Nov. 19th, j Mr. Richard L. Harris Miss Iris the beautiful and complished daughter of Mr. J. S. Poplin were united in Mar riage at the residence of the bride's father, yesterday morn ing at eleven o'clock, Rev. E. N Gwyn officiating. Only the immediate family of the bride and groom were present. Both the bride and groom are popu lar young people and we join their many friends in wishing them much happiness through out their wedded life. Tlie 'Flying' Jenny" in Trouble. "Thy fate is the common fate of all; Into each life some rain must fall, Some days be dark and dreary." And it was not an event of a nature extraordinary when trouble came to the "Flying Jenny." It had made a good run since it came among us and it took in the nickels very live ly. But itrouble came. It owed money fo rework, etc. It was arrested and tried before should attend at one or the j gomers and - Staley, and was Alice Gilreath and live quite mother ribvrflnfP 'who 1ear Moravian Falls, are Ktwith fever. "-"The brick work on jew Methodist church 'has :e.eft completed, and-the roof Is ! - J the other of them. Solictor J. F. Spainhour and little son Carl, of Morgan ton, spe it a few days in the city ani county last week. He returned' home the first of the wee.c. ProJ . Nicholson has been assignee by the Conference to the school, at Valle Crucis, and will locate there shortly. This will leave the school here with out a teacher, 4Ir. EI. Ries, of the United States aeological Survey, visit ed Wilkts last week and gath ered up it lot of clay, etc He fnrwardid Samples OI the Clay j Mrs. May Kagaman rmcl O O Bowie to app frosi the difTerent brick yards v c lp v , r, , , . rhure an ' He seem ' Lawyer Hickerson has gone totRonda to spend Thanksgiv ing. For Christmas goods of -every kind go to I. S. Call So (Jo. . -You can buy a nice window shade at Mayberry's for 15 cents. ' See notice of sale of per sonal property of J. B. Buxton, which occurs Friday. Maybrry will have a new lot of shoes in bv Saturdav. " - Call and see them. License was issued this week for the marriage of Peter Mitchell to Alice Smithey. Dr. L. P. Somers, of Os bornville, was in the city this week. He reports the health of his community good. Mrs. Dr. Turner went to Lenoir Tuesday to attend the marriage of Prof. Nicholson and Miss Squires, which oc curs Wednesday. The Rebekahs have sent a small Thanksgiving offering to the orphans at Goldsboro. The orphans are not forgotten on such occasions. Chas. Somers, one of the Representatives elect from this county, is recovering from a severe attack of la grippe, which he contracted during the Canvass. A half interest in the John Glass saw mill, and the tract of land on which it is located was sold Friday, under mort gage. The price brought was veryl?rw gold standard pric es. Sheriff Call wishes the peo ple to understand that all who have not settled the 1895 taxes by December the first may ex pect their property to be levied upon. Pay your taxes and save trouble. Benjamin Huffman, o f Lewis Fork township, seems to be ahead on turnips. He brought-one to town last week which weighed six pounds. He has plenty that weigh three and four pounds. As Rev. Mr. Mathews w-as coming to the postoffice and was near the ford of bub Creek, some thoughtless bird hunter fired and the shot struck the bushes all about him. It was a nanrow escape. Hunters should be more careful. . - " ' 1 ' if - km of pods . line of all Ms. Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yd. Percales S to 12 & one half cents per ydj pretty line of summer craiVats, t "T CALL AND SEE THEM . , ! IMapiiificent Line of n JUST AERIVIN.G AT e Six Clotlffli Store. HxlVING OPENED UP A- CONSISTING t)F- Dry Goods, tote,. Hats, Shoos, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries; Etc., I take thisonethod of inuiting my friends to call and ex amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all my customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best - QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market prico - always paid for all staple produce. -Very truly, - MI LTON : MC N"EIL, Wilkesboro, N. C. Esq. D. A. Reece's horse dropped dead one day last week. The horse had been sick for some time, 'and fell dead while walking from the pasture to the stable. It was an excellent horse, and was prized greatly for its good qualities as a family horse. Mr. Reece is having bad luck. Not long ago lie lost a $50.00 milk cow. ' adjudged to pay the debt at once or quit "flying." It paid up the debt, but its dignity was s o insulted a t being drasrged before the dignitaries of the court, that "it . silently tolded its tents, like the Arabs, and as silentlv stole away." Notice to Non-Uesidents. It appearing to the court in the case of C A HegeVnd W T Spiiugh, trading as Salem Iron j Sunday night. It WaS the WOTk Works, vs. O C Bowie, A W Jones, Mrs. Mar i . " j- 7 -r. , TVare House Pestroyed. The liquor ware house be longing to L. L. Church, situ ated at Soda Hill Watauga I county, was destroyed by fire j THE WILK'ESBOEO IIAEDWAEE STOEE having recently bought a large stock, of gooxls, is" offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting- of Nails; horse ..and mule shoes, holloware, crockery, cutlery, tools of all kinds, base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oilsuns, pistols, shot and powder empty and' loaded shells, collars' and pads, and plows of all kinds.. . Should you need a good, "HHlside", call and you shall be supplied. Agent or the well know Oliver Chilled Plow, Chatanooga Cane iur . Cuta-. way Disc Harrow,, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons. Can give you the most tinware for the money, yon ever bought. . : When in need of anything'to be had at a first-elassr hardware store, come and: see me before purchasing elsewhere. , i I sell cheap for cashbut please dont ask for credit." . . i a f. MOEEisojsr. THE iniESBORfl FBB1T IE Ha jraaum, et a 1 that Mrs May HaganiJin and C O Bowie are non-residents of this State, and that they are necessary parties in this action, winch is for .the 'division of .the lanJ 'described in the complaint of the plaintiff, it is therefore ' order ed and adjudged by the court that publication b ma le in The Chronicle, a newspaper publish ed in the town of Wiltcesboro, county of Wiltes for six successive weeks, commanding the sa id appca 2f)th of. incendiaries. It contained seven packages of spirits .which were destroyed in the flames. Tax paid stamps for the amount of whiskey in the warehouse had been ordered and paid for a few days before, the amount being about $350 00. This will ii -Kiir j. tirTi will le i " ivoa, exo v en ao ju,ks , , . i - . spirits, unless a rebate of -taxes Wkr -ii.O ifl? tcCtOl V. tti-snai tln.-ovfpla.ut or :ii tA . .U;vfa trtthpm. This Nov. in. ISO !. I: a thin!' it ic nf an . - -; .,.x.,,r ' - CAFFEY & PR1TCHETT, PROPRIETORS.' NORTH WILKESBORO, N. ' , : o .-v. , Are Now- Located In Their New Quarters Opposite McGee's Es.tablishmentvWith; a- CoTnplfctj Ijin Of Anything Kept In A . . . ' ... And are Offering Special Bargai as In - Sewing Maclaines, J?ia.n6s5 and Organs CARTS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, &C KEROSENE and TBnUCTATITO. OIL by the BARRET and STAXDAKI) 'BtANDS OF GUANO A , STAR VAT f ON PRICES- ' Pinishms Coffips and Casfceta a Sf ccialty-. ";' ' ' excellent quality. ' ,'LMwink,Att'yfbrrwiir. ; '--..ZiA'WZi; J n ' T 4i - r T

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