LTax VOI.,. x, WTTKESB The Chronic le. LOCAL DOTS Brief Nates of Passing E?ents That May or May Net Interest You was in s, IS Capt. K . M. Allen the city last week. Blu m's Almanacs at Call 5 ce its a piece., "It rains and the wind never-weary4 .; - For cigars and tobacco see Bud Gall. Y I We have had a little touch of a regular 4nor-easter." Henry Kleoppelberg, o Charlotte was in the city last week. ' ' " ' ' Cicero Hubbard is work ing with Mac Absher, North Wilkesboro. The sight of the falling i i t j- i , snow aimosc purs unristmas in ;i body's bonej. 3 pound can pealed peaches' at Calls for 10 cents the best on the market. Mrs. J. P. Rousseau left Saturday for Atlanta to Visit her mother who is quite sick. C. U. Davis and family and Miss Davie Wellborn have re turned from their visit to East I Bend. jMr. C. C. Smoot and fami ly, and Miss Smoot, have re turned to Alexandria, Va., spend the winter. Prof. W. R. Ilendren, Straw, has gone to Rowan take charge of a school' there. He began the school Monday. Marshall Smithev has a mixed fqwl it is partly guinea and partly chicken, ana he ' John Bledsoe, of Ashe wasJllGHT in town this waair. wtmM -May berry has a new lot of heavy boots for winter. ' 20 pounds granulated su gar at Call's for one dollar. Pr J. C. Linney of York Institute,! has 'applied for ihe school at this place, ' , . i ' I V C . . WITH rONFEDEROT&V ::' st Pani'a v v. riinM.f. . ,. .. - - Ttwur. - J A. ...... 3 A . .U. VM MA lU -' - .- . -' ' ygwr , , -ps-p- convocation ary district of Asheville A Co npl e of Wilkes Men H4e a Lot 01 Confederate Money Paid Them by a Davie Man, but Their. Brandy and Their Man are "Oni of Sight" H. E. Combs and another man whose name we didnU. catch have on hand a few ex tra Confederate bills, which -The .Kebekahs meet Thurs they wish thev. didn't to of to day night, at ? o'clock. Be on nana promptly. Buy ten quarter brown and bleached sheetlngp at Mayber ry's. Good quality. Mrs. Bingham, of States yille, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Somers. Prof. Nicholson was in the city this week gatheringip his books, etc, preparatory to going to v alle Crucis. Miss Dora Bingham, who has been visiting here several weeks returned to Staterville last week. Don't forget the meeting of the Convocation at St. Paul's P. E. Church Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leck- ey, of Iredell, spent a few days in the city, last week and this, returning home Tuesday. Peter Johnson and family of Utah, are visiting his old home at Dellaplane. He has been west eleven years. The Fishing Creek Arbor neeting closed last week. There were seven or eigrht con versions during the meeting. Sheriff Call has instructed is deputies to levy upon the. hav-e. They Jive in Somers tow These bills are the genuine , old Confederate sort, imt they have been repaintedwith greeny aod just at a glancefesembla green backs. These men got ths money Combs $90 and the other fellow $80 one night re cently when thev didn't df- - , - i UitXU ChV V J cover that the bills were paint- I addresses I ea. A tellow by the name of SnMer and another fellow who said he lived at Charlotte, came up to Combs' one night and got a load of brandy. Thejr were in a hurry and loaded that night, paid for it, by the, dim light, and left. Win light came the Wilkes fellows examined their new supply of cash and found it is painted up mighty pretty, but isn't legal tender, as the Confederacy has gone out of business. They made pursuit and followed in to Davie, but lost track of them there. They haven't been neard of since. The bran dy is gone, the men are gone,, but the painted money tfiey still have with them. ' , Church. of the mis siofiary district of Asheville wilfcfce held in the church on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, to be followed bv a lecture in the court house on Friday night by Rev. J. F. George, of Winston; subject, 'An Evening in Great Brit aid:" A number of visitincr clergymen and delegates are expected and the convocation promises to be of unusual in terest. The opening session will be Held on Weduesday, Dec 2nd, at 11 o'clock when the Cohvo cation Sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Churchill Satterlee, and at the different sessions addresses will h mdA hv ,ppitiu j. n e o cordon o n ''What can a layman do in the church toward spreading the gospel?" By Mr. Cam Pearson on 'rThe Sunday School Supt." Bv Raloh Laxto ixlUSlC wi The Miller B ' . : !: O .'':' . r u riding, Ac as AIM AiiefflifleofallMsofsoofls. 01 LA roperty of those who have nof paid their taxes. Daniel Brookshire and fle- cca Buragarner were married vvauis to Know wnai to nuru a Mrtl, wnioh looi- it. " . -. , . . M.Y. and Mrs. Tom Lillard, and Chas. Gwyn, and daugh ter, of 'Elkin, .attended the Gwyn Blair marriage last week. lion t roraret tnat uati is sroino: to have your "" taxes. You just might as well pay it. He wants cash, and not 'con fidence." J. C. Buxton, of Winston, was in the city last week, at tending the sale of personal property belonging to J. B. Buxton. A. A. Miller, 4ihe Photog rapher and jeweller, is here again after spending a few weeks with his family at Den ver. " We call attention to our BibSe proposition . If you wmwt a nice Bible, either for yourself -or for a ' Dresent for ycKir friend, this is your op pwtanity. - Misses Jbhnsie Blair, An iie and Bertha Beall, Carrie Harper, and Messrs. Rufus Le noir Harper Beall, Jay Harper and George Blair, all of Cald "well, were here last week at tending the Gwy n Blair mar- Dr. Hauser will . be in f h'is office here at Spainhour's ,the fifst "Monday apd the week following. He is having? work pushed on his new cottage at inT-. ITT Ml TT --' vll;U vv iiKesnoro. ne can ue fund at the Blair building at Present. " , . : 1 Thanksgiving day passed Verv quietly here. It was not a Peasant day to bo sure, for n Was gloomy and raining mst of the day, and "people IjJd in doors. There were Qanksgiving-services at tliree churches, and most of ' r People attended at one or pother of them : ' , u -day. Esq. W. B. Henry per f c rmed the ceremony. F. F. Johnson, of Delia plane, has an excellent two horse farm which he wishes to re it on reasonable terms. Call or address him at Dellaplane. Look at your shoes. Do yop need a new pair? You can buy sample shoes at Hor ton & Absher 's, North Wilkes boro, N. C, at wholesale cost prices. -E. M. Pardue has gone to Ashe and Alleerhanv with a load of tobacco, manufactured by J. T. Wellborn & Co. R. G. Culler will start with a load in a few days. Mr. J. E. Hubbard has put up nis corn mill near websters shop and is ready to .do grind ing tor you. tie nas a spienqia millj and will do you good work. The Rev. Mr. iathews has rented the home lately occu pied by Mr. Buxton, and hopes to ta zfi up his 'residence there with his family early during the c miing week. ! The Presbyterian congre gation gave the pastor, Mr. Robinson, a "pounding" lielow." . W It snowed Monday morning.! But it didn-tJay long. It wa's raining at the same time and the snow melted nearly as fast as it fell, save a little about on the roofs of the houses. We all love to see the snow 'fall: There's an attraction about it Perhaps it is the pleasant asso ciation it has with our child ish davs. ( "N o insinuation about anybody's age, not even our own.) w e remember when the snow falls,, how, when little kids at school, we snow balled each other, and, perhaps, it got so "hot", that a fight would follow; and then the teacher would try his "rod of correction" just to take out a little of the chill, you know. And then the sliding down the hill on .planks and so forth brings back fond memories of frost bitten toes, aching fin gers and broken noses. We all love to think of those times, even though pur heads be white with the'weight of years. We may say, 'Oh, pshaw; I dread the snow" but still we are glad when the snow falls. Auxiliary Missionarv The Prosrram for the VXirinnu ' a. A V V ocDoiuus is iohows: . Wednesday. 11 a. m . . mnmina prayer, litany, sermon an-.l adminiRtr. tion of the sacraments tf holy commun ion and holy baptism ; 3 d m business session; 7;30 p ra evenin&r son? and Vd - fj o dressv 4 Thursday.-T;30: a. m., holy com muniqn; H a. m., matine and address; 3 p. ml, business session; 7;30 p.- m., evening Song and address Thp'public are cordially invited to all these services and sessions, fit. Paul bt)pes to profit by this convention. A spiritual awakening is lioped for and expected. Already under its new pas tor, Rev. J. S. Mathews, it has devel- oped its latent possibilities. !-.. Calicoes 5 to Q cents per yd :usic." Mrs. J. H. Pearson iDrti n i t e n , i . ill represent the Woman's rerCaieS 0 CO 12 & One half COntS 1)61 Td uxihary Missionarv SoniPrv 'r w . VU1W?. rHd , A pretty line of summer cravats, OWE PRICE TO ALL, Hf r-: CALL AND SEE THEM I Lost Eiffhty-Five Dollars. Norih WUkesboro Hnstler. It don't pay to be careless witli mon ey. Wedneslay morning A. G. yal- ters of freensboro, who was on this market poultry, let 85 get awav from him mighty quick. He wa. attending to some business and pulled off his coat which contained the money, wl stepp ed out of sight a moment. When he returned he went to the coat to get the money to pay for a load of chickens which he had purchased, but the "boo- clle"had flown. There was no clue as to who the guilty party was, conse quently he is out to that amount. on It All Bees. The old question "to he or not , to be" is not in it this sea son. We are inaugurating., a new era in which are "bees" without the "not to bes.' We now have quilt bees, log-roll-iner beesr;: wood-chopping bees,, jpumpking bees,'courting bees, sauerkraut bees, and a million other bees. If the. Chronicle be allowed to mention its Program t ' Of the Teachers' Association which will convene at North Wilkesboro In stitute Dec- 12th, 1896. How can we best induce Teachers to attend the Association? Prof. F. B. Ilendren. The importance of a higher degree of culture among our teachers. Robt. K. Lee PI urn m en How can we best induce parents to visit our school? Prof . U. S. Surrat. General Discussion. Querr' Box. 1TT 1- j . . v e nope io see a gooa turn out as this is the last meeting this ear Come one, come all. E. E. L. Plummer, Sec. ;North Wilkesboro, N. C. A fjD if icent Line of id 11 km niiflU r - JUST AllRr VIJVG AT Tie ffiz CloffiM Store - m m w a w HAVING OPENED UP A Ah mm: -CONSISTING OF & last - luursutvv cciuuk. jlv i ..... . . - pleasant one, because choice, it will give its prefer- they pounaea mm wicn imngs toeatt -and nreachers 'and ev erybody elseld never : object to things like that. Mr. Robin son is very popular with his congregation here. r The ReDublicans srave big reception at Hotel. Phoe nix at Winston on Thanksgiv ing night in honor of ; Chair man H jltoDf and Lieut. Gover nor Chas. A. Reynolds. "Sher iff Call attended and4 says they had a fine time. The Sheriff made tllem a speech. He - was th'itxiiv . one outside of -.the iiumug. rAmi irl'. nrderram that w j called upon. ' . ; a ence to the courting bee every time, and would hope "not to be" outdone. : Sidney Deal Dad, : Mr. Sidney Deal died' last iveek a,t his home in Caldwell county. He had been in ill health for sometime? and for the last few weeks his life had been despaired of. He "was an' uncle, of the editor of this pa peri and was about GO ' years f old! At one time he lived in Wilkesboro, many yvzrs ago, a blacsiaiiii shop. as land he has many ' acquaint- Card of Thanks. Mr. ditor: Will you give me space to express the gratitude and thanks of inyself and family to the good people of Wilkesboro for the very substantial .manner in which they gave expression of their gratitude to God for His abun dant goodness to them during the past year. On last Thursday night a larere delegation of them literally took the Manse by storm. On the wings of the storm (by no means destructive) was borne, bright faces,, happy hearts and hands laden with everything for the gratification of the inner man. The occupants tf the manse can now eniov froasttarkey;, chicken' salad and sauces of ail sorts, with pumpkin pie -for de- hsert, afterwards flavored with the "Best Havannas. " J Oar entire house-hold returns sin cere thanks. May God's richest bless ings be upon all giving them that de gree tr prosperity which He deems best and those spiritual comforts which lie alone can bestow. . . .- - C. W. ItOBINSON, North Wilkesboro, N. C. Bucklen,s Arnica Salve. TjSB Best SajjVk in the world for Cuts, J?rni sies, iiores, Ulcers, Salt Blieum, Fe ver Kore.s, ' Tetter, Chapped. . Hands, Chilblaias, Come i feGoTfe Notions, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries, Etc., I fake this method of inuitino; mj friends to ' call and ex amine my GOODS and PRICES hfiWhuvinr, 0 Iam determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all mV customers to obtain tne larerest OTTANTTTV nmi QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market price always paid for all staple produce. Very truly ' Wilkesboro, N. C. MILTON MCNEIL, BUG BARGAIIMS.1 THE WILKESBORO HARDWARE STORE having recently bought a large stock of goods, is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails, horse am mule shoes, holloware, crockery, cutlery, tools of all kinds, base ball goods, water buckets, paints, oils, guns, pistols, shot and powder, empty and loaded shells; nlla n plows of all kinds. , ; : : f ' Should you need a good "HiHside' call and you shall be supplied. Ant tor the well knowOliver ChHled.Plo- way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marslmll Wacons, v " ? & you iue most tinware for the money, yon ever b&ht. When in need of anythinsto be had at a firsi see, me before purchasing elsewhere. " , a ; - - sen cntap ior qash, but please dont ask for creditX C F. MORRISON. . . . " ' ' - - - ' " . - .....! m I I I I TTTTT -V m . . m. : - - w NORTH WILKESBORO, K. -o- Are Now Located In Their New Quarters", Opposite McGee's Establishment With a.CoHiplie-Lia Of Anything Jvepfr In A. ?" ' A S 55- A Ma mm. m. mm - . -" ' u s s i ot: ni pa v r. ances here, Price 25 ceiita per box. TOIl SALE BYJfSTA EY; Co. - . And are Oaring special -Bargains In j GARTS, BUSIES, HARNESS, AC. KEROSENE and XTfBRICATING OIL bys the "BARREL, and STANDARD JJRANDS OF GUANO XX STARVATION PRICES. finishing; :CcSias.d'Ckets;a Specialty; - ; - j' . tw ' !,'

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