I; It t - V - 'V. J BATES OF ADVERTISING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION M 8pace 1 wk.i lm. 3m. 6m. 1 in. .75 2.00 4.00 6.00 2 in. ' 1.25 3.00 , 6.00 9.00 "Sin. 2.00 4.00 7.50 10.00 Jcol. I 3.50 6.00 10.00 17.00 col. 6.50 y.75 18.00 80.00 I col. '11.00 15.00 30.00 '60.00 1 yr, One year.U;......'........ at ... 9.00 12.00 Three months a Jrayable in advance. E-Sends all money by registered let er or postal order and address , Tips CHSoyici Wilkesboro. N. 17.50 25.00 45.00 75.00 JSqual Taxation, Pirect and indirect VOL. X. The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. Brief Notes of Passing Events That May or May Not Interest You. Solicitor Mott is home again. The restaurant of Gilreath, and others, has closed out. Go to I. S. Call & Co. for sugar 20 pounds for $1.00 How are you going to spend the holidays? Arbuckle's'coffee -20 cents per pound, at Call's. The "Merry go-round" has been heard from. It's doing business in Statesville. Mrs. C. F. Morrison return en Saturday from her visit to Reidsville and elsewhere. It hurts MayberryV feel ings to ask him for credit or to jun an account with him. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison who had been visiting their son here, returned home last week. Richard H. Lee, Esq., rep resenting a Baltimore hat com pany, spent Sunday in the city. Pay your taxes by the first of January . and save trouble and cost.; The boys of Moravian Falls Academy will have a public Rebate on Thursday, the 24th. - Mr. John Leckie, of Iredell, spent, a few days .in the city Jast week. Christmas is almost here and we need that little you iowe us. Sherman Bryan Linney's clerk, is in Washington, help ing Linney run Congress. William Bledsoe, of Ashe, was in the city last wTeek, on his way South. A few more fights last week. No damage done, ex cept one fellow got his ear bit ten a little. Esq. Jesse Hoskins, the in suranceman, was in the city last week, on his way to Ashe and Watauga. Bob Doughton, of Allegha ny, was in the county last Week, gathering up a number of cattle to ship to Virginia. vV. T. Transeau, of the Brushies, tells us of a beat he raised this Summer that' was 21 inches in circumference. Mr. A. H. Laws, of Poors Knob, aged, about 40 years, died at his home on Tuesday night of last week. The Rebekahs meet Thurs day night. It is the time for nominating officers, and every member is urged to be present. A nice line of Xmas goods at M. McNeil's. Call and ex amiue them before purchasing elsewhere. Mrs J. D. Smith and little sjirl are visiting-.friends and relatives at Roaring River this week. . The protracted meeting at Moravian Falls closed Sunday morning with a baptizing Four persons"were baptized. The nicest line of Christ mas goods on record, cheap for cash, at Bud Call's. Go see for yourself. WILKESBQRQ, N. THTIRSDAY. DEC. 17. 1896. Mrs. E. J. Fletcher, mother ! of John Fletcher. hasCo-on t.r Martinsville Va. to spend the w nter with her daughter, Mrs. H mry Howell. If you wish to buy a good new, or second hand buggy, cail on A. C. Wellborn. He Will sell you one and take his pay'in corn and fodder. John Ayers, formerly of Goshen, this county,, was killed by a falling tree, while cutting cord wood in Watauga county Saturday. --Mr. J. II . Hartley, of Ken da 1, who has been suffering greatly for sometime from the effects of a broken leg, 'is im proving, we are glad to learn. Rev. W. L. Dawson, pastor of the Methodist Church, was given a "pounding" by a num ber of his congregation, last Fr: day night. Mr. J.H. Adams gave an ice cream and oyster supper to his friends on Thursday night of Last week. Those present report a great time. Capt. J. M. Allison, who has been working in the marble yard at this place, returned to Sta.xesville last week to take charge of the marble yard there. Miss Minnie Deal, who had been in the city a few weeks, returned to her home in Cald well, last Friday. She was ac companied by the editor of the Cosmopolitan. - May berry has quit buying cross ties, because he can't af forc to hold them 12 months. He also has a big stock of goods tha ; he can't afford to hold and is selling them cheap. William Hall died at East Bend last week afcer a short He was a' brotlier-jn- The W. C. T. U. The Woman's Christian Tem perance Union will meet at Mrs. J. T, Fergson's on Thurs day, the 17th, at 4 p. m. The members are urged to make a special effort to be present. Kate Cranor, Sec'y. -o The Largest Gonrd on Record. Miss Ruth I. Canter, of the Brushies, has in hei possession the largest gourd we have heard of. It holds a half bush el. It was raised by Mr, John A. Steelman about 40 years ago and Canter's have had it in their possession about 18 years. Big Turnip. Mr. Ogilvie, at Oakwoods, brought a turnip to town last week that weighed over seven pounds. The turnip was pur chased Jby Mrs. McE wen and after 18 persons ate as much of it for dinner as they wished there was plenty left over. a A Fine Mule Dead. L. E. Davis who resides at Goshen lost one of his fine Norman match mules, which was one of the largest and most valuable teams in the county. They weighed 1,700 pounds each and were famous draft mules- He was offered $300.00 for them a short time aoro. The loss is heavy, but such is life. Reporter. Goshen Dec. 8th 1806. NO. 35. Additional Locals. i illness. law 6f C U. Davis, of this place, and leaves a wife and four children. frhas, B. Finley is arrang ing to build a fiish pond. He is g ing into the fish raising business, so he can have :fish stories of his own to tell in con nection with his law practice. Beginning with next Sun day there will be morning and evening services at the Episco pal church, each Sunday. Morn ing service at 11 and evening service at 7 o'clock. J. G. Hackett' and A. C. Wei born, spent several days last week up in the "Happy Valley" bird-hunting, and re Dela3'cd Snake Tale. Andy Porter, o f Walnut Grove township, tells us a snake tale, delayed on account of the weather. During the Summer while out in the field at work, he heard something at the fence near by, like a log scrapiug along. He looked and saw it was a rattlesnake: He struck it with a fence rail a few times, but the rail bounced off without doing any harm to the snake. He called for his shot gun and put a load of buck shot into it and it died. It was 4 feet and 10 inches long and was 12 inches in circumfer ence. That's the biggest heard of yet. Oyster supper Friday night. See notice elsewhere.. Wilkesboro Lodge No. 23 I. O. O. F. will have a public meeting ou Wednesday night before Christmas. The ladies and gentlemen of the two towns are invited. There will be sev- jteral speeches. And a pleasant time is expected. Sheriff Call has finished his last round collecting taxes, and says that very few have paid up. He says he. must have your taxes by the first Monday in January, and if you fail to pay up by then he will levy up on your property at once. Pink Gregory, of the lower end of the county, was tried before Commissioner Cranor last Friday evening, charged with making "Li ver Regulator" without the knowledge or con sent of Uncle Sam, and was bound to Federal court. There was a "sewing bee" at Esq. James Wellborn's one day last week, and at night a number of young men joined the young ladies in a candy stew. A crown of flowers was awarded to the ypung man who pulled the finest candy, and Sewell Wellborn: won the prize; and he crowned Miss Sudie Mott as the "Queen of Love and Beauty" of the Oc casion. We are in favor of other "bees" just as many as possible. We like 'em. ihe Miliar Buildingd An eiliaeofallMgnfrtfls. Calicoes 5 to 6 cents per yd; Percales 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. , A pretty line of summer cravats. OWE-PRIQE TO'ALLi-. CALL AJSTD SEE THtlM apnifrcent Line of port dred a pleasant time. They killed something near a hun- birds. Mr. Thomas Crysel has been retained by sheriff Call, as jail or, Mr. Crysel is building on his f arm near town and says he tl inks he will move there as soon as the house is completed and give up the jail. 4 A little hon-sense now- then is relished by the bf men." And a little on subscription or adver y never hurts the tender ; of n. newsDaner man. v i A. and best cash tisin hear Applicants Decrease. We have a strange tale to tell. The number of applicants for the post office at this place are gradually decreasing, as the news reaches them. It ali happened this way: word was put out that the present incum bent had received orders to marry into the family of the successful applicant for the post office, and that he was ready to comply with the orders. As a result, the ap plicants have maile a stampede to withdraw from the race. You can hardly find a person in town now willing to accept the grave responsibilities of taking the office. The following marriage 'cense were issued here last week: M. A. .Johnson to Delia Wellborn, and J. L. Ken-, nedy to Rhoda B. Lowrance. S. C. Grubbs was tried be fre Esq. Somers Saturday, and convicted of carrying con Cealed weapons. He was bo.un 9 court in a $200 bond. ' '"; We're ready to recieve it. I Lev. E. F. Jones, of Mor gantin, began a serie;s of meet ings it the Baptist church at this place Monday night. He is a splendid preacher and everj body should go to hear him. - , C ie of our western sub scribers in renewing says: "I have taken your paper so long thatj: cannot get along with- out ii as its pagestell of many happ ninsrs in my old home and riative county or -vv.iiKes. Welrke to"get such word from thebiys. .': , ' Shot Through the Read. The Hustler. Last Sunday up on Lewis Fork Nathan Bolden and Will tVyatt got into a fight and weapons were used. During the melee a pistol was fired with fatal effect. Jordan Wyatt who was standing off some dis tance, was the victim, the ball striking him in the head. He died that night. We did not learn which one,of the combat ants fired the shot. Wyatt was a peaceful man and highly respected. He was about 50? years old. JBuckleiijS Arnifea Salye. Tes Bkst Salve in th.e world tor Cuts, Brui ses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, fetter, Chapped Hands, . Chilblains, Corns, and allSkiu Eruptions, and positively cures J?iles, or-no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction," or money- refunded, rrice 25 cents per. bos. FOIl SALE BY STA The ladies of the Episcopa church will give an oyster sup per next Friday night in the store room recently vacated by D. W. May berry, the proceeds of which are to be used in pur chasing lainps and other neces saries for their church. Experts will prepare the oysters accord ing to orders. Don't fail to at tend and thereby have a ' 'real izing conception" of a good "bait" of these delicious bi valves and at th.same time con tribute to a worthy cause. The authorities of our neighboring town ought to look to it that the R. R. cross ing on the main street leading to this place is not obstructed and blinded so as to endfuiger travel. At present with a house crowding each of three corners and th fourth obstruct ed and blinded by R. R. ties, there is danger' of somebody getting caught on the tract by shifting 'engines, freight cars, etc. Thei descent of the street from the north in the narrow space betwixt two ware houses adds to the danger, for it would be difficult to back out up hill. -o o- Bisturded tlie Fesce and Dignity of the State. On last Friday night, Jim McGrady and his wife Laura, Alice and Cora Vannoy, all colored had,, a little disagree ment about something and pro ceeded to have a "young war", just for pastime, and also to assist McGrady in his candida cy for re-election to the Iredell roads. McGrady was on one side and the three women on the other. Jim took tbo initi ative, making a fearless charge upon the enemy with his pock et knite inflicting a wound painful but not serious, upon the back of Alice Vannoy's neck, and carrying dismay into their ranks. The Vannoys re formed their lines and charged back upon McGrady repulsirig him with "great slaughter." McGrady and the two Vannoy women were arraigned before Fsq. J. F. Somers Saturday evening. The Vannoys were acquitted, and McGrady 's trial was postponed till the 20th. Tfle JUST ARRIVING AT Hix CMd Store. HAVING OPENED UP A- 3 OF MSECSDSei CONSISTING OF- ry Goods, Motions. Hats. Shoes. Glassware Rmtwa Etc., I take this method of inuiting my friends to call, and ex-! amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all my customers to obtain tne largest. QUANTITY and best ' QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market price, always paid for all staple produce. Very truly w -it i t. MILTON MCNEIL, Wilkesboro, N. C. fep an4: THE WILKESBORO H AREWAJlk jSTORE navmg recently bought a large. stock of goods, is offering them cheaper than ever before; consisting of Nails .' horse ar mule shoes, holloware, crockery, cutlery, tools of all kinds, base ball goos, water buckets, paints, oils, suns. Pistols, shot and powder, empty and, loaded shells, collars, and pads, and plows of all kinds. . ' . . ' Should you need a good "Hillside",, call and you shall be supplied.: Agent for the well know Oliver Chilled Plow, Chatanooga Cane mill, Cuta way Disc Harrow, Empire Drill and Marshall Wagons. Can give you the most tyivsare for the money, yon ever bought. When in need of anything to he had at a first-class hardware storecome and: see me before purchasing elsewhere. - I sel1 chtap for cash, but please dbnt ask for credit." C. F. MORRISON. THEfiWILKESBORO FffllTM CO:, CAFFE-Y & PRiTCHETTy PROPRIETORS, NORTH WILKESBORO, N. O. , -o- Are Now Located In Their New ; Quarters Opposite t McGee?s Establishmentr With a- Complete Line f 5 Pf Anything Kept In A FLRSTHQLASS FORSITURE STORE, And are; Offering Special Bargains IrT Sewing Machines, IPictnbs and Organs CAItTS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, &C. KEROSENE and LUBRICATING -OIL by the BARREL, and STANDARD BRANDS OF GUANO AX . RVATION PRICES. V Finishing-Coffins and Caskets a Specialty i if- t . - 4 ,1 ; -v 4;