'J-' '-t --v - HATES OF ADVERTISING. TERMS OF SUESCKCPriON. One year....-.....;;..;. .........fl.OO Six .months....A.................. (;o Three months i - " on Payable in advniice. Space !l wk.i lm. ( 3m. : 6m. i I vr. 1 . i m. 2 in. 3 in. col. i col. 1 coL .75 1.25 2.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 7.50 6.00 9.00 10.00 17.00 30.00 9.00 3.00 4,00 6.00 y.75 15.00 12.00 17.50 3.50 6.50 11.00 10.00 25.00 I-Sends all money by registered let- 18.00 45.00 75.00. 30.00 50.00 er or postal order and address lira nBONicLg, Wilkesboro. N. C. Equal Taxation, pirect and Indirect. ( ' - VOL. X. The Chronic l,e. LOCAL DOTS. Brief Notes of Passing Events That Kay or May Not Interest You. Christmas goods at CalPs. Ladies' cloaks a t Hix's. See them. See Call for your groceries all fresh. Keep yourself warm with an overcoat from Hix's. Granulated sugar at Call's, 20 pounds for one dollar. Mr. A. R. Vail, of Jeffer son, was in the city last week. Dr. Eller of Beady Branch, was in the city last week, on business. A few nickels in the slot would put a voluminous smile on us along now. Spainhour wants to see you at the store to-day. He wants to make you happy for Christmas. Our holiday present next week is "no paper." We will rest and enjoy the cessation with our readers. Dr. Turner has meat. He killed three hogs last week, ag gregating 1047 pounds. The largest one weighed 454. Miss Sue Bissell, of Augus ta, Ga., is visiting the family of Solicitor Mott. We wish her a pleasant stay among us. Mr. George Phillips and family, of Ashe, are visiting in tb county. They spent a few days in the city with his son-in law, Frank D. Hackett, last week. To-day the 24th M. B. Joines and Miss Lillie B. Hoi brook, daughter of the late Joshua Holbrook, of Trap-hill, get married. License was is sued last week. Representative Chas. H. Somers has one of the finest little boys you ever heard of, and Charles is so happy that he is doubtful about whether or not he will go to Raleigh. W. C. Winkler and family went up to Caldwell county last week, to attend the sale of the personal proDertv of the . " late David Bower, Esq. Mrs. Winkler will spend the holi days there. The recently elected mag istrates should remember that their term of office does not begin till the first Thursday in August. Anv official acts be- fore that time will be illegal and lay themselves liable to indictment. The fire-cracker nuisance" seems to have sway. There's danger of burning up the wholej T4 town. If the authorities don'tfl enforce the law in this matter they should be held personally sponsible for all damage that may result therefrom. Key's Scotch snuff is mak- Qg a reputation wherever it is Produced. Merchants find it an easy seller. If you have not tried it, now is the time to begin. You will find an ad vertisement of this snuff in an other column. Give this snuff atrial. ; : " " y - The students of the Roar Ing River District school, Coynes "NT n will h criven a ' rf'.- 13 Wist" mo a T Via 9.41. h at 2p- M. They are having a g0d school there ; under, the Management of W. L. Brewer, of Abshers. N. C. V Forty-nine indents have been enrolled a good average attend- WILKESBORO K G., THURSDAY. DEC. 24. 1896. -Mr. Zoll has returned home from Ashe. Ex-Register Edwards' big hog weighed 404 pounds. - Calvin Dula, one of the jail prisoners, is quite sick. jtfr. Ed. Harris, who has beerj away for a month, is home again. John T. Finley has gone to Soutjh Carolina on important Christmas business. Spainhour & Co. have a nice lot of lamps and other Christmas goods. Mrs. Dr. Erwin and chil dren leave this week to spend the holidays with relatives. There will be a Christmas tree it Liberty Grove church on ti e night before Christmas. Paul Chatham, of Elkin, was in the city last week, look ing after the woolen mills in dustry. Mr. Bob McNeil, who is at tending school at Wake Forest College, is home spending the holidays. Eev. R. W. Barber is yet quite feeble, over his fall upon the ice, but is slowly improving- Mrs. Matthews, wife of the Episcopal Rector of this place, is expected to arrive from Brooklyn this week. ijill Alexander, colored, is putting up a cottage dwelling house.' He hopes to have it to move into shortly. ount Pleasant church in Fork township will have as tree on lnursaay. ob McNeil will deliver dress. Rev. Mr. Matthews, the Episcopal rector, will conduct services at the jail every bun dav afternoon, for the benefit of the prisoners. There will be an entertain- BADLY SHOT. ready Lewis a Am Mr. B thft ad Corn "Lieker" Gets in its Work. Last Saturday night, over in Reddies River township, Bud Huffman, son of John Huff man, shot Calvin Nichols, in flicting a painful, and perhaps dangerous wound. Huffman is a young man, about 20 years old. He went to Nichols' Ann Nichols' drunk; got to cutting up, and they attempted to put, him out of the house. He drew his pistol and shot, the ball taking effect in the ab domen o f Calvin Nichols. Dr. Turner was called in. He probed for the ball but did not find it. He is of opinion that Nichols will cover, unless inflamation in. There seems to have been no cause for the shooting, except "old corn licker was the cause of it all." The shot penetrat ed into the abdominal cavity, and is liable to produce inflation. Additional Locals. the The Pension Cnecks. The Register of Deeds re ceived the pension checks Fri day, and those who have not already done so, can get their check by calling at the office. Wilkes county gets 163 of these checks, amounting in all to $2,832. The pensioners are always mighty glad when the checks come in. ment given at Millers Creek Acade my on Wednesday night, consisting o i declamations, recitations, etc. M sses Mamie and Carrie and Mr. Charles Transou, of Ashe, passed through the city the first of the week on their way to spend the holidays at Statesville. Tl: ere will be services at Episcopal church on Christ day atf 11 o'clock. Also on Saturday following .at 11 o clock, which is St. Steven's day. Mrs, Marshall, who has been Visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bob Cashion at North Wilkesboro, returned to her home t ear Davidson College, the firs t of the week. sre will be a Sunday mass meeting at Mora Falls at the Methodist next Saturday. Kev. thft nastor. will , M ju TT u v y j; an address. Re7. W. L. Dawson killed a 200 pound hog last week and ffot 60 pounds of lard out of it. Krery fat. It got so iat refused to eat, during few days of its life. Miller says that lie is counted the biggest Th School vian churcW W. L. deliver Linney's Exalted Position. Last week, the Taylorsville mail boy, a bright j'oung col ored blood, informed us of the fact that "Mr Linney has been made Chairman of Congress." He says he got it straight. He didn't tell wlmt new duties Mr. Linney had to perform by reason of being "chairman of congress." It was that it the las Claude (Milter) that th Th4 hog "li ir" in this country, but s beats him. snnner given for the benefit of the Episcopal cnurcu, Friday night was a very pleas ant affair. It was not very largely attended f o r such things have about had .their day herS-yet a neat little sum was reaiizeu&-'-'"fe - his is to be usea in lamps and other things $22.00. getting f$v the Mrs. Forester Dead. Mrs. Filmore Forester, of Reddies River township, died of consumption last Thursday, and was buried at the Penuel graveyard on Fridaj'. She was about 38 years old and leaves husband and five chil dren. She was a sister of Mrs. John Parlier, of this placfe. 1 he sympathy or tneir many friends is extended to the be reaved family. llHji I fr4 QMMm Lost His Eye. Wiley Jarvis, of Hunting Creek, was felling some trees last week, when one lodged upon some saplings' He cut into one of the saplings: it kicked back striking him in the face, and knocking out one of his eyes, and badly bruising up his face and nose. He was not expected to live for several days, but now is improving. He is about 40 years old and has a family. . mm .e Masonic. Installation. iThe masonic lodge at this place elected the following offi cers on last Saturday night at the regular communication: W. A. Foster, W. M. R. N. Hackett, S. W. C. Call, J. W. J. G. Hackett, Treasurer. B. S. Call, Secretary. The installation of these offi cers will take place at the hall on Monday next at 10 o'clock. The installation will be, public. All who wish are united to see the ceremony. Cheap Wagons. Wagons of Alexander has got myty pheap A fellow from Alexander sold one to S. B. Gentle and II. F. Frazier of Wilkes Co for fore guineas and ther was not A'Eooster in the Bunch -and it- was" a good too l.'orse wagon it hill np 12 crossties and you know it .was a good one- . - ' ' JKEADEK. May berry has the best 15 cent coffee in Town. You can buy nice Ribbon and Hamburg primming at Mayberrys cheap. Reduced prices on over coat and winter clothing sam pie shoes going at wholesale prices at Horton & Abshers, North Wilkesboro. Licenses were issued Mon day for the marriage of Walter Sink to Martha Myers, J. , W. Brown to M. N. Wood, J. ' W. Caudill to Dora Faw, J. A. Chapman to Manda ueal, and Edgar Kilby to Mary Bishop. The public debate at Mo ravian Falls i s Wednesday night instead of Thursday night. The question the boys propose to expound is: "Re solved that the men of the 19th century are superior to the men of the past . centuries. All are invited. Prof. Olin Ader will ar rive this week, and will open i school here the 5th of Janua ry. Let all our people be ready to patronize the school at the beginning. It is a wrong idea to wait till after the school has i progressed a ..wMkstfce$& start- P6ut the first step to be1 taii i n christianizing this country is to give us better roads. The few little sparks our people have all go glim mering when they try to trav el our roads. The temptation is more than they can bear, and from the fulness of the heart the mouth speaketh, and it is not always in accord with the "erolden text" of the Sun day School lesson, either. Reduced R. R. Rates. The railroads have arranged a one way fare rate for land seekers from the North and vVest for those who wish to visit the South for the purpose of investing. We hope that we shall have in Wilkes a good ly number of these visitors. Our county has attractions and inducements, that need only to be seen to be apprecia the latcJMp3AM mM the r'Premoiiitions and Prisoners. ':' momas IJrvsl. onr mi fr. is an expert prognosficator. He can tell two or three days be forehand when a new prisoner is coming to board with him Last Thursday he told some of his friends that there would be a new prisoner at his hotel within 24 hours, and sure enough within a few hours the the prisoner was placed under his care. Crysel says that the jail goes through a series of mysterious crackings or pop pings a day or two before a prisoner is to come, and that the sign never fails. In answer to these mysteri ous sounds, the prisoner was brought i n Thursday night. He lives in Boomer township, and his name is Elisha Web ster. He was sent up for steal ins? a razor. He is a beardless boy of about 16 years, and it is an enigma as to .what he want ed with a razor. He appears to be a kind of kleptomaniac in the stealing business; for they say he has been in Taylorsville jail twice, for stealing, and broke jail both times. The of ficers caught him at an old va cated hoUse,. where he had a fire. When he found the offi cers had hemmed him in,, he ran out up the chimney, and got scorched and blackened pretty thoroughly." No. 36: New IN FALL AND WTNTFT? C1. r yvtttt at n 1 w Ai Its time to Spruce up for the New Season o We'VTflnZTfS Td Ver Cat8 aH ready and tbey wiU fit y handsome BtoImho?n Te'apaita" Mackintoshes hats shoes, arctic and storm overshoes in Ladies. Misses and Gents sizes. 1 ' linnen d si"; ,00llar-' tkf8' snhlerbraces, and sxlk hankerchiefs, gloves hosiery etc., always in stock SUITS MADE TO MEASTTRTC A' spwp t Wlestjo a selection and LOWEST? SAMPLE SHOES for men, women and children at wholesale cost Korth wilbesw: n. c HORTON & ABSHER, fhe -.Miller .Bui ding 1 Anew line of all linfls of soofls. Galicoes 5 to 6 cents per yd;. Per&les 6 to 12 & one half cents per yd. f A preity line of summer cravats,. CALL AND SEE THEM A IV anificent Line of JUST ARRIVING AT fl'i m M ilii ClottiM St ore -HAVINGr OPENED UP A- -CONSISTING OF Dry Goods. Nations. Hats. Shnns RlaQcwar ctn Jiitc, I take this method of inuiting m frehds to call and' ex amine my GOODS and PRICES before hnvino- ft1RftwhpW I am determined n6t to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all my customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and best - QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market price always paid for all staple produce. Very trul'v ' Wilkesboro, N. C. MILTON MCNEIL, TB E WILKESBORO FISIITIIBE CO., CAFFEY &, PRITCHETT, PROPRIETORS. .- JNtOETH WILKESBORO, N. O. . . Are Now Located In Their New Quarters Opposite McGee4s Establishment With a . Complete Line . Of Anything Kept In A - : F iRST-G LA S S FUR NITURE-8 TO RE, y And are Offering Special Bargains In ' v ' Bewing CiacliirLes, DPianos, and Oraiis CARTS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, &C r KEROSENE and LUBRICATING a " OIL hy the BARREL, and STANDARD BEANDS OF GUANO Al' STARVATION PRICES. : Pinishing CoffiAs and Caskets a Specialty. - ' . church. ; ' '"V 1