. . I I r w ua i m f v - ''II . . -d ... In r , ... - - . 1 V; ... . m r- . - . - i . ... ' . II ' TERMS OP SUBSCRIPriOIT. " One year....... J.'.:., d.CO Six months.. Three months..... .... CO I M ....... Payable in advance. v ...... n n ' . ... I i er or postal ordei ani address XH UHBomci Wilkeaboro t K. C. - 1 1 j Sin, I VS- -T 1-"" -.00 .-12.00 I II II I I III III 1,1V 11 II I I H, ' nTV.Y. ,f rlV -II I ' rTv , ' - CS S K-S s JLS VXLL I , I I . . II. II y r . l.ra:;- ?.:'.- r ......... . . ' qual Taxation. Pirect and Indirect. I Chronicle. WILKESBORQy y; C;y WEDNESDAY. APR. 7. 1897. LOCjAL DOTS. Brief Notes of Passing Erents That aay or May Not Interest Yoti. you get How often did fooled Thursday? .Get your Easter eggsready ana send us one. Drummer Dave Baker was in the city last week. Gents' hats and furnishing Kooasat Jiix's. The new line of millinery at the Hix Clothing Store, is lovely. R. A. Spainhour & Co. will buy your produce and staves. . I Mr. Greer, of Henderson county, came in last week to iai, in tne revenue business, as storekeeper and gauger. If there is any truth in the saying that a wet spring means a dry summer, then we will have plenty of dust the com ing summer. The Teachers Association will meet at the court house . nere next Saturday: Every teacher in the county should be present. Uourt at Mocksville this week. Solicitor Mott and Law yer J. W. McNeill are in at tendance. Two murder cases are to be tried there this week. Mr. John L. Whittington, of Union township, is in a crit ical condition from a stroke NOT GUILTY. of Mr. J . T. Edwards, of Ron- paralysis, one day last week. da, was among our visitors this 1 We hope he will soon recover week. Our friend Henry Kleop- pwueig, ul viiiarioice, was in the city last week. 5Tou should see Spainhour's line of dress goods before you buy elsewhere. Get up the joint baseball team in TFilkesboros, and chaL lenge the State. R. A. Spainhour has in a nice line of spring goods. Call and examine for yourself. Our friend John Watts, of Boomer, gave us one of his pleasant smiles Monday. t , The heavy rains Sunday and Sunday night put the creeks and rivers out of banks. R. There are some 1600 tracts of land, advertised for taxes in the supplement this week. It is hard on our ) people but the taxes have to be paid. Lawyer L. S. Benbow, who stood the civil service exami nation for the position of Dep uty Collector, passed all right. He got an average grade of Pi. The W. C. T. U. will have a meeting at the court house tomorrow (Thursday) night for the benefit of the colored peo ple. They are all invited to attend. I Solicitor Mott returned irom Washington Thursday. A. Spainhour & Co. have He is of the opinion that Har- - a J f -v - . It!:' . 1. 51 t - I 1 some North Carolina Pants at $2.68 that "can-'t be beat." Gaither Dula and Miss 'bnoog nenarix were mar ried in Elk township last week. It has been a rather wet spring so far, and farmers are considerably behind with their work. I The famous April shower, which lives in song and story, is here, refreshing budding na ture. Ira Gilreath and Jinks Har- Hstic display of several rounds ris, both colored, went to Salt- uB in Hog Elk last week ville, Va, last week, to get Mave summemn ana wm xrip work there. kins, of Asheville will be col lector, and that ex-collector, Rollins, will get the Asheville postoflBce. Some of the boys seem to Lave a mania for moving signs. ljhe signs in town are being changed at the rate of about once per week. Some of these fallows will probably wake up in the calaboose one of these mornings. There was a scientific pugi- The Duncan's Acquitted. The most important case at Alleghany court last week was that against Oliver and Calvin Duncan for killing Scott Mc Craw. The trial occupied about three days. Lawyers J. W. McNeill, solicitor pro tem., and H. L. Greene, appeared for the State. Fields, Dough ton and Blackburn appeared for the defense. The evidence was circumstantial altogether, and the jury did not think it suffi cient to convict, and they re turned a verdict of not guilty. McCraw was killed some six months ago, and a fellow by the name of Roop, who was with him, was badly shot. The Duncan boys were engaged in making brandy, and one of their barrels, about 50 gallons, was stolen. They tracked it up, and found where it was hid. McCraw and Roop were sup posed to be the thieves. The Duncans did not move the brandy, but left it there in or der to find out the thieves. McCraw and Roop went to where the brandy was hid t get a drink, and while there McCraw was killed and Roop badly shot. Somebody did the, shooting. The circumstances seem to point to the Duncans, and they were indicted. At tne trial, nowever, tne ev dence was not sufficient to con vince the jury. move his lritt did the Corbett and Fitz act in great style for about HO n inutes. No serious damage done. Our friend O. J. Harris, of Mr. b. n. Cowles left faring River, tried l an exper iMJL- - I ' j. a. . 4-f nines Tttin-r.. 1U uiaijoiuuv & x T nrovftd a success. Those vines trknsnlanted did better r -1 Mrf Lewis the new cloth ing man, sayshe is well pleas ed, here, and he will family here soon Tuesday & Calotte to peud JJ-W a few weeKs wnn m wui, Will Cowles. Chap Mintoji has moved to Moutfbain City:on Isaac Well born's land. He is going to work at the tan bark business. Esq. James wellborn and two sons. Rud and Duck, went to Ashe last week to take a drove of calves. Mr. C. E Dexter, postof fice inspector, was in the coun ty last week, , looking after some postoflBce matters than the others, one of tnem grow ing to the length of 40 feet. L Mr. and Mrs Wilson David son went to Marion last week see her brother, Mr. B. Stew art, who is not expected to live. tt! " '. X ... A nritVl on O VlITa rie was bjui uu. " die by some fellow while in a store there. No reason for tne aci is known. v - On account of - tne heavy fojnfiill Snndav. very few at- About 100 Wilkesites went tended the Presbyterian church in aropnshoro this week 0U tttn rrnnerecrational meet to attend Federal court. Most of the lawyers went down. Mrs. J. T.' Ferguson seems to stand head in the radish business, - She had a supply for dinner last Thurday that were raised this year. Someof our good people ' are wondering hp w it can be right to "He" so much on April the first, and then be such a sin at any other time. , .Arthur Pipes, of Elk town ship, was seized with fit re cently and fell in the fire. He - . ' : j i-. Un r ort about - tne was Dauiy, u-w - - ; t; . iface and' hands. He is, im- inn1 Xtraa TltlS 1,1 uuwai. vuv tug r - third Sunday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, when Rev. Mr. Robin son's resignation will be acted on. --Some old Writer, ( Festus, perhaps, has said that "even a Jood traveling sway-backed horse to a buggy with a yodng man holding the reins, has chms for woman's eyes, but ..T cfoirrht. hacked ones' have mo of oar talented young men Willing T to testify t o iae truthfulness of the expression. nffersTto give nis .experi one is The Frst of Series. We have heard from Bill Smith, the successful snakej farmer of Hog Elk. He is in mournine: over the loss of five of his larsrest and most, ener getic reptiles. On the last day of March, 1897, during: Bill's absence, these five truant trail ors of the ground Droke over the pasture fence and made a concerted attack upon the fowls that were basking in the sunshine about the door. The audacity of the reptiles arous ed the wrath of Mrs. Smith and the children and they gath ered up tongs, shovels, pokers, and such like, and charged the enemy of the fowls. The bat tle was fierce and fast, and when the smoak of -the debris cleared away, the truant rep tiles lay lifeless upon the bat tle ground. While Bill admires the bravery of his "better half" he is wearing crape in memo ry of the frolicsome fellows who so recklessly lost their lives. Additional Locals. Commissioners proceedings next week. 0 Arbuckle's coffee at 15 cents, and Red Letter coffee at 10 cents, at Call's. Esq. S. J. Ginnings and T. S. Miller are attending Mocks ville court. Cigars, chewing and smok ing tobacco and cigarettes at I. S. Call & Co's. Mat Woods got tangled in corn juice and fell from the court bouse steps Monday and bruise his head badly. From what we can gather, T T ? . . uer iiinney is receiving sev- letters concern ing his action in the postoffice matters at Wilkesboro a n d North Wilkesboro. It seems that "there's guine to be troub le in the household," and per haps "razors flying in de air." Mr. J. H. Carrigan sent 620 pounds of wheat to Turner &j Wyatt's Roller Mills last vjeek. He got back 336 pounds hp. 1 flour, 69 pounds No. 2 flour, 37 pounds shorts and cleanings, and 111 pounds of bj-an. Adding the 62 pounds taken for toll, there is left on ly a waste of five pounds. That's 1 r wno iv Mew s no: 50. TYL o"rkT Lr. John U. Howell. Car- The Women's Exposition of The olinas. The women of Mecklenburg county have arranged for a "Grand Art Loan, Industrial and Scientific Exposition' at Charlotte beginning May 1st and extending to June 1st. The Exposition is for the bene fit of the Y. VL C. A. Rev. C. W. Robinson, of North Wilkes boro, has been selected to col lect colonial and confederate relics, art works, etc. These are to be loaned for the use of the Exposition. They will be carefully attended to and their safe return 1 s guaranteea. The Association pays for trans portation each way. Wilkes should get up a good collec tion. Correspond with Mr. Robinson concerning the mat ter. It is a worthy matter. cently returned from Tenn., 1 X reports a very successful year ii his work there. During the past year he together with the f boys who assisted him, sold 94 Bibles and other bocks, and distributed 845 Sunday School books. He collected on this 'Work something near $3,000. Mr. W. F. Bentley worked alone and sold 279 Bibles and books and distributed 255 Sun day School books, and collect tad about $1,000. The Temperance meeting at the court house Thursdai" night was quite interesting. The court house was well filled with people. The addresses by Rev. Mr. Robinson and Prof. Ader were good. The recita tions by Jlfisses Annie Mat thews and Ida Cowles -were well rendered and enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Xinnear, the President of the Union, is an earnest worker and always has an interesting program for these occasions. It will be a benefit and pleasure for you to attend these meetings. IN FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING DONT WAIT.-B. time to Sprgeeup I iSeason ir'TAfau5r",f ' T1 coats nd they lili m you hdwn A foil hue of eztra.pants. Mackinteshea, hafci hoM ,rcti. storm overshoes in Ladiefe. Misses and Gent, siz8. ' ' ' - blurts, underwear, cuffs. m11nra . ti. t , , . - linnen and silk hanbWs. ' 7 Z : "r? 'noni,lerocei- QnToV;;' B,yvM "siery etc., always in stock. SUITS MADE TO MEASURE A SPECIALTY uw oupico irum wnicn to make PRICES GUARANTEED. SAMPLE SHOES for men, women and children at wholesale cost. S a selection and LOWES North Wilkesboro. N. C HORTON & ABSHER, Pnca B D. rinff Your 17 I m. irroduee; Staves and Cash to R. A. SPAINHOUR & CO, Wilkesboro, N. C. 0 o ash Prices aid . 1 . -Magnificent Mine of? IS lothiH:fi . GSIilDi 111 Broke Her Leg. Mrs. Eliza Parker, widow of Newborn Parker, of Hunting Creek, fell from her door step one ni ght last week and broke bothvbones in; one of Aher legs. She is about 83 years old, and hervextreme, age makes - 1 1 Dropped Dead. Mrs. Allen, widow of the late William Allen, of Elk town ship, dropped dead at her home on Wednesday morning of last week. She was engaged in her house work as usual, and seemingly in her usual good health, when she fell over dead. A short while ago, her husband was found dead in the creek near the house, an ac count of which appeared in The Chronicle at the time. There are three daughters left behind at the old homestead. For the Colored People.' , The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold a Gospel meeting, for the colored people at the court house Thursday, April 8th, at 7:30 P. M. All are invited to' attend. Mrs. J. E. Spainhour, Sec'y. Tie JUST ARRIVING AT we a- w HAVING OPENED UP A- .LIME Ah M CONSISTING OF I Dry Goods, Hqtians, Hats, Shoes, Glassware, Stoneware, Groceries 7 vi. luuinug mjf xnenas to cau ano, ex amine my GOODS and PRICES before buying elsewhere. I am determined not to be UNDERSOLD. I will insure all my customers to obtain tne largest QUANTITY and I best QUALITY for the LEAST MONEY. The highest market nr!,. always paid for all staple produce. Verv trulv Wilkesboro, N. C. MILTON MCNEIL, anc oners p doubtul-Df her recovery, encb asicorroborati ve evidence. dpuDUUi ph t . Whiskey Sale. Deputy Collec to r McE wen will have a big whiskey sale on April 13th, at the Ferguson old store, in Wilkesboro. . He has 105 packages, making over 4,500 gallons,, to be sold on that day Besides this there are 112 stills and fixtures' to be sold. f telioro larole lete We have'all kinds ,of Granite or Marble known ttlthe trader and of the best quality. ' , , . " Best Material, First-Gias ftor Lowest Pnnes. Before buying aall or vrite 1. w -1 Vi V. n - proving' slowly -' .. '1

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