- 1 - 1. RATES OF ADVERTISING. i TERMS OP. SUBSCRIPTION. -One year...;........, ..,.......i.Clfc( Six months..........,..........;..,.. tK 8pace-j. 6 m. 1 yr. riS) 3. in. 2 in. 3 in. i col. i col. 1 col. 6.00 9.00 9.00 12.00 17.50 Three iuontii8.........JM..;..M. 30 10.00 Payable in advance, j ." 25.00 45.00 75.00 CaF3ends all money by register! let er or postal order and address Tgs CgROKicLB, Wilfceaboro, N. C. Equal Taxation, pirect and Indirect.! f VOL. XI. WILKESBO NO. 2. -jl wk lm. j 3 m. ; .75' 2100' '4.00 1.25 3.00 6.00 2.00 4.00 7.50 3.50 6.00 10.00 6.50 y.75 18-00 i 11.00 15.00 30.00 J 1 The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS, Brief Notes of Passing Events That May or May Not Interest iou. Aud this is May. French Sardines at Call's. Boomer commencement the 12th. . r Snow .could be seen on the Blue Ridsre Monday morning. V Mrs. C. L. Zoll is visiting relatives at Jefferson. Mr. Ricbar4 Gentry, o f she, was in t&e city last week. Re. J. S. Matthews went to Rouda Sunday and conduct ed services. ; ' Remember the meeting of the Rebekahs, Thursday night, .and attend. Mess! Sloan and Matheson, .of Taylorsyille, wete in the ,city last week. Prof. Nicholson, of Valle Orucis, spent a few day,s here Jast week. There wasja pleasant sur prise party at Esq. Staley's one night last week. Best bargains in Coffee to be found on the market at Call's. The commencement exer cises at North Wilkesboro., the soth. : John Shelton, a grocery drummer, ot Greensboro, was In the city last week. -Misses Janie and Bettie iSpicer, of Kendall, spent :Sun ,-yday night with relatives here. May berry is getting in a nice line jof Straw hats for men and boys; also slipper shoes for men, woman and children. Esq. E, A. Ebert, of Salem, was in Wilkesboro last week, looking after the insurance business. Remember the Teachers' Association meeting a t .the .court house on Saturday, the Sth. C. M. Perry, of Statesville, has accepted a position at the lepot. He is a nephew of Drf Greene, of this place. Esq. Joe Holbrook, of Traphill, was among our pleas ant callers Monday. Always glad to see uncle Joe. Mr. C H.' Cowles, who has been at Charlotte for a few weeks, returned to Wilkesboro Friday. f " ' Esq. A. L. Hendrhe:, of New Castle township, h a s moved to.his ew;home at. El fcin, says The Times. Some holes in; the -bridges And trunks across the streets should be looked after before a horse or a man gets crippled. E. D. . Harris, Esq., has been appointed post master I at Klkin, in place of - Mr. . J. ; S. JSeli whose time has expired. :r Mr; uaitner nail, oi JtuiK- ville. passed through the- city iaat week, returning from a visit to relatives in Iredell. William Anderson, of Hun ting Creek, who has been suf fering go long with typhoid jfe. ver, ja hardly expected to "re cover. ' -rMr. W. M. Henry, of Tran sylvania county, arrived in the city last week;- He is connect ed with tie- Internal Revenue Service. -n -- - ' . --Mrs. K'M. I,uan and Mr. ana Mrs. W. C. Atkins, 'of a Da vie county, arrived in the; city Friday night and -spent, a few days visiting Mr. C..Y Miller's -lamily .. Mrs ;J-unn-, is sMrsV Miller's mpther. : ' pev. C. F. Fields, of Ed-. wards township, has a lamb o lmprovea stoeK, tnree nionjm&i that weighs 58 pounds. That's hard to beat. Measles all gone from Maiberry?s. No clanger now. Come back ancTbuy your goods as usual and save money on coffee sugar, flour, bacon, pant goods, dressr goods, hats, shoes,-and every thing ; you need.. That was , .a nice "April shower" Friday the last day of it ' SAVED BY A SUN GLEAM. Dr. J. W. White. April and we suppose was a "May Sweat" Saturday, it being the first day of May, The Hustler says that Mr. F. Forester an Miss Gene va Adams were married last .week. The Chronicle ex tends its best wishes. --W. P. Wingler, of this coi; nty, and Hannah 3urge&s, of Ashe, were married recent ly. He is 61 years old, and this is 1 is fourth marriage. -t-Mj. R A. Spaihhour and far lily'move back to Moravian Fa Is tiis week. Mr. J. E. Spainhoiir will remain in the house from which his father mcves. The Board of Trustees of th! Academy met Saturday and rescinded the lease granted Prof. Nicholson, and agreed to pay the Prof. $100 for improve ments made by him. Mr. N. W. Powell, of Ra leigh, was in the city last week. was up looking at our farm in j lands with the purpose of moving to our county. We hope he will come among us. The Odd Fellows pic hie ; at NortrZFPiikesboro was a very pleasant occasion, but was not very largely attended. The amount of the receipts was not very large. Mr. John Miles, of Alle ghany, and Miss Maryann, daughter of Martin McBride, o "God's Country," were mar riad last Sunday. It is report ea as a very pleasant occasion, Dr. York, of Traphill, was it the city the first of the week, lcbking after the effects of-Mc-Kinley's first wave of prosperi ty, and helping some of the poor fellows pay off their taxes to keep their lands from being sild. v ' -The money question has been solved and by a Wilkes man. He assures us that if the b'ees make plenty of honey this season, money will be plenti ful, almost growing on the tfeee. But if the bees fail, our I eople may suffer for money. Fire caught out from the i pper end of Call's bottom Thursday and created quite an excitement for a while. It urned over 75 acres before it c ouid b e conquered Some fencing was destroyed. Peo ple should be extremely care ful about fire now. ; ,1 T h e Chronicle thanks jiisses Beulah Ferguson arid Sdna Walker tor a ; neat mvi ation rto the commencement xercises of the State; Normal a n d Industrial School a t i Greensboro, May 18th and 19th. ; t is the 5th annuaf commence ment. ' - . Dr. Messick, of Lewis Fork,: who was: in town . last week, jays McKinley has r refused to ;ive him the ; office ; which he promised him ; the" last time e spent the ;night witli ; mm. cKinley gives as the reason, hat the Dr. didn't come to his naucruration. The office prom sed was superintendent of the og path frorit . Dick's Hollow ito Chnrch's; distillery. . Some aellow, who attended the inau guration will no doubt get the tiob . j T ' - ' - - ' J. Baffin Henderson Attempts to Kill - Richard N. Hackett. On last Wednesday morning, in fronl: of the hotel, J. R. Hen' dersonf republican candidate for Auditor for Aa' time during; the last campaign, shot at LaW. yer H. Nf Hackett with - intent to kill. , . . -i " Henderson was sitting in the. edge of the street in front Cdf the hotel. Hackett was going, to breakfast and was pass ing down by the porch to see Esq. Somers to whom he had called. As he was about b, Henderson, without saying; a word or giving a varning - a warning, drew his pistol and fired at Hackett. The aim was correct, and but "for a gleam of sunshine reflected from the pistol barrel as it, was brought to a level, it would have been fatal. Hackett taught the gleam and jumped around and the ball passed be tween the arm and body, scorching the coat. As Hen derson attempted to fire again, Hackett jumped at him, caught the pistol and, prevented anoth er shot. Several parties pres ent parted them, taking the pistol from Henderson. A warrant was issued for Henderson charging him with a secret or felonious assault. He waived examination and ras bound over to court, Sher iff Call and John Carrigan go- ing on his bond. It seems that it was -some kind of an old feud mixed with "liver regulator" that caused the assault. The newspaper reports are mistaken about Hackett being a cadidate for mayor. He was not a candidate. f W. C. Fletcher Dead. Esq. William C. Fletcher, of Purlear, died on Tuesday night of last week, after a lingering illness of 18 months. He suff ered from a complication of diseases, but dropsy 'was the immediate cause of death. - He was 56 years, 10 months arid 16 days old, and he leaves a wife and seven children. Four of his children preceded him across thc( silent river. He was a member of the Baptist church at New Hope, having connected himself with that church in 1869. His burial took place at New Hope on Thursday with masonic hon ors. Rev. M. McNeill, of this place, conducted the services. There was an immense corigre gatioii present over 300 -ipeo-' ple-pto pay the last tribute , of respect to the deceased, testi fying the high, esteem in which he was held by: his neighbors. One by one they pass away. Additional Locals. The Sanfer StilLEating Cats. The Santer; or whatever it is, is s till making inroads upon the cat population about Roar ing River. We gave an ac count of its ravages some time ago. It seems to live on cats, and there's no' cat in that sec tion that can feel safe unless Well housed1 up. We are- in formed ; that last year when the circus exhibited at Elkin a Xynx escaped, and it is sup-' posed that the cat-eating san ter is that Lynx! A Lynx is akin to the wild cat and loves cat meat. 1 . , ' . -'"-'' j "" i JIBS.-WiHblow's gooTHiirei STTRor haa been us ed lor over fifty years by millions of mothers for iteeir children while teetbingr with perfect uces It soothes the child, softens the ans, allays aU jjaln, cures wind coJlo, and is the best .remedy for Diarrhoea- It will reliere the poor little sufferer immediatelyi- Sold bydru'gglKts in every part of the world Twenty-flra cents a bottlej Be sure, and asltor:,,Mrs..Wlnslpw'sj:Soothlii:Syrup andfaHkexoj3therind .c ' k Maggie Owens, an inmate of the Poor House, is very sick. --Lawyer H. L. Greene-is at feuding Federal court at Ashe ville this ireek. eThe effect of. an earth quake was felt here Monday y several of our people. The quivering was only? slight -Application has been made 0r the admission . of Litisha Qudson, of Boomer township, tC the Morgan ton Hospital. i Mrs. J. EV McEwen and daughter Minnie, and Mrs. W. y. JfcEwen are attending the commencement at Traphill In ' Ititute. I -i. ' . , . ah, and L. W. Holbrook have Been appointed stock law com missioneis in Traphill and Ed wards townships. Mrs. Dawson, by mistake, took an overdose of nitro-glye erine Monday, and but for the immediate aid rendered ' Dr. Turner, the result would have probably proved fatal. G. W. Iseley, who is miller at the Turner & Wyatt -roller mills, came very nearly getting fatally injured last week. He fell from one ottne gangways whila carrying a sack of flour and received serious injuries. Nathan Ingool, of Rock Creek, fell dead cue day last week. Fire had broke out in the woods and Ingool went to where the. fire was and about the time he reached there he fell over dead. ; Esq. P. H. Moore, of Hunt ing Creek, has a curiosity which he showed Us this week. It is a twin egg, the two being connected by a little tube or valve, The, shell is soft, but can be handled without injury. It is another Wilkes curiosity. Prof. S. F. Conrad, exhib ited his stereopticon-grapho-phonic-phantastic-megora pam-ram-kleptomaniac-magic-1 a n tern performance, (or whatev er you call it) here last Wednes day night. It was right good in some respects, and was for a charitable purpose. Mr; S. D. Lewis, cf Os bornville, advertises . that he will sell at public j auction all his personal property, house hold and kitchen! furniture, farming utensils, arid so forth, on May the 13th, preparatory to moving to California. Our friend R j-A. Stroud, who is engaged in the tan bark business, felled a chestnut oak last week which measured -6 feet and 4 inches in circumfer ence, arid he I pealed the bark from it for; 106 feet. That is ahead of anything we have heard of. j . 1 r R. N. Garner; Esq., of Hunting Creek, J Democratic candidate for sheriff at the last election, was in the city Friday, and says the people down in his section are through planting' corn, -that some of them are working over their com the first time, and that he actually saw one man stacking! fodder. That seems to ;be the "most up to date" part of the country, "so far as heard . from. I One; o f -our young men dreamed Sunday night that -his fortune was told in Genesis, 31st chapter and the 8th; verse, and he is now looking- for! an interpreter. .::Here is what the yerWsayst. - :s'sJ: : , l If he said thus, The speckled shalfcbe thy wdges j then all the cattle bare speck led; and if he said thus Th ringstreak ed shall be thyJnreY then bare all v the W.-a Winkler. WHITE & WINKLE Dealers in- Dniffs, Patent nVTedicinesl ? ; tfoileil Articles, Clears, f : Tobaccbank. IE, Station&r. m Drue Stor and Everything kepi in a First Clas , - ,i y- " o Come and see us. Store on Main St. opposite court house. Wilkesboro, NC.V April 12, 1897. . JIXJ GS, Dnvam TV! Buy your Drugs from- Who have on hand a full line of Pure Drugs, Proprietary. Ethpharmal, aud Patent Medicines, Druggist Sundries, Cigar, iuuoivw, a. ciiuuico, xuneu Aruuies in variety, etc, eic. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Wilkesboro, N. C, April 19, 1897. A Magnificent Line of will EE JUST AE RIVING AT 1 - a m r m . - mug Sore 4 D Bring Your Produce- Stavesr and Cash to R. A. SPAINHOUR Wilkesboro, N. 0. & CO, ash Vices' Paid Resboro Martle Ms, - V? W e have ali: kinds of. Granite orMarble known to the trr r and of the best quality. ' V ; . H s . . r Best Material, First-Glass Work, lowest Pr- Before buying call or write, , , . . iV. ' ,C. B. WEBB & - - .