,BA;XES OF ADVERTISIffti. TERMS OF SCBSfoiieriON. Space ;1 wk.j lm. ( 3 in. ; .6m. 1 yr. Qne year...,.; ......... Si1 nrnirifHa 7$' I1.C3 CO J in. 2 in. I col. J- col. 1 col. .75 2.00 1.25 3:00 2.00 4.00 3.50 6.00 6.50 9.75 p 11.00 15.00 i 4.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 7.50 ilO.OO 0.00 U7.00 8,00 30.00 0.00 150.00 9.00 12.00 IThree montUs...,........! ... ....... &) 17.50 Payable.in advunce. 25.00 45.00 75.00 GPSends all money registered let er or postal order and address ffuia Cffpoyicis, Wilkeabgro. II. C. JSquarl Taxation, pixasct and Indirect. VOL. XL The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. JJrief Notes of Passing Events That May or May Not Interest You. Mrs. Geo. W. Holmes is visiting relatives in Ashe. J. M. Wellborn, Esq , is ..attending Ashe court. -W. G. Win.kler is in Cald well county on business this week. --Will White and Renn Pharr made-a. trip to Statesville last week. The Odd Fellows elected .officers Tuesday night under special dispensation. Esq. Tom JT-inley and fami sly are spending a week or so in Ashe. Jason Milam has begun work on his house ..near the new Methodist church. W, W. Barber and family ilesft last week to visit the fami ly of Dr. Wilcox in Ashe. Joe Clements, formerly as sistant depot agent here, made ,a short visit here last week. Miss Coruejia Sttaley, of Mo ravian Falls, is visiting her. brother Esq. Staley, at this place. . Mrs. Dr. Horton, North Wilkesboro, is visiting her pa rents at Ridge way, Warren county. Miss Dora Bingham closed her summer school last Satur day. She has ha$ a success f ui school. Esq. J. M. Mitchell, of Statesville, was among our pleasant callers last .week. He was up on business. We regret to le&rn of the death of Dr. Pegram's little child at Dellaplane last week. It lived only a short time after its birth. Mr. J. T. Wellborn has .given the tc n,tract for his . new dwelling house on Barrack's q Hill. It is to be an eight room building, and will be situated in a beautiful place. 1 Misses Stimson and, Mc Xvinney, of Turnersburg, Ire dell county, passed through town last week, on their way to spend a w'hile at Sparta, T. G. The ;Elkin Times says Mr. Thomas Greenwood, 'who lived near Jonesville, died on Tues day morning of last week. He was quite wealthy and was about 2 years old.' Little Miss Dessie Morri son gave a birth day party Fri day in commempration of her fourth birih day, and the little foiks had a delightful time, and wish. Dessie many pleas ant birth days. Mr. Tucker, o f Waugh iown, was married last we.eji to Miss Carrie, daughter of peed Woodruff, o f Bowles. They left next day for Waugh- own, where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gaith- er, of Newton, spent Wednes- aay night in the city, the guests of Mrs. Gaith'er's father, uol. w. H. H. Cowles. Thev left next mornino for Ashe where they will visit a week or so. The Santer. is still at large. J. D. McLean says it hasbeen een over there in his neigh - orhood, and that if has all the ppearances of a wild cat or aiiter. It has found a, good f eld for its voracious occupa ion. , t " J At our store, shoit purses go a long WILKESBORO, N.- C. , WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 , 1897. MATTERS. --The North Wilkesboro Cor ne; Band will furnish music for the masonic picnic the 19th of August. --Her many friends and rela tives in the county will be glad to poe that Mrs. Wallace is still improving. f Frank Clinard, of Hickory, passed through town the first of the week, onis way to at tend Ashe court. 4-Miss Elva Biair, who has been visiting at Capt. Blair's, North Wilkesboro, left Tuesday for her home at High Point. --Dr. Hubbard, who was lo cated at Worthyille a good while, has returned to Moravi- i r. an Falls where he will make home. hid i-Mrs. Eddleman and littles Sox. Iouis, and Miss Ivy Strig& er, of Concord, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Lillie Hix, at this place. 1 lJTM --Capt. Allison, of States vil e, formerly of the Marble Works here, passed through town last week, on his way home. Wm- Anderson, of Hunt ing Creek, who has fbeen very low with typhoid fever is im proving, and will soon be able to be out again. Rev. T. H. McLauria, who assisted Rev. Dawson in then protracted meeting at Boomer, returned to his home at Wal nut Cove Saturday. Mr. Will Foushee, of States ville has moved hjs fajnily to this place. He occupies the Greenwood house. We wel come them among us. j-A pleasant party was giv en at Dr. Turner's one evening last! week in honor of Misses Stimson: ,McKinney and Ow- i ensl and those present enjoyed themselves very much. Misses Fannie Lahdis, of Oxford, and Mary Howell, of Hamilton, who fcaye been vis iting Miss Maud Wilcox in Ashe, spent Friday night at the Wilkesboro Hotel on their way home. ' The protracted meeting at Boomer closed Sunday. It was a very successful meeting. Services were begun at Leba non church Monday. Quarter lv meeting: will be held there today, Wednesday. O u r former countyman, A. W. Edwards, who now Mr. lives in Bristol, Tenn., writes hia brother at Ahis place that the are wheat and corn cro.p there TVT J ll. immense, w neac is worm only 35 cents per bushel. fit is.claiincd by the friends of the movement that Love lacej and Antioch townships will vote the special school tax. Outside of these two, there are not much prospects of the tax beir g voted in this county. Miss May Mott, of Mount Moiirne. who visited here last sumjmer, was married one day lastlweek to Dr. Anderson, of Morganton. It was rather un expected a kind of a runaway match, says the report in the Landmark. C ur prices are so low that buying is simply a question of finding what you want Give us a trial. Hoeron Bros. The North Wilkesboro Liv ery Co. was organized last wee:, with W. R. Absher, Pres.. H. O. Absher,; Sec'y, J. U." lays, Treasurer, Thomas Crumpier, business manager.. Directors J. G. Smoot,' T . Wei born, T. "P. Ward. Pur chasing v c o mm i t te e J. C. Smobt, W. W.- McEwen and Thomas Crumpier. We under stand they will use the Blair Lloyd Hendren Dead. Lloyd Hendren, o4f Hunting Creek, died about two o'clock Monday morning, of typhoid fever. He was taken with hemorrhages Friday, and grad ually sank till death came. He was a son of Elbert Hen 4ren, and a brother of Lawyer Frank B. Hendren. He was about 30 years old. He married the daughter of the late Slater Bell some ten years ago, and his wife and six children sur vive him. air. Hendren vvas a quiet, honest and honorable gentleman, and a useful and substantial citizen. Kind and .accommodating in disposition, he was true to his friends and charitable to hiUexiemies. A Spader Web Party. A "spider web party was" given at Rev. Milton McNeill',3' last Friday night, in honor of the Misses Johnson, of Raleigh. It was rather unique and was enjoyed iy 40 or 50 young peo-. pie of the wilkesboros. You ask what is a spider-web party? well, it's a party where every body has a fine time and eats ice cream and cake, and sings and talks love if he can get anybody to listen to hijcn. It's a place whore there are lots of strings thousands o yards and each string has two ends with a tooth brush tied to each end. The strings "miamber ate" in every direction, through the house, arouud the porches, among trees and fences, down wells and up ladders, ad libi tnm, and elsewhere. A boy. gets at one end and a girl at the other. They wind up the thread till they come together and then they have a right to go a ad eat ice cream and cake together. Of course ho one knows who is at the other end of the line. But, in the lan guage of one of North Caroli na's distinguished sons, 'tem pus is fugiting," and we have time only to say that it was de lightful to be there. Price and Millner, who were tried before Commission er Matheson on the charge of breaking in and robbing the Taylorsville post office, were bound over to Federal court in a bond of $300 1 ach. They j were placed in Statesville jail in default of bond. Mr. B. F. Kinnear suffered a severe stroke of paralysis last Sunday. His entire right side was paralyzed. He was visitins: out at Moravian F&Hsw .at the time, and is there yet. He had been quite feeble for a week or so. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Prof, and Mrs. Agthe, Mr. Walter Ware and two daugh ters Ufisses Carrie and Ella, all of Philadelphia,stopped at the Wilkesboro Hotel Friday night on their way to visit the family of Esq. R. A. Hamilton, at Beaver Creek. Esq. Hamilton met them here. Prof. Agthe i s Mr. Hamilton's father in law. Mr. A. r. Hendren who has been threshing wheat in Iredell county, in the Turners burg and Olin neighborhoods, reports fine crops. Bud Hol land made 99 bushels o f wheat, Bert O wings made 92 bushels from 4 bushel's, sow ing', and did hot use any fertil izer whatever. Mr, Owings, 7e understand, is a brother of Esq. W. B. Owings, ji Millers Creek. - The tariffrbill has become a law and congress has adjourn ed. Prosperity should no. be Additional . Locals. Mr. A. Hr Eller, of Winston, was in town this week. Mrs. W. B. Owings, of Mil lers Creek, is quito sick. Lawyer L. JFitherspoon of Newton, spent Friday night in the city. It is reported that Esq. J. A. Lowe expects to put up roll er mills, on Hunting Creek, soon. Supervisor Foote has selec ted August the 5th and Gth for the examination o f colored teachers. John L. Gwaltney, of Tay lorsville, was in town this week, on business connected with the Laws estate. Our friend Mack Gilreath has gone into the sewing ma! chine business. He is travel ing for the White machine. Miss Lottie Steel, who has been visiting the family of J & Pennel, returned to her home in Rowan, last week. Mrs. Smith and two sons, Norman and Windsor, .of Wil mington, are in the eity to spend the summer. We learn that Mrs. Jane Mast died at her home at Mel rose, Texas, on July 17th. She was a sister of Mrs. H. C. Pen nel, of this county. Did not learn particulars. We hope the authorities will look closeiyafter the sani tary conditions of the town. Wilkesboro has been fortunate so far, but it is not due to any work of the sanitary commit tee. It is a matter that should have attention. Misses Kate and Edith Cranor left last Wednesday to attend the Exposition at Nash ville. They will jrisit relatives at Murfreesborough, some 30 miles from Nasiiyille, before re turning home. A pleasant trip to them. A fellow, up in Reddies River worked hard one day last week peeling what he sup posed to be chestnut oak bark, when his hard day's work was finished he discovered that he had been peeling a black gum all day, and his day's work was lost. The colorecLdramatic club of the colored Academic and Industrial Institute will give a play called ''Imogene, or The Witch's Seeret," at the court house here o n next Friday night, July 30th. Admission fee 1 0 cents. Refreshments will be served Our friend R. N. Garner, Hunting, Creek, is ahead in the apple business. Along i n 3arch he grafted an apple tree, and about three or four weeks ago he found four well devel oped apples on the graft. We have never heard of anything of the kind before.. Several young men from Turnersburg, Iredell county, passed through town last week on their way across the moun tain on a pleasure trip. There were three Steel's three Jur heys, and one Stimson. They were prepared for camping -out and "frying their own fish." A republican who went on the Norfolk excursion and thence on to Washington re ports that he had a talk with Linney, and that the deputy collectorship is still in doubt, and that Stacy Barnes is sure of the North Wilkesboro . post office and J. R. Henderson, Esq., will get the Wilkesboro post office. It seems that somebody has played false i IXr. J. W. White. WHITE -Dealers in- "Dinars, Patent Miedicsbaes., : Toilet Articles, Cigan - and JiiYerjrthuLg kept in Come and see us. , Store on Wilkesboro, N. C, April 12, 1897.. Buy your Who have on hand a full line Ethpbarmal, and Patent Medieines, DrHggist Sundries, Oigajs, Tobacco, Perfumes, Toilet Articles in variety, Prescriptions carefully compounded; Wilkesboro., N. C, April 19, 1897. pecial Bargain at Will continue six days in every week until! the stock of j spring and summer clothing, shirts, hats, capsl shoes, rnilli- uery, eiu., is uiapuseu ui. xiiis iifuu;e SXACK Will De SOlCt . at YOUR OWN PRIOE, almost in order to give place to the Fall and Winter Stock. If j ou are looking for bargains, call and see us. THE HIX CLOTHING- STORE. Wilkesboro, JN. (J.. ll Bring Your Produce, and Cash to R. A. SPAIN Wilkesboro, N. a Cash Prices Paid. C. B. Webb, ttestoro Iilarlile forks. We have all kinds of Granite or Marble known to the trad and of the best quality, i - : " .. - Best Material, first-Glass Work, Lowesi Prices. Before buying call or write, - ; WEBB & MILLER. KO. 14 W. 5. Winklec Tobacco and Stadionery, a First Clai Drug Storey. too o Main St. opposite vcount liouse. RUG& D MtVfiH. I 1 Drugs from- of Pure Druga, Proprietary, etc., etc. the 0 Staves A v'"5 HOUR & CO, 3L C. y; Millec WIN ID Pays r raY- . IIOKTON BfiOS." ' stables. 4elayed much longer. - -- - - - - Up Qarrigan,-

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