' ' T. 4 ' i KATES OF ADVERTISING. TERMS- OF s UBSOiiLPriON. 1 m. i 3 m. 6m. I 1 yr. ......-$1.00 Six months k. (0 30 2.00 s? 3.00 4.00 (.00 6.00 9.00 10.00 17.00 30.00 9.00 12.00 17.5C 25. 0C 45.0( 75.0C Three months.......' y Payable in advance EJp'iBends alL money 'er or postal order am 4.00 7.50 6.00 10.00 9.75 18.00 15.00 130.00 ly registered let; address 2 v ilke..iovo,'N. C. 50.00 The Cithoniclk, Vi JEciual taxation, pireot and Indirect. VOL. XI. WILKESBORO, N. C., WEDNESDAY. NOV. 3. 1897. NO. 28. Kce 1 wk. 2 in. 3 in. ?.00. i col. 3.o0 I c0i. 6.50 ' 1 : The Chronicle. LOCAL DOTS. Brief Notes of Passing Events That 3Iajr or 3Iay Not Interest You. John Neal, of Ashe, was in town last week. Sir. Jim Counciil, of Boone, was in town last week. Dr. Pegram, of Dellaplane, was in town this week. Mrs. Francis L. Barlow is postmaster at Elkville. Esq. Joe Holbrook, of Trap Hill, was in town Saturday. Maj. Foote was in town the first of the week. Esq. J. A. Crysel was a morig our pleasant callers this week. A pleasant little party was given at Mr. Spainbour's at Moravian Falls Friday night. Nathan Williams had a big red beet in town Saturday that weighed nearly eight pounds; Mrs. Alice Brown and chil dren, of Virginia, are visiting her brother, Esq. Joe Holbrook at Trap Hill. The Blue Ridge Times says that oar friend J. C. Parsons, of Parsonsville, has gone to S. C. to teach school. If you want cash for your produce, call on the Wildesboro Produce Co., store room under Chronicle office. Esq. J. C. Land, of Elk township, was here this week, looking after a proposition for a road from Atkins Shop to Goshen. There will be no services a1: the Presbyterian church on next Sunday. The pastor Mr. Robinson is attending Synod at Salisbury. Berry and Call have open ed up an oyster saloon under the hotel. You can get fresh fish and oysters there at any time. If you want the highest cash prices for your poultry and eggs, call on the Wilkes boro Produce Co. Wilkesboro, N. C. Jacob Lewis, the clothing man will take corn, wheat or other produce in exchange for goods. He proposes to close out his clothing some way or other. D. W. May berry has pur chased P. E; Dancy's bottom land interests at North Wilkes boro. MrDancy will proba bly go into business in West Virginia soon. Rev. J. S. Matthews is no longer rector of the Episcopal church here. He will probably go to Wilmington or back to Brooklyn. We have not learn ei who wTill be his successor. Judge Avery could not be here this week and the com missioners have set apart Tues day of December meeting to hear the railroad matter. Rev. W. A. Lutz, Lutheran minister of Winston, preached an able sermon at the Presby terian church. Monday night, his subject being the Reforma tion. Capt. J. E. Foster, of Jef ferson, spent Sunday night at his place, on his way to Win ston. He and his wife, who has been in vVinstOn a few weeks, w i 1 1 r e t u r n ho me Friday . -Dr. Colvard and Esq. Alec. McEwen, of Jefferson, passed through last week on' the way home from Morganton, where, they had been to carry Mrs . Hufus McNiell to the aSylum. LOCAL MATTERS. The meeting at Oakwood, conducted by Rev. C. W. Rob inson, closed Sunday. There were six accessions to the ch irch two by letter and four by profession. There were sev eral conversions. We will pay you the cash for your poultry, eggs apples, beans, onions and beeswax. Give us a call. Wilkescoro Produce Co. Bruce, the town tax col lector, says he is bound to col lect the town taxes ancP that right at once. If you have not paid do so at once and save trouble. The taxes must be paid. The Chronicle has made arrangements with the Wilkes boro Produce Company and w 11 take chickens, eggs, ap plss, etc., on subscription. If you have not the cash, bring in the produce, and get the nows. Will White and Richard Hackett went to Iredell this wsek to attend the marriage of Mr. White's brother, Mr. Bell White to Miss Myrtle Eagle, wiiich occurred Tuesday. The boys will stay a few days and try their skill at shooting birds. Miss Minnie parlier, ef Gil reath, killed a large hawk with a stick last week. The hawk flaw into the yard and began fi hting an old hen and while the fight was going on, she attacked the hawk with a stick a id killed it. Licenses were issued last week for the marriage of Elias Johnson to Emma Johnson, of j Rock Creek; Louis Duncan to Lizzie Brock, of the Brushies; William Grimes to Sarah Walk e: of Rock Creek; Robert Elli ot to Lizzie woods, of Reddies River. Frank Bussell, of Hunting reek, has left the State. He as taken with a peace warrant s undav week as:o, and sen tonced by the magistrate to leave the State and he is gone. It wTill take an expert to cal culate the loss to the com munity. The boys had some lively ( ebating at the Academy Fri c ay night. The little fellows 1: ad a seperate question under c iscussion and they waded into it with gloves off. We hope the boys will keep up interest in the debating society. There ip nothing that will improve them more, Uncle Bobbie Bauguss of r.Vap Hill, was in town last week, looking after the tomb stones which he had ordered i'or his wife and himself from t he Wilkesboro Marble Works. Ie is the largest bee raiser in 1, his section of the state, and is to pay for these tombstones i n nice honey. On Friday before the third Sunday in this month, there is :o be a meeting of the Baptists at Covenant church at Dockery :or the purpose of organizing a lew Association. As we learn t, it is to.be a sort of an inde pendent association, inviting all churche whether mission ary or primitive. Esq. Reece who lives up, at the Iron and Lithia Spring-g. has a wonderful garden. Last Sunday he had fresh snap beans tfor dinner, the third crop this hear. His tomato vines are still blooming and have plenty of tomatos on them, s And he has a beat measuring over 20 inches around. How's this for the BruLhies?, . .North Wilkesboro Items. J. B. Hopkins, of Ashe coun ty, was here Monday. He is thinking of locating here. Jesse Yates, of Mt. Airy, was in town last week. He is enthusiastic over the mining interests of Wilkes county. Bert Vyne returned to Rocky Mount Monday. He has a po sition with the Coast Line and is doing well. Mr. Bosset, cross-tie inspect or for the Southern, is in town taking up ties and wood this week. ilfaj. Foote and son went to Winston Tuesday for a visit of a few days to Mr. J. H. Foote, Jr. The revival at Bethel closed Sunday night with several con versions and additions to the church. The pastor was assist ed by Rev.' Mr. Sherrill, of El kin, who did some very forcea ble preaching, and endeared himself more and more to our people. He returned to Elkin Monday. Prepare for mud, rain and snow by buying Mcintosh coats and rubber ! shoes of Horton Bros. Big line of bo,th for men and women. Ladies' Mackintosh coats at Horton Bros. Filled With Shot in His Own House. One night last week, down in Antioch township, some ore went to Oscar Martin's, Jr., called him up and when he came to the door, fired a load of shot into his shoulder and breast. It was a serious wound and Dr. Pegram was called and found 29 shot in him. He is no w getting better, but it was thought for a while he would not recover. Warrant was is sued for Bill Gray, Jr., who it is said did the shooting, but he has skipped the country. The cause is said to be an old grudge between them, Mrs. Sherman Dead. Mrs. A. R. Sherman, wife of the superintendent of the tan nery, died at North Wilkesboro last Sunday afternoon of paral ysis, and was taken to Berkely Va., her old home, Tuesday, for burial. She had been sick for a year and was just recov ering from a spell of typhoid when the death stroke came unexpectedly. She was 44 years old and had been married 22 years and two weeks to the very da7". Her maiden name was Smith and her father was a prominent lawyer. Her Bro. has held a prominent position in the P. O. Department for 20 years. Her husband is a relative of John Sherman, of Ohio. She was a good, pleas aut woman, a consistaut Meth odist., and leaves many friends here. a o if i" Miss Carrie Bowie, who has been in the convent at Bel mont, near Charlotte, for two or three years, returned to her home in Ashe last week. She was met here by her sister, Miss Daisy, and Mrs. Rufus Hamilton and Miss Louise Smith. They all spent the night at Esq. Cranor's, A young man by the name of Summerlin who works for Davis and Meadows at Goshen was in town last week to have a piece of chissel extracted from his breast. He was work ing at the mill, the chissel broke and the point buried it self in his breast. Only a small hole was made in the clothing, about the size of a pea. The operation x was postponed till further developments. Additional Locals. Mrs. Reece spent a few days in town last week. Mrs. Carolina Lewis has been quite sick for several days Miss Emma Winkler has returned to her home at Boone. Geo. W. Holmes has gone to West Virginia on a business trip. Joe Neal and son Frank, of Jefferson, were in town last week. Misses Bettie and Janie Spicer, of Kendall, were in the city last week. Mr. A. E. McNeill of Jef J ferson, passed last week on his way to Charlotte, on social business, so they say. The colored people had a big time at John Wade's Thurs day night. John gave a big possum supper. Bob Gibbs, Esq., and Bob Wellborn, of Goshen, were in town last week. It is Mr. Well born's first trip here since his severe siege of typhoid fever. The Winston Tobacco Fair begins to-day and continues over tomorrow and next day. The rates will be cheap. Go down and see the Fair. Misses Sallie Gentry and Maggie Carson, of Jefferson, passed through town Wednes day, the former enroute to Ker nersville, the latter for Elkin, to visit her sister Mrs. Reece. E. Spencer Blackburn spent the" night in . to wn last week, returning home from States vjlle. He spoke in favorable terms of judge Brawley who presided at Statesville Federal court. From what the Winston Republican says our supply of eels has gone down the river. It says two wagon loads were in town last week. They had been caught on traps in the Yadkin river. Mrs. Spears and two chil dren who have been visiting here for two weeks, left for their home in Cabarrus county Tuesday. Her sister Miss Lil lian Wellborn accompanied her home to spend a few weeks. Miss Davie Wellborn had a number of friends with her for dinner Thursday, in honor of her birth day. It was her we promised not to mention the number but we hope she will see many more such pleasant birth days. It is learned from the Star that Cheatwood, who was ar rested in South Carolina and carried to Sparta, o i the charge of killing Estep 19 years ago, has given bond in $1,000 for his appearance at next term of Alleghany court. The Star says: "Mrs Ma linda Horton, widow of the late Col. Jonathon Horton, of Wa tauga county, and Martin Mc Glammery and wife, of Wilkes county, spent Tuesday night in town on their return home from a visit to relatives in Car rol county, Va. Mayberry's (the merchant) horse ran away at the depot on Friday morning, and left the wagon in pieces along the road for some distance. The horse became frightened there at the depot and ran against one of the posts on the upper side of the depot and threw Mr. May berry and his little son out, and the horse . had his own way then till he "shed" the entire wagon. There was no serious damage done; the wagon came all to pieces, but nothing was broken. ! Dr. J. W; White. WHITE & WINKLER, -Dealers in Drugs, Pa,teiit Medicines, Toilet Articles, CivaA ' vvj-juuug jrpz in Come arid see us. . Store on Wilkesboro, N. 0... Apritl2, 1897. Buy your Who have on hand afull line Ethpharmal, aud Patent Medicines, Druggist looacco, ir-ertumes, Toilet Articles in variety -rescnptions carefully compounded. Wilkesboro, N. C, April 19, 1S97. Special at HIX CLOTH'-. o Will continue six days in every week uniil the stock of; spring ana summer clothing, shirts, hats, cabs, shoes, milli nery, etc., is disposed of. This entire stock will be sold, at YOUR OWN PRICE, almost, in order to give place to the Fall and Winter Stock. J; If jou are looking for bargains, call and S3e us. THE .HIX TTT Ml 1- -XT ri vv liKesooro, rs . u. -of- GENEML MERCHANDISE THE FALL AND -oi ls arriving, and we have a complete line need. We can give you the best the market. See our stock and prices. Highest market prices paid for produce. II. A SPAINHOUR C. B. Webb, -o- We have all kinds of Granite and of the best quality . Best materia .i First-G $etore ouying can or write, W. C. Winkled -o- Tobacco and Stationery a - irst U La&$ Vruv Store. -o- .. Maid St. opposite court house. i Drugs from- of Pure Drii gs, Proprietary, Sundries, Cigars, , etc., etc. rg:an the 3 oavs INGST CLOTHING STORE. 1 for- WINTER TRADE pf anything you goods and best bargains on & CO , C. Y. Miller. la wis. or Marble known to the tradd ass Work. Lowest Prices. WEBB&MILLEIL