JSual Taxation, Pirect and Indirect. . - ' . ' .... YOU. XIII. The Chronic le. Home Matters Paragraphs Concerning Our People .and Their Affairs. Our friend Esq. Vance Mc Ghinnis, was in town last" week. Mrs. J. E. Foster, of Jef ferson , is visiting her parents at Winston. , - Esq. John M. Jones and Esq. Miller, of Elk township,! were in town last weelt. Dr. Matthews, o f Blast visiting his son Prof. Matthews Mr. Bob Cassel has moved his family into theB. Hack-; ett house in the eastern' part p town. . '. IS. R. Bell, o f Hunting Creek, has move his family to North Wilkesboro, says ' the Hustler. Mr. C. H. M. Tulbert, of Hunting Creek, was in town last week on matters connected with his mercantile business. -;; ,- U. S. Commissioner A. Ik Villi, U.I1U IttWJfciB.O. u. vwua- cill and R.-H. McNiell, of Jef erson, went through this week to States ville court, Mr. Robert FJts, of Mis souri, a son of Esq. J . W. Felts, is in the county visiting rela v tives. The west seems agree with him; he weighs only 284 poupds. Miss Ivey Strieker, . who has been spending the summer at Iaurei Springs with her sis ter Mrs. Dough ton, passed through last week on her wa home to Concord. : n The eel business up about Goshen is quite lively along now. One day last week He ekiah and Chapman Minton . captured about 200, all of them good sized ones. Col. T. C. Land tells us, that while prospecting down on Hunting Creek, he found Knm orl1 Tt will rpmiirf jStnmA development to ascertain the extent of the gold deposits. ; Mr. Lonnie Miller, of Davie county, brother of Thomas and Claud Miller of this place, has a prolific kind of shp,er. In Fnbimrv thfvfiwpfr found lambs and they did so again in July. . 1 - ;". , Our friend Mr. Leonard Vyne and Miss Lula Saunders were married at North' Wilkea uoro last vveanesaay evening, Rev. C , W. Robinson, - of ficiating. The ceremony took place at the residence of Esq, W. B. Henry. A . number of friends were present. Our.besjf wishes are with the mV ' .."" r.,Arui:u I u - v. i -z- TT ha a pear treo thWt7 has alarg larsre -ripe pearthe size of 'your . fist. Near by it , are several small ones, th .sise or"; the ?end vof your, thumb-second: growth- and beside 1 1 h a-1 there 'are blooni on the same limb . That is, there are three crops on i the same limb' at thesanie time. Can you beat thtft? - i ". The subscribers, of,; the turn pike to Boone, met at the North Wilkesboro Bank last week and elected the following Directors: ' R. A.. Spainhour, .W. ,M. Ab sherr.E; S. Blair, J. E; , Finley, C. R. Triplett, W. X. Hendnx tors elected J. E. Finley, Pres., and R. . W . Q wynr Sec'y and ! Treas. ; It was decided to make the survey at once and an as sesment of" 10 ner cent 1 was made. to pay for the survey and; charter. There is also talk oE to Jeffer- 1 WILKESBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY. OCT. 18. 1899 I Editor Croch went up' to Jobs C abin Friday. ': 'h Our farmers are sowing; a large wheat crop this season 4 M C. Call has gone to the State Fair ; at Raleigh -this week. A fine little girl arrived at Mr. Pd rks Lender man's Monday night ; Esq E.Spencer Blackburn came jup from Winston on busi ness last week: . - 1 - " John T. Forester and James Fennell have gone south to bxxj upJ some cattle. r.' . John-' Forester's new house' is- completed' and he will move into-it soon. ; - - ' I: T8: J. C. Hubbard' who has been quite siclc, is improv ing, ve are glad to state, j This-weelc 1ST Federal court at States ville . and several of our deople have gone down, v r-The carpenters are at work repairing; and building an addi tion to the old Call dwelling house. Deputy sheriff E. M. Ab sher left Monday to take Mrs. Su san E. Taylor to Morganton asylhm. A small little fellow .ar rived at Esq. Loyd Soicers, of Edwards, recently. He weighed 2 ppifrjfo. ' jMiss ' Maggie Carson, of J enerson; spent Sunday night hfe d'rf lier way to Statesville t-j visit relatives. Mr. John Parlier has a fine little fellow at his Irouse: ; - He weighs five pounds and is as live ly as a cricket. - ; --'ftev.i A. M. Barker died re cently at his home in Alexan er rrounty, near the Wilkes line. He was abotft 00 years old - -From the number of eye specialists now travelling, there see ms to be a considerable decadence in that special organ frc m the olden times - --Licenses were issued ' Sat urday -for the marriage i o f THomas FaW, of Ahe, to Miss Gertrude Church, of Reddies River; and James O. Byrd? to M iss Mary elt?S. - Mr. ahdMrs. Jas. L -Gra-iu.m- left Monday . for States VHIO. Mrs. Graham and little will visit relatives in Essie C bdrlotte, while Mr. Graham a ttend.s court at Statesville. The depot -force is' over ss orked these days and nights, owirfg to: the immense produce shipments. The boys need Kelp, and the Southern ought t add others to the the force. L;tst Sunday, in ;the' road t ear Pumpkin Creek school House, Mr, Bloom F.JFostef and M IBs Zoda Land were joined i n morri'a era : TT.firt . W iUi am : Ffir- marriaere.' Esq hruson tid the knot. ,vHere s p-r Mr. Williani Bell's wife, of !40velace died of cancer of the tomach last Friday and was luried Sunday. She was be ween 50 and 60 years old and had V been unwellfor quite kwhile. . : ' " ... ; -Our young people were de lignuuny eniieriaiueu ifvm q w 12 o'clopfc Friday evening . by Mr. and Mrs. Morrison; The, occasion was in honor of their charming guests, the Misses Morris," of Salisbury." : An Art Galery catalogue -guessi ng con -test was the feature of . the evening, after which elegant refreshments were ' served Music, mirth and conversation made the moments fly swiftly by; and all felt that the hour for departure came too soon. That the evening: was one' of unalloyed pleasure, was the unanimous sentiment of those present-. - ..' ' Esq; Sam Hall, of Parsons ville, was in town last week on business. J "C :. , -r-Lawyer Frank B. Hehdren and family, visited his mother on the Brushies last week. A numWr of teachers were here last, week being examined by the County Superintendent. Hackett Bros have the Tfin- est quality of both bearded and smooth seed wheat for sale at their mill. . - ' ; rMr. J. Quincv Mvers has resigned his position with I. S. Call &. Co and returned, to h is home. in Walnut Grove town-, ship. , - Will Anderson, . o t ,t,h e Brushies, tells" us that he has killed 162 squirrels since hick orynut time. Last week he .-killed "two atone shot..' Dock May berry, of . North Wilkesbore, is confined in jail, awaiting his admission to the asylum at Morganton. He has been . in the asylum several j'ears before this. - Jennings, the photograph er: is doing good work and jCheap work. He is making six photos now for 50cts, or he f will make you six - beautiful carbonettes for 75cts. - - l On last Thursday, at Gaith er's store, Dixson Mitchell aged 19 years, and Mias Diana NicfrolS, aged 30 years, were married, Esq. J.' M. Gaith per forming the ceremony; Prof. Surratt, Of Moravian Falls,, repieved a. life certificate la'str weefe from the State Board ot Education. Very few teach ers in the State have succeeded in getting life certificates. . Marion. Blankenship, o f Beaver Creek township, jnear the Caldwell line, was tried bofore Esq.JStaley Friday ; and bound over., to; court, on the charge of keeping ardisorderly bouse. S Iii cleaning out- the court house upstairs lasttweek, the Clerk of the' Couit. and: Co. Superintendent found an adderj snake about the size .of .your thumb, J It is a mystery bow it got there.- . ' Prof. E. J. Johnson, o f Ronda, has received " a life teacher's certificate from the State Board of Education. - At the "recent" examination, when he and Prof." Surratt applied, there were only five in the en tire State thatT; succeeded, and two of them from Wilkes. Wilkes is no slouch. Sherifl Johnson says he is succeeding reasonably well in collecting taxes this round. s A good many : are paying.' It would be better "on the people and the officer too if every body would " prepare , to pay ..their taxes the first 'round. By ' the way, a little incident occurred at Trap Hill which shows that some of our people arealways prepared to' pay , their taxes. Last year Sheriff Joh nsoh who was then a candidate, collected taxes for. Sheriff, Call, and 'on Oct. 29th at TrapHill, V Esq. Marion Brown settled his axes and in making the change ,was given back five silver .dollars.;; He remarked at the tine that he would pay those same dol lars on this year's tax, andsure enough when Sheriff Johnson was there last week, Brown paid his taxes and those same five silver dollars were i n the amount;: Mr Brown is a.well to do farmery raises-everything he needs and some to spare. When y5U-"want , to-'buy any, thing he has, you must go I to his house and pay the 'cash for LOCAL ' MATTER. ; Get your .fertilizer at , Mor rison's the best on the market. Lawyer W. WV Barber is at Mocks ville court this -week, acting as Solicitor.' : Uncle Alfred " Anderson, col., is. very sick with hemor rhage of the lungs.- . ' - Mrs. A. V. Foote, of Briar Creek is visiting hor parents; Esq, and Mrs. JamesWellborn. Mrs. A. S. : Cooper returned fto her home in Ashe the first of the week, accompanied by her brother, B. S. Call. . ; Mr. Frank Somers returned to this home in Illinois recently, after visiting- his old home and relatives in this county. Mr. Holden?-a wealthy gen tleman of Cleveland, Ohio, ar rived this week. He is looking after timber and mineral lands. Miss Maggie . May berry, - an orphan child about 12 years old was sent to the Oxford Asy lum Monday, where she will be tenderlv cared for; Oh the first Monday in NovemberJ will sell, at public auction, three thoroughbred Poland China pigs. K. N. Hackett. . The Governor has offered $200 reward for the capture of Granville Brooks, of Ashe county who recently killed Press Taylor, over there. ; Lawyers J. W. McNiell, Tom Finley, T: Herb Greene, Solicitor Mott, Jas L. G raham and Col. f -Dataware attending StatesVille court this week r ThttVataulga ' Democrat says tblakWy er. L. D r Lowe, of that-coun ty is very lo w wi th typhoid fever. He : formerly lived at this place. Hope he will soon recover. - - The Wilkesboro Marble Works are getting behind with their orders, owing to the sick-' ness of the two foremost work men Zeb Deaton ; and v Jim Reins. Mr, Robert Card well, of Champion,i is; conducting a very successful school at stony Hill. A lively debating society has been organized in connec tion with the school.,- , ' '' ; ' Mrs M. A. Miller, of Davie county, i is .visiting her -sons, Messrs. Thomas and Claud Mil ler. . She says Wilkes is not ahead in everything. She found a guinea nest sometime ago with 99 eggs in it, and she says she don' tv believe Wilkes can beatthat. ; ... It is to be r hoped that all farmers "will take ad vantage of this fine weather and sow large crops of wheat. -There is. no reason , why Wilkes . people should have to send outside the county for one pound of flour. 3?hey ought to - raise enough w heat fo r home con sumption and some for exportl This plan will bring prosperity sooner than any, other; v Esq. ; Wesley Ball, died on the 11th at his' home , onf the Brushies.: He was 86' years, and was an honest, .hardwork ing citizen. He leaves a wife and family, He died rather suddenly. A week or so ago, lifting tops" he injured himself internally some way. : . He was not well afterwards, but his death was not expected. His wife is 87 years old, and is a good intelligent woman. i She has a wonderful mem ory; and can tell more county biograph ical history: thaa: perhaps ariy; one else living.. She sterns; to know everybody, their parents, whom- they' married- and all about their' children, She will soon follow her hushandT across the valley. . ' - Rich: pMSiy' titiasii ofeo j This is a war of the' mighty to' The 7m uuu irom mis 1. o. UAJLl ifc CO have SUCCESSFFLLX MADE WAR'upon tie high prices of all kinds of goods that go to make up the life and' comforts, of our own. liberty-lov ing. people; , r . ' ;. l ; : ' Ourlargei at tractive welL selected: and. complete stock of d ry goods, groceries,, shoes, dress good etcietc,. and the rock.bottomrpricefrat which we sellthemj iswhatisattractingr the great crowds at our store;, and others are invited to com and see for. themselves. . : ' " '. : We invite inspecUon of our Iarge stock and prices. ; A. IP B IC E::' TO ; '?fi (LP 0 T Our new line of :Clothin, Hats, Gents Furnishing Goods, etc, is complete and up tojdate in Style and QuaJi; 4 sts Yor Purse, Person arid tie Weather We are confident we have what you want at a price that will please you. 9 4 Hard ware," Stoves, Cutlery, Nails, Plows', Reapers, Mowers, Drills, Tinware, Carpenter's and Black- s smith's tools, and everything in the hardware hneo." you need. The. largest and most complete line in the eounty. : .: - ; - s See roe before purchasing elsewhere! ' ' G P. MOEEISON, WILKESBORO N. a DR.J.::'.W -Dealer - t - r: -r rqgs; Paterat Medbinea, Toilet and Fancy 'Articles, Perfumery, : Tobacco "CigaT8. Stationery, etcr-' tf' " ;' 1 ' ' ' T , . ' 5 Prescriptions carefully filial ' - : STORE ONiUlN STREET APPOSITE COURT H0USD WILKESBORO, MARCH 8TH1899. Hr.J. . Ttjbnek.t i - n n rr r rc re T ; : - 1.; .:.daELERS :IN- : V Drugs, Hedicines, Cigars, ToBacso, fancyinJ t:!I:to 'SL Prescriptions promptly and aouratofy fil fel . -V7e bandlo-only the bsst goods." if in need of cnvt::i.:L: cur line, try us-; ; ; NO. 19. old 'i!e!!c:s Fransvaai ' Enao - weens Ho V7an crush the weafc' ' In rnntnrlii I. S. GALL & CO. V CALL & COMBS. W, A. BsxtRT. 3 U;-U U.-M"' a WHDTEn if