VOL. XIII. WILKESBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY-, OGT, 25. 1899. NO. 20 . The Chronicle. 7F Home Matters Parajmphs Concerning Our People an4 Their Affairs. : Miss Nellie Cbwles has been quite sick for several jjajrs. ' t r XT? 1 T lllA her grandma, Mrs. Call, last week;. Mr. A B. Ladd, ot Cling an. was in town on business 5 S - .-a v. j, i last week. .. - .. Esq. D. R. Edwards, of Ai- leghany, was in town last wees looking after some business, I , Esq. Quincy McCJes wife at Riverside, otea last week, leaving eight children. v Mr. W. F. Beutley anJ wife, of Tennessee, visited rel atives in the county last week. Louis Dula has been as signed as storekeeper at Cock: erham's distillery in dwa'rd's township. Maj. Bill Vannoy has com pleted his new store at North Wilkesboro and has moved his goods into it, Esq. W. F. Porter and wifo, 0 Jiay meado w, hav e gone to Buffalo, N. Y. to visit their daughter there. Ohap Minton cut his fool very badly last week while he was cording wood beyond the Academy bliiltfing. ' ' Nice lot of RedMt. LimZeriwig fruit, ready for gathering, tcant to sett on the trees in a lamp. Also fine lot of apple irce350ii lied Mt." Limbertwig and Winc3Tbpsrej,dy for transplanting. See JESSE G. DUNCAN. l Mrs. Robert Stafford ar rived from Oak Ridge last week to visit her parents JJr. ana Mrs. Greene. Mr. Stafford is no w in South Carolina and will be here in a month or so The Wiikesboros Telephone Company met last week ana re-elected the former officers J. B- Spainhour, President, Yv. M. Absher, Vice-Presidentand Fin ley Sec y and Treasurer. -Mr. Louis W. Bryan, of Pocahontas, Va , who was sj eriously injured in a - mine there some month's go visited f lis father Esq. John Q. A. Bryan, at; Trap Hill last wetk Col. Grayson had a strode bf appopiexr at Statesvilie one ening last week and came very neariy dying. Next day lowever he was up again, as iveiy as ever, we are i&lad to ao.te: : , Mr. Honsford Whittiqgton,, pf Union township, -died last. jw t ek. of typhoid ' f ee'er IJo eves a family. He was a" ood citizen and bis death is 'curetted by a host cf relatives friends A lumber kiln eoatainfn? ibout $300 worth of lumber,, in d belonging o: Mr. .John eal, was, dfesiroyed by fire ajt Jefferson last, week. Recently it the same 'spota iln'6x lumj jev was destroyed". It seems :q be an unfortunate spot. r 'j A i:.s , r O u r friends J oh n 18 tjael,-. nan, of Tenn., and Win. B. 5teelman, of the U S. , Army low located! in, rJentuc.Ky, were iere last week visiting "their ather, R. I. D. Steelman, ; at )ak woods, s They reLuivn 3d to heir homes ttie first of the veek. - . - - Uncle Alfred Anderson, olored" dled last Yed nesday noruing of lung trouble; Vas an aged darkey androne of w t uiu wine kiuo; uonest, po Je, straightforward and tfe otraiguvrorwara ana je VMc hm. . - -1 -ii.l rv"4- i Here is not ,ix ueittjr . Uored man li rino- than uncle Jirea was, and his death Ms ir. aj. jn. nunc ana wire were l in town Tuesday. See A'ad" of Hortoja Wil- born'., S - t t Gnarlie Shore made a trip to Elkvilie Monday on his wheelJ - Large supply of Diamond Dyes just received at Horton 4e wnborn-'ft We are glad to learn .t&at Miss Kiter Bower, of Yadkin Valley, is convalescing. - Jonn !Bjshop Avas married to Marry Powell, in Jods 5aii'n township las,t Saturday. -r-Lawyer F. Carter, of Jjt. wgs m fownoQ busi ness tl is week. jfi'-r-Mr; Quincy Mvers who formerly plierked at Call & Go's, was in town this week. 'r-Mrs. Rev. H. 0. Sprinkle and Mrs. Woods left Tuesday to visi. ; at MocksviJIe. Al I kinds of school books and sc 100I supplies at Horton I Mr. G. W. Iseley hasa fine 12 pound boy, which arrived Monday evening. Esb, John lieach, of Mora vian Falls, was here? Tuesday, but failed to bring any news. Jim Wallace went to Greens boro liiesday and will "return to Wir ston to the Fair to day. Rii ihard N. Hackejtt, ope of the mirsbalfs for the Horse Show, went down to Winston Tuesday , New goods arriving at Mayhcrry., Salem Je ins 4octs per yard, Elkin v Home made Shi esfar men, women and children,' ... ; Mr i j. G. Herlig, of Salis bury, representing the McCor mick Co,.' was bere this week. l If? A. I. poniUs ippt to Charlotte Tuesday and will take in the Horse Show on his return i ; If you are lookjner for. the h ighe st market price for pro duce ot every kind,' bring it to Call ep up.. ' -Me. L M. f harr, who has had a long seigo !o,f Rickness. is able to sit up a iitfclff are glad tc note. ' SaveraJ of our people laay gone te W f nston o Horse Sh o w, and-a targe number more go down on. the srec.ia to morrow. : May )erry is ait the same ti&laaiL ipith the digest stock of goods arriving that he has ezer had i7W? the prices are right Come ew&eeei .... . j--. ; Mij. Thomas, Dancy and Texie $J-i&ol weie marrif4" Saturday night i n Reddles i River township. Esq. Abe tied te fe not. Foster J. E. Hubbard and familyj have moved back- from; th& Brushies for the Vyiter. entered His children hav schopijat th'e ca.demy. ; rilfei Minnie Absher return ed, Las week, ; from a several months visit to Ohio and has ! a'position as clerk with the VV;. I M. Abkher Co Miss. Mary, daughter of Finley Queen; .died - o n . the Brush; r Mountains 1 last . wjjeki o t c onsumption. ' She was about 23 vears old. Oi r friend .D. D. A. writes us tha . Dr. Frank Hall . has been downed in the dog raising business by Mr. . Frank. . Foster ho has thirteen at ris place. , --Your , pennies, . mckels j dimes land, dollars all 'count - at Call qCo's: VYou get a fuU j dollarworth of goods for' a. ' hundred, pennies, " Just try j them, r : . T; . ' JTinlcu Bros ' have received '7U lZiii' Af tnrrtt. AnmrJpx i-t. - -1 :.Jnikh0i, mill hfihn . fnr nne 1 ,,! , x- v . wzelf Only and they ask anyone inte ekt.d n carpets or rugs to czll end see them. The pastor of. the, .colod church at Denny Grove tells us thatJlevA. McLees, D. !., the noted gospel preacher, bet ter: known as Black Sam Jones," will preach at this place on Sunday, Oct. 29. All are invited to - hear him. He will interest you. " . 4.- - v - !. -..--- - , Last week one day; in . the neighborhood . o f - Moravian Falls, Mr. Dick Eidsill's little twelve year old son Lee, was foolingwitha No. 22 cartridge: it exploded and the ball -went into the calf of his leg two ok three inches. The ball has not been removed. - Sheriff Johnson celebrated his (welUJie made us promise not tell the numper) birthday on the 22nd. It was our pleas ure to break bread, sop 'lasses and swallow krout with him that day. It was a magnificent dinner and we added new laur: els to our established eating propensities. Mrs. S. J. Ginnings has a strawberry bed that has paid yery little attention to frosts or cold snaps. The vines are now in bloom and have some young berries on them; 5 If they hold out iaitnrui lor a week or so A -1 M J more, : Mrs Ginnings will be feasting on ripe strawberries. Mr. J. D. Smith received a tjelegram Friday stating the death of his sister, Mrs. H. C. Butler, of Lagrange, Ga., whrph occurred Thursday. She waa about 42 x years old and leaves a husband and twoj chil dren. She had been unwell for some time. ; Two years aaro she visited in Wilkesboro. A special train leaves at 7 o'clock io morrow morning, the Atn, lor Winston ana tnose who want to attend the Horse Show and Carnival can ero cheap. The fare, which in cludes ; a ticket to the fair grounds is l.x05 for round trip. The t rai n reaches W i nston. at 9:50, A ' M and leaves return at 6:l$ p. M." he tickets how ever are gool until Oct. 30th, and those who wish can remain over till then. ': We Need a School Bnilding. Our people should interest themselves about a new Aca demy. building ' at this place. We re having the best and largest school in the history of the town. There is one draw back the inadequacy of the building and its lack of accom modations and comforts. In order to build up a permanent scbool, the building must be such as to afford modern com ' forts and accommodations." Our present building- is defective and inadequate; ahd is not prop erly furnished, his must be remedied, and it should be done right away. Cannot our peo Dle fall uoon some plan to. se- cure a new building, or at last to repair and furnish tho old oner . jnow is me time 10 act. Our school is already larga too large for the accommodations, but it iwould soon be larger if we had a better building. Study ' seriously about this ma.tter, and jets have a new building.: . T&rnpike From tutesTille. . We -understand -that t h e (statesvilie people are interest- in themselves . and discuss- :. if il.--I.'i.l;r II... kit.'Uinn fng the advisability of building a! turnpikejfrom that place to Wilkesbro' We . hope- the njpyement will succeed. Such a rogid would nadoubt re-estab. lish for Stasvjlle some of : its lost mountain trade.- The turn r nikft ind an electric- Car lino to f: , - ; , , - - Statesvilie would attract most . . . - ' of the mountain trade tobtates vine ana oiner puuumu cts. Let the turnpike be built. XOCAIi HATTimi ' A :J2sq. A. J. Blevins was -town this .week. - in ,140 students at the Acade- ray tfo&yreak. - ; -rMrj JPom Hendrix of : Ken dall, was in town last week. Drummer E. P.clieer of Elkin, was here last week. : V - i Mjsi? A4a Sue McNiell was in town shopping Monday. Rev. W. R, WilbQrn was here Monday. See his .notice as administrator. . Peas wanted at M. Mc Niells store. He will pay ; 60 cents per bushel. ' ?-, Lawyer J. W. McNiell went to Winston and Greensboro Tuesday on business, v - Glad to learn that Esq. L. M. McGlammery is improving slightly. He has been very low., Miss Nannie Wellborn ' vis ited her sister Mrs. A. y. Foote, at Briar Creek, a few days last week. . ' . - . " ' .! .. ; ' " J. W. Mitchell found an ax in the road last Friday. The owner can get it by calling on him. Miss gillie, Taylor, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Crapor, returned to Dur ham Tuesday. The Drug & Bqok business of Western North Carolina is ably represented by HoKfON & Wilborn. Our friend A. fP. Conbs, of Hunting-Creekrwas rup Mop - day, but says there is. no news down there ' "-: " : Mr. J. '-B-., Council! and Miss Maggie Carson returned to Jef ferson Monday, from their vis it to Statesvilie. Deputy Marshall Black burn, of Ashe, passed through his week, returning from Statesvilie court. Esq. J. T. Perry, of States- vill, was in town the first of the week, on business connect ed with the Joseph Gray estate The party who borrowed The Chon iclb's ax will ' please return it. Our wood is too long to burn in the stove without chopping. Mr. Will Smyres, of New on, who has been storekeepiiig n the county for some time, nas gone to Washington to stand civil service examination. Messrs. T. W.. Folger, JR. S. Folger and W. C. Foiger,bf D bson, ware here this - week on nusmess concerning tne estate of the late Esq. Joseph Uray. , Monroe Wagoner, convict ed at last term of court for an affray, at ch urch w i th the Lo v -etts, and sent to the roads for four months, has been pardoned by the Governor We regret to Jearn that our friend Prof. Lee, of Ifew Hope Academy has been quite ' un well with heart trouble, ,for a few days. . Hope he will soon be well again. - r: . The : colored people, have had a two f weeks protracted meeting ? at : Denny's Grove, closing.Sunday. The Rev. Mrs. LB. Hauser, . of Statesvilie, was in.charge. of the meeting.. ; . There is need of bridges across the Yadkin riveir. at Holman's ford, at the Elkville ford, and at Roaring: River They are badly; needed , and we i hope the county will take stops. to build them. , . Far Ortr Fifty Vr? '"" Mrs. Wins lows Sootokto St.rcf has been us-, pd for oyer fifty years by millions of mothers for tueir children while teethinp wi th perfect success -It sosthesifes child, softens the gains, allays all p;iin, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy to Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer" immeitiately. Sold by druggists in every part of -iho 7orld Twenty-five cents a bottle Be sure' -1 and ak for "lla rWinslowV Soothing 'Sjtnro&: a.ke no oJier ?iiud. ' ; .":": . " ' ' ' ... j . The Of The This is a war of the mighty to crush the weak. ; In contradis tinction from this I. S. CALL & CO have SUCCESSFFLLX - MADE WAR upon the high prices of all kinds of goods that r go to make lip the life and comforts of our own liberty lov- n ing people. v :.l , , , r.' Our large, attractive, well-selected and complete stock of d ryg oods, groceries, sboes,1 dress goods etc," etc, and tho rock bottom prices tat which we sell them, isjwhat is attracting the great crowds at our store; and others are invited to com and see for themselves ; ' . - - We in vite inspection of our large stock and prices; f - . LS.CALL&CO.: School Books. School Supplies, Bibles and Testaments, Standard Work and sets, Religions Literature, Fancy Booklets, Blank Books, Fine Stationery,' jPrescriptions a Spsoialty, Glasses Accurate ly Fitted; with out 'extra cost. gazines. " Largest StocK ; "7 ,7, Best Quality, s Lowest Prices'.-;..".. HORTONWILBON; Plrtone 4:8. North At BbttomtPrices, -Hardware, Stoves Cutleryj Nails,; Fkxws, Heaper34 Mowers Drills, Tinware, Carpenter's.' and JB lack- . smith's tools, andjBverythingiin the hardw;are line you need. The largest and, rno& coileto line in the eounty. . ; ; . . y Y ' , . See mo before' purchasing elsewhere " G F. MORRISONv WILKESBOEO N. C, D R 4 -Dealer Drngs, Patent Medicines, Toilet and Faflpj., Articles Peftimery,; Tobacccy Cigars, Stationer, etci " ' ' . Prescriptions carefully fillsl .Y STORE ON MAIN STREET APPOSITE COURT HOUSE, WILKESBORO, MARCH 8TH1899., . TV CORNER , v.-DAELERS IN:"- : : : : Drugs; Hedicinss, CiaiSi ToDaccofaDCjf'CRi t tides; - v;--;-.. v':; .', : - ". Presdrfpticnsr promptfjf and acumteiy filledi - . , - -Vb handle only the best goods. If Tn neet ofciavlrD our llne try us. '' -, ... ' ' . Fields J m m Pure Fresh Drags,' -: ' Patent Medicines, ; : Spectacles, ' ' ' ' ' 1 -' Fancy and! Toilet Aarticlesv Best Perfumery,. " . ... Fine-Candies, '. Cigars and Cheroots,, , Tobaccos; Diamond Dyes;. . . Wilkesboro, 1ST. C. 41 v TFS 17 WHIT