VOL. XIII. The Chronicle. TAILOR-MADE rp-io-Vate Matters for Home Wear; Guar anteed to fit or miss. , Get your Easter eggs ready. - . -f , . - Mrs. J. D. Smith has- been very sick for several days. Mr. John Huff, of East Bend, was in town last week. Maj. James H. Foote was1 in town Saturday and gave us a call. Mrs. J. E. Hobbs is con fined with a bad spell of neii ralia. -' Charle Shora-went to down Bonda Saturday on his wheel to visit his Parents. Mr. John Davidson and his entire family have been very sick with the Grippe. Get your Easter egg, dyes at Turner & Berry's drug store. Any shade of color that you want. D. E. Smoak, who was con fined for several days with grippe, i s able t o be . out again. Mrs. Ida Flemmingof Roar ingRiver, visited her sister,; Mrs. Teague, at North Wilkes boro last week. Mr. Iredell Anderson, who has been in West Virginia for some time, has returned home for summer. Our friend Mr. U. A. Mil ler closed his school at the Mil ler school house last week. A pleasant and profitable .enter tain men t was given at the close of the school. Mi. C. H. Co wles -leaves to day for Statesville, where he will assist Mr. H. C. Co wles, clerk of the Federal Court, in running t h e Federal Court docket next week, p--.;-;... Messrs. W. S. and J. B. Hall returned Saturday from a visit to their brother i u Burke county. They ; tell us that there were some very dam aging fires in the woods up in Burke last week. There was a sort of a mad dog scare here Thursday after noon. John Penden's (colored) dog cam over in town and was taken with fits. It made its way back home, where it was killed. It had bitten another dog and a cat or two and they were killed also. Miss Bertha Eller. aged about 13 years, died hear Mil lers Creek last Friday morning. She was the daughter of the late Simeon Eller, who died last fall of typhoid fever. Her mother died some time ago of consumption. This girl had been suffering with her throat and it developed into consump-. tion. Prince Eddie Forester 'had' a lesson Friday which taught him to be hereafter ca refill about making contracts nvith hungry boys. He contracted with four boys to furnish them all the sardines they: could eat for 50c. The boys only , de voured 15 cans, ancLprince Ed die is wondering where, he was when the cyclone struck him. This notice is to assure cur people thafthere is no neec of getting frightened next Sun day. To be sure you will se "boogarV-. aitd such things ;bu no matter: what its shape o i ize or color, it want hurt y cu) It is nothing but a new" Easter hat and has the "right of way I e v en though it obscure con 1 letely all earthly vision atishot i an ge. Just look at the preach "by faith1? and hold your WILKESBORO, N. C.,.WEDHESDA,y;. APBIL 11.. 1900 Easter Egg Dyes at I. S. Called Co. i George Reeves, of Roaring River, was here Monday. ; ! Miss Kate Cranor -is -quite sick, we are sorry, to learn, x : i Mr. Charlie Woods, of kin. was in town Monday. f Scrry to hear of Rev ei: W. R. .Bradshaw's sickness. e he will soon be up again. . K Wilkesboro, is seriously ill with erysipelas. 'y'--: IVi rs Albert Forester l and daughter, Miss Belle, are quite sick with the: grippe. Mrs. C. F. Morrison, left Monaay for Salisbury, to be treated at the Sanitarium. lawyer George Pell, of Jefferson, passed through on his way to the State conven- tion. MLr, Frank Brown, at Mora vian Falls, is very sick with grippe. It is feared that he has pneumonia. Mr. W. H. Bower came in fiom Jefferson court Sunday and went to Raleigh Monday to attend the convention. -4Mr. Frank Clinard of , was here last week usiness connected with the life insurance policies of the late Ma j. Absher, Esq. --Gen. Joiin Quincy Adams Bran, the i Red Fox," was in tovri Saturday, attending the Re jublican Executive Commit tee meeting. 4-Miss Lizzie White, of Char lotte, came up this week to at tend the wedding of her broth erjjoseph White, to night. She will spend a few days with rela tires here. We learn that Mr. John Turner, of Yadkin Valley, Cald well county, died .-last week frbm injuries recieved some days ago while cutting saw iojgs. We regret to hear this very much. - The members of Liberty pge A. F. &.A'.M. are re questea xo oe at ine regular . j . j .. ii i communication next Saturday night. Important business, canfering degrees, etc. To-night at North Wilkes boro Mr. Joseph White and Miss Lola Forester will be mar JiaH Thpi wp'rlfUnsr takfts nlace at the home of the bride. Here's wishing them an abundance of pleasure and- happiness. lean make it to your inter est to buy your shoes, dry goods, nd notions from me, now, as I m closing them out. I will ave you a lot of cash on these goods for the next sixty days Very low prices made on flour and all kinds of groceries. I want to carry a different line of goods. This is not a joke; try me. FH. Bobbitt. Easter comes next Sunday, the 15th. We have arranged for the.: diamond dyes, but where we are to get the eggs is yet an undecided question Our old hen has struck for high er wages or something and will probably not resume .business again till Easter is over. Our principal hope is that o ur neighbors will remember us. . Rev. H. H. Phelps conclud ed the services at the Episco pal churcti Sunday night. The Holy Communion was adminis tered at the eleven o'clock' serr vices on Sunday.; The services which continued fromWedhes day till Sunday,, were interest ing , a nd instructive? : Mr. Phelps is a pleasant gen Ueman. and a preacher of" earnestness Hick oh 6 and power;. Qur- people were -7-Capt. J7 T. Pederis little! child is very sick. ' ; Will Smy re, of Washington City, wasin town last weefc; - .-car load of lime and ferti lizer jusrecieved at c. F. Morrisons- -' : -'-V ' v . mi W. It. Hendreri is . as sisting sheriff Johnson in his office this Week. Mrs. T. . P. Parlier, Moravian Falls, who has been quite sick, is improving. Mrs. F. H. Bobbitt was quite sick several days last week and this. Mr. E. Wallace went over to Jefferson on business last Friday, returning home Mon day. Mrs. T. B. Finley, North Wilkesboro, who. has been quite sick for sometime is im proving. Dr. White and his entiro family were laid up with the the grip last week. His moth er is yet quite bad off. -The Board of Education met Monday and settled with the Sheriff and Ex-Sheriff and tranacted other routine busi ness. Mr. Arthur cowles,of Ashe, who has been at the point of" deatn tor some weeks, is much improved, and very l t is thought will recover. Mrs. M. L. Mott was able to ride a little while Sunday for the first time since her sickness. Hope she will soon be entirely recovered. The road overseers of Wilkesboro township should teke due heed of the notice given them by the township" Supervisors, and work out the roads before May 2Gth. Jesse Plummer, of Ashe county, was in town the first ot the week, and his daughter Mrs. Dora Taliaferro accom panied him horn3 to spend a few weeks. Since the quarantine a gainst Alexander has been raised, we see several Alexan der faces in town, and we are alvways glad to see them. We have just recieved a phone message that our bache lor friend Sam Hall at Parsons ville has sold his fine horse, and that he expects to invest the money in marriage license and a longtail coat. Here's our best wishes. Mr. R. A. Spainhour has purchased the old Cooper store lot and will erect a brick store house there this summer. Mr. Carlton, we understand,, wiih also build on the corner adjoin ing Mr. Spainhour. This will place two brick buildings in th& stead of the two old" buildingB that need removing very much. Five prisoners-from. Feder al court were brought in; Fri day; We may look'" for more.' They wero BaulvMiller, for- mos , Ralph Hblbrooks' for 30 days, Hile Carter, for. 30 days, Rufus: Luff man for 30 days, -W. F-. Cardwell for 60 days. Nelson Jarvis was brought up Satur day, and5 goes in for three months. Later Haul Miller gets out with the payment bf cost;. . Opening of Spring Millinery. Theladies.-are cordially, invited by Mrs. S. J; Prevette to visit her store to-day. (Wednesday) and examine her new. selection of millinery This is her grand openrhg, day for herrmagnificent line-of beautiful and' tastefully selected Spring.and Fnaamer;Millinery. She has a large selection of the latest styles of, hats,,; belt buckles, pliiniesflowerSj r ib bons, silks; etc., and sheKas them at tractively pranged. Cosae and feast the eyesion sometbing a& pcetty as a fa About Home .Matters. -T6-morrow is examination day for. teachers. j-:R. C. Lbwe hs a horse op two for sale. See him. ; -Esq.. Oliver Hendren, of M6tivain,Fallsr was Jn town Friday. i : --(3 rant Foster &r Co. have opened up a store hear ;. Cham pion. : Quincy Myers, formerly clerk'with I. S. Call & Co , was in town last week. 7i Esq. H. Pennel who has been quite sick, is very much" improved we are glad to learn. In the list of tax listers last ysjeeKj jNortn wiiKesDoro was inadvertantly omitted. The list taker is R. R. Bell. Mrs. T. 8. Miller is over at Beaver Creek with her sister, Mrs. G. H. Hamilton, who is very low with pneumonia. Andrew Burchette, North Wilkesboro, and Charlie Bur chette, Ronda, went to Norfolk Saturday on business. A lot of nice clay peas for sole. For price apply to C. II. M. Tulbert, Hunting Creek, N, C. Mrs. Cozart delivered an address on temperance at the Baptist church Friday night. She is Secretary of the State W. J. T. U. The next regular examina tion for teachers certificates is to be held in the the court house Thursday,. Friday and Saturday if necessary. " I Bro. Robertson, o f The Hustler,; is visiting his mother at Danville, Va. He will :at- end the state convention be returning homer r r The railroads will give re duced rates for the Christian ; Endeavor Convention which meets in Raleigh April 26-29. The society here will send dele gates We call attentions to the advertisement of T. L, Crah f ord & Co., olothierSj Winston, N. C. It is a reliable firm and it is. offering; bargains in clothing,. The wheat prospects are not good, especially in the,, low lands. It is. badly frozen Vout and? willdiardly maker a?half a crop. This is the- information we gather-from farmers of ob servatioa andexperience. Report3 from Green slioro are thafc indictments are bei ng made by the : w-Kolesale, and the cases'- continued till' after the election Do yau see?; In dict a man so : the republicans can scare, hi m i nto votin g for negro rale; TKe county republican2 ex ecutives committee met here Saturday and called the county convention to meet April 30th, to nomine tecounty- candidates and select d elegates to the dif -ferent-Gonventions. The pri mariesiwiilbe held at 3 o'clock on the 28th, which is- Saturday before. Mr. U, H. Uowles re sighed as Sec?y to the' commit tee and'Mr E. fi. lackburn was selected in his Rlacle.' The Elkin Cannin,g Co., composed of N. E. Parlier, E. E. AHarris" nd Frank Gray, aye obtained from Smoak & Qbn: the right to. sell the RiaUo, Can ni n g O u tfi t in tie counties, of Sirry and Yadkin. : The Rialto 'Canning Outfit is one ofHhe'hest things the farmers; can" invest in. - We have seen ir, tried and knowthat it- is a" goodTthinjg. Eikin. Canning; Co i vti 1 1 m anu f ac txize Ih ei r o wu -o- Every Man and Boy wants fi :N ew S u it of Clothes for Spring and Summerand waht the best clothes he can get for His money.; We carry a line for all classes of the trade at prices that will r Men's suits at $1.95 arid up. r Boys' suite Pffifi! large twenty page catalogue sent k a vvi free to any address on receipt of a 2c postage stamp to pay postage. C!iLlEH1RamCJE For a few days only we offer '"sweeping'' reductions in the following goods to make room for new goods coming in. f " 35ress 5ooos. 2 pes. 54 in. all wool Broad cloth 65 worth $1.00 1 pc 36 in. all wool Flannel 25 1 pc 36 in. " " . 24 lpc36 in. . " Tricots" 32 1 pc 36 in- " Flannel 20 4 pes 36 in. French Flanelette 10" 4 pes 30 in. " 7 few pes 27 in. Outing 5 pes 30 in. " 7 " 40 " 40 " 50 " 35 " 20 "10 7 " 10 Big "catting scrape" all the way through Dress Goods Department. Men's Wear. 1 pc Dickey's Kerseys 40 1 pc Surry Cassim ere 40 1 pc54 in. Grey Ashland Re- Pfltant - 40 r : Maiwelli for Underwear. 1 pc 3a in. Shfeker Flannel 20 1 pc27 in. Grey " 13 Underwear. few, suits all wool red Under wear. 1.26 tew suits mixed Underwear 80 50 50 50 30 18 " 1.75 " 1.25 All Underwear atand below cost - Ladies Xress Skirts. " few skirts, Fancies 80-" 1.25 few ". Plaids 80 " 1.25 We; mean j ust what we say. ; Many of , t h e se,f goods are priced below cost but they must g just the same. Our new and comfjlete: tQ(gk; will be in in ten days Yours very truly br gains. . I. S. CALL & CCX. A !ter Th ISl'e w a nd Snap py Goods for Spring" - are arriving and being displaej - ' , , Qafe has been tal?en in selecting the stock; and wep haye. apretty, lovely a,nd attrajctiYalineju;vyitltthe,'fte8h ness n brightness pf spring r about them Goflafi in, early and jselec vhat yait want r R. A. SPAINHQUIl fe GO'S. At ottbm Hardware, Stoves; Cattery, Nails. Blavxsi ETeaperr Mowers', Drills, : Tinware, Carpenter's? and? Blacks smith's tools, and everything, inytle hardcar Tme you need ; The. I ajrgest aryi naos t c&iqtet& Uuq ins. the'eounty.' ; ''. r--.- ' , Se mo before-purchasing; else whrev ISO. 48. 1 ju ma few " Bias Plains' few " all wool. - 60 "1.50 1.25 "2.0a 1 Child's Cape . : 60 " 1.00 Ladies Hata. Cap, fc Tanl O'Shanter. few Ladies tfata wilh feathers 45 "' 75 few " Felt Sailors 45 ". few children's Tarn O'Shantera - Felt ' 25 " few " " with feathers 15 " few " " "J 20" few Children's Caps leather : Y and corduroys , 20 " few Baby-Hoods ; v 13 " few " fancy Bonnets 10 " few ladies Chambray bonnets 20 " 7 50-- 25 35- 35 20 20 . 35 few men's all wool Flannel . : shirts 30 40 " ; : . ' ". V -. fi ne : 75' " 1.0Q few men's iall wool Sweaters 75 ''1.00; Ladies dresa braids and bralcf sets a and below cost. -' ' Z7 i 6 Quilts. 6 Quilts ' . : ; few Horse Blankets . 1 Huntingcoat 1 Working Coat, man's 1 Working Coat, man's ; 70 " hOQ - 50 8 65- m- - 85 l.ift" Men, women and childfeiiV Rubbery at cost 18c to 1.00 per pair. em rices. very much pleased with himu - j ctu?" -