TffET ChITONIC TiET. TAILOR-MADE rtp-to-Dhte JVtatters for Home JTemrj CfiiHtr ttnteed to fit or mi-. W. C. Winkler-..- baa been tin weir fbr 'several days. W. C Lewis- is- sick with typhoid' fever. Sfr. Frank- DV Hackett has gone to Ashe on, business. A fine-little girl arrived at Mr. H. L Greenes Saturday night. Our friend A. X Foster, of Kendall gatve- us a pleasant isall' last week;' y - ; Checkers seeme to Be the "atihagame?r inthis vaciri ity alohg'nowv Bert'Vyne,of Rocky Mt.r was in? the city last week. He returned home Monday. MiisaK Fannie' Plummerv of Jshe, is visiting her sister Mrs. K W. Hblnes-i Esq. J'. Watts, of Alex ander county, was in town Fri day,, as jolly as usual. Dv: H. V. Horton and turn fly, of Winston,, caraeup Thurs day to spend! a week or so here.' Tfte young people enjoyed a big melon feast at Mr. T. S. Miller's one evening last week, SpeGtaeiesy Eye Glasses, general assortment of Frames and Pebble jenses at one half price- Isaaw Smithey. Miss ellWCJowlesinetuTned Friday from' her visit to the "Happy Valley-." Mr. Kufas Jbn-es accompanied her home. Mr. Wilrbuaseau-went to 3Lensr Satuvalay swwl from there hV goes- t o Tacoma, WaiRia&ton where h' expects to make hi s toomei 0ur best wished go wjtlr hirat v - pplientmi was; sent o& Saturdiy o feare Allen Faw; f N'rttv WrlkesBir admitted tfo t&e inebriate department of the- MWgatoa Asylum. He is m very?. bad condition aiid is dagesne t times lis Wfitb ranor Feflsirned l-'ast week from her trip to Ashei Misses Eitefefc and Bes si6 issoiy, who 'have been, vis king: in Jshef came hdiae with her an laft S&turday :fiorrthtv hoh&e at S&U&tf.. ; ' 7 A deligfttlwl evening: was spent Sbt the hospitable home &t Mr. C. FV Morrison, Wednes day r by a number' &t' young-, people; M uteic, games an re--Hresbments made ifc pleasant to be there- . "The Ex !oi. of thfo gw gresonal distict will meet here today to select time , and place for holding the Democrat ic Congressional ; cen ventlon whick win raame the man wrw will knock th&obel assassina tion propensities and registr ser in timidation proclivities out of Spencer Bla'jkBum, v f - m M r James Combs was up before commissioner . Hender son Friday and was bound over to Federal eourt;: on the charge t)f v iolatin g t he i n t ernal reven ue laws-. The revenues; 'kept the-threat of this suit o-ver Jim before the election in order I to keep him straight on the entire repubican iicJet.. ,". . i All persosae h?aving any de fect in vision . should have it orrectect at once - by ; propeVly fitted Lenses. For the longer the eVe remains but of a nor aal state of .; vision the more the defect wHt increase, until vision is entirely 16st i and on iy because the eyes ' were not ep t . i n , a n or m al co n o!i t i o n 1 by Be on-Hand' at the picnic to morrow. . Esbi W. K Reeves5 was- here Friday. Mrs. Arthur McE wen' vis ited iu the city last week. 1 The Register of Deeds and his assistants are busy extend ing the taxes on the tax books.- : J. L. Hobbs & Co. have a message for you in another column. v Kev. Mr. Kocrsrers is con ducting a successful meeting: at Boomer. "WL L. Yatesr who is an employe of the harness shop, is sick this week.. Mr. O. WHhams and twoi sons, pf Greensboro, were in town the first of the week. ; Miss Clemmre Blackburn is here assisting her brother, the Register of Deeds on the tax booksj. ' Dr. J. J Haffins and JJr. J . S. ride of South Carolina, opticians, are at the Wilkes- boro potel. - -Ztfr. W. M Church has gone to Ashe and Alleghany in the interest of the Wilkesboro Marble Works. s Martin Gibbs of Boomer was wrought to town Monday to be treated by Dr. Gilreath. He ill getting along very well. Mr. J. R. Henderson lost his spectacles one lay last weelc. They were in a silver case The finder will return .them to him. Mr. Charles- Oilleland, of Lincoln county,, has moved his i family to this place, where he will work at the blacksmith trade. See Sheriff Johnson's no tice to tax payers in another column. lie nseans business and you had better pay up your taxes. Mr. R. N. Hssckett returned Satdrday f rotw a t ri p : t o Wrightsville and other points. He reports terribly hot dry wecther. .1 -Two gentremen by the name of Bunagarner, of Trade, Tenn.,,are in the county look ing! after an estate in Union township. Mr. X. E. Brotherton and wife, or otaceviiie, ; were in town this week visiting the fEtmily of Mayor Hendreo. They rtiurnedj home on-Tuesday. 4-Get your basket ready for tike picnic to-morrowjand come sfai and bring yoir family an i tell you r neighbor to c6Be and!, help the- giopd ealise, too; Dr. . X HTaiginsV opf ifeian will b e 1 n Wilkesboro' one w ek. Persons havrrpg; defec tive visifflj will dewell to call hirr. No chaVge for exami nation; Frices reasonable. Mr. Vancer 0$ Texas, is sitings fter sister Ivffs; s J. M. Wellborn at this place. : ; Mrs. yjeuce is the oldest land Mrs. Wellbornf the youngest, of a family of eleven children and ttey are the only two now liv -ing. 'Mrs. Vance's two grand ckildren the daughters of Esq. John ; SJ Wellborn are here 4th her. - ' ' 1 I 1-Mr. L. Bumgarner, ' Clerk I: uperior Court, wishes to in-, form all the Justices :of ihb Peace elected : Aug; 2nd 19p0 that they can come, before him t nd 6 wear, in ai ahy;f time' ? be wen; now andj first- day . of il anuary 1 9011. xThVy "however cannot enter upori their offfciai duties until after the first Mon day iti December iq00r -We need that little you are .due us.". "-' . . See tHe land? "salb adver tisements this weett. ' Mr. R. L. Church and fam ifly are visiting at Asheville. : B. S. Call made - a trip to I Ashe the first of the week. . Miss Alice Hickerson, of ;Ronda, is visiting friends here. A nice little shower came Monday inspite of the dog days. ' - - Miss Bertha Henderson goes to Winston this week: to visit relatives. ' r The Baptist church at ttiis place has called Rev. ,W. R. Bradshaw as pastor for anoth er year . ,.y :';. ' ' 'J No. 1 best grade &ur $.20 per hundred. Strictly cash. Every sack.guaranteed. Isaac Smithey. Miss Mat tie Majr Ballew, who has been vieitingi relatives here returned te herr home at 1 Lenoir last Saturday. Miss Ella Blssellj. who had been visiting the family of Mr. Mott, returned toher home In Augusta, last week Tom Joines,- one of the par ticipants in thebig;rucvs here at the republican! rally, was tried before the Mayoe Satur day arid bound over to court. The trial of the others Was postponed to next Saturday. . ; Charlie . Alexander, o f Moravian alls ws given a hearing before chieft Justice Staley here Sa-turday on the sbarge of shooting at Rlurnor HBullis a few nights before he election. He was bouudV o-ver to court. -rMr. R. N. Hacketc is now jentitlad to the position of chair man of the Board of. Weather Directors. He set apart Mori day for rain, ten days ago, and awire enough it came. Esq. Wellborn ought to call his weather; board together and give Hackett a prominent place in its councils. - ....... Rev. W. R. Brafisnawmrare 9 trip to Ashe county last week. He and his family, will visit nelatives in ' Caldwell snortly, where Mr, Bradshaw goes" to take a long needed" rest. n The to w n was enlivened a Mttle Thursday by two colored iwomen exhi biting their Fitz- simmons and Corbet propensi ties. Ed Alexander's w life and Anna Harris were the combat 'ants and Anna got. the belt af ter the second, round. ; T here is a v ery 1 arge crop f peaches this year every whereandi peacnes Will neces isarily be-very cineap; A great jmany people do not seem to ifealize-this and no doubt their Seaches will rot on thir harlds. Mr:. J. A. Lineback, Mrs. M: J; Afontag.Ue and daughter, 'Miss Mary,;Mrsi 0. J; Watkins And daughter, Miss Elisabeth of Winston,; arid? ; Mrs. . H. C. Eccles, of Charlotte, came up Oaet week to spend a While at tbe Lit hia Springs . - A freight ; train, : on the morning of the StK, on its .way fon Winston to ' Charlotte, was-derailed near Clemrrions- ville. Nine cars w cue derailed and smashed, f Tlie Oxford Or phanage Singing class was in the caboose ? on Jiheir way to Mocke- fvlller. They were not injured." Co. 4 Yoi toitlfJiAd J. L, J3Wi in , Lendernrfms, new building ' nexf door ; to Morrison Kardwqrc store WJUn you ire in town git if a eatt. - - .J.L. JloUbS & Co. carry a riitts line of ary gooasrsnocs ana groceries. . .. I Co t6 J. L Hobtt for nit fresh candy. JPur agple vinegar at J?L Hobbf & Co. Mr. :;Whtafewy otrElkini was in town this-weekV Esq. Thomas F.' Callaway, of Clirigmani was in town rast week. . --; Issae Wellborn ;', was -able to bein town Thursday and is looking well. j The Ghattmqua at Lenoir openedTuesdky. Some of our peoplewilattend. ; Harrison Anderson was- oouna 10 court last wees, om the charge of stealing a steer The hot dry weather has immensely damaged corn. It is hard to estimate ? the dam age. , Mr. Weir, f Elkin, was here last week looking after the Odd Fellow lodge at this place. .; Mr J. L. Hobbs has moved his goods into the new Lender man store-house next. ix the hardware-store. Mr. Romie Parsens, who formerly was telegraph opera tor, here, has came back and will work the insurance busi-rr ness. Mr. T. M. Cry s el has gone across the mountains with tp bacco manufactured' by J. T:. Wellborn & C01 , ColwVwf H. H. Cowled chil dren, who havb been? spending a while at the sparrkling. Cataw ba Springs, returned home- last week. ,-. .. ; Miss Carrie Coffin, of Greensboro, arrived Saturday to visit the family of Mr. E. Wallace for a few weeks. A pleasant visit to her. Don't forget the Masonic picnic to-morrow. Shoulder your basket, go tefche grounds and contribute your mite to the help of the-Orpdans. W. F. Bi.Cothran, who was sent from here last court to the Dangerous Insane department at the Raleigh Asylum, died suddenly last week. He was some 65 years old. The1 Williams, WaJsi and Minton matter was up before Staley Thursday and John Wil liams, Columbus and Matt Min ton were bound to court. Mr. G. H. Somers has- re ceived the appointment of Gtencral Brandy store - keeper and guager an di has charge of several connties It is a good position Mr; HV A. Kleuppelberg, of Charlotte, was here last week. Ho talks very intgresfe ingly of his recent visit to the World's Fair in Paris, and to jot her . interesting, cities in Europe. -j These two items we clip from the Elkim Times: ' "Kev. E. N. Smith of Lauf el Branch Massed through Elkin Monday- on- his way, to the. field of labors for 1 tile Methodist church in : Colorado. - Mfe. Smith is a native of Wilkes Coeotji.? The new company who 'have recently bought out the'Elkin Telephone Ex change besides making many other im provements will build a; full Metahc, lang distance line between Elkin , and Wilkesboro and will have also an extra looal'wire between the . two places- so they ean handle both local and thsoogh messages with'dispatch." - 1 , , . J , Prtf, E. p. Baity; o f Mooresville, has been employed to take' charge of the school at this placed He will move .here with his family at ah early date; Prof .Baity, ran a graduate of Davidson College and " has the reputation of letng .almost excellent and tboeouglu teach er.- We hope jOtir ; people- will heartily co-operate ; witht him in making the: schooU. fefre ; a complete . suece-ss 1 bf- time for opening the school has not p yet been decided unon.'-. I mwA m - it f i) & uu,', tv 6f 2pTs 2 " 3 r 2 ".' 1 " 2 " 4 " I9 1 ,r TRiere are ETarga ms-zyoir Cann of affbnf io' missj Comearly-They are going: fas't. fancy Lawns. .; 5c - ft tr " grgsff cioih lawn ' white gwxi 11 12i.' '41" " 133 . 1 n worth . rt ! f ' :- I ft" 10c ; 10 IS 20' 7'' 5 4 2d Kp'sBlack Organdie 1 " Fancy , 2 , -Fancy-, P. K. 10c,. 1 1 '. 2. 'fi ' 2 1, ... 1 . . So: : 5 5 k ''Knen-lwrn. T 1 M Windsor lawn 8- ? white groods &, Wortl I J 1 1 1 4. Bfed white and blue lawn " Black & white stripedv 5 tt "lawn' "andHiite' "'f. " Black cross bar muslin " Fancy wnist goods , . ' Madras " , , 3 ' Fine corded? whitegpods i l,T 1 JL. IO ; ' i -. .81 'I Fancy crash1 skirting 12 15 ftrr -' it: (4. it. ' 10. , ,8:.; 10 ... ..1,. "X J 10' ' i - .10? , 20- j .23 20 t4 Few reraenants- in white-gpodaOLOi. 15V 20c at yoiir 6wnrpHii' 1.08 worth 150. 50 ; 7; I Fancy plaid skirt. 1 Braided P. K. 1 Blue and white P. IC waist ! 4Si 1 Fancy percale i .', " 'i t4Sitt.'!'y 1 White Lawn , : 3& - Same big cut all the way through the line summer sJrirW and waists. Few odd& and erids in summer shirts, silk and pur eals. Also under wear. Few pair of Tennis Snoeaaiid.Slluia: jat Qost. Straw and Gloth. Hats at and below cot. : i urs-foir bargains,,. '1 Dealer.ini . , ; ' ' Pmgs, P&tenf Mbdrcines, XoUatraaFaxte , Atf&e- PerfHmP? .W2f ' Prescriptions carefullfilledl. STfW?!?. AAT M'AJiM Q.TDPFT ADOAjbimv rn(7i?T'i T' TJ W jsyr WILKESBORO, MARjCH' OTHisaa Ve have moved our stock of goods t Lendermcvn'sr store building, next door, to Morrison's hardware stoxev We extend the invitation to everybody to inspeot - stock and see the values we are offering before they speeijj, their money. Good judgment. is display edt t whj&i p look before they buy. ' ' , . . . ; It may be well to- mention some of tha Unes? ' ' Drear good ready-mde-sbirtar bots shoes domestics plads, cheiucte c cals, calicoes?,drapme8,no4ions, hosiery, underware, shirts, Qveralls suspenli'H gloves collars, .tiest. laces, ribbons, embroideries stationery, pens, ; toilet sum, perfumeries. A general line of nice groceries) delft ware,, tinware ajwi-avt land numerous other things not here mentioned. ; -5 A'-wbrd.tQ tHe wise is suff icieixV. " - Loolc Before Voir Efeyv Be Afte r SETB ' f V strr, 5 iy if . its' J for '' ' "in '" ": .-. r "V .'.-. .'-'-' . - . , 4 are arriving and5 beings displayed , " ' Care has been taken m selecting? 5 the stocir crro? - wo nave apretty, lonely and attrascti valine, .witb thorti 4ts&9& and brightness of 8irrfri'? abotttr trcxv - f Come in early apd select vriiat? y era T7cs K, SPAINHOUtE & GO'S - r -.: -1 'vl .... 4 .....