mm y - - JJqual Jaxation, pirect and Indirect. VOL. TOXKESBjRO;:-N.: C. , : WEDNESDAY , OCT. 3 -1900 NO.. 16 : The Ch ito nicle. TAILOR-MADE Vp-to-Date Jflat,tera for Ho we Wear; Guar anteed to' fit Es.' Mary, Kejiey',' colore! ,jdiel of consumption; last eekr -W. M.-R CburchVwent I to, Elkin Thursday on-business .. Miss Electa' tfobte lef t la'st week to enter. school at i Nash viiie. v Vr Mr. C. Nl Hunt's Jersey milk cow was killed by the tram last week., t., . u-.;. Capt. J. T. Peden and fam ily, who have spent the sum mer in Ashe, ; have' returned; home. ' ? j ' -J- Sparks' show1 and. Circiis exhibited Tuesday t and; Tues day night at-North Wilkesborow Miss Vetra 4Turaer, .who, has been visiting1 .relatives in Iredell and-Davie counties will be home this" week;' -,,t The Hustler says that; Mrrj Johnnie Forester ' who' -'.went; west a short time , ago. has", re- . . . - - ...... -. turned.- , ' - ' Mrs. Josephene ?-Perry, frof? SEatesville, came up last ?. week and is visiting: her sister Mrs. Dr. W. C. Greene; ; Mrs. L. S.. Benbow -and daught-er, of JBast Bend, came up last weec io 10 Jic-aiter.uusv liens connected with the!. Col. Henderson farm." Mr. J. M. Harrold-, of Hky 4 M e ai o w , whom w e menti on ed last week as being vey sick; died since our lastissuej.7; lHe was a splendid citizen. ' ' Mrs. Ei G. : Matheson, of Taylorsville, w'ho has: been spending-a f ew .weeks at H'M; Fail ie r s o n t ne , J5 r us nies, was in town last week. She . form erly lived here. : , . - - ( Mr. R. "N"' ? tlackett ' was; elected Vice-President, of the , State Assobiatipnr - o I- .Demo-,: Jfc ratio Ciubs; for th), eighth dis 'Iricfc. The con vention iriet vin; Kaleiglr last' week. Tho Hustler gives'- anacv count of the .death of Mrs. Mar , tha Whitley at. North Wilkes boro on Wednesday night. rShe was 52 years old., Hev husband' is confined : by sickness, and was unable to attend her burial. Miss Lula Harris and Mr.iU Charles Ellis were" married - at Jmanon; N. C.' about two weeks, ago. Mis?! Harris is the daugh'-' Iter of Mr. Joe Harris who former By lived here. ''Mr.'. Ellis 5 is pbouo 20 years and his bride is aiot y et 1-1 yers old. . v 'r ' : : ' Grand millinery opening afe' Mrs. S. J: PrevetteV store ;1to; day and to-morrdw. The' pret tiest selections 'ever 'shown here. The display will- be ' at tractive and pleasing.-:,Mrs. Prevette invites vyou..,all .tp, come and see: '" r.,) ''j Mr. Andrew J oyner,' of Wiuston, who has been spend1 ing a week or so in Ashe1; arid' W atau ga, passed t hrpil gh Fri oay returning hriaB;'''A--He,i was hvilh Mr. Buxt6nt part ! of " the "tfime and speaks veryhighlv .of 111S canvass in t. Via rnnnrttaina; Mr. D. W. iMavberry re turned ThursdayJrom;Alexan. der county where he had ; been on 4. j--. i-: on account of the dafch of -his father Mr. T? 11 M a. v her r vi who died on .Tuesday;, -of las. t i 0vveek of paraly'sisV;.-Hewas 87- ji kjiu. auu naaoeen-' annosfc neipiess f rom:r paralysis. or about two years'. -v'lV . :y - h-Tne B ry ah-S te v enBon rB ux tbuf Club met ThursBay nijght1 and was addressecLbv W. Wi'' Barrt'r i-i l . i ii pnor , -. k C. Simon and others. Next. meeirig -is phursday . night ; Week,'"" when" Messrs James O.Xinney,, and ,H. L. Greene will rmake ad- Jesses. -'.Let everybody .come ;--Reyr: H.;;H.j Phelps began tiis private school Here Monday -rProf. Henley, of New Hope Academy, ; was in 1 town Satur- ' , RejVrWV M. Lee ahd iir. Ai T. Lee were in- the city this week; Mi Is jerin ie ' . tlaclcett went to Gfensboro Tuesday, to Center the Normal College" ' fdrhily returned Friday : from relatives in Virginia; u , ' Mr.' j; WMcNeiiUwe'rit to Winston -and Greensboro on bhslness last .week. ' . Mrs. . Cleveland 'McNeill and daughter,'Miss - Ada t Sue, of iMiliprs Creeli, were in town Fridavl.-i :s -f:-- , r tv pfCar Jt)adof ..seed wheat j ust recieved at, Hackett B ros' .mills ; OalljatJ once if you wish to' seV any of it. 4 , I; Mr l "Sam Johnson's - son, on Hi ntin ' Creek, I died last !week He . was., about 13 monthsoldi -'; '' ; ' ' ' 1 rrW ntedI want to reqt' an engine, S to 14 horse -power. Jfco runlathe mill Address C. W.1 LQarlton j Poors ICnob,; IjT', C. L - j .MissChattie . Greene - and M i s 3 rE u th M i n t z o f Al ex and e r , are visiting, their uncle; Dr. W. GreeueV : -" " ' -J - ' ' 'tt-Fejderal court, at Greens boro this week, and most of our lawyers, and several other cit izens'nave gone down to; .take Lpartiri running tile courts 5 jM jpA & McRary, of Mill ers Cfeeki : died-;; Sunday,?: and. was buri ed M o n day at P 1 eas a n t Home church: . She was sonic-:' thing 'over 5CTy ears old.; . ! Tfc e7public'in? general, re gardless of pojlties, is .invitted to dorr e out at theVclub medt- ing" Tli isrd ayn igh tr week,' an d hear Kir James Linney. t He is an eloguent speaker; ' , ; M:-. , AVheeler j Fergus'ori's wife, 'of Goshen, died last week an d'rwis' buried Thursday, She was tl c daughter of Esq; G. Laws ; ihd 'i had been married; about a yea'r.; ' ' -' Dvid Hollo way5, tells us' hL raised a'raddishr which weigh 3d 3 pounds. He pulled it'ara mnth old and thinks that'll ho had left it a tew months iit; might have reachea ; the hundreds'. ' t' j " ;Eember that 'Mr. Buxton", Democratic. candidatefor1 Con gress, will speakat Wilkesboro; on Thtirsqay lltfi of Oct: He makes a crood; solid; ; common sense ev-ery dayK talk 'Come ar! him1. ' !' : - and h Tom'-.-Otqene ,,and H.C. Cook JbiNev.Castle, township,. Were.i,n :town-onv. business-v Fri day . r: Cookt t ells ti s t hat h o is over 30 yars old': andi' that Fndiay wasTtbe second time he e versa w Co u rt" ho us e 5 buil d ing- He has never" yet ben in- siue oiiOJjjV ,17 Mrs fCharlottie Barlonear jGosheiV:died!:lstf.' Friday .and was burjed rat the-'old home stead burial--grpunasounaay She was SG, yearns 9,ld in, March , fvi UnA VaAovi -foKlA iill' Rnm- and had., been : feeble all sum-- mer.; Ubhe naa neen a.-rnemoer of ihe( baptist -chuVeh for some 60 yeats' 1 She wai the mother of Mk:i M:24McNeill;of Ithis . , ! l ' ' - ljl-t , w( I'll Ml .t t - J (V ; I i Ji&ppa, vy9man, ripe iu and theservice1' of , her jlkk?ef; has.lieen called "across tne riyer. W ,gon ahd5buggyrfrepa'ir "i kinds ofvblacksrajthwork done inffirsclassfstyleand't Tea sonable rates, a.pnarjies ,uruie , land's1 shop, VYilkesbb r o', , N . 0 - fry- him; 1 l: Shop:n ear 1 h e tobac - SMALLPOX IN WILKES; SeTen Cases near Bellaplane; 111 of 4 V ; , Them Nc-roes. . t The -County Phvsician, Dr. Turner, ;on last Friday, disco v 6red seven cases of genuine smallpox hi Ahtiocb township near Dellaplane. .! They are -all negroesfour of sLee Hunt'a family and three -of -Harrison Park's family. Some . of the cases are severe. "The disease was' brought here m.ttie usual way, -by tri ilingi negroes escaping from quarantineelse where. ;Hunt's son and Parks-son broke out from i quarantine at Winston and '-.brought7 the : disea se home to their families Such fellows need to be severely riunished. . , 'he 'county - commissioners on Monday passed an order quarantining a portion of . An tioch township. No one inside Lean-come out and none outside can go within under penalty of 35 fine or 30 days' in jail The following is the boundary: Begginning at the mouth of ' Fishing Creek running up said dreek tothe fork; Ithepce up the east prong to John Glass null; to the old Curry Road; thence east with said road to ; w here it -intersects with New Castle ro&d;-' thence by way- of " Adline Johnson's,; Ftslis. Brown'e,iBenj. -lathis' j, L. Ja Salmon's; thence north to the Yadkhi Biver; thence up the river to the beginning; This is worst tip of year for this disease to break out, and weare liable to' beTr troubled with it all' winter. " Let every body assist instampings it out at oncer ' J Tlie Board of Elections. . JBoard of electionmet- Oct. 1st.- 1900. .The following-were appointed Judges of-November election jW place of others who failed to qualify . . v Antiochj. Butler- Eoblrison: 4ce ' E.x JSalmoris;; Boomer .Wmi Triplett yice JaSi Wellborn; Brushy Mt.,;Elias Kene dy vice HV C. Walker; .Moravian Falls7 Wa. Brownvice Jho. MbNeillj " Mul- berry -G. V; Brown vice W. A- Wiles,. Lewis Fork, Wm. McNeill' vice , A.. G. Ad kins.North Wilkesboro, J. A': John son vice J; F. Blackburn; Reddies lliver J. A McLain and L. L.Mintorij''.Bock" Creek,; B. F. Sebastian vice R. F. Stone; Walnut 'Grove, F. Ci Hoi brook : vice F. Brewer Wilkesboroj- Ci Ai ; Bouchelle vice Jno.pavidson.' . ' "I ' During the'winter of 1897 Mr. J"ames Reed,one of the leading citizens and merchants of Clay, Clay Co., W Va, struck" .his leg against a cake of "ice;; in such a manner as to bruise it'-.' severely; .ItT became very much, .swollen; -and pained him so badly that he. could not walk without the aid of crunches: '-He was treated by physiciafts, .also .used' several kinds1 of liniment and two -and a-half gallons of whisky in bathing - it,, butnoChihg gave a'ny relief until he be gan using'y Chamberlains PainBalmV This brought almost a coniplete cure in a: week's Ime1 and' he? believes1 that had he not used1 tb i s re medy h;& 1 eg: would have had to be amputated. jFainBalm is unequaled for spran8, bruises .and rheumatism:: For sale' by Dr. 'J. W; WJiite:E i,f r ' :' - , - " - . - ,.'- --V -: Job Couldn't Hare Stood It. - If he'd had Itching, Files., They're terriBJy annoying; but Bncklen's Arnica Salve will? cure the wofstf case of '" Piles oneartli. It has cured thousand ' For IhjuriesyPains or Bodily Eruptions it's the best salve in thV world. Price 2oc. a ' box: I) Cure guaranteed. ' - Sold - by,r an aruggisu x , . . . 1 B ism ark's Iron Nerve. lWas the result of hisspendid health, Indomitable will and, tremendous ener- 1 andj gy are not found wh ere Stomach ,r Xiver Kidneys and Bowels are out! of border. If you wart these qualities " andtlie' success they rbriDg, use Dr.'King's New Iife PillBv, Only 25 cents at- all .'drug stofesf -1 -' -' ' " "' Ndtice f Change sf Voting PJaces. It is ordered by the Board, of JSlec tions of Wilkes Ckunty that th - voting- pJacp.?'Cdf'tLfewisV'FoTk-:--T,6wnship-.-?bo .mooyed faom Hubbard's mill across-the creeis .-to tne scnooi. nouse caned iiuo barfl's Mill School. house-and that - the votig place bf ReddiesRiver he'inoved: f ro n M i ll ersXIreek 'to ,Nich ot'sV School House; '; This 1st day 'of Oct. .1900. V ' ' ' -A.r. Ciumbit, - V ; : LOCAL MATTERS. V-v'- ', Mr; Wellborn Pharr' leaves this week to enterschool at the TTniv ersi ty . 4 1 . ' X -' miss. Maggie -Hugheyleft Tuesday" to enter the Normal scbool-at Asheville. ; - :Charles Teyepaugh, of the Srushies, hadThis hndv sawed up pretty'badly at a sawmilL last week. . . , The Domocratic Executive appointed the "Senatorial poll holders this ?lweek - -We will gire the iist'riext issue, X " ; Esq. E M; Absher, ; of Mul berrv has a remarka'bly prolific corn stalk. Jt has ' eight good ears "of corn each one at a seperatef joint" of :.the stalk. The largest ear is over. 8 inches lonTg and the shortest is4 inchest It is a curiosity, and he shouIoT send it to the Fair. 1 ' ; The : Boaring Biver Primi tive Baptist Association -will con vene; with -Muiberry church on Friday before . the second LoTd's Day in Oct. : 1900; On Monday following, T. H.Kilby an others will preaph atX roads church; on Tuesday, at FairiPlaihs; on Wednesday at Durham school house; and Thursday at' .Pilgrim's Best; We get this information from Mr. J. F. Hutchinson. ; .The Mission Bally at Fish ing Creek Arbor , church Sun day was a .delightful and sue cessful occasion. Many of our town people were present. Bev. Mr; Bads haw and others made addresses. And the din net well, itlwas twoabundant to-mehtion; Seyeral of those, who ;attended haven't touched mouthful to eat since; v It ' was an occasions that accomplished good1 and left- pleasant memo riesx . " " . 4 Leaver-Creek: township has a flourishing Bryan-Stevenson 33 u x to n CI u b. v C h arl cs H ar tl ey, js President ; P. Bf. German; YcePresident,s and Mac Mash, SecV and Treas": "'Mr. Buxton speaksithere Friday the 12th and M r. B N. Hackett h as been invited to -speak with him. November .the2nd has been selected for a Grand Bally and Picnic' an d Hon . W. Hi Bower andf B. N. Hackett .will, speak A cornet band will give music. Let every bod y get ready., to be there. . . ' 2 . -s-:- : '. ' ; -: Robbed The Grave, : A sartlitig incidentr," is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia, as foil ws:. "I .:.was in an; awful ; condition My skin was almost-yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated j pain constinually in back and sides, no appetite growing weaker day by day Three . physicians had given me np.TThenX was advised to use Electric Bitters to my. ' great - joy,; the .first bottle made a decided improve ment. 1 jcontinued their use. for three 'Weeks, and am now a ' well r man. f; ;f I know they fobbed the grave of another victim1 T No one i should fail to try them. Only 50cguaranteedaall drug stores. " --"'A4v - " m t 'Congressional Canvass. 4 Jf Ci i Biixtbh, democratic Candidate - for - Congress, will speak at the following times and places, to wit: , y ' . " AtVBoaring'Biver' rWednes day Oct. 10th. : 4 L i At Wilkesboro, Thursday oct.;iithv ':.v5v'" .-"At Beaver Creek .Church, Friday 'opt.; i2tw;?:: ;;'";. AtJ. lui Whittington'Sj'Sat urday Oct. 13th .- ' ,At Taylorsville, Alexander. Co.V Monday Oct. 15th. i . Mr.L E Spencer . Blackburn, th e candi d ate o f the (Bepu bli can :party, is invited to be pres ert for Joint discussion at , the above named appointments. ; Speaking to begin at 1 o'clock P-. M: -- . - '- i.. , . ' Sell i nm. ii v! "-v-'K V ROARING RIVER, N. C. 'Owing to a change to be made in our business; we will soli oir entire line ot Dry Goods & Notions, Clothing'; Hats &Shoes, AT & below4cost - 1 . ; ; . . , , i These-are bargains you cannot afford to tniss; as our stoclc crT goods is newand upto date ahdvwe are -selling : theml cheaper; ; than rthey can be boughlto day from Wholesale t houses. Wof ; ' have on hand a nice lot of ready made clothingi V " , ; -Boyg suits at from 75$273; Men's suits at; fronr$' 00' toy $10.00; and a nice assortment of dress goods for ladies and child ren from 4 cts: up.. Men's hats at 40 cts .'Tableware;- Lamps;. Tinware and infact everything kept in a first class store, at aritL.' below cost. Comeand get a bargain before .they' are all gonW, Goods bough tat cost means monejf saved to the customer- - GREENWOOD AND FLEMING. I' -1 . Regret to diapporniSyau: abaut;their ' -.Jm, -mm V W f Jy mm. are just coming, in and! they Haiai(put :off writing the "ad'' till net week. ;,; ; In the meantim come right along :and 4 get what goods you want- . : , , " , , . We have moved our stock oi goods: toLenderntao aeiw r: Store building, next door-toMorrison's hardware fitorc; " . : v '.TFe-:ext&dhe' invitation' i stock andsee thevalues we are offering before they spen ,v t I their money.r Go6d; judgment isMispIayed where peoglp' - ' ' look before" they buy. v.. "VJ-v " V'v:-;.;- .C-l." ; ..' It may be well to mention some or.tne nnesr- . t, ! we carry iN STQcd!; 5 c;; ' :,Dresp goods, ready-made shirts, hats, shoes, domestics r plads, cheviots; e cals calicoes, drapiries, .notions, hosiery, underwarej shirts, overalls, suspendbrg' gloves, collars,, ties, laces, ; ribbons; embroideries, stationery pens, toilet?. sbapsj; ptJl lUUlCncOt X. tsucx acinic vji. u ivo vrvi uciiv vt ca huiiwiv. 4VV ' ; ' i " and numerous other things "not here mentioned; JiUf . f , - t f . "A. word to the wise is sufficient." '-.7u' '- ''i" : : , Look4: Before You: Buy ; OUR NEW WINTER are here and;we are, openin inspection. ; ;r , -'-.,. ;v"r- ' : V We have time for; saying nothrng-rn.orei ? J how than to give ypu one and air a?1 hearty , , invitatioato come and inspect " pur nevy- : , line and make your selection : , v B: A. STAINHOXTE; &: CO'&? j "'Dk.-JT.-M. Turner; FT? B?ugf 'Stored rOr- Drugs, IVTedicines Fancy Toilet Articrcc Cigars, ToBacco, etc. . ' ; . , 'C - Fresh Garderf Sqed Qf AU VarFotlca a:: - Hand. r: V: -ll:- - -at 0"ST,: 7 ; 0 i5' i JlmJmi' W-W- , -UU JW t fci,liL W' 4 'J .1 ."I r. i-. V - - toWerv body:. to-inspexst.oqriv) FALL AWB dOODS 1 ;- r 1 a? OB , , r . J 1 A T ' r 1 t'.'j.'i ! .if ' V ' ' i 1 ; i.'. ; jj ; V'r co ractory. ; , ,F. B. IIeLnofrenSeQ. - . . J.

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