hy I i Equal taxation, -Pirect and -Indirect. 4 r : VOL. XIV.; If 1: I?. . I - 1 1 - ' I2 THR CHRONIC IiE.-,- j i- : : - -r : WILKESBORO, N. C, IVITNESDAY. OCT. 31. 1900. 0. .20. TAILOR-MADE Up.to-Bate Matters for Some Wear; Guar anteed to fit or mis. Col. James Isbell and Mr. D. R- S. Frazierof Blaekstone, were in town-last-week; Presidihsr; Elder Wren ) preached trvvo magnificent ser mons at the Methodist1 church here -Sunday".- i Quaaterly meeting at the Methodist church,. . North Wilkesboro, next Saturday and Sunday. . .-"' Mr. H; L. Greene-went to Roc lei n gharri county Saturday where he is acting as - Solicitor for the courtnbis: wek. - Mr. Finley: Curtis and 'chil dren who have been visiting, his father, Esq; H; Cu'rtis,re turned to Tennessee last - week. We have a. raddish;raised by Esq. Wi F.'. Ward,-, of -' Ash county, which weighs 10 pounds. " It goes up head. Mr. To m : Pennell brou gh t this office the largest cabbage stalk we have ever seen;.which 1 JThere will ;bo communion services at r-1 h e- ' P resby t e r i an church here next Sunday. There will. be services Friday night at 7 o'clock. v -: t . S. Cpmmssioner J R. Hendersen and ; attorney Jas.J W. McNiell are canvassing: the i county this week looking ,up revenue cases. . We call a.ttention to the elsewhere in this . issue written by our friend A. Fredejfick; Our " people will pjeasantly remember him as one founders of the Mountain e; . - iis ..republican s especially should read ter. ; " ' 1 " 'letter of the Breez friend his ;le THE BABBECOE. fit Was a sdecess 3Iagrn ifl.ee nt Speak- -j In bj Watson and Spalnliour ' ; t - A Large Attendance. The club rally and barbecue at North. vVilkesboro Jast Sat urday was a big success. . . There was a large crowd, es timated at from 800 to 1000: the speaking was'of the besl and highest type; " the . Jand dis-. pensed sweet musij all. par took of the barbecue and were filled; not an incident occurred to mar the pleasure of. the oc ! cassion: evervbodv returned home well pleased and enthusi1 astic for Bryan'and Buxton. The addresses were of a hisrh PONE WITH REPUBLICANISM. A Letter Fro in California. : ? Editor The Chronice: -.-: - In the Spring of 18S8, 1 left Wilkes boro for California.; When I left, R. A. Deal was editor, and proprtetor of The GnapNicLE. -Jiope that neither he nor Lite Chronice Js dead, because demora cy is now yefy greatly to be desired. " Perhaps a few persons in Wilkesboro may remember me as one of the boys who catn'e from West Virginia to, start a republican - newspaper. r I was not ashamed to. be a Republican then. But I quit the party soon after coming to California. ; I shall give.Bryan my vote again in November. . , - -V I shall never vote to have our repub lic develop" into an empire as i the Ro man! republic; did. I beg to be excused f rom.voting for the pjirty of trusts. Thjg nuoi, io lntrrtJjiess master.- ii is as one intellectual grade that appealed great company all over the country. It The Winston Fair is in pro- to men s reason HonO. B. Watson 6T Win ston was the first speaker He was; Introduced n by Chair man Barber, who; paid hirnva -de servedly high compliment. Mr. Watson made one of the qlear' V gress this week and Jots of our people have gone and are still going to take in the occasion. Chief -Marshal Hackett, CrCall J;,G. Hackett, Joe: Robertson ana-Miss.JtJunch lendersonr ot est argumentative discourses the, ntirshaLforce,,-went . .do wn trt which we have ever listened: Monday; Several others also He traced the ills of , trusts and went. : A' good manymore went imperialism back to the ihiqui iuesdhy, and a large, number tous. system-of unequal taxa- expecti to go on the excursion tion inauffiiratd;" and varrifid he raised this year. ) It is three Thursday., ' "! ' Vut by the republican party by and a half feefclong and weighs ; Tt e young people and'ehil , which vthe - .few ' accumnlate iu pqauub. -Jdrpn nf WiltAshnrn nrft rpnnpst and - centraize the wealth. Miss Jennie Hackett,; ;,of ej to jeet at the Bantis Church kwhile tne masses must bear the this place who recently entered at 3:3dpjMr. on next'Saturay, touuwut .vvouuAy tor tiie purpose 01 organizing mai, nas typnoiu iever. -.viier Loval. Temnerance Lesrion, 1 I ". , - L M i ss Ma 1 1 i e McNeill , M is s Ka ri1 mother went down Mondav to attend her during h(r sickness. v. i - a .- f The quarterly meeting at the Methodist church here Sat urday selected'Mr. Jl C. Hub bard as superintendent of the S u n d a y S c h o o I a t; t h i s pi a c e . 1 1 vas a good. selection. . burden by becoming poorer and more surely., .serfs, instead, of frea citizen3i His arguments were unanswerable, - We wish nie Wfellborn-and.Mrs.-Kinnear every man and women, in w i 11 be p rs e n t '. t o o r ga n i ze t h e Legiorij and earnestly request the young people to come out, even -if .they, do. not wish to join tp see and hear what'isropos- the his i-uguiaies- tn,e w-age rate, n o man can quit work in any line of labor controjl ed by, .the trusta'and? go' elsewhere to seek, better wage's) as hemsed to do No man need strike; for he will be starved out, and factories elsewhere 'will run ori and meet ihe! demands. - No man can loudly claim his own so.ul, else, will the trust blacklist him and, so far as his line of work' goes," he is without em ployment and turned out to starve.. The man who vpte&.v&fythe republican ' patty ; votes for slavery for himself and his fellows; The trust- is'" the - one monster, con suieneeless master. ' ' , - C- The late .National Bank law fixes the yoke upon ouVnecksp silver, and the greenback areto'be olit-lawed in order that money-lenders may have a curren cy based on bonds, a . device to - bring them bond interest and bank bill in terest. .S'Sound money" is to be tested by two interests double interest. ' Sil ver and greenback give no-class an in terest from other classes; therefore, we are told they "unsound''. ' 'Every seven years Jabor must redeem the : bank-bill currency, that is, tiie interest,, but the princi pal xemai ns u n paid : and th us it oes on forever. -! cannot vote myself Sell O AT, Bit G . - ROARING RJVEB, N. C. - r -:;. x 'f"v."'"nv c ,;;--: '-y " ' ' - '. . . . '.'. - '"''' - .. , ' Owing to a change to be made in our businesswe willell oirr. entire line of Dry, Goods & Notions, Clothing. Hats & Shoes, AT & RELOW. COST : . : . .: . These are bargains you cannot Tifford to miss7as,our stock .of ' g00,ds js new and - up. to" date :and we are -selling them cheaper - luan iney can pe bought. to day from Wholesale houses. " Wo- have on hand a nice lot pf ready made clothing: - ' ' , 1 . - Boys'suits at fromr75 ctsto $273: Men's suits at f roin 00 'V.ifci $10.00; and a nice assortment of dress goods for ladies and child ren, trom 4 cts,.up. Men's hats at 40 cts. Tablewarel-v.-Iiamna;-.- Tinware and in fact every thing kept in a first class store, at anit". below cost. ( C6me and get a bargain before thev are all' cone. Goods bought at cost means money saved to the customer. 7 - ; GREENWOOD AND FLEMING. fi Burke;: vHiaTfdear Vattring edUto be done; We-. need' your f and rousing peclu His cas help andjthinkwe can make iti tigation of E. Spencer wasof the latest style and fully up-to performed; .upon Miss- Lola Brown at Statesvilie last week and a tumor removed hich weighed 32 pounds; She, is getting, along as well at. cou!d: be hoped, and she expects to. be able to return; home in fev weeks; . 4 A. at who is ton. Ti date.5 ; Hi& speech was a-' gem. . After the-speaking, came the feast. It was elegant and suf flcient for alii . In fact the en- Dr. W. C." Greene has gone to Oak Ridge to visit his sondn- interisting to all: law, R. M. Stafford His little : j Harriett C. .KinneaRC grand-daughter1 Ida- 7 Maie - ; - Eres,Wv C. T U a Greene Stafford, ; is growing U-The bhildren of late Addison right alorigv and can pull up. by Bousseau.had a " reunion here a chair. last wdek: ' The children- were M-ire ocacsion.was-a grandv suc- A successful operation ;was all-preaent but'WvT.' Rousseau 9ePs in the State ofAVashing- lere were present Julius Rousseau and r wifei Alabama; Mack: Rousseau and wife, of Mrs. G; H. Hamilton, of Ash4, Mrs. Geo. II. Blair; of a' Watauga. Major and Mrs. Bal lew, of JLenoir, and those ot the irhilrlrpm who Ti vft hfsrrt M r. ..1 J -turner isc wyatt's, mm ai p;Rou seaUi Mrg. j;.d. Smith ? i , m ... . . miners urees was nadiy aamag and Mrs.- T. S. Miller.- iz was ed by the f reshetl the sawmill, a pleasant reunion and in all forebay, and some of the piHsrs Probability will never occur.a- oerat. Hudgins is republican" we have been unable to get the Af fU :4. :tir : " -.1 J ft uc gusi mill YvtJio wdsucu- v.mAV t. thir rpsnfif.t. Vft homes; away. They will rebuild and put in now mill and be ready to wait on customers by the first of December: '" - One of the mostj pleasant events of-the season -wasthe Dartv ThnrcjHov ovminfr nrivn bv Mr nnH lfre T T?nlrlr "ni? iq I Ti' m - ax.. U j A. bill U . WW V . JQJlQgg in honor of the', 19th birthday qT wZ 9 their charming daughter, We hate-BarGrinsfpryoii. aiiss Estelle. Quite a-, number ot relatives were Buy your' Winter nnderuceaf from ns Call & W , " - . Overshoes for inen;' ; women TV ? ft 7 . - 7. . -X - ... ,7 7. ana cniiaTArt-r-uexL ,i -ftu, vuvuv ezt on tiie market? at. Mayber present!- as yvell as a number of. friends. ine young people were delight: ed to the utmost with the ; oc casion, and wish .Miss Estelle many happy birthday returns, and may they all be as pleasant as this one. ' ' 1 ' Last WednesdaVi; eveniber," I at the home of the Lride's nar- 1-ents Mr. and Mrs. J.- T.'.'Ed- ards at Ronda, Miss Sue Ed ards and M r. Harvey Churcn , : of North Wilkesboro were Jmea in the holy bonds of dlock. Rev. Mr! Bradshaw Performed the ceremony. The Jhronicle extends' its mosr Qearty congratulations to" this excellent young pohple and )Vlshes them a life of usefulness M happiness.. Tnev ate now I a tour to Asheviland oth vr Points along the western ,Mr. H. village b Sullivan coun ty could- h ave heard Mr. R.'N. Hackett then intro duced.Mr. Joe'Sralnhdur.'- of j such. fool or slaved ': OfiOtcions Deputy Collector, i : A ,Leputy Collector under Harkins, not 500 miles ' from here, is very busy telling the people that democratic lawyers caused all the trouble at last term ot Greensboro court; and ran their clients off. fcr - politi cal purposes; Did any 'clients leave" except. those' of demo cratic lawyers?,' Ask Graham, Davis, McNeill, Holbrooks and others. Now, Mr.' D; C- ouit such rot; the checks -are still in existance "which were issued to you for blockade . whisky, since your appointment as D C, and if you demand it. thev will be shown you, r with your own proper endorsement on the back, and; on the' face of which should have been 'fpaid' by the bank. 1 ight . fair, Mr D C, and don't tr v- t o fool the people?- " V Checks-you know are return ed by the bank to party issuing them after payment." One who Knows. - . ; Murder In AshQ; x , , It is learned here that on last Thursday night near Jeffer- son, Asne county, , a man oy J and young JDuncant ; He shot him three times As reported they-fell .out over politics and- whiskey.; Duncan ;was the son of a Prim-, itive Baptis preacher and Dem the name b f -H u d g i n s s h a t killed .a youns:' man Vnamed particulars, Public Speakijis; . r. .Messrs. W.' W. Barber and H.. Lv Greene wilT address ; the people'at Nichols' school house m- Keduiei Kiver' township, shoes;-1 It is time for you to buy Saturday,,No v. 2nd,.at 1. o'clock tr shoes,"' Comeiandseeu&sipziri.' - - . ' " . .J M,r. R.,N"Hkckett;will speak at Dimmette Rros store in Ed- wa r d s-1 o w n sh i p, . M o n d ay , No v 5th, at 1' o'clock.. , Hon. R. B. Glenn, of ' vVin- stonrwili speak at Jefferson, N. C, on Saturdayj.Nov. 3rd, at 1 o'clock, r ; . , The people are cordially in vited to attend. . - - A TUlagri Ulafeksuiith SavedJIis Lit- "tle Son' Life- IIs 'Blacki the; well known aeksmith at, Grahamsvlle, o.. Ni Ysavs: "Our little son five years old, has always leen sub ject to Group, and so" bad have - the at- tacks beep that we nave learea many times thai he would die. . We have had the' doetor and used medicines,- "but (J li am Deriai n a uoug n itemwy is ,u vv our sole reliance. ' It seems to dissolve the tough (mucus and by giving frequent doses when the crou py sy m ptoms ap- npr Lwe have found that the dreaded croup is cired before it gets .settled." There is nb' danger in giving 'thisj rem edy, for it contains no opium or, other injurious drug and may, be "given ; as Hi a, UiX W iM . : i.v : . ui t S&ed wheat for soli at. ,1.8. Call; & Co.. : - r , ' Tru A's and Tiandbags, ar, y style or price at May berry1 s: See our stave dd in anoUier colum. Call & Co.: - Spread Like Wildfire. T when thingsare "the besf'they. be come 'the best selIIng.M Abraham Hare, a leadinS druggist, of Belleville, O.,-writes "Electic Bitters are the best selling bitters I have -handled in: 20 years. You know why? Most diseases begin in disorddcrs of stomach, liver, k id neySjK bowels,"" blood and nerves. Electric Bittere tones up the stomach , regulates liver, kidneys and" bowelsV purifies" the blood, strengthens the nerves; hence cares multitudes of malaV dies. Jt . builds the entire system. ; Puts life and vigor into - any weak, tsickty, rundown-man or woman. ' Price 50 centSi . : Sold by Dr. White Druggist.' - . It is vitb special pride that we announce the srrival of our Fall and winter stock to our friends and customers.- You will find it., a thing of beauty and a joy forever." To The LADiEs:-?-We call your attention to our line of Dress Goods and Skirtings, runnels., , wqpien urepons, hig'd ;and Plain; Bnlliantines, Plaids and Cashmers etc. in all the late novelties. ; ' 'A beautiful ;line; of Flannels in Pinks, Blues and other delicate colors for "dress ings sacks" and "Tea Jackets." ( -J '-Elegant line of outings for Dresses, Jackets and Cloaks. - . - v V v. . ; Biggest line of Cloaks ever shown ih. the- ! County,.a!l kinds, all prices, from SOctsto 4 -$8.00 ". - --r. Complete line of children's, IadiesrarrdJ men s underwear.. ; -a - - .' N ' - ' ' -. . : ' ; , . . TJp to date line of Gent's Furnishings that wilLsHit th S moett critiedi' customer, you can take our.word for It that you will. be pleased br an in- - spection of our goods. - - . - - , --,.'.., Bring alpngjyodr chix, E?gs, Buttery Apples and Cabbage; 'Xtries, ot: r- , ; any other good produce, VVe pa jT highest market price. V . Vt .turn porm 4uaii.L uAIVi 1 ': ; have moved our stock of goods to ' Lenderrnan'S newr ' store building, next door to Morrison's hard ware stpc?; C TFe extend the invitation to .everybody, to inspect JourVy stock and see the values-we are offering before they spen 4 ' ; c, their money. GTood. judgment is displayed where people ' -f look before they buy. - - 1 J V -'f ,;,,,;, "It may be well to mentiCn some of the lines - 1 ; - . ' . WE CARRY IN STOCK. Dres? goods, ready-made shirts; hats, shoes, domestics plads, cheviots er cals, calicoes, drapiriesi notions, hosiery, under ware, shirts, overalls, suspenders gloves, collars, ties laces, ribbonsf embroideries, stationery, pens, toilet soaps, . perfumeries. A general line of nice groceries, delftvvare, tinware and glasswaxv and numerous other things not here mentioned, v v A word to the wise is sufficient."- Y ' Look Before You Buy. : ; j. l HOBBs a ca 'Yy"ZTZYYYYr'-'.Y"Y!hz.rv -li : -"'-v ' - OUB NEW FALL AND WINTER GbODS i Millions Giren Airay-- - ; It is certainly gratifying totbe public to know of one concernwhich is not a- confilentl For sale b i3 Dr. White, Great Luck Of :an Editor. For tvvb years all efforts to cure Ec ?emairi the palms of my hands failed," writes Editor II . N. Lester, of Syracuse, Kan., "then I- was wholly cured- by Bucklen'sj -Arnica Salve." It's the world's best for Eruptions, Sores and all skin diseases. -tnly 23c at Dr. J. W. White- I :-- ' ; : - 4 To remove a troublesome corn bunion: fraid to be' generous The propietorsof First soak the corfTor bunion in ..warm Dj. King's New Discovery for Consumn- water to soften it, then pare H . down as tion, Coughs and Colds, have given a closely as possible without drawing way over ten million trial- bottles and blood and - apply Chamberlain's Pain havelhe satisfaction of knowing it has Balm twice daily; 1 rubling vigorously cured thousands of hopeless cases. . As? for five minutes at eacb - application, thma, Bronchitis, La uQrippe . and all A- corn plaster should be worn for a few j Throat, .Chest and Lung.- diseases;; are days, to protect it from the shoe. As a surely cored by it." Call on Dr.v Js W. general liniment , for sprains, bruises j White DruggisL and get a free trial boU lameness and rheumat'snv Pdin Balm tie." Regulafize 5,0c and $1.00. Every is uneiual?d, . For sale by Dr; White. ' bottle giuiranted, " . are here and we are opening them up for inspection. : We have-time for saying nothing more now than to give you operand alia hearty invitation to come and inspect our new line and make your sel9ctions.: - 1 '. R. A. SPAIN HQUJR & CO'S; Dr. J. M. Turne W, A. Berry,! sore .-It ,v -o Drugs, Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articlec Cigars, Tobacco, etc. : Fresh Garden Seeds of .All VarfetieG o:. Hand. -

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