qual Taxation, pircct and Indirect. VOL. XIV. The Chronicle. WILKESBOEO, K CU WEDNESDAY, JAN. 9. 1901. NO. 29. TAILOR-MADE -4The District Stewards meet to day at 1 p. :m. at North Wilkusbsro Tom McCann, of Surrey was in town the first - Esd County: of the weak -visiting relatives. E. B Miller, of Wa tauga cjounty,Jwas in town this weeK ai gav3 us a pieusant call. J Miss Kate Cranor returned to Ashe bounty Thursday and resumed her school there. C. H. m. Tulbert 4ias erec ted a large store house at the old Bell stand on Hunting: Creek. Moseiy, or JUicm, was to see Sheriff Dr. Huntin and not is aboul Mr. Huntin to twins sick He .Up-to-Date-Matters for Home Wear; har- anteed to Jit or mias. Miss Victoria Gambilldied near Cricket last waek. i-Dr. H. H Hartley of iKen dall, gave us apleasantcali fJat urday. The telephone line be- 1 j tween North Wilkesboro and JElkin is nearing completion The Legislature meets at Raleigh to-day. Rcpresena Uvfis Greene andaastin went down Monday Lawver Luther Lvons, of ... Sparta. out his shingle at this place. The more the merrier, Mr. Aaron Deal, aared 85 years, died in Alexander coun tv last week. He was one of the oldest citizens of thatcoun 7- Esq. Henry Marley, of Elk township, one of the oldest .men in the county, beine: 93 years old, died on the second .day of Jan. Parties indebted to The Chronicle are asked to arrange jfche amount and let us start the new year without any old w acoounts. T-Miss Mattie MeNeill has taken charcre of a .Music class at Moravian .Fails. She is an accomplished musician and we wish her and her class much .-success. Little Willie Parker, son of John Parker -of the Brushy Mountains, died of typhoid fe 'ver a few davs aaro. He was a bright little fellow. ; Dr. W. H. Wakefield will be in hisv ofljee at No. 8 N. .Church St. Charlotte, all of January except Thursdays' His practice is limited to djs eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. - Mr. John Young went do wn to Lexington and was married Ao Miss Retta Hedrick, the 2Gth. They caine back to North Wilkesboro last week where they will make their home. Mr. D. S. Lee moved to North Wilkesboro las$ week, where he has arrauged to keep a club boarding house for stu dents at the Blue Ridge Insti tute. He is Teady to take stu dent boarders on this plan. The people of the .towns had a pretty lively time during the holidays. W itn parties ga-s Hotel (40rdon. North Wilkes- lore and big dinners several several times NOT UBIQUITOtJS. here last week has decided to hang Johnson's mother, who has been 4iiie eijuis. iui several Olct Uncle John Mooce, of Creek, is very expected to live. 80 years old. Bob Combs' wife, of Creek, who gave birthJ about a w,eek ago, is naraiy expectea to live, so Esq. John Combs tells us. Esq. John Hall, Sr., is vjery sick with heart dropsy. His sons, Tpm and W. S-, of Jobs Cabin, Wee down to see him the first of the week. Mrs . J. E. Hubbard of Gil reath, was in town Thursday, lookingr after some business preparatory to going to Texas to join her husband. Quite a number of young folks took in a party at Mai. at Boaring River last It goes without doubt that they had a nice time. !. D. Beaty and fam ily, Miss Love and Prince Ed die Forester, returned from a visit to Davidson College. Prof . Beaty opened school here Mon day. f R. N. Hackett, W. W. Bar ber, James W. McNeill, R. M. Staley and Frank D. Hackett Raleigh Monday to as-; Legislature in getting out right. Lee Martin was in town the first of the week. He say s the no I mays aoouc xsriar Creek passed off very pleas antly. Foote's week- left for sist the started Col Mr. visited last week. Vance Russell of jiiss f relatives in this county Russell several The of His brother J. . S. Moravian Falls re turned With him and will spend days. Knights of Pythias gave tfteir annuel banquet at every day, no ona was alio wed. to go hungry or to be suffering with the "blues." , The Uuion Republican says: Gov. Russell pardonsChas. Hamby, of Wilkes county, who sentenced to 8 years on the county roads. Hamby is serving his time on the roads in .this county with ex-Sheriff Boy er-'s force. He was sentuy for assault with deadly weapon and carrying concealed weapon. His pardon bears date, of FebV 27, 1901 Some of the war low boys; the Hayses, Adamses and oth ers had a sort of carving 'frolic out on the Brushy Mountains a week or so ago and two or three of the Marlow boys were cut up right bad. Bad whisk ey and bad women the cause of it. ' : ' . ;.' ; ; The J. E; -Hubbard lands , on the Brushy-Mountains is ad vertised for sale on. J an. 24th: Also, a mule, a milk c6w, 100 bushels corn, 800 pounds bacon, farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture and pth jer things will be sold at same time, Sale opens at 10 A. M' , Blankets going at 'at cost &t Mayberrs. " 1 .; boro last Friday night and it was one of the mos t pleasant they have ever had. Quarterly meeting for the Wilkesboro circuit will be beld at Moravian Falls, oaturaay and Sunday Presiding Elder. Wrenn will preach at Wilkes boro Methodist church on Sun - day night. Esq H. Cnrtitf was stricken with paralysis last bun day morning ana is now m & icai condition. His ripe o.d age; will make it more t difficult for him to recover irom tne stroke. ; The . hosts of friends of the tamjly sympathize with them a: i d wish for Mr. Curtis a speedy recovery. . l t-The Ministers of the differ ent churches are observing this week ' with union t services .at the di ferent churches. The service j began Monday night at Presbyterian, church, Tups day night at Baptist church,to night (Wednesday) at Method ist chuchV Thursday night at Presby ;erian church, Friday night at . Baptist church. . AU n-yitdltOdtn But Caagr&t by onr IlIdar Kodak. Mrs. Dr. Pegcam, of Delia plane visited bere during: the holidays. 5sq. Buiggs, f Chatham Co. was in tojwn last week. James; Wellborn and son John and Esq. David Wellborn went Ashe last week to' visit H. S. Tan noy , and Greene Wellborn who have been sick. ,WU1 McNeill and wife -(nee Miss Bettie Hughey) visited relatives in Iredell and Rowan counties during the holidays. Brethren John Gwaltney, T. J. Fortner and F. C. Thomp son, of Taylorsville, came over on St.Johh's day and assisted Liberty Lodge in installing its new officers, and also giving degrees to a number of appli. cants. This Lodge appreciates the kindness of these brethren and hopes they , enjoyed their visit and will come again.. Lawyer Bob McNeill, of Jef ferson, visited his parents here. Ruff Henderson, Jr., of East Bend, visited his father's fam ily hera last week.' Miss Delia Warren went to her home at Roaring River last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Edwards spent several days with rela tives about Ronda. . Cel. JEd. Ward and Esq. Walt Parlier spent several : days about Roaring River. Mr. and Mrs. James McNeill recieved a fine holiday present. It's a ten pound boy. Misses Mamie and Ida Will-j lams, wno are attending school at Ronda, spent the holidays at borne, returning to school the first of January. They gave a pleasant dinner Xmas, Tom Calloway and J. C Greene, of Clingman were here iast week. , J2. Wallace is storekeeping down in New Castle. Mrs. D. T. Johnson, of Ral eigh, is visiting her ne grand eon at Jim McNeill's. John Carrigan and daugter Miss Lena visited his bid home in Alexander. Mrs. James L Hawkinsi, of Fredericksburg, Va., is visit ing friends here forafew days M. 'McNeill spent a few days in Ashe with his daughter. A. L. Combs7 and little Dick Prevette made a "courting trip" to Ashe last week. Miss Vilola Prevette spent a number of the holidays here with her grandma Mrs. Call and other relatives and friends. Dr. XT. E. G. Dyer, who spent the holidays at his boyhood's home in Wilkes, returned to - A Texas last week. Lawyer Frank Hackett went to Ashe on business last week; Dr. H. H. -Hartley, who has been in Tenn. for sometime, has returned to his home near Kendall. .;-.-: Mr. Peter Pardue, of Cald well county, visited his oid home at Ad ley, this county. Mrs. A. S. Cooper, who was hre visiting her mother, was called to her home in Ashe last week by the sickness of her husband. . . . Mrs. J L. Graham has gone to visit relatives at Statesville, She will go from, there to join, her husband at ; Jamestown, Ark. where he is conducting a schoo I. ; -- Miss Emma-Rodgers, of Con cord, is i visiting her brother Rev.- J; P. Rodgers. r MisSes Bessie and'EllieTran sou, who spent the holidays at their home in Ashe, have re entered v schpol at , Miss Bar- ber'g . , : .-. A wi Willie Johnson, of Parks, was here last week. : -Miss Jennie Hackett left last week to re enter the Norma r school at Greensboro S. W. Campbell, of Vashti, visited his daughter,- Mrs. F. B. Sendren at . ibis place last week. " Dr. York, of Trap Hill, was in town last week. Mr. B. L. Parker, vho has been spending the holidays at his hojne on Hunting Creek re turaed to the A. andt M. Col lesre at Raleigh last week, where he is attending school, Misss. Maud Stimson, who spent the hslidays at her home in Iridoil, has re-entered school at Miss Baaber's. 's Mr. C I. Gilleland visited relatives in Lincoln county du ring the holidays. JLawyer Hanes, of Yadkin county, was here last week looking around with reference to locating, here 4)r. Cal. Parleir, of Blowing Rock, spent a few days last week visiting relatives in this county. His parents Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Parleir gave a big turkey dinner Friday in his honor, , ' Tom Phillips, of Idlewind, came4 over Friday and went to Raleigh Monday to be present at the opening of the Legislature. Miss Ella Johnson of Parks is visum er nr brolher oherirl Johnson, Misses Ellen and Jennie Bul- lis visited Esq Lenderman's during the holidays Money to loan! The "undersigned will secure loans' of any sums of .money above 56300,00 on deed of trust or first mortgage on real estate. The title to the land onust be perfectly good or there is no chance to secure the loan. Terms. five per. cent. payable semi-annually. Call and see cs. . McNeill a McNeill, att'ys. On ihis the first of the New Year and of the 20th Century, we extend our best wish es to i:he readers 6f The Chronicle. The oor of Time has opened for the first time iu 100 years; and has let in the 20th century and closed forever on the 19th. With sadness we think of the dear old 19th century now gone forever. But wo must not dwellon this thought; the 20th demands our time and. attention, !and we welcome her w ith her prospects, hopes and possibilities. Every day duty demands our attention and we will as heretofore try. to meet her demands wth all justice to others and ourselves.. t ' Tours Truly, IPJTia'ILIB'S' IHJIEODTriHIESISS. mew lea .re The McCann Family. In reference to the prolific McCann family of Edwards township, we erred slightly in last issue. Instead of seven children there are nine and three births instead of two. About three and a half years ago Mrs. McCann gave birth to two children. In Eighteen months she gave birth to threS children, and two years later, about the first of last December she gave birth to four children. All the children are li rlng. This remarkable incident has attracted the attention of the big dailies in this country and Europe and photographs of the family will be taken this week and sent to a number of papers, r p qm bargain, m Entire Family Crazy. Mr. John e Gre'enwood and two daughters, Susky and Flo ra went crazy on Jraas day. Susky, aged 29 years, died on the Sunday folio wing. The oth er two .were taken to the Mor ganton Asylum last week. It is a peculiar case. They. Jived alone at their home in Surrey county near the Wilkes line. They : all went . crazy at the same time. The' doctors say it was caused by v religious f a n aticism. J ust one y ear before to the day. Mr. Green woods wife swas taken crazy and died. The lamily was quite wealthyl Sheriff-Johnson's first wife was the daughter of Mr, ' Greeen wood. . ' - s5 v Notice I desire'to employ a good Blacksmith to work in my, shupat Goshea . N. O. who can do good general work; , horse shoeing and wagon repairing a special ty. Will pay gbod price for a good workman. - Address the undersigned giving price, workmanship, etc ( 'LVE. Davis, ,' l We extend to our many friends :nd customers out sincere, thanks for their very liberal patronage during the past year. We hope to merit your support for the next year. I. S. CALLJcCo. j Salesmeiu , ; I. S. Call, -J. C. Hubbard, .J. .C. Wallace. tt We call your attention to Xmas Goods that will be sold at "closing out prices: 10 Dolls at less than cost. S pairs of vases, less than cost. 4 Albums- 3 toy tea sets, " wind mills ' " " 1 collar & cuff cell M 10 pistols " ; " 1 monky eating man Fire works' " ' 6 tops & 3 horiss 4 toy horses and wagons, less than cost. Also we will make Low Prices on Capes Lap Robes, Quilts, Blankets, Mackiiitorhes and Leggins. Bring along your locust pins and Jcties- We Have Bargains in boots, hetes, overshoes, iifits-eapg, etc , Bargains in ready-made clothing, coat and pant good, -gent's furrfislsflig goods, etc. . - . 1 1 , : v . .. Bargains in Ladies' shirts, skirt patterns, cloaks, jackets, etc. Bargains in worsteds asemeres, flanaeJs, outings and all kiuds of win , ter dress goods, . ' ' Bargains in all sorts a ad seLeetiosis of CHfllSTM AS -GOODS AXD TOYS. Bargains in bureaus, bedsteads, tables and other itoraiUiFe." ' Bargains in groceries of all kinds. In fact, we hare bargains in every and all things you need and want. ; We sell at the lowest living prices and h&ve theaiae price to ail. We handle school books and school supplies. DH. A. pa2nallanniir; ,S; maponay, We have moved our stock of goods to Lender.man's'' Jieir store building, next door to Morrison's Jiard urare storey : we exteud the invitation to everybody Jto inspect our jstock and see the values we ar offering before Jibey spend their money. " Good judgment is displayed where peoplo look before they bujr . . u It may be well to mention some ofthe lines WE CARRY JN STOCK. Dresp goods, readymade shirts, hats, shoes, domestics plads. cheviots tie- cals, calicoes, drapiries, notions; hosiery, nnderware, shirts, overalls, suspenders, gloves, collars, ties, laces, ribbons, embroideries, stationery, jv2JB. toilet soap ptrfumeries. A general linp of ice groceries, deltware tinware and class wara and numerous other things not h ere mentioned,. J . 4A word to the wise is sufficient." - Look Before You Buy. J. L, HOBBS & CO. Dr. J. M. Turner, & Brug Store. t m mnm mm I i rrir v i -?i;rv Drugs, Medicineb,Fancy5Toilet Article Cigars,. Tobacco, etc.- , v . Fresh Garden Seeds!of; All- Varielicbcn Hand;