Equal Taxation, pircct and Indirect if VOL. XIV. The Chronic tle. " TAILOR-MADE fTj-tO'Tte Xttersfr ilome TTexri aar ante d to fit or tniss. 4.. tfnkli Esa.v was m xj t - . v 7 - . J town last week. C. I. Gilleland; went to Winston Monday, r Solicitor Joe Spainhour, of lfx)rganton, was here last week Dr and Mrs; Reves, of Ashe, are visiting at Esq. Jas. Wellborn's. . v . Mrs. R. . t. Dou ghton, of Laurel Springs, visited iriends here tins week. , Rev. H. H. Phelps, of De noir, filled - his appointment here Sunday. Esq. Alec Atkins and two daughters; of Jonesvilte, were here last week. t We still live in hopes our old friend the blackberry - will saon be ripe. Mr.'and Mrs. R. L? Dough ton, of Xiaurel : Springs, came over f ir the commencement. M iss Maggie Hughey came home last week. She had been attending school at Asheville. Lawyer James W. McNeill some revenue mattere.. 1 he rain has one element of success largely developed it keeps everlastingly at it. The Misses Wilcox who had been visiting at Ml Bar ber's returned to Ashe Fri day. Misses vAnnie ; Speas and Besfii-e Wood ho use, o f Boone ville, are .visiting Miss- Nan Wellborn.. . ... 7 Lawyer,. W. . M. Hendron, Y-bf Winston, was hereon busi ness Friday, returning home Saturday. The Mase3t: "Mr. A,. D. Cooper went to;Wilkes the first of the week to visit relatives there.' . V , Miss Maggie Turner, of Statesvill, and Miss Dessie Turner, of Cool Springs, are, visiting at Dr. Turner's. : , f Miss Ida Howell, of Poors Knob, leaves Friday for Scran ton, Pa , to take a position as nurse in Lackawanna Hds: ital. Rev. J. P. Rodgers is over in Ashe assisting in a reviVal service. On this account thre were no services at the". Meth odist church Sunday. - ' - Miss Blanche ?b erguson, of .Lackawanna- Hospital, Scran to:i, Pa , is home on a few weeks vacation.' Her' host, of 'friend a are delighted to see her again, v - : The Misses Morris, of . Ral je'gh, arrived Friday to .'spend some time with the family of 7 ;Mr. (J. F. Morrison. They vis i ited here two summers ago and nave many inenas nere. . Parents "whose children h ive whooping cough should take pains to send them to ev f.v public gatherings Every boby wants.the whooping ugh,fsper,ialiy if there is a liitle'chilrl in thfi fiimil v. " The trial of "the war of unlay at Atkins shop, and : R. L- and F. L. Atkins . were l)ound to court for assault with .'deadly', wraoon. . Tho" entire Itroutjle is over a fewv feet of! land ITour lawyers aDneared- in the - t ----- case, and they were good ones, j Thy were released on their ' own recognizance, but woe he ' : r . - . I ' unto t ip r a Puts Moral-- their clients. Moral; Those who have 03 worth of dirt'to "fuss" over, shouldn't fyss:at all, but sow it in 'peas. r Thisj weather, is bad on the wheat " harvesting. : Lots " of wheat isj falling down. Corij in most places is $n joying the compauy of plenty xf weds and grass. J. ' Mac Connelly, E. P. Hallice and W. W Miller, of Statesvi le were here last week: Mri A.,k! Tat, of .High Point, w as in this section last week looking at timber lands Lawyer Joe Hendren, of Elkincime up Friday on some business returning . on same train. v . v - -f-,Wil i Edwards and wife left Mor day for Davie ; county in responso to a ' telegram an nouricing the serious illness of Mrs. Edwards', father. Esqp Ambrose Bentley died in Alexander county last week. He was sortietning , over. 80 years old and oneof the best citizens of the -county. He was a brother of Joel -Bentley, Esq , of iPoors Knoh. " . Esq.' RicharH Brown wh.o lived pear the celebrated Stone Mountain , near Trap Hill , d t ed last week and was laid to" rest Sunday . His age numbered in the eighties and he was a good citizen; I Another one ofthe. honorec landmarks is gon. ' The . Cords at Cud Creek and Mo ravian Creek, near town still keep in an impassable con dition and no one seems to be looking. after them at; all. It is important that these" fords should be kept in fix The fact is there ought by all means , to be brid jes in place of the fords. Mr Franklin Sherman, "Jr.v, State Sntomologist was l" in to v n last week, and went to Lenoir from here on Mondtiy. He is out on a tour of inspec tibn, anil .is instructing the people now to destroy the bugs beetles;: lice, scales, etc., -that are d-ji ag so much dam ige all over tt e State. - : Friday afternoon we ran up wit 1 Sheriff Johnson back of the jourt house, with hat off and a "muitum in paryo" song bok in;hahd. He alter riated between singing and Whist li ng, all the time beating 1 he rhythm of melody. Inan swer t that b inquiries we learned was practici n g some new lu Ilabies. 'It's a -fine !) pound girl. , " ; She was a bright little girl of f ome. three summers, and her papa 1 i ke, all good-pas do was; reading The Chronicle oyer to her. . He came to the item about High "Point .rejoic ing over a double tailed- pii? and el e quickly looked up; and asked, ,Papa, where did they put tb3 other tail on at? He has n fans wered yet. . j M -s. Hinchey, widow l ot the la ;e George Hinchey, died at her hoine near Cricket, last Wednesday night. She was born in 1814 and was about 87 years about old. ; Her husband died wo years ago She was a Crysel before marriage. ; She was a. member of the Method ist at :Union and loved and r -specteld by all. She was laid to res ; in the old family grave yard. ' , , yjour attention is to the ad vertisement of the State Nor mal and Industrial College, in this issue. Too much cannot be said in praise of this school and , the errand educational work jit is doing for our girls. Witha faculty of 0 members, .with Dr. Mclver, one ot tno !. j . , . Dr. ablest educators OI limes, . ; at 'it head, the educational facilities and advantages are c.Uy1 eual to an; in the U. 0, WILKESBQEO . N. C. 600 Lives Lost In a Flood. Saturday night a horrible flood burst upon Key stonej W. Va , anl other email towris in -rthat section and swept vevery- thing in its path. Some 600 people we'fe drowned. It is reported "that every . house ; in Keystone but one " was swept away. - Several Wilkes were at Keystone and vicinity, but we have not heard as tu their safety. It is horrible to think Of. "'-" . - The omweBeaet.' The commencement at the BlueTUdge Institute was very largely attended. last week. The exercises, though long, were well rendered, and enter taining. Governor Aycock's . address was short but a gem of lofty thought expressed in pure and untarnished English. : The ser mony Rev. Rr T. .Vann was one of the best ever delivered. The exercises occupied two nights and one dayr The school will begin again, the 5th of -August. . : Ve bid it. God-speed in its noble mission of education. The Cornet ; Band serves t han k s f o r enli v e n i n g ; the oc casion with its cheering music. I After School Frauds. ' "Agents selling school sup pi i es and school f u rni t u re" are in the land, and: Gen. Toon, Supt. Pub. Instructions, gives lout a .timely warning to the different school authorities. Read it: - , . 'To County Boards of Education: - 'Having, been informed that? agents are canvassing the various counties of the State selling worthless school sup pi ies and furniture, -1 suggest to , th County Boards of Education to instruct the County Superintendent to endorse no claim for such goods unless the sale is authorized 1 y your Board, in writing to committeemen, samples of goods offered having been examined and ap proved by your Board in regular ses sion. T-F. TOON, .Supt Tab. Instruction. v : ' VoUinleer Teaching, j Mr. Editor; I - am glad to say that I , have the offer of several volunteer teachers for work in bur schools this slim mer. These teachers ask .- only their board j their services are absolutely free.- Any district wishing uch a teacher will please communicate ' with me at once so that we may arrange for school to open about the middle or last of July. Some of these teachers are from Wilkes and adjoining counties while others are from the east ern and middle sections of the State , Trusting to hear "from a goodly number, I am, yours for success in the great - cause of education. J C C. Wright, ""';. Co.'Jupt. Schools. Wilson , Lewis at Horton's drug Rtore has the agency for the Charlotte Iiaundry Ck. and would be glad to haye .your laund ry. Satisfaction guaran teed. . Persons in -Wilkesboro will leave their laundry at '.. I; S. Call & Co's on Mondays.: f: , : Beginning with Saturday, my Ice wagon will visit both towns every, morning. i Price, 75c per 100. pounds. W. H. McElwee. Leave your laundry tc be sent to the Statesville Laundry Co. at M. McNiel s store every Monday so as to be sent off Tuesday. People at Ncrth Wilkesboro will leave their laundry at Doughton's drug storei Mr. C. L. Shore is agent. mi ... ln --j wnrlr r.nd rives r.itir.fcction. 're3h cnap bcr.:i3 juct from WEDNESDAY . JUNE 26, 1901 . LOCAL MATTERS. A .D,, Fountain, of Louis ville, Ky , is at Hotel Caledonir Mrs. Camilla Atkinson and children, of Davie, are visiting her sister Mrs C. Y. Miller. ; Yesterday, today and to morrow the pension board is in session, ; W notice in a Manila pa per that Maj. C. D. Cowles, son of townsman Esql Calvin J. Cowles, is chairman of an m portant military commission. It Is reported here that old aunt Nancy;, Carrington, of Clingman, is dead. . She was 80 odd years old and has been sick some time,.: . . We understand that Prof Beech has resigned as one 1 of principals of Moravian Falls Academy and will devote his entire time to preaching. A missionary exercise will be given at the Baptist " church next first Sunday at night. The exercises . will. be. attrac tive and all are invited. Over in Ashe, near: Lowry Miller's, last week, lightning killed two good mules for ; a Mr. Barre. He; and his - son were driving alopg the road .when the mules were killed In order to make room for fall goods, May berry will sell about 200 pairs of - men's, wo men's and children's shoes, odds and ends, 'at 10 to 25 per cent less than first cost. . . A man giving his name as Joe Keller was in town Mon day; on his way to Alexander! qquntyj where be says he lived some 30 years ago. . He went west in 1871, leaving, an only son. He says he is now hunt . ing for his boy. J s" " Mrs. Katie Harris died re cently at the" home of her . son in law Mel vin Williams in Ire del 1 cou n ty, at th e age of 94 years. She was the. widow of the late John Harris who died 13 years ago at Goshen. Since his death Mrs: Harris has been living around among her' chil dren and ' kinfolks. She was the grandmother of W. C. and J. H, . Lewis, of this place. In former years she lived here. Her husband in his day was the .most prominent carpenter in this section. He - built the Episcopal church at this place, and did lots of other, carpenter work here. - , ; - Go to Horotns drug store' for alt kinds ofrchool books, -Call at Horton's Drug store for tresh candies. " ' Everything up to date aud the latest in the way of cold drinks, neatly, served at Hor ton's drug store. D. W, May berry has a new stock of nice ladies' and misses shoes; every pair, warranted solid leather. Berkshire Poland China pigs v and three young milk co ws, fre $h, for sale. .; : Wh; H. H; Cowles. . Big stock Elkin shoes for men and women, both fine and co u rse, gu a ran teed ; at M ay ber ry's. - - , 1 'Dr. W. Hi Wakefield, of Charlotte, - will be in North Wilkesboro, at Hotel Gordon, on Friday July 12th ; 1901, for one day only. Practice limi ted to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. , . . ' 4t FOR SALE. We have two 15 horcopower' Farquhar en- tiics and boilers with cawmill3 ' complete, which wo would lilro ! to cell for cach or Cor lumber doliv.cred-,at thp II. II. j THE DEER1NG IDEAL STEEL-PLATFORM BINDER Saves all Wheat. It lias all the latest Improvements. "BUYfllltf THE BEST." 2 IFUEJILiair .IiaaDlPIHIIBDD.- Spring Means li to Ds li Yon" o . ; . In the Spring a livelier iris changes on the burnished dove.' - - ; The SprirrgTirrie is here and Nature la changing' her sombre winter wardrobe ta the livelier, lovelier, brighter one of springs time-- People, too, change their wardrobes witTi the seasons, and knowing the wants of. people for the season and wishing to supply them, we carefully selected an ex- tensive and attractive line of Spring: and Summer Goods . which are now open for inspection. ; We cordially invite you to inspect oar goods before you purchase elsewhere. c o c SJ 3. 0 CD EL -3 rl 4; ZT.irlr co rxr o p - u- f 9 - s -3 H. 0. (DAJLIL cS.CD; We Solicit Your Inspection, We want the MEN AND BOYS who arc interested in good clothingto call and see our COMPLETE line of MEN'S, BOY'S anci CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, ranging from $ 1 .00 to $ 1 8.00 per suit. A complete line of Orercoats, Mackintosh's ia all sizes and prices. The FINEST LINE OF TIES to be found in tcrwn. If you want good soi, call and examine out stock. . XZe Hill Save Jfovi.&rota 02.00 o CU.00 dn a Sizlt. If you wat a bargain, com and see ns. TT-can please you in stylo and; price.. 'We will take ydur locust pins and sell you goods at cash prices. Call .Gombs. Dn. J:rMl Turner. am mm. f t at DruG, LiGdicincc, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. . , r vf - , r .... r r-x -. . r ' 1 NO- 52. z o 0 o Q- CD -s o 1 3 ZT. ft- CD rn o r o H X 1 m 3- . CD co 2, W. A'. Brr.r.Y. 1 v Fancy Toilot ArilcI: f". r fsf I ' f 1 .if"''

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