- - - - - , "I T " fi y; y- . - - v ' . -"j ' . " y - - y. Z' K' - - ' - , y : - - - Xy " " ' y - . ' " . - e "y y " ; ; . ' -" y yy. . ' - . ' ' j ' VOL. The Chronicle. a - r - - , v.. - jCaught MMzre and Thert. Lawyer L. C. Carter, of pzarlc, was Aa owa -last week, r-sq. Lindsay Ferguson, of 'Kendall, was in town on busi ness this week. , Next Monday weJ: apurt -will convene with. Judge; Coble presiding. Our friend W.:C. Myers, of psbornville, was here on busi ness last week, C. H, 'M. Tulbert, of Hunt ing Creek, s attendiilhe rand bdge at - JRaleigh this week. Mr; Tom Deal bajs i sold lus farm near ilby's. Gap and will -nove west soon, so he contemn plates. v Two Stajte. -pension checks only rehan. in the Register of Deeds' office one, for. J. SM. Mario w and one" for B. Marley. : - jss nSollIe , McG u rie, of Kiverside, passed through last week returning to fcofll atv jthe Normals t-iGreessboro. ? Mrs. R. P. Cobb, of "Cobb's Hunter's Retreat", at Moravi yan Falls, returned flast week from a visit . to elatwres at ! Taylors ville. -1. Mr. A.7B. ; Andrews, Jr., of - Raleigh, was here last -week, looking after some , business fconcerni ngthe u ther n rail road taxes in the ounty, etc. J. P. Rousseau is opening up his large and extensive stock of hardware at North Wilkesboro. He has any th ing in the hardware lie that you may wgtn.t. - tfyou are wanting first class job work at very low prices, send your order to this .office. Quality of work and prices guaranteed to give, sat isf action. , -? r-Mr. R. N. Hackett left for Raleigh Monday to atte'nd the meeting of the Grand Lode of Masoiis, of which he is an offi cer, lodge - cpp venes jto : iday. . y 1 Robert Miller was in to see us last week. JJtela'jia that he'and Pan Adams will ' short ;iy open up a wholesale and: re tail stpre at Keystone, W. iTa. , The social hop at the- hos pitable home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter McE wen lasf Friday night was enjoyed by a large number of Jhe young people of tqvyns.. Elegant refreshments were served and all felt; , that it was 'good to be there. ; 1 '. Last vyeek at the home of the bride's parents near Oak voods, Mi8sv Susan : Smithe y .and Mr. Goodman . Earp were narried. -Rev. Er Jv Winkler performed the ceremony. They will make their home in Alex ander county. , ' r j . y-rhe..Osborn ville .maily: car briery jone morning last week, discovered what he . considered a bear on "the opposite . side of ,the bank," right in the road,' as Creekl'-" The horse snorted" and ; wouldn't proceed.- In fact, the . maiioy's jiervous system was horsed by . mutual agreement back tracked themselves in search " Qf assistance The neighbors attended. the .alarm and wi th axes, - rocks, gu ns and pistol? the bearwas soon cap tured, and -behold it was'.-; an old, cut up, dilapidated still. The re v en u es are investigating as to 'vho was so vile as to usurp and supplant them in the business of cutting up stills. : . Our good old friend J Til - ford Lowe, of Alexander, has oved oyer'into Vilkcs. We are glad to have him on our side of the mountain. Miss Wright, who : had sen at work Jn the Yellow Jacket office, left for her home ai independence, Va ; last jveek. ' ' J Dr, J. W. White, of this place, and J)r. Albert Eller, u.f Rady B ranch , lef t Th ii rsday fur Philadelphia to attend tiiedieal' lectures They will Return in a few weeks. Mr. Greene, the new Meth pc 1st pastor here, is preaching some sermons with a whole lot veryday, old fashion, prac of e tical religion Jn them, andthat is the kind neetfL UMr. W. J. Campbell, of VaAhii, who has been on a tri t J West Vginiaj gave us pleasant call Thursday on his return home. ie reports a very pleasant trip. i I Clint Shore of New Castle township was tried before Jus tice Staley this week, a defen dant in the celebrated Marshall house shooting: affair, and he was Douna to. court. This IS eleven persons bound, over ... . ID this matter. i - J i Thfi Rt.nvA ninincr tntrAtl ftr with the stove brick chimney j w r-.t 0 e arid the overhead ceiling, at Union school housed fell last week and produeed a regular panic. However, no one was injured, and the fire was ex tinguished before the house cs tight. Everybody who writes nec es 3arily uses stationery, and ev ery person ought to use'print ea stationery it is neaier, ha ndier, has more businesslike appearance, and don't cost any m re than plain stationery at a store when you get The Chronicle Job Office to do th'e wor:. y oy - T-he County Board of Edu cation is in session this week and it has a big job on hand settling with the sheriff,, cor rejeting and compiling school census and appropiating the scnool funds. Besides this the Bard has several petty district feuds to settle. The school ap propriation will probably be at out 9oc per capita,? - and -the ni mber of school children ' will be between 10,000 and 11,000. y Summerlin, the Champion m route man, tells us .that two mad dogs in Lewis ?Fork township were sent "over the river to rest under thp shades" last week one killed at Min iard Bradley's, the, othej- t Tim McNeills. ; It's a peculiar time of the year for jnad dogs," bi t in the: free state; of yWilkes dc gs go mad .whenever ; they ge t ready. . - - Mr. John Bently who jqar nes tne -vviiicesDoro layers- yifle mail informs us tha1 he 8 kear - old daughter 1 of Mr. S tack,' (depo t agent at Tay 1 o rs? ville), .was burnea - fo aeatn last week. She attended school at the Academy, and at dinner time,- when :most of the r pup Us were awav, her dress cau ght fire - and burut" , offr, her. he lived only snort while. " -' , pJohri A. McLean's , three year boy, was bnrned toy death lajt week at Cricket p.6: Tihe little fellow was w blowing - up .the fire and his clothing caught In! a blaze. His ,clo thing was burnt before assistance could be rendered. - He died some hours later. He.was a - bright, sweet, precious . little jfello w, and his prattle and smile will be sadly missed. WILKKSBQBO , N. C. C05IMISNERS' PROCEEDINGS. Claims Allowed. Srant- Baagus, provisions furnished pauper, $3.00 . ' J Brooks, keeper pf aged ,juid in aqm, 18oj00. ... ' f t J : F pentryj jstoc&Jaw ?om-6.00. c Jgl A Bryant, stock law com., 6.00 : Jacob EHer, proyisioxis .futnished to paupers, 7.3C. " - VV R Call, provisions for pauper, 12.00 J O Brewer, " - .3.00 & J) Bflingarner' - " 3.00 R BJJarJow, taking prisoner ; to ? jail, S.Q0; . , , , W. S. Smithey, material for building q.mith Joine8,hauhng lumber, 3.2o. tut r i 4 ' J M McGlauimerv. nrovisions -frir- J M McGlammery, provisions 'fur Jiished nauDer. 3.00. HJtf and M Joines, provisions fur- wished Dauners.j6.00. , :JohgSon keeping jail and also Jlpe Ridge - Baptist, printin county financial exhibit. !15.C0.: - r fiOjnax, provisions lurnisiiea to apert 6.00.. Jf&npcrs for l0S.vr. ; .j, e xpuowing namea paprS are ... cilia Jartin, Geo. Whitley, Caroliiie Ha,H I Parker, Elizabeth Crane; jru v.onoson, onouer onumaie, Sarah Parker, Malinda Painter, .-Cornelius GraeneiM L -SSsgins, P:Yokely, Mary Bowers, Martha ohipwash, Martha Roberts, JLaxk Watson, Amanda. Hall, FrankJIall, ira Gilbert, VV H Haw- Nancy Byrd, CharlotteBlackburn Mfcmie Fagett, Lize Byers, W M Ham- by, L Summerlin, Elizabeth Ball, Julia Hortons child, Laura Foster, Lucinda Foster. T&e following paupers ure allowed J..50 per month: Sallie Wiles. John Robinsori, Hix bs, Pantha Kennedy, Frank Hall, CaeEIter. " Poll. Tax Exempt ions, v The. following persons were exempt from pU tax: GW Johnson; Rock Creek township. W HJLaws, Beaver Creek township. Ray Pruett, Walnut Grove township. L D Huffman, Jobs Cabin; townahip. B.Holbrooks, Walnut Grove, TQi i Johnson, A ntioch township. Laider Jaraons,..Reddie8 River, ' J. R. Laws, Reddies River .township. Mi8cellaneons Matters JT Peden was refunded 9-91 error in bank stock tax. W.r Wyatt, was released from pay- ooeAt of 6.75 tax erroneously charged. Susan Crysel was refunded 2.75, error ,jr". ,. . . lntock law. tax Mary Adams was released of 46 cents vtaXj charged by error; A petition was filed asking for a pub- lie road near Vance y Whittington's. A petition was filed asking for a pub lie road from J M Jones' to the Watau ga line. yy vEatelle Call was released of 93. cents tax erroneously charged. Milton McNeill. R. A . Spainhour, A . M. Church, and J. R. Comba were ap pointed to investigate the wash-out at north nd of the river bridge between the towns and report some plan for improvement at next meeting. vThe order made at last meeting em ploying Capt. jit. o. i5iair to, oversee work on sections of different roads around the towns was jclpded. Letter TFjora Indiana. . Mr. Editors I left. North Carolina, Nov. 23. 1900, made my home at Liber-j i . Y a . .:.: T -r t ft - T Jl ' " 1. . 1 T , i : A nt: ' i , f herenov. It has been 18 below zero JbvLt-u notso cold at this ,writing. I would like to see my old friend in 1 Wilkes again but I have npea when J that will be. I am .glad . your county oas year with thcrsdiool wprk; hope he continue to do so. ; We have six to ten months school here, ssctvooi bmidings i are just two miles apart. This town-1 ship school is at Liberty Centeir.Tbe general average is about Jl26 pupils I will close, hoping to .write again an early date. . - , , JR. A. Stkopd. ' w y ; A G.00D recommendation. "XJave noticed yihat the sale on jOhamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- I lets is almost invariably to those who have once used them,'! says Sir.- J H Weber, a nrominent druegist of ; Cas cade, Iof. What better recommenda- lon cpuid any njeaicine nave xnan tor jpectple to call for it when again In need qf each a -remedy?. Try them , when yon feel dnll after eating, w.hen you hava a bad taste in your montii, feel bilious, ; have no appetite or when troubled with constipation, and you are Certain fo be delighted with the prompt relief which they afford. For jsale by J)r- J. W, White. - r WEDNESDAY ; JAN. 15 . 1 802: " --The county commissione s tare jn an exceptional big run in releases from poll tax. The last t wo o r t h ree meetings has Jbeen overcrowded with these ex emptions. We Jiave been in- formed that some of these men ara a great deal more able to pay than this editor is. The gaps somehow must be down a little too low. There ought to be no preparatory election pol itics in this, businoss The "Board of Education h as -Drocil rd an frx p.tA Innf. mnn -f u- t1 J or this county, showing all the . , , J ' . o f w I different school districts in the county, lhe map is the work of our friend K. M AHati nf North Wilkesboro. The data uujci cuucui . pnuui- pallyr The Board has needed aAnn-fnf inrre? nrhSU , nnA U AU b certainlv , clone -He carae,'he sglw jis .with out woou ana. w& are nis. -ame more ;elite'7call the olJellow Boreas" in brder to he classed along with EJsq. Loaf el low who used to "stand tt the bridge1 midnight" and got fretted at Boreas for spitting icicles in his face and sent Hiawatha to fasten him in his cave till he learned, how to act polite. But we understand that both Xiong 1 fellow and . Hiawatha have quit business in these parts, and so old Boreas gotout Sat urday ahd began his old icicle p ran ks agai n and by Mond ay; morning he'd spit icicles into everybody's face and had plea ty more left along the Blue. Ridge. You ask -why they call him Boreas. We don't know, but probably because, being- akin to Bore, he. proceeds in his own way to bore cold holes in your hide without "the con : sent of the governed', or the permision "of any other na tion." Cheif Justice Stal ey and most of the lawyers attended a special term of court in JobV Cabino wnship last Saturday, . at which the chief justice pre sided in due and ancient fo?m. There were three cases and he convnea two or nign crimes: and misdemeanors." There were a few . other .cases "on deck, but the ountinuance of the court, stern. and stolid, to gather with the august splen dor of the court's long tailed coat ovrawed the defendants so that they failed to :' appear. But to facts: Three .cases were disposed of-srThomas South, was acquitted of the" charge of tres , pass; r Mart : Hamby admitted strikihir Odell Parsons with fist apd awas let off with the . .. . f " ...... wvuvr vuuron. was oouna over to court tor nittmg Rudy Hamby on the side of the head with a rock; The boys tell us they had a Fpw u. to tnem, ana ..iney are Tery tnanKtui o our mena L -M. McGlammery for taking them - fpftm thft - H anff OArin o. fnr (Uiwvi .svrrA. nifwltl1 .- Diw hvam'. the tannery there js working vigorously. ' . Contract has j ust been made for placing a V large number of new vats. There is on draw brack ' however and r u j j -m that is the bad roads. 2 Thre ought to be some wakeniag u p on Uxis road inatter: if there is not, we need not expect to at tract jand hold' capital in ; our county. " . ; ' Qo o the -Ferguson old store wjth your eggs, chickens, butter, xjorn, wheat; hay, ete., I where you can get the 4top lhe rriarket nd te cash. I CL,OraiJVG, WATCHES AND RIN( ON THE IJTSTALMEWT JPTjAir. vu.. ocis are jslih crstle, as m fact only the quality could be sold upon' the $1.00 a week plan. TERlj -SmlLcash paymentnd $l.K)A week until 1 ance is paid. Call on our local agent or write to1 Mutual Siapplv Co.. 'Eichmonfl; 3CT .1 m We want a live, progressive young man in-each cpm we require will be you i hours only, and we oer attractive pay. vVrite .lis. tus youxj-efeFences. V T AWO KEEP eflfJUiG RIGHT .UNTIL YOU GET TO never you want anvtHino-'Tn ftvfro-d vi cnttlline;fIourd:ial'firronArlAs. tr ; 'it lhdrso &fvng along ybur Locust (Pu Staves and all ypyr Produce. We pay Jthe highest you nave to sea us, nd sen! you goods at 1 lowest price. And we always hve the sa " price to all. ' t THE! HAVE MTHDffi get Uhem WLMe Zbey've tHew. Our new line of Fall and Winter Goods are just in and vi invito you to call and examine them and sue for yourself th.fi we have the latest of the late ! JiTotA fhas been';, in j the lo We are prepared to give ioiigbod goods in the latest styles uj, lo wesjb ,pHce4. " . .w ' ; : ' ' 'Men's Suits from, $2.50 to' $20. Children's Suj tsy 73c to $6. 00. V vv invite you 10 examine our unnaren 8 uiotmngyir you are looking for serviceable goods.' y We have them with doub' seats and double knees! Nothing bettergood - as "old hont spun.?' Our line of Shirts Hats. Ties, 5 Underwear, and Uu. brellas is complete. Qive us ; a trial; we cau jpleasa you. 4. pleaded customer is our Jbest advertisement. TV - Call4,Cbmbs. We Want All Your Locust Pins. . , U yovpir JYilkesVoy.Os JSZ C, y Ture Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Tobaceo, .etc. . . " y; v JOeatters in r School Books and Stationer! We have much experience in be assured that you are getting prices. Call on us when you are NO. 27 ' ' v - J , KDGIHIT market prices for wl AT TO TELL YE 9i A rticles, y Candies, Cifjar- the drug business and you ci u the best drugs at rczsonaUo in,tow,n. i