' . - r ... ". -i- i 1 J 1 o a VOI,. XV. JSqual Taxation, Pirect and Indirect. WILKESBOBO , N. C, WEDNESDAY . JAN. 22, 1902. NO. 28. The Citronicl, Caught Mere ana There. -Esq. N. H. Robinett w,'s in town Saturday. Miss Ellen Bullis, of Mora y.ian Falls, has pneumonia. Sheriff Edwards, of 'Alle ghany, was here last week i Mr. John A. Lowe's Wife, Moravian Falls, is very sick. -Lawyrr Oscar Dancyj of Ashe, was in town last. week. . Mr. Robert Shoaf , of Ashe, has a position with X. S. Call & Co. ---Col. Alec McMillan of Ashe was in the city on business last week. Mr. J. T. Ferguson made a rip to week. has of ht kin was Laurel Springs last Tom Finley, . N6rth Wilkesboro. is celebrating: the arrival of a fine little girl. Mrs. W. H. H. Cowles qualified as administratrix the estate of her iate husband Carl Duncan who bou the Starr farm on the Yaci fcelis us he will soon take charge and begin work there. Pof. W. R. Hendren &usy last week assisting Clerk of the Court Bumgarner with his work preparatory for court. Mr. B. F. Gambill died at liis home at Union campground last Sunday, from Briglit's Disease. He was 67 years old. Court is just a week- fijom next Monday. If you could settle with us at court, our widow and orphans would rest happier. Capt.' Henry Cowles, of Statesville, was here last wsek on business connected with the estate of Col. W. H. H. Cowles deceased. Col. T. J. Dula and Mr. A. L. Combs went down to Love lace Saturday on business con fiected with the Nancy Cham bers estate. Mr. W. W. Martin, of Mil lers Creek, died last week of bronchitis. He was about 5U years old and leaves a wife and ten children. -Mr. Jeff McNeil, who was badly injured by being tlirojwn from a load of Xties, near Fair plains, last week,ns very mqch improved. He lives near Mil ler Creek, . Mr. W. A., Jahnson and wife, of Trap Hill township, is ated his brother Sheriff Jo in son here last week. The Sher iff gave them a big turkey c in a er; Sun day. or Sale: A fine 41 eLcre ''farm, with good dwelling, bkrn jnd: other out houses, at Oak woods. 2 miles south of Wilkes itn'rn. Fnr tftrms. address Jr P. --s W w ' j ; McLain, Oak woods, N. C. Esq J. O; Howell, Pdors TTnriK tAlla n that while he was away from home- several nights ago, his kitchen loft waa nt,Ar(d t.hroiifrh the win UU w m w w i I Anxtr nnrl a. lot of canned sropda T . rr . . i aud other edibles were stolen. He says a number of suspicious trtnn have been seen in the neighborhood and that people should watch out. . ;-f!lerk Bum'srarner informs 113 that lie has on his : dockets 4nv rourt. now, 272 criminal payep, 240 civil cases nnd 18 the. summons -docket.! XI Will be more cases to be addep! Vheh reports of all the .magis trates are in." :Thecourt cajen ' dar elsewherQ published begins with the civil cases on s nqay of the first week. j The court calendar begins with Friday. The criminal cases are not included in the calendar only the civil cases hence the first of court up to Friday is not on the calendar and is for criminal ases only. Presiding Elder Renn con ducted quarterly conference for the Wilkesbpro circuit at Beulah church Saturday and Sunday, and for the North Wilkesboro circuit at North Wilkesboro Sunday night and Monday. When a poor fellow like4 the writer in this print shop tries to find enough coppers in his old clothes to pay for a qt. of irish potatoes and a pound of soup beans at present prices he can sit down empty and ponder in astonishment at the peculiar beauties of republican ' 'prosperity. The cabbage snake made its persona appearance here last week. Mrs. Bulo Kenne dy found one in preparing cab bage for dinner Monday. The thing is about the size of a pin and was 22 inches long. It was very much alive when discov ered and twisted and tied it self into a bundle of knots. It is on exhibition at this office. The first three volumns of the histories of the Confederate Regiments of N. C. are now on sale, and volumn 4 is nearly ready, while volumn 5 will be completed abwit March 1st. As the first requisite is accura racy and truthfulness, all who notice errors or omissions are earnestly requested to send corrections to Editor Regimen tal Histories, Raleigh, . N. C. by Feb. 15th.. By sending $2.50 and photo to Maj. C. L. Patton, University Pub. Co., N. Y. you can have your frieud's photo printed in volumn 5, if you failed to get it in the previous volumns. The books cost $1 per volumn and may be had of the State Librarian, Raleigh. SCHOOL APPROPRIATIONS. The Board of Education made the following appropriations of his year's school funds, byl districts. These funds will be supplemented by special State ftands so as to give each dis trict a four months schDol as nearly as possible. Autioch Township. No, 1, white, i 91.20; no. 2, white,$94.05 " 3 " 64.60; no. 1 colVd 59.85 Bearer Creek Township. No 1, white, 69.35: no 2, whiter 51.30 no 1, colored, 30,40. Boomer Township. Nol, white, 147.55; no 2, white, 74.10 "3 . " 74.75; " 1, colored, 69.35 Brnahr mountain Township. No 1, white, 49.50; no 2, white, 74.50 " 3 74.12; " 4 " 71.57 " 5 " 66.61. Edwards Township. No 1, white, 70.00; no 2, white, on Xiiere TJie Yery Latest. It seems to be the fashion for all big papers now to have Semi-annually an original poem about. Mary's little lamb, ("so that to keep in the swim we dropped a nickel in the slot of this print shop's "divine affla tus'' machine and here's the result : Mary had a little sheep, With ha'r so fine and tender, She took her up to Washington To get old Ding Jo 'fend her. Fo Ding he tariff 'tected The sheep with silky ha'r. But when Mary went to, sh'ar it r The blame thing wasn't thar. For while old Ding, "proteed" The combines made a call, And jes' walked up and captured The sheepie, ha'r and all. '- '.' o The Farmers' Mutual. To the members f tbe Farmers Mu tual Fire Insuraace Co. of the Wilka and Alleghany branch: We, the undersigned members of said association, state that the judgment in favor of Handy Bros, against said aso was for $1200 and costs and that F. B. HenJren was appoioted Beceiver of saici company with authority to collect an amount sufffcient to pay sai4 judg ment and cost, each member to pay his pro rata part thereof, nd as said re ceiver Mr. Hendren has made an as sessment-of 50c on $100 this assefs merit will raise over $12000 or ten times as inuc-h 9& is necessary to pay off said judgment an4 cost we call upon aU policy holders-of said, 'Branch to join with us to test the validity of said; re ceiving and resist the payment of same. Please meet in Wilkesboro, Tuesday, Jan? 30, 1903 in order that we may ar range for concert of action. (Signed) T. C. Myers, Joseph Hanks- Joshna Spicer, J. C. Brevrer, S. Q. My ersJ. H. Johnson, E. M. Absher .and others. ' " m m m 1 Good cigars, snoking- and chewinglrtobacco' at Turner's crag store5 r- ' " 3 " 5 " 7 " 9 " 11 " 13 "4, " 3 " 8 " 10 12 ,66 45 85.00 75.00 75.00 60.00 67.00 " 3 " 5 9a.oo 90.00 91 65 70.00 57.10 81.65 67,45 57.00; 80.00; 67.50; 75.00; 60.00; 63.00. no 1, colored, 53.35; no 2, colored, 50.00 JS I U-Towmhipi, No. 1, white, 45.60; no 2, white, 59.70 " 3 " 60.00; 4 " 62.95 " 5 w 49.40; " 6 " 70.30 fi 7 " 56.30; no I, colored, 33.90; no 2, colored, 28.30 Jbs Cabin Township. No 1, white, 67.50; no 2, white, 75.00 82.00; "4 " 73.30 67.00; "6 " 36.10 JLcwis Fork Tewnsbip. No. 1, white, 137 05; no- 2, white, "3 " 100.00: "4 No, 1, colored, 17.10. fiorelacc Township.. No. 1, white, 75 30f no. 2, white, 3 " 67.05; 4 " JHorarian Falls Township. No. i, white, 112 00; no. 2, white, " 3 " 36 00: " 4 " " 5 " 67,45: 6 " ITInlberry Township. No 1, white, 87.50; no, 2, white, 132.35 " 700; 80tO0t 5 " 70.00 ; 6 n 70.00 7 " 65.00; 8 " 75.00 9 " 70.00; No. 1, colored, 19.00 New Castle Township. No. 1, white, 70 06; no. 2, white, "3 70.C0: "4 " No. 1, colored, 48.45; no. 2, colored, North. Wilkesboro Township No, 1, white, 200.00; no. 2, white, 3 " 74 05; No. 1, colored, 53.10; no 2, colored, lied dies River Townshir. No. 1, white, 100 00; no. 2, white, "3 " 100.00; "4 " 5 " 80.00: " 6 " " 7 " 65.00; " 8 " No. lj colored, 15 20,' Rock Creek Township, No 1, white, 88.00. no. 2, white, "3 " 88.00; "4 " No. 1, colored, 32 30. Somen Township. No. 1, white, 80,00: no. 2, white, "3 " 81.40: " 4 " A " 81.40: No 1, colored, Trap Hill Township No. 1, white, 7J.00: no. 2, white, " 3 " 60 0C: " 4 " " 5 " 60.00. "6 " 7 " 65.00: "8 " 1, colored. 35 25: no. 2, colored, Union Township 1, white, 80.00:, no. 2, white, 3 " 65;00: "4 " " 5 " 85.00: " 6 " " 7 " 8460: " 8 "9 M 38.00: " 10 ? Walnut Grove Township No. 1, white, 93.00; no. 2, white, " 3 " 70.00; "4 " 5 " 70 00, " 6 No.' 1, colored; 18.05. Wilkesboro Township No. 1, white, 60.00 no. 2-, white, " 3 " 61.75. ' 4 " "5 " 167 20 "6 " The Telephone Exchange f reque&ts us to "ask the users of 'phones "to ring off: when they are through talking. By so doing they will confer a favor, besides insuring prompt and better service, as Central will know when you are through talking.' Go to Turner's drug store for pure drugs at lowest prices. One box of essence of cof fee given tree with every three pounds of coffee bought of C. U. Davis. May berry has 200 pairs of men's, women's and children's shoes going at 5c to $1 below cost. The rain, hail, sleet and snow all came together Mon day night. Mayberry is laying in some new goods and is preparing to I carry, the largest line of goods he has ever carried; will sell strictly for pay-down. Ashes for Sale, or will ex change for Corn or Hay. C. C. Snoer & Sons Co. Address J. T. Artz, Faith, N, C. for all kinds of Granite Work. Mill Stones a specialty. Prompt. attention given. 4t, Call and see an extra good horse for sale at T. J. Gillreath farm near Moravian Falls, N. C. Price reasonable. F. II. Gilreath, Green Mountain, N. C. . Dr. Turner's office is in his drug store the store building formerly occupied by J. L. Hobbs. No. o. 70.05 93.00 48.45 79.30 60.00 80-00 80.00 104.00. 65,50 9PJ5 110.00 80 00 80.00 12 33 75.00 80.00 60.00 70.00 33,25 80,00 55.00 90 00 19.00 10.45 87.00 87 00 79.40 CI,OTHiyG9 WATCHES AND RINGS ON THIS INSTALMENT VI; AN Our Goods are Hiejh. Grae, as in fact only the best tjuality-could be sold upon the $1.00 a week plan. TERMS; Small cash payment and $1.00 a week until bal ance is paid. Call on our local agent or write to -Mutual Supply Co., Eichmona,, Va. We want a live, progressive young man in each commu nity to represent us. The time we require will be your odd hours only, and we offer attractive, pay. Wite .us, giving your references, , No 1, colored, 14 1. 55 no, 2, colored, " 3 " 84.20. COURT CALENDAR. 79.80 77.75 56 05 81.70 Fridnj, 1st Week. J A Bnrchette vs. So. RailWay Co. , Saturday, 1st Week. E J. Spice r vs. J. B. Henderson. Elvira Spicer vs. J. B, Henderson. "W. P. Bell vs. J. B. Cronch. Monday, 2d Week. rW R 8prinklevs. J M Welborn. Jane Bassell vs. W F Bussell. Nathan Moore vs R A Spaiuhcur. Tuesday. G T MfiNeill va-Milas Allen. T B Giaapbell va. L J Campbell. Alfred Wadklos v. W J and John Wadkins. Wednesday.. J N Davis vs, 0 A Davis. H C Pennelvs. J O Pardue. L JT Salmon vs. Telegraph Co. W M Abher vs. J L Hays, J 3 Green vs. W M and W R Abther. H M Parlier vs, The V M Abaher Co. Thursday. , I G Wellborn vs. H Steelman, -J-L Souther vs. M E Souther r Lewis Willianis vs. John Clark. It B Pierce. vs; E Parr and others . : J H Foote vs, 3 J Greenwood, : . , : Friday. : ; , J'D Davis vs. Fire Insurance Co. . . ' J G innings vs. F B Hendren.:'' . . . J M McNeill va. Lee Parsons. W .T.M liarrold vs. Chua Harrold. F JB Hendren Receiver vaT O Mjcts.- Bark Contracts. We are now ready to make bark contracts for the season of 1902. All who expect to get out bark this season will please call at our office and get con tract. C. C. Shoot & Sons Co. New Century Comfort. Millions are daily finding a world of comfort in Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from burns, scalds, cuts, bruises; conquers ulcers and fever, sores; cures eruptions, salt rheum, boils and felons; removes corns and warts. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25c at Dr. J. W. White's drug store., Nothing Else so Sure. Mothers who give their Ettle one Mother Worm Syrup give then the nicest taeting and most ffeetire worm medicine made. Rev. J. M. Yingling, pastor of the Bedford St. M. E. Church, Cumberland, Md., say: "It affords ae great pleasure to recommend Chamberlain's, Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I have used it and know others who have never known it to fail." For sale by Dr. Wbite.v She Wants It Published. Gooch's Mexicon Syrup has given perfect satisfactid n ltf my family and I want to rocom mend it to everyone as the best medicine for coughs, colds, and all lvng troubles. A young lady in my employ, who had- been; forced to quit work and who had bren given up to die by her friends with consumption, has by the use of Gooch's Mexican Syrup been restored to health, and is now at work earning her liv ing and enjoying gcod health. She want rae to publish, this as it may be the means of saving the life of some other consumptive. R. Jg, Fleming, Piqua. O. Heads should never Ache. Never endure this trouble. Use at once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie, Va., -she writes "Dr. King's New Life Pills wholly cured me of sick headaches I had suffered from for two years." Cure headacke, constipation, biliousness. 25c at Dr. . Gf. White's drug store. i 2 rjahful blood hildren Especially Liable. rns, bruises and cuts are extremely and if neglected often result in poisoning. Children are especi ally liable to such mishaps because not so careful. As a remedy De Wittfs Witciv Hazel Salve is unequaled. Draws out the fire, stops the pain, soon heals the ' wound. Beware ; of counterfeits. Sure cure for piles. "De Witt's wifclr Hazel .Salve cured my baby of eczema after two physicians . gave her upr"; writes James Mock, N. Webster; Jnd. "The sores were so bad she soiled two to five dresses a day." Dr. J, H Elli i TART IR1G1H1T AHD KEEP C07.UN6 RIGHT UNTIL YOU GET TO SPAINHOUR'S, Whenever you want anythingr in the JGeneral meruannie line,, Tiour, meal, groceries; etc, And also brine: alonr Vou Lnr 1 1 ef P i rs Staves and all your Produce. ': We pay the highest market Dricefi for uhaf you have to sell us, and sell you goods at the lowest price. And we always have the same price to all. 2i AT THEY HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU. Our new line of Fall and Winter Goods are just in and wo invite you to call and examine them and see for yourself that we have the latest of the late. Not a-"has been:' in the ; lot,. We are prepared to give you good goods in the latest styles at lowest prices, : ' ...I" Men's Suits from $2.50 to $20. - Children's Suits, 75c to $6.00. We invite you to exanune our Children? Clothing if fy6u. are looking- for serviceable goods. We have them with double seats and double-knees. , Nothing better gogd as "old homo spun." Our line of Shirts, Hats, Ties, Underwear, and Um - fbrellas is complete. Give us a trial: we can please you. A. pleajseocustomer is our best ad vertisement., Call (3orxibs. We Want AH Your.Locusi Pms. tforton- & Wyhn, '.. ' .:. - : .... - V .'. . North WUTzesborOrN. Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet A rticles, Candies, Cigars, JarsinSchootJSooksandSfdtidfierp, .zr JiJWe have much experience in the drug business and you can Be assured'that you are getting the best drugs at reasonable price3. ; Call on us when you are in'tawn.

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