VOL. XV. The Chronic le. Can gilt IKsre anil There. Mr. R. L. Doughton, of Laurel Springs, was here this week. Miss Bessie McNeill is visiting at Will Hubbard's, at Moravian Falls. The mud has one thing, to its credit it curtailed the hdrse swopping nuisance. We want your job work, and can give you what yoj need at the lowest figures. J. H; Church's- school s t Parsonviile will close next Sau urday. Rev. .W. R. Bradshaw will deliver an educational ad dress. J. T. Wy-att, Faith N. C, has a small corn mill for sale, cheap for cash; old st3'Ie, in good running order; can ship it right away; Mr. T. P. Bumgarner, of i : m. i . fc Ale a. aimer county, uas a posi tion witn jau oc uombs. lie is the son of Rev. Jeff Bumgar ner and is a fine yOung man. Mr. Gentry Jennings le Monday for Oak Ridge wheje lie enters school for a business course"; Gentry is an excellent boy and we wish him success , This is the muddiest time for coxirt ever known here a 4: that is saying a great deal Reports from other places nojw having court are to the same effect. Esq. J. Frank Davis, wljtp has lived at Goshen for some time, has moved his family lio town temporarily. We under stand he intends to move West in a short while. o Ut Eli Baker. Esq , of Jobs Cabin township, died last week at tire age. of 80 years. He was j . i j i j. i - k 1 1 a goou oiu man, auu wuutis of life had run their course add stopped short forever. Quite a number of our good friends have cmne in during court and financially and ot erwise given' us ericouragi ment. There is room tor otp ers and we will be glad to "see them; J. P. Rousseau. has opened up his hardware business in North 'Wilkesboro and it is running in tun uiusi). iic in vites all who need hard ware to see! his stock and get prices before buying elsewhere. Mr. J. U, Fobbs has re ceived newspapers from S. C. published in the county wh6re the late T. L. Stover lived jhe died while boarding at Mr. Hobbs' and the accounts of the sad death give him a raost; exemplary character. Dr. Tyre York, the origi nal and only, was here last week, siiaking .hands and cheering us all with his Jokes. He was here to answer the So licitor's charge that he Y ad been giving pills without get ting license the 3 1st o f Majf before theiaws were out. The Dr. however vv as not inearcer ated and will continue to gjye 5ills when his people are in ndad of them; , .... The Hustler makes an un answerable point when it .says iCLB are doing good job work as cheap as such work 4 can be d o n o an v w ti e re. a n d w hen dbo- . r : ....... w . plc persist in pg tronizing ;fke fellows avay off some; whtie;, lib' wonder they get' cheat 3d. si Moral Get your work done and do your trading withlypur 'Bomo-folks whom you know; The Marshall shooting cas is now up before court. We learn that Mart Hani by at Parsonviile is very sick. The court calendar got smashed to smithereens they haven't reached it yet. The grand -jury is still at work. The county can pre pare to make an assignment by next court. Cape. Bob Glenn is here this week, but it's too cold to talk Senatorship. But he's in the race to win. Old aunt Bertha Hackett colored, has theddest chicken in United States. It is a hen and will be 22 years old in May. W. S. Smithey lost a little black pocket book containing $120 about the court house Monday. Finder will please return it Riley Turner aged about GO years was found dead one day last week by the roadside in Yadkin near the Wilkes line. He had taken dinner with his daughter and dropped dead on his way home. There are a number of your neighbors who ought to be readers of The Chronicle and get the county news. By a few words you could get up a club of subscribers in your neighborhood; Write us for ter?s, and then get up a club. The 150 license tax cases "nol pros with leave' tells a big tale of costs against' the county, and nobody ""benefit ed" but the county officers. One single solitary, case would have tested the matter and the cost to the taxpayers would have been very little; The mystery is to how old man Bussell -got hold of that piece of iron with which he got out of jail, is very reasona bly explained by Dr. York. A few days previous to the escape Busseil's friends brought him a large sweet bread cake, and Dr. says that there's no doubt but that the iron was cooked in the cake as "flavoring". The Sheriff will have to watch out for these donated ginger cake3. James Pilkinton, repud ated merchant, made some sort of a combination agreement with the Solicitor by which he sends a case to the Supreme Court about the merchant li cense tax. Pilkinton bad at torneys employed to fight his case, but he agreed to this pro eeedure with the Solicitor with out the knowledge or consent of his lawyers; The other real merchants do not consider this a test case and will fight their cases to the finish. Masonic Picuic. At the spe6ial meeting of the masons last Wednesday night, the different committees for the Masonic Picuic to be had here August 2lst were ap pointed, as follows: , Arrangements H. N. Hackett, W. M. Atsher, D. V. Nichols, Dr. Ii W. S Pegram, G: W. Sale, J. O: Hoots, J. S. Hol hrook, J. I. Handy C. LaWs, C. H. M. Tulbert.1 Refresh ments 0. . Oal 1, T. S. Miller, B. S. Call, H. S. Yan noy, Dr. J. M. Turner, T. M. Crysel, J. E. CafFey, .Dr. A. J. Eller,1 CV C. Wright, T. M. Armstrong, J. WV .Dimmette, J. S. Kilby, J. H. Joines, Dr. J. Hi Ellis, L. W. LutoSford. - It is requested-thatThe Hus tier, Curfew and, the I other county papers puu.i&ii wuC v,uixM mittees at - their convenience, and thus' assist in this work of charity. . ; Let us all .work together for a splendid picnic. ; , i . jSqual Taxation, W-ILKE8BQ RQ , N. C., COUKT PROCEEDINGS. Criminal Cases. - S. S.,, Anderson, bigamy, Judgment .suspended. Melvin Anderson, assault, noi pros. Joe Wyatt, o c w, not guilty. - Jj B. Robinson, failing to serve war rant, pleads guilty. George Kelly, larceny, guilty, judg ment suspended. James Roberts, trespass, fined $10 and cost. - G. T. McNeill, a with d w, guilty. E. F. Anderson, c e w, not guilty. Mont Parlier, retailing, 5 cases, guilty Jim St John and Liz Pendergrass, f and a, judgment suspended. Wm Felts and Babe Eller, f and a, bill quashed, defendents dismissed. G. W. Byrd. a with d w, guilty. "Ab Forester, a with d w, not guilty. Bob Church, a with d w, judgment suspend d."" R. C. Lowe, Mary and Lizzie Adams, disorderly house,-not guilty as to Lowe, guilty as to f he others. Quince Adams and Jane Waddell, f and a, nol pros. Tobias Ham by and Celia Garcbill, f ! and a, nol pros. L. V. Hutchinson, a with d w, fine.d ?5 and cost. P. E. Daney and Sarah Woods, nol pros. - W. H. Baugus, a with d w, fined - $5 and cost. Will Barnett, failing, to list poll, nol pros. C. U. Davis, failing to take out , merchant's license, not guilty, other 150 cases nol prosed with leave. Wm Phelps, abandonment, nol pros. G. W. By id, c c "w and a with d w, guilty. Alonzo and Rom Carlton, as sault, judgment suspended. J. V. Baugus and J S. For ester, affray, dismissed until next court. Floyd Dula, forcible trespass nol pros. Moses Speaks, releasing im pounded stock, not guilty. Larkin Spicer, a with d w. not guilty. J. R. Johnson, cruelty to an imals, imprisoned 30 days and fined $10. Appealed. Arthur Ros, larceny, nol pros. VV. R. Shepherd and John B. Byrd; appeal from J. P. court, appeal dismissed; Lothe Lovett, assault, c c w, pleads guilty in both cases. Hort Wiles; forcible trespass, guilty. Commissioners' Proceeding's. CLAIMS ALLOWED. H. D. Privette, tax lister, $S; J. L. Turner, coflSn furnish ed pauper, $1.75; G. C. Gentry, goods furnished pauper, $3; J. H. Johnson, as jailor, $54.60, summoning jurors, $21.45. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. License were granted to the Roaring. River Liquor Co. and the Riverside Liquor Co. Aaron Glick was granted li cense to peddle goods in the county. W. H. Absher was released from the payment of A. H. Ab sher's poll tax". A. T. Joines was released from 60c tax erroneously char ged. Scott Alexander, of Edwards, Was released of poll tax. C. U. Davis was appointed standard keeper for the couuty. Jacob Sheets, Wiley Wink ier, J, B. Miller, E. C. Severt, W. M.Ashley were appointed to lay off a road from Vance Whittington's up middle prong of Reddies Ri ver to a point in tersecting with the public road on the Blue Ridge. G. A. Crysel, C. P. Crysel, Filmore Forester, Dan McLain a n d B : . F . G a m bi H w re r el e as ed from stock tax. t?i. stock of hosiery at Mayberry?s of the best1 values ever o ffe red i n W j 1 e s . Ashs" for Sale, or will ex change for Corn or Hay. 5 C. C. Smoot & Sons Co. pirect and Indirect. WEDNESDA Y .- FEB. 5 , 19027 . About Bridges. The condition of the fords and the roads too but espeei ally the fdrds at Goshen and Elkviile, ought to convince the towns and everybody else that no trade can reasonably be ex; pected to come from that sec tion of the county and from Watauga. That trade is all tending toward Lenoir, when naturally it: ought to come here. But how can it come here when there's no road to travel and no way to cross the river? By all means there should be, a bridge at Holman's ford across the Yadkin, and let this mountain trade come to our towns where it naturally would come if our people would make roads and bridges.- Le noir and Caldwell county are alive to this fact and the au thorities there are making roads and building bridges, and the trade is. going to Le noir which would otherwise come here. This a question in which the two towns and ever ybody else in the county are interested. By the way, why can't the "good roads' delegates w.ho are to meet at Raleigh the 13th and 14th get enthused enough at least to bring the importance of the matter before the Coun ty Commissioners? Among the delegates are C. Call, Col. T. J. Dula, H. L Greene, E. S. Blair and others, and they ought to have some influence before the Board of Commissioners. It's a matter of serious importance. Poors Knob Items. Francis Lowe's wife died Thursday and was buried Sat urday at Walnut Grove, the fuuorai services being cenduct ed by Rev. W. C. Meadows. She leaves a husband and four small children. Garfield Jennings of this place and Ernest Bumgarner of Swanner, have gone into the mercantile .business at Boomer. Tom Bumgarner who has been teaching school at- the Brock school house has accept ed a position with Call & Co. R, C. Meadows is erecting a telephone line from Moravian Falls to Meadows' mills. The line will probably be extended to Taylors ville. Eugene Jenniugs who attend ing. school at Boomer spent Saturdav and Sunday at home. G. W. C. Brer Linney in his disserta tion on ."election frauds and anarchy" somehow forgot to mention the methods of the Philadelphia Republicans the ' home of honest republican -ism" in elections Uu-re; how that they roted the hired "re peaters" from New Jersey from 25 to 3L times on the same day, as sworn to by the repeaters themselves. Nor did he con demn Mr. Black burn's endorse ment of Geobel's assassination, and he paid nothing against the chairman of the meetins: who publicly advised negroes to hang registrars; nor did he administer a rebuke to Hon. J. R. Henderson, U. S. Com., for threatening a registrar in Alle ghany county with indictment in his high Federal court, if he failed to register a little negro whose teeth-were examined' by Henderson and pronounced to be the right age. These mat, ters ought to make Brer Lin ney a text for a few brilliant declamations. The cold 4 wave struck us and the wihd cuts clear thro'. X). Wi May bery has just ,j-eo3ived"a nice fresh stock Nof. Jmen's sitsr and iesth, ... CLOTHING- IVATGHES AND R&NGS .... s " ' " ON THE INSTALMENT PL A2(. ar Goods are Hih Grade, as in fact only the best aTl170could be sold upon the $1.00 a week: plan.; ' TERMS; -Sm&ll cash payment and $1.00 a week until bal ance is paid. Call on our local agent or write to Mutual Supply Co., Eichmond, Va. We want a live, progressive young man in each commu mty to represent us. The time we require wiil be your odd hours only, and we offer attractive pay. . vVj-ite us, - giyW your references.. .?. S. gap BRsn AND KEEP COMING RIGHT UNTIL YOU GET TO SPAINHOUR'S; Whenever you want anything.in the gGenerai a t I " tiwwi, meal, gruuenes, etc. And also bring along your Locust sPins, Staves and all your Produce. ; ; We pay the highest market prices for what you have, to sell us, and sell you goods at the lowest price. And we always have the same price to all. . - Waiting to hear what yuo have to say; the fact is we have been so busy that we have not had time to do anytning but wrap up goods and shove them over the counter. But come to us when you need anything; we can always save you money. BLANKETS & COMFORTS AT COST, Yurs very truly, (Bet TEbem Wlbtle be're, IRew. Our new line of Fall and "Winter Goods are just in and wa in vite you to call and examine them and see for yourself that we have the latest of the late, Not a "has been'' in the loL We are prepared to give you good goods in, the latest, styles at lowest prices. : -: , . , Men's Suits from $2.50 tcf $20;. Children's Suits, 75c to $6.00. We invite you to examine are looking for serviceable goods. We have them with double seats and double knees. Nothing bettergood- as "old home spun." Our line of Shirts, Hats, Ties, Underwear, and Urn brellas is complete. Give us a trial; we can please you. A. pleased customer is our best advertisement.. Call & Combs We Want Ail Your Locust Pins. Morton Pure Drugs,. Chemicals, Toilet A rticles .Candies, Cigars I Tobacco, etc. - - i ' Leaders ih. School JBooJts and Stationer?. " We have much experience in the drug business aid you can bVass u red t hiit you are getting the best drugs at reasonable: prices. Call on us when you are I in tQWfl. NO. 30. I GMT ...... our Children's Clothing ifjyou.. & Wynn,; no rth WiWtesbovoN C. r

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