v.- J Pi 1 UP- VOL. XV. The Chronicle. Caught Mire anil There J Wm. Beshears, of Joqs Cabin, was in last week to cheer us up a little. Court adjourned Friday e.t noorf on account of -the condi tion of the Judge's health. The Hustler states that W. Holmes has sold out his business at Bristol and will re turn here shortly. We are informed that Tom Tevepaugh has purchased a half interest in the J. A. Park er mills on the Brushies. Mr. I. M. Crouch, of Boom er, visited his son here, John Crouch, last ..week. He hai just closed his school at Mount Car m el. Leave your laundry for the Statesville Laundry at Ca l & Combs' store." Your should leave it there on Mondays so as insure its being seat off o Tuesday: Some weeks ago wo. men tioned the serious sickness of our friend R. T F. Wyatt, qf Millers Creek, and we are very sorry to say that he continue very sick. Mrs. Francis Thornburg, widow of the late George Thornburg, died at her home oii Brushy Mountaiu last week. She vas quite an aged lady and died of pneumonia. The child of aunt Judi Wellborn, colored, died last week from being burned;- Ths child's dress had caught and burned off of it. The child lived something over a day. I. S. Call & Co. and Call & Combs have a monopoly on preacher's sons as clerks. Tha clerks employed in both firms are sons of Baptist preachers. This ot course puts Wilkes ahaad again. Mr. Hugh Cranor returned last week a full fledged lawyer, having successf ully stood th 3 examination betore the ou. preme Court He was one of the fourteen successful appli cants out of the thirty thre3 who applied. Win Saunders, near Straw has a hen which he says lays two eggs a day. He has take:i pains to watch the hen and knows it to be a fact. The he i is of an improved stock whic i he got from Esq. Grant Hen dren, of Straw. gome of the teachers' have gotten mixed up about what the result will be if a whole or fractional number be multiplied by 0. For instance if you mul tiply 45 or .45 of by 0, what would be the answer? Itiooks easyof solution to us, but we would -like for some of th3 teachers to solve it. 4 'Only one mail carrier went out from Taylorsville last Monday. Others started but r e t u r n e d , s t a t i n g t h a 1 1 h e r o a da were too rough to travel. Th Wilkesboro man kept gomg Taylorsville Scout. (This refers to : uncle John Bentlev who goes right on, regardless of rain, hail, sleet, snow; mud or no mud, road or no road ) M r. Rob ert McNeil went to Raleigh Friday to have a spc cialist to treat his eye which isI in avery-bad condition.; His lister Mrs, S. J; Prevette wert with him, Mr. . McNeill's , eye 11 vrV" much'innamed ana' the doctors here advised him to see a specialist at once. We. horie his eye will soon ; be -; alngKt Miss Ruth Forester, of Go ' ehen, is visiting relatives here. Esq. W illis Rector died last week near Purlear, at the ripe old age-of about 80 years. Sanford Caudill, Fairplain, thinks the pig he killed last week is hard to beat; it weigh - ! ed 450 pounds. We understand that Mrs. R. C. Lowe is arranging to bring suit for the division of the estate of her farther, Mr. Duncan. Tom Finley,s bird dog is missing and he would be pleas ed to have him returned. The dag is 8 months old, white, with a red liver colored head Mrs. Delia Hawkins, an inmate of the home of the aged and infirm, died last week at the age of 61 years. She said she was prepared and ready to die. -Our friends Henry Moore and Harvey Walker, of the Brushies, were in to see us this week and tell us that the wheat is frozen out badly in that sec. tion. Mrs. Polly Hanks, "near Austin, Trap Hill township, died Teusday of last week. She was one of the old land marks being something near j 85 years old. She died of par alysis. -The Statesville Landmark mentions tnat there are plans in contemplation for the build ing of a railroad through North Iredell to either Wilkesboro or Elkin. The natural route would be to Wilkesboro and we ! hnna H-inf- f.ho rnafi will ht f hill If.. ( A A V- I i A A C4 V -V ' . . A. a a. . Mr. James Hubbard left Monday for Independence, Va , where he goes to attend the marriage of Rev. Clifton Rock to Miss Lillian Cox, which takes place today, at the residence of Col. J. W. Vauerhn. James is best man. Here s wishing mm to get through safe. We are informed that our friend Henry Moore, of -the Brushies, is having, trouble about a fine blooded horse. He got the horse over in Alexan der for $1.50, and after learn ing its good qualities he gave it as a' present a neighbor. -The neighbor also found out the excellent qualities of the horse j and has endeavored to give ! back but Moore wont except him, and there's where the trouble comes in. We are afraid that Wilkes ... , , i. I ed at tne goou roaas cpnrereno Thursday and Friday. Every, body seems too poor to go.' And will always be poor until we get some good roads. We had expected to go but the governor, realizing the condi tion of our orphans, could not consent in his heart to ask us to make the sacrefice. But there are a number in the coun ty who ought to go, A very serious fire was very narrowly avoided in the lower end of town last Sunday. The broomsedge back of Mr. McNeill's and Mr. Barber's got on fire and it-required prompt and vigorous work to keep the fire from the buildings. The fire originated with some knee pants boys and cigarettes. All such pestilences should be tied in the Devil's Cave at . Stone Mountain, so they would be harmless. In our young days the children minded their, pa rents; in these days' of "ad vancement", the parents must obey the kids and shield ' their cigarette and other meanness with 2,little white lies." Good Equal Taxation, WILKESBORO t C, The Bond Case. The papers last Wednesday announced that the Wilkes and Stanley bond cases had - been decided in favor of the railroad by the Court of " Appeals, the decision being two-Boyd and M6rrisfor the railroad, and one Goff, presiding jugde in favor of the counties. The decision was not expected to be otherwise after the railroad had gotten on the bench . two new judges, railroad attorneys. Judge Goff, the presiding- offi cer, who has long and , honora ble experience and once before investigated this case, decided in favor of the counties in ac cordance with the U. S. Su preme Court decisions in this matter. The two railroad at torneys rather overuled the Supreme Court and intimate tnat said court didn't know its business when it rendered the j opinion The case of course wm 4 V uciuk. iu tut; oupieum Court, and we may expect a favorable decision for Wilkes. Commissioners' Proceedings. The following additional pro ceedings were had by the Co. Corns, which did not appear in last issue; A claim of $4 46 was ordered issued to M. C. Call in the case j of Amanda Laws. I Paupers allowed claims per mnnt.h Marv Rnrt.lpv 1 Rf)- Dick Mani Charlotte' j p - Ohnrno 1 Oft- TT.nKotV. Wainscot, $1.00; W. B. Byrd, 1 50; Moses Blackburn, 1 00. E. M. Blackburn, transcrib ing abstracts, $2.00.- The Hubbard Lumber Co., coffin for pauper, $1,50. Claims allowed commissinfers J. S. Holbrook, 22.40; John Davidson, 1G.30; W. F. Barlow, 17.50. Edwards & Broughton, blank records, 11.80 Walker, Evens & Cogswell, blank records, 8.00. Combs Pre Yette. Married, on'Wednesdaj' the oth daiy of February, by the Rev. R.-W. Barber, in his parlor, Mr. Arthur L Combs to Miss Annie B. Prevette; -grand daugh ter of Mrs.-M. C. Call. This is the simple story of what happened last Wednesday while the many friends of the many friends ofthe bride and I 1 i. 1- - j. - ? i . TT a groom Knew noi aooui iw dul we wish them aU the happiness tnafc 13 granted to mortals by Him wno rules tne universe. Mr. Combs. is a prominent and successful young business man here, and a truer, worthier boy never breathed. Mrs. Combs l is n. fmiitrhtfir nr t,h ar.A Np.w- ton Prevette. She is a. pretty and accomplished young lady and has been assistant post master at this place for some time. May heaven s best bles sings accompany them through life. ' "For I have told him that I will judge his -house forever for the iniqui ty which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile and he restrain ed them not." 1 Samuel 3c and 13 verse. .This was spoken of Eli, be cause his sons Phineas and Hophni became vile and he failed to restrain them. Arid the boys and father were slain for their wickedness-and neg lect of duty. There are people rignt here in town who ought to read this Scripture carefully aud then look after -their chil dren. Auction sale'- at Finley Bros, store to-day and to mor row, beginning at i0:30 to day; fdr the purpose of closing" out the remainder of their general merchandise store fixtures, etc It. will, be, a rae; chance for pirect and Indirect. WEDNESD A V FEB, 32. 1902, ; HOMICIDE Near YADKIN VILLE "Ve learn by phone message that. Greenberry Myers was killed Monday night near Yad kinville by Daz Myers. -There is little known about it except they were in a drunken row. The fellow who did the killing is short, stout, heavy set, broad faced with black mustauche, and ;is thought to have started in te direction of Wilkesboro. QnJnce McGuire's House Burned. We learn that Mr. J. Q.. Mc Guire's handsome new dwell ing huse at Riverside was de stroyed1 by fire the first of the week. We have not learned the particulars, hut the house and most of the contents were swept away by the flames. It seems that troubles never come singly. Only a few weeks ago McGuire's little, son was burnt to death. Work of the Grand Jury. The grand jury completed its work and was dismissed last Wednesday, having been in session a week and a halt. The body considered and passed upon 131 bills, finding, 84 true and 47 hot true bills. Ten presentments were made. The reports concerning the different offices of the county officers, the jail and the home for the aged and infirm were favorable. Recommendations were made for the enlargement and improvement of the court house. Special Term of Court. The bar and court officers have agreed to ask the Gover nor to jcalla special term of court for this county for the purpose of clearing up the docket. This ought to be done The docket as it stands is an immense tax burden on the county; it should be cleared. No time has yet been decided upon, and in deciding it should be remembered that our farm ers have to look after raising something to eat this spring. They will be busy on the farm till the middle or last of July. We hope too that if we have to pay for a special term, the judge will run the court and not turn everything over to the lawyers. Sheriff Johnson left Mon day with three prisoners Hort Wiles tothe Forsyth roads for three months, and Benjamin and Bob Wood to the criminal insane department of the peni tentiary. Mr. J. N. Brooks, keeper of the poor house, ac companied the Sheriff. The case of the Wood boys is one which arouses pity. They have been insane and almost helpless since their birth, and have kept by the county for 20 years atan expense of some two or three thousand dollars. They at times become danger ous, ithough both are nearly helpless, cannot Nalk and have lo be carried about. It seems to be a case where the sins of the parents are visited upon the offsprings. Their parents had the same father and their mothers were sisters both pa: rents illegitimate, and- proba bly knew not the sin they com mitted when they married. - The celebrated Marshall shooting case wa3 continued. A number of the same defend ants were tried for Resisting an officer and it resulted in a mis trial, the jury standing 10 for convictiou and two for acquit tall Remember ; Finley Bros' auction sale to day and" Thurs day ' - '.v Bud Call is s'cwith - grip? CLOTHING, IVATCHES AND RINGS ON THE INSTALMENT PLAN. ' Oltt Goods are ECili Grade, as in fact onlv :-the best quality could-be sold upon the $1.00 a week plan. TERMS; -Small cash payment and $1.00 a week until bal ance is paid. Call on our local agent or write lo -Mutual Supply Co-, Richmond, Va. We want a live, progressive young man in each commu nity to represent us. The time we require will be your odd hours only, and we offer attractive pay. Write us, giving your references. , v STAR AND KEEP COMING RIGHT UNTIL YOU GET TO SPAINHOUR'S, Whenever you want anything in the general ; Mercantile line, flour, meal, groceries, etc. And. also bring along your Locust Pins, Staves and all your Produce. We pay the highest market prices for what you have to sell us, and sell you goods at the lowest price. And we always have the same price to all. ; Waiting to hear what we have to say; the fact; is we have been so busy, that we have not had time to do anytning but wrap up goods and shove )hem over the counter. But come to us when you need anything; we can always save you money, ; BLANKETS & COMFORTS AT COST, Yours very truly, CALL'S C (Befbem While Ubeg're mew; Our new line of Fall and Winter Goods are just in and w invite you to call and examine them and see for yourself that we have the latest of the late. Not a "has been' in the lot,,. We are prepared to give you good goo$ls-in.the latest styles at-; lowest prices. Men's Suits,from $2.50 to $20.. r' , - - Children's Suits, 75c to $6.00. We invite you .to examine our Children's Clothing if.Jyou. are looking for serviceable goods. We have them with double seats and double knees. Nothing better good as "pld home spun." Our line of Shirts Hats, Ties, Underwear, and Um brellas is complete. Give us a trial; we can please you. : A, pleased customer is our best advertisement. "',' ; Call Combs We Want All YouRliOcust'Pins. Horton & Wynn, North Wilkesboro, N. 7., ; .. Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet A rticles, Candies, Cigars Tobacco, etc. . j . - . . Leader s. in ScJtoM.Boohs and Stationery, We have much experierrce in the drug business and you can- be assured ihat you are getting prices, .Qall on us when you are NO. 31; T" RIGHT O the best drugs : at re?.sonabl? in town,: Lord, deliver us.

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